Uno & Duo Booster
Heavy-duty, Cold-water, Stationary, Electric-driven High-pressure Washers

Uno & Duo Booster
KEW’s Uno and Duo Boosters are built to handle the toughest cleaning tasks. Whether you
have a single-user application (Uno) or dual-user cleaning requirements (Duo), the Uno and
Duo Boosters are designed to operate more than 8 hours a day. A heavy-duty, stainless-steel
cabinet and chassis ensures additional longevity and makes the units easy to clean. Made
for high-hygiene applications, the Uno and Duo Boosters are ideal for use in the food and
beverage industry, pharmaceutical industry, meat processing plants, and much more.
The Uno and Duo Boosters come equipped with the renowned KEW C3 pump with 4 ceramic
pistons and a low-speed 1750-RPM Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC) motor. In addition,
the C3 pump allows the use of preheated water of up to 160oF enabling these cold-water
units to run hot water for degreasing tasks. Over the last 20 years the C3 pump has proven
itself to be the most reliable and durable pump on the market, designed to tackle heavy-duty
cleaning applications, day after day.
Uno & Duo Booster Specifications
User-Friendly and Servicability
Besides being a workhorse, the Uno and Duo comes with
a load of features making them easy to use and service:
• Visible oil level detector
• Easy-to-use start/stop button
• Low water security function
• Stainless-steel valves
• Brass cylinder head
• Closed oil system
• Integrated flow sensor for dry-run protection
• Pump head with integrated filter
• Powerful integrated motor with dual thermal sensors
• Integrated LCD control for easy troubleshooting
• Automatic start/stop function
KEW offers an extensive line of accessories to compliment our industrial pressure washers.
Knowledgeable, KEW-trained field engineers from over 100 local stocking distributors
provide on-site applications expertise and prompt local service, nationwide. For more
information, contact your local KEW distributors.
Part Number
System Volume
Pressure (PSI)
Max Inlet Temp
Motor (HP)
Auto Start/Stop
Hour Meters
Weight (lbs)
Uno Booster Uno Booster Duo Booster Duo Booster
5.0 5.5 5.0 - 10.0 5.5 - 11.0
2200 2600 2200 2600
160°F 160°F 160°F 160°F
7.3 8.8 2 x 7.3 2 x 8.8
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes for each pump Yes for each pump Yes for each pump Yes for each pump
1 x 220
29 24 & 12 58 24 & 12
28 X 16 X 28 28 X 16 X 28 28 x 16 x 39.5 28 x 16 x 39.5
179 179 353 353
107340122 (3x220V)
107340124 (3x440V)
3 x 220 &
3 x 460
107340324 (1x220V)
1 x 220
107340322 (3x220v)
107340323 (3x440V)
3 x 220 &
3 x 460
Nilfisk-ALTO Cleaning Systems, Inc.
2100 Highway 265 South • Springdale, AR 72764
Phone: 877.366.2586 • Fax: 800.405.9092
info@altocsi.com • www.nilfisk-alto.us
©2002 Nilfisk-ALTO Cleaning Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. P/N 8880008 Rev. 02/07