Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX S1 Specifications
Digital camera S1
Effecti ve pix els:
Image m odes:
Focus r ange:
LCD mon itor:
Storage media :
Shootin g mode s:
Capture modes :
Number of fra mes
(w/ Internal memory): 5M: High (2592*) approx. 5, Normal (2592) approx. 10, 3M: (2048) approx. 17
Built-i n flash :
Interfa ce:
Support ed lan guages:
Power r equire ments:
Battery life (approx .):
Dimensi ons (W xHxD):
Supplied accessories:†
Optional accessories:
† Supplied accessories may differ by country or area.
‡ Not available in some countries or areas.
5.1 million
1/2.5-inch type (5.36 million total pixels)
High (2592*), Normal (2592), Normal (2048), PC (1024), TV (640)
3x Zoo m-N ikk or ED; 5.8-1 7.4m m (3 5mm [13 5] forma t equiva lent to
With sound: TV movie (640) at 15fps, Small size (320) at 15fps, Smaller size
Approx. 118g (4.0 oz.) (without battery and memory card)
35-105mm); f/3.0-5.4; 12 elements in 10 groups; Digital zoom: up to 4x
30cm (12 in.) to infinity (
2.5-inch type , 110,00 0-do t A morp hous sili con TFT LCD monit or with
brightness adjustment
Internal memory: approx. 12MB, SD memory card
Auto, Scene Assist (Portrait, Landscape, Sports, N ight portrait), Scene
(Pa rty/I ndo or, Bea ch/ Snow, Suns et, Dusk /Da wn, Ni ght la nds cape,
Close up, Museum, Fireworks show, Copy, Back light, Panorama a ssist,
Underwater, Voice recording), B SS (Best Shot Selecto r), Blur Warning,
Date imprint, Self-timer (10 sec.)
(160) at 15fps; Without sound: Time-lapse movie at 15fps
1) Single, 2) Continuous (approx. 1.8fps), 3) Multi-shot 16 (16 frames 1/16
in size)
Range: 0.3-2.5m/ 1 – 8'2" (W), 0.3-1.4m/ 1 – 4'7" (T); Flash modes: Auto,
Auto with Red-eye Reduction (In-Ca mera Red-Eye Fix), Anytime Flash,
Flash Cancel and Slow sync.
Germ an/E ngl ish/ Sp ani sh/F re nch /Ita lia n/Du tc h/S wedi sh /Ja pane se/
Simp lifie d Chi nese/ Tradi tion al Chinese /Kore an/R ussi an selecta ble in
menu display
One Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL8
Approx. 200 images with EN-EL8 Rechargeable Battery (based on CIPA
Approx. 89.9 x 57.5 x 19.7mm (3.5 x 2.3 x 0.8 in.)
COOL-STATION MV-11, Strap, USB cable, Audio Video cable, AC adapter
EH-63, Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL8, PictureProject CD-ROM
AC adapter EH-63, Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL8, Battery Charger
MH-62, Waterproof Case WP-CP5‡
* Ind ustry standard for measuring life of camera batteries. Measu red at 25°C
(77°F); zoom adjusted with each shot, built-in flash fired with every other shot,
image mode set to Normal.
), 4cm (1.6 in.) to infinity (
) in Macro Mode
Pictu rePro ject System Re quire ments
OS Macintosh: Mac® OS X (10.1.5 or later) / Windows: Windows® XP Home Edition/Professional,
RAM: 64MB or more recommended
Hard disk: 60MB required for installation
Display: 800 x 600 or more with 16-bit color (full color recommended)
Others: CD-ROM drive required for installation
Only built-in USB ports are supported
Microsoft® and Wind ows® are eith er re gistered trademarks or trad emarks of Microsoft Corporation in the
United S tates and/or other countries. Ma cintosh® a nd QuickTime® a re either regist ered trademark s or
trademark s o f Apple Computer Inc. in the United States an d/or other coun tries. The FotoN ation logo is
a t rademark. The SD logo i s a t rademark. Pic tBridge is a trad emark. D-Lighting technology is provid ed
by Ap ical Lim ited. Face-prio rity AF technology is pr ovided by I dentix®. Product s and brand n ames are
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Images on LCDs and monitors shown in
this brochure are simulated.
Specifications and equipment are subject to change without any notice or obligation on the part of the manufacturer.
March 2005 ©2005 NIKON CORPORATION
Printed in Japan Code No. 6CE41610(0503A)Ad
2000 Professional, Windows® ME, Windows® 98SE pre-installed models
Fuji Bldg., 2-3, Marunouchi 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo 100-8331, Japan
http ://n ikon imag ing. com/

The super slim, ultra portable COOLPIX S1 boasts
good looks, exceptionally easy-to-use controls and the
assurance of advanced Nikon performance.
The sleek, stylish aluminum body — available in Pure
Silver, Ebony Black and Ivory White — is packed full
of photo-enhancing features that make it easy and
convenient to take great photos wherever you go.
With dimensions not much bigger than a credit card,
the COOLPI X S1 features a l arge, bri gh t 2.5-inc h
LCD screen for a b ri ll iant view of your shots. The
streamlined body houses a state-of-the-art 3x optical
Zoom-Nikkor ED* lens, and with an image resolution
of 5.1 megapixels, the COOLPIX S1 faithfully delivers
incredibly sharp, detailed pictures. A fast start-up time
and qui ck -f ir e continuous s ho ot in g mode help you
catch the moment before it’s over.
The COOLPIX S 1 — a joy to u se and a pleas ure
to own.
*Nikon’s ED (Extra-low Dispersion) glass offers superior sharpness and
2 3
optimal color correction.