New Holland
T9000 Series Tractor Specifications
T9020 T9030 T9040 T9050 T9060
MODEL T9020 T9030 T9040 T9050 T9060
Type New Holland New Holland New Holland New Holland Cummins QSX15
Aspiration.........................................................................................................................Turbocharged, air to air after cooled..................................................................................
Displacement, CID (L) 543 (9) 787 (12.9) 787 (12.9) 787 (12.9) 915 (15)
Engine horsepower, hp (kW) 335 (246) 385 (287) 435 (324) 485 (362) 535 (399)
Power growth at 1800 rpm, hp (kW) 33 (25) 38 (29) 44 (32) 48 (36) 54 (40)
Peak power, hp (kW) 368 (271) 423 (315) 478 (356) 533 (397) 589 (439)
Torque rise 35% 40% 40% 40% 40%
Peak torque, lb.-ft. (Nm) 1198 (1601) 1430 (1914) 1614 (2164) 1801 (2417) 1891 (2593)
Bore & stroke, in. (mm) 4.49 x 5.69 (114 x 144.5) 5.3 x 5.9 (135 x 150) 5.3 x 5.9 (135 x 150) 5.3 x 5.9 (135 x 150) 5.4 x 6.7 (137 x 170)
Rated engine speed, rpm 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Engine idle speed, rpm 850 875 875 875 875
Fuel tanks, gal. (L) 200 (758) 300 (1138) 300 (1138) 300 (1138) 300 (1138)
Engine oil with filter, gal. (L) 7.33 (28) 8.18 (31) 8.18 (31) 8.18 (31) 13 (49)
Coolant system, gal. (L) 12.5 (47) 21.1 (80.3) 21.1 (80.3) 21.1 (80.3) 21.1 (80.3)
Standard.........................................................................................................................16 x 2 Powershift with transport mode ...............................................................................
Standard on front and rear axle...............................................................................................Integral hydraulic wet disk .........................................................................................
Type .........................................................................................................................................................CCLS ..........................................................................................................
Remote valves, standard..............................................................................................................................4..............................................................................................................
Optional remote valves**........................................................................................................................up to 9.........................................................................................................
Standard hydraulic pump capacity,
GPM (LPM) 40 (151) 40 (151) 40 (151) 40 (151) 42 (159)
Optional hydraulic pump capacity,
GPM (LPM) 55 (208) 55 (208) 55 (208) 55 (208) 57 (216)
Optional MegaFlow™ pump capacity,
GPM (LPM) 90 (340) 90 (340) 90 (340) 90 (340) 94 (356)
Rated flow at one remote @ 2000 psi,
GPM (LPM) 33 (125) 33 (125) 33 (125) 33 (125) 33 (125)
Final drive Inboard 3-planetary Inboard 4-planetary Inboard 4-planetary Inboard 4-planetary N/A
Heavy-duty N/A Inboard compound Inboard compound Inboard compound Inboard compound
Bar diameter, in. (mm) 4 (102) 4.5 (115) 4.5 (115) 4.5 (115) 4.5 (115)
Differential lock option...............................................................................................................................Yes............................................................................................................
Type ...........................................................................................................................................12-volt negative ground ...........................................................................................
Starting system ...........................................................................................................................24-volt starting circuit.............................................................................................
Alternator 150 amp output 175 amp output 175 amp output 175 amp output 175 amp output
Optional alternator 175 amp output N/A N/A N/A N/A
Batteries............................................................................................................................................Two, 1000 CCA ..................................................................................................
planetary planetary planetary planetary
Optional.................................................................................................................................................1000 rpm.......................................................................................................
Type 3-point Cat. IV-N/III 3-point Cat. IV-N 3-point Cat. IV-N 3-point Cat. IV-N 3-point Cat. IV-N
Lift capacity @ 24 in. (610mm),
lb. (kg) 15,669 (7107) 19,620 (8900) 19,620 (8900) 19,620 (8900) 19,620 (8900)
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New Holland
T9000 Series Tractor Specifications
T9020 T9030 T9040 T9050 T9060
MODEL T9020 T9030 T9040 T9050 T9060
Static vertical load rating, lb. (kg) Std. 4,500 (2041) Std. 5,300 (2404) Std. 5,300 (2404) N/A N/A
Maximum operating weight, lb. (kg) 39,600 (17,962) 45,600 (20,684) 51,600 (23,405) 54,000 (24,494) 54,000 (24,494)
Maximum height (with 20.8 R 42 tires),
in. (mm) 142 (3608) 150 (3818) 150 (3818) 150 (3818) 150 (3818)
Maximum overall length, in. (mm) 276 (7010) 298 (7558) 298 (7558) 298 (7558) 298 (7558)
Outside frame width, in. (mm) 37 (929) 44 (1116) 44 (1116) 44 (1116) 44 (1116)
Wheelbase, in. (mm) 139 (3531) 154 (3911) 154 (3911) 154 (3911) 154 (3911)
Frame articulation 42° left/right 42° left/right 42° left/right 42° left/right 42° left/right
Frame oscillation 11° (22° total) 13° (26° total) 13° (26° total) 13° (26° total) 13° (26° total)
Centerline turn radius, ft. (m) 15.1 (4.6) 16.7 (5.1) 16.7 (5.1) 16.7 (5.1) 16.7 (5.1)
Scraper Versions available on T9030, T9040, T9050 and T9060. Equipped with heavy-duty axle, differential lock, high-capacity pump, scraper drawbar, tow cable, strobe light, and backup alarm.
* Manual 24 x 6 transmission available with reduced power growth and torque rise - not available on T9040, T9050 or T9060.
** Two of the optional remote valves with 3/4” couplers requires the MegaFlow™ pump option
*** Not available with MegaFlow™
Opt. 11,000 (4983) Opt. 11,000 (4983) Opt. 11,000 (4983) Std. 11,000 (4983) Std. 11,000 (4983)
(38° on scraper) (38° on scraper) (38° on scraper) (38° on scraper)
18.8 (5.7) on scraper 18.8 (5.7) on scraper 18.8 (5.7) on scraper 18.8 (5.7) on scraper
Visit our Web site at www.newholland.com/na Or, call toll-free: 1-888-290-7377
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© 2008 CNH America L LC
New Hol land i s a register ed tr ademark of CN H Amer ica LLC .
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the equipment. Always make sure you and
your operators read the Operator’s Manual
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decals and never operate machinery
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