1. GENERAL ........................................................................................................................2
2. CONNECTORS................................................................................................................ 3
3. USER INTERFACE ..........................................................................................................8
4. ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS............................................................................ 9
5. ACCESSORIES ...............................................................................................................9
6. FEATURES ...................................................................................................................... 9
7. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ....................................................................................12
PBX Private Branch Exchange
GSM Global System for Mobile communications
CSD Circuit Switched Data
HSCSD High Speed Circuit Switched Data
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
SMS Short Message Service
CLI Calling Line Identification
CAI Charge Advice Information
AAC Automatic Area Code
AoC Advice of Charge
IOF Intensity of Field Strength
DTMF Dual Tone Multi-frequency
PC Personal Computer
PIN Personal Identity Number
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The availability of particular products may vary by region. Please check with the Nokia dealer nearest to you.
CSD, HSCSD and GPRS connections require network support. Contact your network operator for further details and availability.
Note: Further detailed information is given in the separate user’s guide. Do not use this
product specification in place of the complete user’s guide, which provides important safety and maintenance information.
The Nokia 32 PBX connectivity terminal is a GSM device for compatible PBX (Private Branch Exchange) connections. The Nokia 32 terminal has connectors for PBX trunk and extension connections. The trunk connection can also be used for normal landline telephone connections substituting a fixed telephone line. The terminal supports data connections with CSD, HSCSD, and GPRS.
In the Nokia 32 terminal, the telephone line connections are provided with a standard two­wire connection through RJ-11 connectors. Both trunk and extension connections have dedicated RJ-11 ports. The data connection is provided via RS-232 connection over a D9 female connector. In addition, the Nokia 32 terminal has power supply and external antenna connectors. The internal antenna of the Nokia 32 terminal is used when there is no need for an external antenna.
The Nokia 32 terminal is intended to be used mainly as a GSM router with a compatible company PBX. Calls from a company to GSM numbers are routed via the Nokia 32 terminal to enable cost savings in GSM-to-GSM calls. The fixed telephone line is bypassed. The Nokia 32 terminal also enables using GSM network features in landline environment.
CSD, HSCSD and GPRS connections require network support. Contact your network operator for further details and availability.
Figure 1: Nokia 32 PBX connectivity terminal
The Nokia 32 terminal incorporates:
GSM terminal (1)
PBX application module (2)
PBX extension connector (3)
PBX trunk connector (4)
RS232 data connector (5)
Power supply connector (6)
Figure 2: Connectors of the Nokia 32 terminal
The trunk connector of the Nokia 32 terminal is used for connecting the terminal to an analog trunk line of a compatible PBX or to an analog landline telephone. It is a 6-pin RJ-11 connector to which a two-wire cable is connected.
When the Nokia 32 terminal is connected to a trunk line of a compatible PBX, the PBX needs to be configured so that it routes calls to GSM networks via the Nokia 32 terminal. The users do not need to change their calling routines when the Nokia 32 terminal is used, since the PBX makes the call routings. When a call is coming to the Nokia 32 terminal from a GSM network (outside of the company), the call is usually directed to the switching centre of the company.
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