ADCAnalog Digital Connector
ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit
ATRAnswer To Reset
BB Baseband
BL-4CBattery type.
BSIBattery Size Indicator
CbusControl bus (internal phone interface between UPP-UEM)
CTSIClock Timing Sleep and Interrupt
DbusDSP controlled bus (Internal phone interface between UPP-UEM)
DCDirect Current
DCT4.0Digital Core Technology, generation 4.0
DSP Digital Signal Processor
EMC Electro Magnetic Compatibility
ESD Electro Static Discharge
FbusFast Bus, asynchronous message bus connected to DSP (communications
FPCFlexible printed circuit
GENIOGeneral Purpose Input/Output
GPRSGeneral Packed Radio Services
HW Hardware
IF Interface
IMEI International Mobile Equipment Identity
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LDOLow Drop Out
LED Light Emitting Diode
Li-IonLithium Ion battery
LionBattery program, Salo - Finland
LN Lotus Notes
MALTMedium And Loud Transducer
MbusAsynchronous message bus connected to MCU (phone control interface).
Slow message bus for control data.
MCUMicro Controller Unit
NO_SUPPLYUEM state where UEM has no supply what so ever
NTCNegative temperature Coefficient, temperature sensitive resistor used as a
temperature sensor.
PAPower Amplifier (RF)
PDMPulse Density Modulation
PennyHDA11, Phone program (1100)m Copenhagen-Denmark
Phoenix SW tool of DCT4.x
PippiHdb12, Phone program (3510), Copenhagen-Denmark
PLLPhase locked loop
PnPHFPlug and Play Handsfree
PUPGeneral Purpose IO (PIO), USARTS and Pulse Width Modulators
PWB Printed Wired Board
PWR_OFFUEM state where phone is off
PWRONXSignal from power on key.
R&DResearch and development
RESETUEM state where regulators are enabled
RTCUEM internal Real Time Clock
SIM Subscriber Identification Module
SLEEPUEM power saving state controlled by UPP
SPRStandard Product Requirements
SW Software
TBTo Be Defined
TITexas Instruments, American company
UEMUniversal Energy Management
UI User Interface
UPPUniversal Phone Processor
VBATMain battery voltage
This document specifies the baseband module for the RH-53/54 platform program. The baseband module includes the baseband engine chipset, the UI components and the acoustical
parts for the transceiver.
RH-53/54 is a hand-portable dualband GSM/GPRS 900/1800MHz fold-phone, having the
DCT4 generation baseband (UEM/UPP) and RF (MJOELNER) circuitry. The RH-53 platform
also supports a GSM 850/1900 US variant called RH-54. RH-53 platform is based on common
baseband engine 4.0.
■ Technical Summary
The baseband module contains 2 main ASICs named the UEM and UPP. The module furthermore contains a Combo Flash IC of 64Mbit flash and 16Mbit RAM.
The UEM supplies both the baseband module as well as the RF module with a series of voltage
regulators. Both the RF and baseband modules are supplied with regula ted voltages of 2.78 V
and 1.8V. UEM includes 6 linear LDO (low drop-out) regulators for baseband and 7 regulators
for RF. The UEM is furthermore supplying the baseband SIM interface with a programmable
voltage of either 1.8 V or 3.0 V. The core of the UPP is supplied with a programmable voltage
of 1.0 V, 1.3 V, 1.5 V or 1.8 V.
UPP operates from a 26MHz clock, coming from the RF ASIC MJOELNER, the 26 MHz clock
is internally divided by two, to the nominal system clock of 13MHz. DSP and MCU contain
phase locked loop (PLL) clock multipliers, which can multiply the system fr equency by factors
from 0.25 to 31.
The UEM contains a real-time clock, sliced from the 32768 Hz crystal oscillators. The 32768
Hz clock is fed to the UPP as a sleep clock.
The communication between the UEM and the UPP is done via the bi-directional serial busses
CBUS and DBUS. The CBUS is controlled by the MCU and operates at a speed of 1 MHz set
by SW. The DBUS is controlled by the DSP and operates at a speed of 13 MHz. Both processors are located in the UPP.
The UEM ASIC handles the interface between the baseband and the RF section. UEM provides A/D and D/A conversion of the in-phase, quadrature receive/transmit signal paths and
also A/D and D/A conversions of received and transmitted audio signals to and from the user
interface. The UEM supplies the analog signals to RF section according to the UPP DSP digital
control. RF ASIC MJOELNER is controlled through UPP RFBUS serial interface. There are
also separate signals for PDM coded audio. Digital speech processing is handled by the DSP
inside UPP ASIC.
UEM is a dual voltage circuit, the digital p art s ar e running from the baseband supply 1 .8V and
the analog parts are running from the analog supply 2.78V also VBAT is directly used by some
The baseband supports both internal and external microphone inputs and speaker outputs.
RH-53/54 has two external serial control interfaces: FBUS and MBUS. These busses can be
accessed through production test pattern as described in section 8.
RH-53/54 transceiver modules are implemented on 8 layers and the surface are with selective
RH-53/54 baseband engine has six different ‘normal’ operating modes:
•Νo supply
•Power off
•Αcting dead
No supply
In this mode the phone has no supply voltage.
The phone enters this mode if the battery is disconnected, or the battery voltage drops below
The phone exits ‘No supply’ mode, into hardware ‘Reset’ mode (not described here), after a
20ms delay, if the battery voltage rises above V
placing the battery with a new battery (V
the battery above V
(2.0~2.2V). This will occur either by re-
), or by connecting a charger and charging
The phone exits ‘Reset’ mode into ‘Active’/Acting dead’ mode when the battery voltage rises
above V
(2.7~2.9V) for a minimum of 240.5ms. If the battery voltage has not risen beyond
before the internal watchdog elapses the phone is forced into ‘Power of f’ mode instead.
(3.0~3.2V) within the watchdog time period, and subsequently stays above
Power off
In this mode the phone is powered off, but has a supply voltage.
The phone enters ‘Power off’ mode from all other modes, except ‘No su pply’, if internal watch-
dog elapses. VRTC regulator is active (enabled), and supplied from the main batte ry (the RTC
status depends on whether RTC was enabled or not when entering ‘Power off’ mode).
The phone exits ‘Power off’ mode, into hardware ‘Reset’ mode (not described here), after a
20ms delay, if either of the following conditions are met: