The information in this manualapplies to Oxinet III systems with the Revision Esoftware running on a Dell PC.
NellcorPuritanBennett Inc. is an affiliate of Tyco Healthcare. Nellcor and Oxinet aretrademarks of Nellcor PuritanBennett Inc.
To obtain information about a warranty, if any, contact Nellcor’s Technical ServicesDepartment, 1.800.635.5267, or yourlocal Nellcor representative.
Purchase of this instrumentconfers no express orimplied license under any NellcorPuritan Bennettpatent to use the instrumentwithany sensorthat is notmanufactured orlicensed by NellcorPuritan Bennett.
Covered by one ormore of the following U.S. Patents and foreign equivalents: 4,653,498;4,802,486; 4,869,692; 4,934,372; 5,078,136; 5,351,685; 5,485,847; 5,533,507; 5,577,500; 5,803,910; 5,865,736; 6,463,310; 6,708,049; Re.35, 122; and foreign equivalents.
Warningsare identified by the WARNING symbol shown above.
Warnings alertthe userto potential, serious outcomes (death, injury, or adverseevents) tothe patient or user.
WARNING: The Oxinet®III system is not intended to be a substitute forclinical supervision.Patients onlife-support equipment should beappropriatelymonitoredby competent medical personnel and suitablemonitoring devices.
WARNING: The OxinetIII system is a secondary alarmnotification system. It is intended to supplementand not to replace any part of the hospital’sdevice monitoringprocedures (includingprocedures regarding bedside pulse oximetersand respondingto besideoximeter alarms). Do not rely onthe Oxinet III system as the solesourceof oximeter alarms.
WARNING: It is essential that the CentralStation be visually and/or audibly monitored at all timesto assure prompt response to alarms. Do not rely onthe pagers as the sole source ofOxinet III alarms.
WARNING: Do not ignore medical device audible alarms. Alarms indicateconditions that require immediate attention.
WARNING: Do not use medical devices, parts, accessories, or optionsthat are not for use withthe Oxinet IIIsystem.
WARNING: Users are not notifiedwhenthe pager is out ofrange ofthe transmitter.
Oxinet III1
IntroductionService Manual
WARNING: Explosionhazard. Do not use the Oxinet III system inthepresence of flammable anesthetics or gases or oxygen-enrichedenvironments.
WARNING: The Oxinet III transmitter is notdefibrillator-proof. Althoughitmay remainattached to a monitor that is attached to a patient duringdefibrillationor while anelectrosurgicalunit is inuse, its transmission maybeinterrupted during defibrillatoruse.
WARNING: Do not use an Oxinet III transmitter, pager,or CentralStationthat appears to be damaged.
WARNING: Do not spray,pour,or spill any liquid onthe OxinetIII, its accessories, connectors, switches, or openingsin the chassis since this may damage theOxinetIII system. (The transmitter,pager, or any other systemcomponent must beremoved fromservice if they ever become submerged inliquid.) To ensure accurate performance and prevent device failure, do not subject the Oxinet III to extreme moisture, such as direct exposure to rain. Suchexposure may cause inaccurate performance or device failure.
Cautions are identified by the CAUTION symbol shown above.
Cautions alertthe userto exercise care necessary for thesafeand effective useofthe Oxinet III system.
Caution: Federallaw (U.S.A.)restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
Caution:The Oxinet III software is intended for use with thefollowingoximeters: the Nellcor N-395, N-550, N-595, N-560, and N-600.
Caution: The displayed data is limited to that provided by the pulseoximeter.
2Oxinet III
Service ManualIntroduction
Caution:Refer to the operator’s manuals for thespecificpulse oximeterfor oximeter warnings and cautions.
Caution: Oxinet III software is intended to run on computers that meet the minimumrequirements set forth in the Specifications chapter of this manual. No applications other than those specified shouldbe installed or executed onthe application server.
Manual Overview
Notes are identified bythe
Notes contain important information thatmayotherwise beoverlooked or missed.
This manual contains information for the Oxinet III system. All users should readthismanual completely. More experienced users can usethis manual as areference.
The latest versions of this servicemanual and theoperator’smanualare availableonline, along with otherNellcor oximetry manuals,at:
The Oxinet IIIsystem transmits data fromthe N-395, N-550, N-595, N-560, orN-600 pulse oximeter tothe Central Station for patient monitoring, via a wiredorwireless configuration. The Central Station displays all monitored rooms, relevantpulseoximeter data, andalarms.
