Nokia 9290 Communicator
Application Guide

Welcome to the Nokia 9290

Communicator Application Guide
This guide provides you with a glimpse of the valuable
applications available for the Nokia 9290 Communicator.
To check out and purchase the many applications available
for this product go to www.Communicatorworld.net
and also www.nokia.com/mobilecity/index.html. The list
continues to grow, so check often!
Note: If the installation file does not contain a digital signature by Nokia, users will be asked if they want to install the
application at their own risk.

Corporate Services
RSA SecurID for the
Nokia 9290 Communicator 4
AppForge Professional Edition 5
Citrix ICA 6
Celesta Smart Forms 7
Personal Resources
TomTom Translator 8
Collins Cobuild Dictionary
by TomTom 9
Mobile RealPlayer 10
V-Rally by TomTom 11
Mobile-Book.com 12