Smooth, elegantly nished at design.
Simplied operation that lets anyone
take a better class of picture.
COOLPIX L2 / L3/ L4 –
Nikon performance and
quality – refined
Innov ative in-cam era N ikon
techn ologies mean
optim ized picture s,
direc t from your camer a
In-Camera Red-Eye Fix
Face -priority AF*
The Face-priority AF feature automatically
detects and then focuses in on people’s
faces – regardless of where they are in
frame – ensuring superb crisp-focus portraits.
*Face-re cognition capa bility may be limited in
some shoo ting conditions .
Nikon’s exclus ive In-Camera
Red-Eye Fix analyzes each image and
automaticall y nds and corrects any
accidental r ed-eye, which sometimes
occurs in a sh photography, to produce
more natural -looking portraits.
features that preserve
the moment
-inch LCD
The br ight 2. 0-i nch LCD avoid s
the in con ven ien ce of optical
vie wfi nde rs and si mplifies
com pos iti on and pl ayback,
lea vin g y ou fre e t o enjoy the
mom ent .
A precision 3x Zoom-Nikkor lens covers
the ke y photographic range of 38 to
116mm (114mm for the COOLPIX L4)*,
puttin g everything fr om group portra its to
expans ive landscapes within easy rea ch.
35mm equiva lent
6.0/5.1 4.0
Gen erou s in megapi xel
res olut ion, the ca mera s deliver
ins tant ly r ecogniz able quality to
ens ure pict ures st ay s harp, even
whe n si gnif icantly enl arged.
Simple, effective and fun
Ready Shoot
D-Ligh ting rescues underexposed
ima ges by improving brig htne ss
and detail where needed, whi le
lea ving correctly expose d ar eas
just a s they are.
Note: Images s hown ab ove are f or repres entation purpose s only.
Scene modes
User- friendly ope ratio n
AA-si ze battery c ompat ibility
Movie recording
PictB ridge
Pictu reProject
15 di fferent Scene modes –
4 with Scene assist – improve
your results by automatically
providin g op timized settings
fo r eve ry th in g fr om par ty
portraits to reworks at night.
Camera operation is made easy
with on-screen menus and icons,
pre sent ed in an easy-t o-re ad
format. Functions may be chosen
by icon or na me and the new co lor scheme ma kes
oper ation easie r on the ey es.
Desp ite their compac t dimen sions ,
the CO OLP IX L2, L3, a nd L4 are
com pati ble w ith AA-si ze batte ries ,
on e of the mos t wid ely avai la ble
battery sizes in the world. A battery life of approximately
180 shots* greatly increases their compact convenience.
*Approx. 180 shots (COOLPIX L2) / Approx. 200 shots (L3)/ Approx.
250 shots (L4) when usin g two AA-size (LR6) alka line batteries .
The capacity to record movies* in
three sizes – T V movie s ize ( 640)
for v iewi ng on TV or comput ers,
conv enient S mall size (320), and
Sma lle r siz e (16 0) for exte nde d
re cor din g or In te rne t usa ge –
lets you c aptur e so much more
of the moment.
*COOLPIX L4 without sound
The abil ity to conn ect directl y to
Pic tBri dge- compati ble prin ter
me ans
that you can mak e great
p ri nt s wi th ou t th e ne ed fo r a
co mp ut er t o pr oc es s th e jo b.
Pr ov ide d as a co mp li me nta ry
access ory, Pi ctureProject software
gr eat ly simp lie s the im por ting ,
ed iti ng an d or ga niz in g of yo ur
images , and in cludes other options
that add to the fun of photography.
With D-L ighting Without D-Lighting