Nikon SB R200 User Manual

Clo se -u p Sp ee dl ig ht Ph ot og ra ph y Ex am pl e s
A variety of lighting effects can be achieved by taking
advantage of wireless close-up flash operation.
Note: Refer to the main instruction manuai
for detaiis on how and why the above exampies were taken.
The SB-R200 held in the hand illuminates the subject from the
left to eliminate shadows and highlight the subject.
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b>X': EfAFy’'fi7n“'>D-Jbl05mm F2.8D
A^IV-y: SB-R200 (TTL) BXJI/-X: SB-R200 (TTL)
Dual-light flash operation (one attached to the froht of the lens; the other held in the hand) Camera: D70 Lens: AF Mlcro-Nlkkor 105mm f/2,8D Group A: SB-R200 (TTL) Group B: SB-R200 (TTL)
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Dual-light flash operation (one attached to the front of the lens; the other held in the hand)
Dual-light flash operation (one attached to the front of the lens; the other held in the hand)
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Dual-light flash operation (one attached to the front of the lens; the other held in the hand)
With one handheld SB-R200, the subject is illuminated from the lower
left to emphasize the contours of the subject and highlight texture.
UVX:OlAF^-<i’n-'>ZI-Jly60mm F2.8D Ai^1F-7^:SB-R200(TTL)
DuaFlight flash operation (one attached to the front of the lens; the other
held in the hand) Camera: D70 Lens: AF Micro-Nikkor 60mm f/2.8D Group
: SB-R200 (TTL)
A: SB-R200 (TTL) Group B: SB-R200 (TTL)
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Dual-light flash operation (one attached to the front of the lens; the other held in the hand)
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Dual-light flash operation (one attached to the front of the lens; the other held in the hand)
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Dual-light fiash operation (one attached to the front of the lens; the other held in the hand)
The Diffuser SW-12 is used to diffuse light from the flash and soften shadows in order to enhance the detail of the cake.
2*™» (ffiSiSSW-1 : D70
Lyy;X: AFV'i^n-'yO-JU 60mm F2.8D
AiyjO-y: SB-R200 (TTL) B^JF-y: SB-R200 (TTL)
Dual-light flash operation (with Diffuser SW-12)
Camera: D70 Lens: AF Micro-Nikkor 60mm f/2.8D
Group A: SB-R200 (TTL) Group B: SB-R200 (TTL)
Group A
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