COOLPIX cameras — all the enjoyment, all the quality
With the popular COOLPIX range, we strive to bring the joy of digital photography to
everyone. Taking consumer opinions to heart, we continually expand the lineup
to provide products in line with your needs. Working to refi ne functions and
capabilities, we add enjoyment to the shooting experience. And with a history of
optical excellence, we’re renowned for delivering optimal quality.
Discover the enchantment at the heart of the image, with the COOLPIX lineup from Nikon.
Nikon technologies for more impressive images
Nikon expertise, craftsmanship and technologies make for much better
pictures and a lot more fun – letting you achieve pin-sharp focus,
accurate exposure and pleasing true-to-life color without complication.
Below are just some of these superior technologies – making for clearer,
more satisfying results and easier COOLPIX operation.
High quality through superior craftsmanship
Digital excellence achieves
true-to -life results
Sophisticated CCDs
(Charge C oupled
Devices ) pack in ampl e
megapixe ls, while
image processing
algorithms make better
use of color data to give you true-to-life color
and sharp d etail.
Better lenses for beautiful
Crafted wit h high- level care and ex pertise,
Nikkor lenses offer reliable autofocus,
superior sharpness and unsurpassed
optical performance to satisfy the most
stringent photographic demands. Selected
COOLPIX lenses also incorporate Nikkor
ED glass, which
offers fur ther
optimized clarity
and superior color
Functions born of sheer innovation
Autofocus that puts the
Autofocus that puts the
person fi rst
person fi rst
Conventional AF systems can ach ieve crisp
Conventional AF systems can ach ieve crisp
focus, but it mig ht not be where you wa nt
focus, but it mig ht not be where you wa nt
it – giving you sharp foreground objects,
it – giving you sharp foreground objects,
for example, while making people’s faces
for example, while making people’s faces
unclear. Nikon’s Face- priorit y AF, however,
unclear. Nikon’s Face- priorit y AF, however,
can automatically detect a face in the frame,
can automatically detect a face in the frame,
ensuring a pleasing
ensuring a pleasing
picture no matter
picture no matter
where the sub ject
where the sub ject
is in the shot.
is in the shot.
* Face recognition capability
* Face recognition capability
may be limited in some
may be limited in some
shooting conditions.
shooting conditions.
Add light and detail to
darker images
If you’ve taken an image with not enough
fl ash or too much back light, D-Lighting can
automatically fi x i t. Creating a copy of the
image in ques tion, it adds ligh t and detail
where nece ssary w hile leavi ng other areas
as they are.
Without D-Lighting With D-Lighting
Better night portraits, with no
more red-eye
In-Ca mera Red -Eye Fix can d o away with
the red- eye effect – detec ting it in the imag e,
then automatically correctin g it in-c amera to
produce pleasing portraits
in lower light.
Advanced Scene Modes give
you closer control
Offering a choice of three effects, Advanced
Scene Modes allow you to achieve a fi nal image
that more closely matches your own individual
tastes, while conventional Scene Modes offer
easy auto shooting in a wide range of situations.
Normal Effect 1
Wireless capability offers
cable-free convenience
Wi-F i LAN sup port adds f un and free dom to
photography. Wireless transfer sends images
from the memo ry card to a com puter, on
demand. Wireless shooting transfers each
image to a computer as soon as it is shot.
There’s also wireless printing, which enables
cable-free direct printing through wireless
PictBridge suppor t.
Effect 2
Wireless to Computer Wireless to Printer
2 3
Wireless Printer
Adapter PD-10 (optional)

Compacts to complement your lifestyle
With versatile capabilities for diverse shooting situations, unique Nikon functions
for more attractive results, and a selection of attractive body styles, it’s no wonder
the Nikon COOLPIX lineup has become popular the world over.
