Addenda to the D1X and D1H User's Manuals
Please note the following additions to the User’s Manual with the release of version 1.10 of the camera
fi rm ware:
Menu Design
The background color for the camera menus has been changed, with the re sult that menus may differ slightly
in appearance from those shown in the man u al. Menus are now available in English, French, German,
Japanese, and Span ish.
Battery Warning (pg. 23)
With repeated use and recharging, the performance of EN-4 battery packs will drop. If such a battery pack
is inserted in the camera, the battery-level icon in the control panel on top of the camera will fl ash when the
camera is turned on, and the shutter can not be released. Turn the cam era off and re place the bat tery pack
with a fully-charged spare EN-4 bat tery pack.
Support for Exif 2.2 (pp. 138–139)
The D1X and D1H now support Exif (Exchangeable Image File Format for Dig i tal Still Cam er as) version 2.2, a
standard that allows information stored with photographs to be used for optimal color reproduction when
images are out put on Exif-compliant printers.
Color Mode II (pg. 181)
Photographs taken in Mode II include an embedded ICC profi le, ensuring that the correct color-space settings
can be selected automatically when the images are opened in Adobe Photoshop
support color management (see the documentation provided with the application for details). Note, however,
that while the system for recording Mode II images is based on Exif and DCF, it is not in strict conformity with
these standards. Mode I is recommended when taking photographs that will be viewed on other cameras or
Exif/DCF-compatible devices, or that will be printed using ExifPrint, the direct printing option on some household
printers, or kiosk printing or other commercial print services. For information on whether your printer or print
service supports ExifPrint, refer to the documentation provided with your printer or speak to your photofi nisher.
For best results, use Nikon View 5 or Nikon Capture 3, which make excellent additions to any imaging workfl ow.
Nikon Capture 3 is unique in its ability to directly edit NEF fi les without affecting the image quality of the original,
and belongs at the fi rst stage of any production workfl ow involving image editing software.
or in other applications that
To Users of Nikon Capture 2
Nikon Capture 2 supports the latest version of the camera fi rmware (version 1.10) from version 2.0.3.
Those who are using Nikon Capture 2 in combination with Nikon View 4 version 4.3.1 or earlier should
note that RAW images will not be properly transferred to the computer. Please upgrade to Nikon View 5
version 5.1.3. Upgrade software for Nikon Capture 2 (upgrades version 2.0.2 or earlier to version 2.0.3)
and Nikon View 4 (upgrades version 4.3.1 or earlier to version 5.1.3) is available for download from the
following web sites:
• For users in the U.S.A.:
• For users in Europe:
• For users in Asia, Oceania, the Middle East, and Africa:
Nikon Capture 2 version 2.0.3 uses Exif version 2.1 when saving RAW images in JPEG (Exif format) or
TIFF formats.
To Users of Nikon Capture 3
Nikon Capture 3 version 3.5 supports Exif version 2.2. Software for upgrading Nikon Capture 3 version 3.0.0 to version 3.5 is scheduled to be available for download from the following sites from late
November, 2002:
• For users in the U.S.A.:
• For users in Europe:
• For users in Asia, Oceania, the Middle East, and Africa:
Nikon Capture 3 version 3.0.0 uses Exif version 2.1 when saving RAW images in JPEG (Exif format) or
TIFF formats.
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