Nikon D300 User Manual

Defy Limitations – the ultimate in Nikon DX-format performance.
All-new 12 .3 ef fective megapixel Nikon DX-format CMOS image
se nso r with integrat ed A/D con ver ter and the inc reased bit precision of selectable 14 -bit NEF (RAW) output Incorporates Nikon's original EXPE ED digital image processing
concept Ni kon's orig inal Scene Rec ognition System gr eat ly imp rov es
autofocus, auto exposure and auto white balance performance New 51-point autofocus system features 15 cross-type sensors that
Rapid 8 fps*1 or 6 fps*2 continuous shooting for up to 10 0 shots
When u sing AC Ada ptor EH -5a/ EH- 5 or Multi -Powe r Batte ry Pack MB -D10 wi th batt eries ot her than Rec hargeable L i-io n Batte ry EN- EL3 e
When u sing Recha rgeable L i-ion B atter y EN- EL3e
NOR MAL - L ARGE imag e sett ing, using a S anDisk E xtrem e IV Compac tFlash 1 GB card
When s hootin g in Conti nuous- servo A F (C), S hutte r-Prio rity A uto [S] or M anual [M] e xposure m odes, at a sh utter s peed of 1/ 250 s or fa ster
w ith oth er sett ings at def ault *5
When s hootin g in JPEG, T IFF or 12- bit NE F (RAW ) format s
*3 *4
New Picture Control System for image nishing optimized to match
individual preferences Liveview: Tripod shooting mode with Contrast AF and Hand-held
shooting mode Self-cleaning Sensor Unit for dust-reduction
Quick response of 0.13 sec. power-up and 45 ms shutter release time lag
Magnesium alloy body for light weight and rugged durability
3-inch LC D wi th 92 0,000-do t resolution and a 17 0˚ ult ra-wide
viewing angle Active D-Lighting optimizes tone reproduction in both shadows and
More information available Fall 2007.
Nikon Digital SLR Camera D300 Specications
Type of Camera Effect ive Pixels Image Sen sor Image Size ( pixels) Dust-re duction S ystem Sensiti vity
File Syst em Storage S ystem
Storage M edia Release M odes
White Bal ance
Liveview LCD Monit or
Playback Fu nction
Delete Fun ction Video Ou tput HDMI Out put
Interf ace Text Input
Lens Mou nt Compat ible Lense s
Picture A ngle View nder Eyepoint Focusin g Screen View nder Frame Co verage View nder Magni cation Autofoc us
Lens Ser vo
Focus Poin t
AF Area Mo de
Single-lens reex digital camera
12.3 million CMOS sensor, 23.6 x 15.8 mm; total pixels: 13.1 million; Nikon DX format 4,288 x 2,848 [L], 3,216 x 2,136 [M], 2,144 x 1,424 [S] Clean image sensor, image dust-off data acquisition (Capture NX required) ISO 200 to 3200 in steps of 1/3, 1/2 or 1 EV with additional settings of approx. 0.3, 0.5,
0.7 and 1 EV (ISO 100 equivalent) under ISO 200 and approx. 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 and 1 EV (ISO 6400 equivalent) over ISO 3200 Compliant with DCF 2.0, DPOF and Exif 2.21 NEF 12-bit or 14-bit (uncompressed, lossless compressed or compressed RAW) TIFF (RGB) JPEG: JPEG baseline-compliant CompactFlash (CF) Card (Type I and II, UDMA compliant), Microdrive
1) Single frame [S] mode 2) Continuous low speed [CL] mode: 1 to 7*1 frames per second
3) Continuous high-speed [CH] mode: 8 frames per second*1, 6 frames per second*2
4) Liveview [LV] mode 5) Self-timer [ ] mode 6) Mirror-up [Mup] mode *1.
When using AC Adaptor EH-5a/EH-5 or Multi-Power Battery Pack MB-D10 with batteries other than Rechargeable Li-ion Batter y EN-EL3e *2.