In fact whatever your interests, whatever your individual style, whatever your needs,
there’s a Nikon COOLPIX that’s just right for you.
p.6 p.6 p.8 p.8 p.8 p.10
Built-in Wi-Fi LAN support (IEEE802.11b/g)
effective megapixels
Zoom- Nikkor lens
-inch LCD monitor
Built-in Wi-Fi LAN support (IEEE802.11b/g)
effective megapixels
Zoom- Nikkor lens
-inch LCD monitor
Ultra-s lim body
effective megapixels
Zoom- Nikkor ED lens
-inch LCD monitor
“Splash proof” water resistance
effective megapixels
Zoom- Nikkor ED lens
-inch LCD monitor
Ultra-s lim body
effective megapixels
Zoom- Nikkor ED lens
• 2.5
-inch LCD monitor
Dynamic swivel design
effective megapixels
Zoom- Nikkor lens
-inch LCD monitor
7.1 effective megapixels
3x Zoom-N ikkor ED lens
2.0-inch LCD monitor
effec tive megapixels
Zoom- Nikkor ED lens
-inch LC D monitor
effective megapixels
Zoom- Nikkor lens
-inch LC D monitor
effective megapixels
Zoom-Nikkor ED lens
-inch LC D monitor
effective megapixels
Zoom- Nikkor lens
-inch LC D monitor
effec tive megapixels
Zoom- Nikkor lens
-inch LC D monitor
4 5

The power of 8.0 megapixels;
the freedom of 3.5x zoom
With 8.0 and 5.1 effective mega pixels
respective ly, the COOLPIX P1 and COOLPIX
P2 enable beautiful enlargements that leave
plenty of room for creative cropping. They
each feature a powerful 3.5x Zoom-Nikkor lens
too, deliverin g 36-126mm* performa nce and
allowing macro shooting from as close as 4cm.
* 35mm equi valent
Aperture-priority Auto Mode
gives you closer control
Offering 10-step manual control in increments
of 1/3EV, Aperture -priority Auto Mode lets you
throw background s out of focus to emph asize
your main subject, or make everything sharp
up to the horizon, w hile the cam era ensures
optimal auto exposure.
Silver Black
A higher level of performance, with an array of exceptional features and
built-in wireless image transfer and printing
6 7
36mm 126mm
A large, bright 2.5 -inch LCD
Filling eac h of the camera’s backs, the large
LCD lets users enj oy accurate previ ews of the
framed shot, an d play back record ed
images right there
on the spot.
Wi-Fi delivers exciting new
Groundbreaking built-in Wireless LAN
suppor t lets you send pic tures to a compute r
without cables, either from the camera
memory or as each shot is taken. It also
supports w ireless printing.
Wireless to Computer Wireless to Printer
Wireless Printer
Adapter PD-10 (optional)
Features that improve images
D-Lighting rescues images with insuffi cient expo sure.
Just choose an image with insuffi cient fl ash or excessive
back light, activate the D -Lighting fu nction in Playback
Mode, and the ca mera automatic ally create s a copy, but
with light an d detail adde d where nece ssary.
Portrait (Face AF)*
Achieve a bette r class of por trait with th e ingeniou s
Portrait ( Face AF) m ode, which pi npoints a hum an face
anywhere in your shot, then provides optimal focus on it
* Face recog nition capabi lity may be limite d in some shootin g conditions.
In-Camera Red-Eye Fix
Use of fl as h can sometime s result in the an noying
red-eye ef fect. Equipp ed with the In- Camera Red-Eye
Fix function, however, the COOLPIX P1 and P2 c an
automaticall y detect the effe ct and correc t it.
Advanced Scene Mod es
The COOLPIX P1 and P2 offer a range of Advanced Sc ene Modes
that can produce images better suited to your tastes. There’s an
impressive array of 11 to choose from – each allowing you to select
from three different imaging effects (Normal, Effect 1, Effect 2).
Other important advantages
11 Advanced Scene Modes ; 5 conventiona l Scene Mode s
Ample 32MB / 16MB internal memory (approx.)
Blur Warning alerts users when camera shake occurs
Movie shooting, with smooth 30fps performance in TV (640) mode
Electronic VR (Vibration Reduction) compensates for camera shake
Swift 1.2 sec. start-up; continuous shooting at up to 2.3fps
Date Search function lets you fi nd images fast
PictureProject (included) with updated Wi-Fi capabilities
GUI enable s function s election by name or icon
Handy HELP bu tton gives ea sy explanatio ns for main men u
Noise Redu ction for clea rer Dusk /Dawn and Ni ght landsca pe
mode shots