WARNING: The OxinetIII system is a secondary alarmnotification system. It is intended to supplementand not to replace any part of the hospital’sdevice monitoringprocedures (includingprocedures regarding bedside pulse oximetersand respondingto besideoximeter alarms). Do not rely onthe Oxinet III system as the solesourceof oximeter alarms.
The intended patient population is comprised of adult,pediatric, and neonatal patients.The intended environmentsof use are hospitalsand hospital-typefacilities. Hospital usetypicallycovers such areas as generalcare floors, operatingrooms, specialprocedure areas, andintensive and critical care areas within thehospital andhospital-type facilities, such as surgicenters, sub-acutecenters, special nursing facilities,and sleeplabs, outside ofthe hospital.The OxinetIII system is for use byprescription only.
Oxinet III5
System OverviewService Manual
The Oxinet III software collectsand distributes time-sensitiveoximetry data viawired or local networkwireless technology.Making use ofthe Intranet’s securityandconnectivitystandards, theOxinet III software enables the review andsurveillance of medical device settingsand real-time patient dataremotely, using a standard HTML compatible web browser.
The components that makeup the wirelessand wired systems arelistedbelow.
Wireless Configuration:
•PulseOximeter (suitable for usewithin thepatient environment)
•Transmitter (suitable for usewithin the patient environment)
•Access Point
•Central Station (application server)
•OxinetIII Operator’s Manual
•Pager Transmitter (optional)–Pagers, atleast two, if pager option installed
Wired Configuration:
•PulseOximeter (suitable for usewithin thepatient environment)
•Communication Server
•Central Station (application server)
•OxinetIII Operator’s Manual
•Pager Transmitter (optional)–Pagers, atleast two, if pager option installed
Each of these systems is discussed in moredetailinthe followingsections.
6Oxinet III
Service ManualSystem Overview
Wireless Configuration
In a wirelessconfiguration (Figure 1),each PulseOximeter is connected to a Transmitter. Each Transmitter communicates wirelesslywith an Access Point, which is connected through aRouter/Switch tothe Central Station (applicationserver), wherethe patient’sdata maybe monitored. The Central Station can beconnected to an optionalPager Transmitter: ifpagers are assigned to a patient,alarmsare transmitted from the oximeter tothe Central Station, then through thePager Transmitter to the assigned pagers.
In a wired configuration(Figure 2), all pulse oximeters are connected toaCommunication Server (generally,the pulse oximeters are connectedtoa portinthewall, which connects to the Communication Server housed in a datacommunications closet). The Communications Server is connected to aRouter/Switch,which is connected to the CentralStation (application server), where thepatient’s data may be monitored. The Central Station can be connected to anoptional Pager Transmitter: ifpagers areassigned to a patient, alarmsaretransmitted from the oximeter to the CentralStation,then throughthe PagerTransmitter to theassigned pagers.
In either configuration,the Central Station (application server) is the computerrunning the Oxinet III software.The software displays all monitored rooms,relevant Pulse Oximeter data, and alarms.
Figure 2: Wired Configuration — with Optional PagerTransmitter
Oxinet III7
System OverviewService Manual
Alarms are indicated both audibly and visually atthe Central Station. If the optional paging system isused, an alarm text messageis transmitted to a pager,displaying the room number, patient name, alarm message, SpO
rate at the time ofthe alarm.
value, and pulse
The Oxinet III software performsdatabase maintenance automatically: thesoftwaretemporarily closes the program, performsdatabase file maintenance,and relaunches the programat 10:05 ameveryday.This maintenance procedure normally takes less than 45 seconds to run.
During the briefperiod that database maintenance is in progress, the system does not process any incomingdata —including alarms.
The Oxinet III softwareallowsupto 72 hours ofmonitored data to be stored,trended, and retrieved in avarietyof printable reports. Reports can berun atany time orperiodic snapshots of oximetry data can be scheduled at intervals selectedby the clinician.
Use of pagerswiththe Oxinet III system is optional,since patients are being continuouslymonitored atthe Central Station. If you decide to assign pagers to a patient, you shouldassignbotha primaryand a different secondary pager. Theprimarypagerreceives thealarm page within 10seconds ofthe alarm. If no one responds to the alarm by either silencing the alarm at the oximeter or resolving the reason for the alarm, the system sends a notification tothe secondary pagerwithin 30 to 120 seconds of theprimarypage, depending onthe settings for yourOxinet III system. The range of operation from pager transmitter to pager is150 feet withno intervening structures.