When using Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL3e (When shooting in Continuous-servo AF (C), Shutter-Priority Auto [S] or Manual [M] exposure modes, at a shutter speed of 1/250 s or faster with other settings at default) Auto (TTL white balance with 1,005-pixel RGB sensor), seven manual modes with ne-tuning, color temperature setting, white balance bracketing possible (2 to 9 frames in increments 1~3) Hand-held shooting mode, Tripod shooting mode 3-in., approx. 920,000-dot (VGA), 170-degree wide viewing angle, 100% frame coverage, low-temperature polysilicon TFT LCD with brightness adjustment
1) Full frame 2) Thumbnail (4 or 9 segments) 3) Zoom 4) Slideshow 5) RGB histogram indication 6) Shooting data 7) Highlight point display 8) Auto image rotation Card format, All photographs delete, Selected photographs delete NTSC or PAL; simultaneous playback from both the video output and on the LCD monitor available Supports HDMI version 1.3a; Type A connector is provided as HDMI output terminal; simultaneous playback from both the HDMI output terminal and on the LCD monitor not available Hi-Speed USB Up to 36 characters of alphanumeric text input available with LCD monitor and multi­selector; stored in Exif header Nikon F Mount with AF coupling and AF contacts
1) DX AF Nikkor: All functions possible
2) D-/G-t ype AF Nikkor (excluding IX Nikkor lenses): All functions possible (excluding PC Micro-Nikkor)
3) AF Nikkor other than D-/G-type (excluding lenses for F3AF): All functions except 3D-Color Matrix Metering II possible
4) AI-P Nikkor: All functions except Autofocus, 3D-Color Matrix Metering II possible
5) Non-CPU AI Nikkor: Can be used in exposure modes A and M; electronic range nder can be used if maximum aperture is f/5.6 or faster; Color Matrix Metering and aperture value display supported if user provides lens data Equivalent in 35mm [135] format is approx. 1.5 times lens focal length SLR-type with xed eye-level pentaprism; built-in diopter adjustment (-2.0 to +1.0 m-1)
19.5 mm (-1.0 m-1) Type-B BriteView Clear Matte screen Mark II with superimposed focus brackets and On-Demand grid lines Approx. 100% (vertical and horizontal) Approx. 0.94x with 50mm lens at innity; -1.0 m
•TTL phase detection, 51 focus points (15 cross-type sensors) by Nikon Multi-CAM 3500DX autofocus module; Detection -1 to +19 EV (ISO 100 at 20°C/68°F); AF ne adjustment possible
•Focal plane contrast [in Liveview (Tripod) mode] Single-servo AF (S); continuous-servo AF (C); manual (M); predictive focus tracking automatically activated acc ording to subject status in continuous-servo AF Single AF point can be selected from 51 or 11 focus points Liveview (Tripod mode): Contrast AF on a desired point within entire frame
1) Single point AF 2) Dynamic Area AF [9 points, 21 points, 51 points, 51 points (3D-tracking)] 3) Automatic-ar ea AF
Focus Lo ck
Expos ure Meterin g System
Expos ure Meterin g Range Expos ure Meter Cou pling Expos ure Modes
Expos ure Compen sation Auto Exp osure Loc k Auto Exp osure Brac keting Picture C ontrol Sys tem Shutte r
Sync Con tact
Flash Co ntrol
Flash Syn c Mode
Built-i n Speedli ght Guide num ber
Flash Co mpensati on Access ory Shoe Sync Termina l Creative L ighting System
Self-ti mer Depth of Fi eld Preview Remote Co ntrol GPS
Suppor ted Langua ges Power Sourc e
Tripod Socke t Custom Set tings Dimensio ns (W x H x D) Weight Operat ing Environ ment Suppli ed Access ories (may diff er by countr y or area)
Main Opt ional Access ories
© 2007 NIKON CO RPORATION Compac tFlash an d Ex treme are regis tered trademarks of SanDis k Cor poratio n. Pro ducts and bran d nam es are tradema rks or registered t rademarks of their r espective com panies.
