Installation Guide
ProSecure™ Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
Models UTM5, UTM10, UTM25, UTM50, and UTM150
Thank you for selecting NETGEAR products.
Follow the instructions in this installation guide to connect the UTM using a single
WAN interface, to use the Setup Wizard to configure the basic network and
scanning settings, and to register the UTM and activate its licenses.
The UTM models differ in the number of LAN and WAN ports that they provide. For
information about the different models and about how to configure other options
such as multiple WAN settings (not applicable to the UTM 5 and UTM10), th e
firewall, VPN tunnels, and custom scanning, see the reference manual.
You can access the reference manual from the UTM’s web management interface,
through the resource CD, and from the NETGEAR support site at
Verify the Package Contents
• ProSecure™ UTM appliance
• AC power cable
• Rubber feet (4) with adhesive backing
• Rack-mount brackets (some models)
• Installation guide
• Resource CD
• Service registration card with license keys (some models)
Connect the UTM
The front panel of the UTM contains ports and status LEDs; the back panel of the
UTM contains a console port, Factory Defaults reset button, cable lock receptacle,
and AC power connection.
The following figure shows the front panel of the UTM150. The front panels of other
models differ only in the number of LAN and WAN ports.
1. Power LED (green) 2. Test LED (amber) 3. USB port
4. LAN ports and LEDs 5. DMZ LED for LAN port 4 6. WAN ports and LEDs
To connect the UTM:
1. Connect a WAN port to a cable or DSL modem, satellite dish, wireless ISP
radio antenna, or other WAN device that has an active WAN connection.
2. Connect a LAN port to a computer that is configured as a DHCP client.
3. Turn on the UTM by connecting one end of the AC power cable to the AC
receptacle on the back panel of UTM and the other end to a power outlet. After
about 1 minute, verify the following:
• Power LED. The Power LED is solid green.
• Test LED. The amber Test LED is lit. The Test LED turns off when the
initialization process is completed, approximately 2 minutes after you have
turned on the UTM.
• WAN LED. The left LED of the connected WAN port is lit. If it is not, make
sure that the Ethernet cable is securely attached to the WAN device and the
WAN port, and that the WAN device is on.
• LAN LED. The left LED of the connected LAN port is on. If it is not, make
sure that the Ethernet cable from the computer to the UTM is securely
attached at both ends, and that the computer is on.
Note: If any of these LEDs are not lit, or if the Test LED does not turn off, see
Chapter 12, “Troubleshoot and Use Online Support,” of the reference manual.
Log In to the UTM
To log in to the UTM and access its web management interface:
1. On the computer that is connec ted to
the UTM, enter in
the address field of a browser. The
NETGEAR Configuration Manager
Login screen displays in the browser.
2. Enter admin for the user name and
password for the password, and click
the Login button.
The web management interface
After 5 minutes of inactivity (the default
login time-out), you are automatically
logged out. You can change the login time-out by selecting Users > Users to
display the Users screen and modifying the admin user settings.
Use the Setup Wizard
The Setup Wizard guides you through 10 screens to configure the basic network
and scanning configuration of the UTM.
To access the Setup Wizard:
1. Open the web management interface.
2. Select Wizards.
3. Select the Setup
Wizard radio button.
4. Follow the Setup
Wizard to configure
the following settings:
• LAN settings
• WAN settings
• System date and time, including NTP server configuration
• Email and web services (that is, protocols) and ports to scan
• Email security (antivirus settings) and scan exceptions based on size

• Web security (antivirus settings) and scan exceptions based on size
• Web categories to be blocked
• Email notification
• Scan engine and signatures update settings
5. Click the Apply button to save your changes.
The UTM reboots. If the IP address of your computer is now on a different
subnet, restart the computer to refresh its network settings so you can log in to
the UTM again.
Note: For detailed steps about how to configure the UTM by using the Setup Wizard,
see Chapter 2, “Use the Setup Wizard to Provision the UTM in Your Network,” of the
reference manual.
4. Enter one of the license keys in the Registration Key field.
5. Complete the fields in the Customer Information and VAR Information sections
of the screen.
6. Click one of the following buttons:
• Trial. Activates a trial license and registers the UTM with the NETGEAR
registration and update server.
• Register. Activates a purchased license and registers the UTM with the
NETGEAR registration and update server.
7. If necessary, repeat Step 4 and Step 6 for additional license keys.
After the registration and activation are complete, the Registration screen
shows the license keys and their expiration dates:
Online Documentation and Resources
For extensive information about configuring and using your UTM, see the reference
manual, which you can access from http://downloadcenter.netgear.com or from the
web management interface.
To access online documentation and resources:
1. Open the web management interface.
2. Select one of the following:
• To view the reference manual, select Support > Documentation.
• To view the product support page, select Support > Knowledge Base.
Register the UTM and Activate the Licenses
To receive threat ma nagem ent compo nent update s and u se tel ephone support, you
need to register your UTM with NETGEAR. You might have purchased the UTM
with a 1- or 3-year license. The UTM also comes with four 30-day trial licenses:
• Web protection
• Email protection
• Support and maintenance
• Application control and IPS
If your UTM is unregistered, you can use the 30-day trial period for all four types of
licenses to perform the initial testing and configuration.
Activating the licenses initiates their terms of use. Activate the licenses only when
you are ready to start using the UTM. The 30-day trial licenses are revoked once
you activate the purchased licenses.
To register the UTM and activate the trial or purchased licenses:
1. Make sure that the UTM has Internet access.
2. Open the web management interfac e.
3. Select Support > Registration. The Registration screen displays.
December 2012
Electronic Licensing Option
If you have purchased the UTM with a 1- or 3-year license, you might be able to use
the electronic licensing option. When the UTM is connected to the Internet, you
need to enter only your customer information and optional value-added reseller
(VAR) information on the Register screen but do not need to enter th e license
numbers. When you click the Register button, the UTM automatically downloads
and activates the license keys because the serial number of the UTM is linked to the
If you have purchased a license from a VAR (either directly or over the web) after
purchase of the UTM, the V AR should email you the license keys or provide them to
you in another way. To register and activate th e license keys, follow the regular
registration procedure as explained in the previous section (see steps 1–7).
Technical Support
Visit http://support.netgear.com for product updates and web support.
For the complete EU Declaration of Conformity, visit
NETGEAR recommends that you use only the official NETGEAR support
NETGEAR and the NETGEAR logo are registered trademarks of NETGEAR, Inc. in th e United States and/or
other countries. Other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
holders. Information is subject to change without notice. © NETG EAR, Inc. All rights reserved.
Intended for indoor use only in all EU member states, EFTA states, and Switzerland.