WARNING: It is essential that theCentralStation be visually and/or audibly monitored at all timesto assure prompt response to alarms. Do not rely onthe pagers as the sole source ofOxinet III alarms. The Oxinet III systemis a secondary alarm notification system. It isintendedto supplement and not toreplace any part of the hospital's device monitoringprocedures (includingprocedures regarding bedside pulse oximeters and responding to bedside oximeter alarms).
8Oxinet III
Service ManualSystem Overview
Component Descriptions
Table 1: WirelessConfiguration
Pulse OximeterThe pulse oximeter monitors and processes patient data and
TransmitterThe transmitter convertsserial data fromthe oximeter to Ethernet
AccessPointTheaccesspoint receives the wireless data from thetransmitter
Router/SwitchThe router/switch receivespatient data from the access point via
Central Station (application server)
sends thisdigital data to the transmittervia the oximeter’s serialdata port.The following Nellcor oximeters aresupported: N-395,N-550, N-595, N-560, and N-600.
data and then transmits thedata to the access point.
and forwards itto the router/switch. A number of access pointscan be installed together tocreate a Wireless LocalArea Network (WLAN), which can cover asinglecare unit, asinglefloor,ormultiple floors. The numberof access points requiredtocreate theWLAN isdeterminedby the size ofthe area to bemonitored. Because every building is unique, access pointplacement mustbedetermined by trained personnel beforetheOxinet III installation.It is not recommended that an access point be moved afterinstallation, since the wireless coveragearea will be affected.
the Ethernet networkconnection (or throughthe Cat5Patch cable) then forwards the datato theCentral Station(applicationserver).
The Central Station (application server), which includes thecomputer that runsthe Oxinet III software, displaysall monitoredrooms/beds,relevant pulse oximeter data,and alarms.Oximetrydatais received from theconnected router/switch and, if theoptional pagingfeatureis used, sends the alarm datato the pager transmitter for transmission tothe assigned pagers.
Pager Transmitter(optional)
The pager transmitter receives thealarmdata through the serialRS-232 port of the Central Station andsends a text messageto the assignedpager(s)thatincludes: the room number,patientname, alarm message, time and date.
Table 2: Wired Configuration
Pusle OximeterThe pulse oximeter monitors and processes patient data and
Communication Server
Router/SwitchThe router/switch receives patient data from the communication
sends this digital data to the Communication Server via hardwireconnection to the oximeter’s serial data port. The following Nellcor oximeters are supported: N-395, N-550, N-595, N-560, and N-600.
The communication server ishard-wired to each bedside locationand converts digitalserialdata from the serial port of the pulseoximeter to Ethernet data, then forwards that Ethernet data to theEthernet router/switch.
server via the Ethernet network(or through the Cat5 Patch cable)and then forwards the data tothe Central Station (application server).
Oxinet III9
System OverviewService Manual
Table 2: Wired Configuration
Central Station(application server)
Pager Transmitter(optional)
The Central Station (application server), which includes thecomputer thatrunsthe Oxinet III software, displaysall monitoredrooms/beds,relevant pulse oximeter data,and alarms.Oximetrydata isreceivedfrom the connected router/switch and, iftheoptional pagingfeatureis used, sends the alarm datato the pager transmitter for transmission tothe assigned pagers.
Thepager transmitterreceives the alarm data through theserialRS-232 port of the Central Station andsends a text messageto the assigned pager(s) that includes: the roomnumber, patient name, alarm message, time and date.
10Oxinet III
Power and Space Requirements
Caution: Oxinet III system power cords should only be connected to properly grounded 120V AC, 60 Hzoutlets.
When installing the components, leave space beyond the dimensionslisted in Table3 to accommodatecablesand to provideadequateventilation to preventoverheating.