Focus can be locked by pressing shutter-release button halfway (single-ser vo AF) or by pressing AE-L/AF-L button TTL full-aperture exposure metering using 1005-pixel RGB sensor
1) 3D Color Matrix Metering II (type G and D lenses); color matrix metering II (other CPU lenses); color matrix metering (non-CPU lenses if user provides lens data; metering performed)
2) Center-weighted: Weight of 75% given to 6, 8, 10, or 13 mm dia. circle in center of frame or weighting based on average of entire frame (8 mm circle when non-CPU lens is used)
3) Spot: Meters approx. 3 mm dia. circle (about 2.0% of frame) centered on selected
focus point (on center focus point when non-CPU lens is used)
1) 0 to 20 EV (3D Color Matrix or center-weighted metering)
2) 2 to 20 EV (spot metering) (ISO 100, f/1.4 lens, 20˚C)
Combined CPU and AI
1) Programmed Auto [P] with exible program 2) Shutter-Priority Auto [S] 3) Aperture
Priority Auto [A] 4) Manual [M]
5 EV in increments of 1/3, 1/2 or 1 EV
Detected exposure value locked by pressing AE-L/AF-L but ton Exposure and/or a sh bracketing (2 to 9 exposures in increments of 1/3, 1/2, 2/3 or 1 EV) Four setting options: Standard, Neutral, Vivid, Monochrome; each option can be adjusted Electronically-contr olled vertical-travel focal plane shutter, 1/8,000 to 30 s in steps of 1/3, 1/2 or 1 EV, Bulb X=1/250 s; ash synchronization at up to 1/320 s (FP) adjustable with Built-in Speedlight or optional Speedlight (will reduce GN)
1) TTL: TTL ash control by 1,005-pixel RGB sensor
Built-in Speedlight, SB-800, SB-600 or SB-40 0: i-TTL balanced ll-ash and standard i-TTL ash
2) AA (Auto Aperture-t ype) ash: Available with SB-800 used with CPU lens
3) Non-TTL Auto: Available with Speedlights such as SB-800, 28, 27, and 22S
4) Range-priority manual ash; available with SB-800
1) Front-curtain Sync (normal) 2) Red-eye Reduction
3) Red-eye Reduction with Slow Sync 4) Slow Sync 5) Rear-curtain Sync
Manual pop-up with button release (ISO 200, m): approx. 17 (manual 18) (ISO 100 equivalent, m): approx. 12 (manual 13)
-3 to +1 EV in increments of 1/3, 1/2 or 1 EV
ISO 518 Standard hot-shoe contact with safety loc k provided ISO 519 standard terminal With Speedlights such as SB-800, SB-60 0, SB-400, SB-R200, supports Advanced Wireless Lighting, Auto FP High-Speed Sync, Flash Color Information Communication, modeling ash and FV lock 2 to 20 seconds duration When CPU lens is attached, lens aperture can be stopped down to value selected by user (A and M mode) or value selected by camera (P and S mode) Via 10-pin terminal or Wireless Transmitter WT-4 (optional) NMEA 0183 (Ver. 2.01 and 3.01) interface standard supported with 9-pin D-sub cab le (optional) and GPS Cable MC-35 (optional) Chinese (Simplied and Traditional), Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish One Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL3e, Multi-Power Battery Pack MB-D10 (optional) with one Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL4a, EN-EL4 or EN-EL3e or eight R6/AA-size alkaline (LR6), Ni-MH (HR6), lithium (FR6) batteries, or nickel-manganese ZR6 batteries, AC Adapter EH-5a (optional) 1/4 in. (ISO 1222) 48 settings available Approx. 147 x 114 x 74 mm (5.8 x 4.5 x 2.9 in.) Approx. 825 g (1.82 lbs.) without battery, memory card, body cap, or monitor cover Temperature: 0-40˚C/32-104˚F, Humidity: under 85% (no condensation) Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL3e, Quick Charger MH-18a, USB Cable UC-E4, Video Cable EG-D100, Strap AN-D300, LCD monitor cover BM-8, Body cap, Eyepiece Cap DK-5, Rubber Eyecup DK-23, Software Suite CD-ROM Multi-Power Battery Pack MB-D10, Wireless Transmitter WT-4, Magnifying Eyepiece DK-21M, AC Adapter EH-5a, Capture NX Software, Camera Control Pro 2