Table 3: Component Dimensions
Computer13” W x 4” H x15” D
Display,17-inchLCD Touchscreen19” W x 19” H x 16” D
(height x width x depth)
(330 mm Wx102 mmH x 381 mm D)
(483 mm Wx483 mmH x 406 mm D)
Keyboard2”W x 19” H x7” D
(51 mm Wx 483 mm H x 178 mm D)
Mousewith Mouse Pad2”W x 8” H x7” D
(51 mm W x 203 mm H x178 mm D)
Transmitter (optional for theWireless Configuration)
6.93” W x 1.9” H x4.26” D(176mm W x 48.3mm H x 108.2 mm D)
(196.9 mm W x 31.7 mm H x 139.7 mm D)
(430mm W x 45 mm H x 229.9 mm D)
(185.9mm W x 48 mm H x153.9 mmD)
8.5” W x 8.5” H x2” D(215.9 mm W x 215.9 mm H x50.8 mm D) wall mountable
Place the optional pager transmitter in a location where it is not close tolarge metal objects such as tall metal filing cabinets ormetal desks,whichtend tointerfere withradio frequency signals. In addition, thepagertransmittershould beplaced at least3 feet away from other electronic equipmentsuch ascomputers,radios, orPA systems tominimize interference with those systems.
Typical symptoms of interference includeflickering screenson theCentral Station ora computermonitor,or hissing/popping sounds comingfrom speakers.Ifeither of these symptoms occur,increase the distance between the pagertransmitter and thedevice experiencing thesymptoms.
Oxinet III11
InstallationService Manual
The Oxinet III system should onlybe installedby trained Nellcor personnelorauthorized representatives.The installation information provided in thismanual can beused to reconnectthe Oxinet III systemafter moving it.
Wired Configuration
The followingNellcoroximetersare supportedin the Oxinet III system:
The Oximeterdata outputport mustbe configured asfollows:
•communication protocol —ASCII
•baud rate— 9600
Refer to the Oximeter’servicemanual for detailson Oximeter settings.
Connect the Oximeter to the Communication Server
Plug a DB15M/RJ-45 Cat5 Adapter connector into thedata portof each Oximeter(patientroom/bed)as shown in Figure 3.
ConnectaACpower cord to the powerinput jack on the back ofeach Oximeterand plug the other end into AC power outlet.
Connect a Cat5Patch cable fromthe DB15M/RJ-45connector of each Oximeterto an available serial port on the back of the Communication Server and take noteof the room sequence versus the communication serialportnumber (Figure 3).
Connect the Communication Server to the Router/Switch
Connectthe Cat5 Patch cable from the 10/100Base-T networkport on the Communication Server toanyavailablenumbered RJ-45 LAN port on theRouter/Switch as shown in Figure 3 (
DONOT use theport labeled“WAN”
ConnectaACpower cord to the powerinput jack on the back oftheCommunication Server and plug the other end intoone ofthe batterybacked-upAC power outletsof theUPS.
Connectthe DC barrel connectorend ofthe DC Adapter Powercable to the round DC jack on thebackof theRouter/Switch and plug the AC end into one of the battery backed-up AC power outletsof theUPS (Uninterruptible PowerSupply).
12Oxinet III
Service ManualInstallation
Connect the Router/Switch to the Central Station
Connect a Cat5 Patch cable fromany ofthe numbered RJ-45LAN portson theback ofthe Router/Switch to thenetwork port in thebackof theCentral Station (Figure 3).
Connect the Central Stationto Pager Transmitter (Optional)
This procedureneeds to beperformonlyif your system includes theoptional Pager Transmitter.
Connect power cord fromthe power jack on thebackof theCentral Station toone of thebattery backed-up AC power outletsof theUPS.
Caution: Toavoid damagingthe Pager Transmitter,connect its antenna before connecting power to the Pager Transmitter.
Connect the antenna for the Pager Transmitter tothe BNC connector on the PagerTransmitter (Figure 3).
Connect theCentral Station’santenna as shown in Figure 3.
Connectone end of the two-ended RS-232 serial cable to thetheCentral Station, and connectthe other end to the
RS232C Interface
serial port of
on the leftside ofthe PagerTransmitter (Figure 3).
Connect theDC power cable intothe
12V DC
power port of the Pager Transmitter
and plug the ACcord into the AC power outlet (Figure 3).
Connect themouseand keyboard to theCentral Station (Figure 3).
Connect the Printer to theCentralStation
You need toconnecta printerto the Central station in order to print Oxinet IIIreports.
Connectthe printercable from the printer to the parallel port connector on theback ofthe PCportion ofthe Central Station(Figure 3).
If you are using a USB printer,connect the USB cable to the USB port on the back of the PC portionof the Central Station (Figure 3).
Oxinet III13
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