NEC Versa LitePad Tablet PC
Use th e USB CD - Rec ordable/ Rewrita ble (R/RW) dri ve to load and start programs from a
compact disc (CD) or to play your audio CDs. The USB CD-R/RW drive is fully compatible
with Kodak Photo CDs and standard audio CDs.
The Eas y CD Creator
information to a CD and to back up information from your hard disk drive to a CD.
See the following information to:
Iden tify USB CD-R/RW drive features
Use th e USB CD - R/ RW d rive
Load th e Easy CD Creat or s oftware
Star t Easy CD Creat or
Use recom mended med ia .
software that comes with the CD-R/RW drive allows you to write
Identifying USB CD-R/RW Drive Features
The following figures show USB CD-R/RW drive features. Feature descriptions follow the
USB CD-R/RW drive in the stand — front features
A – Eje ct Bu tton C – Status LED
B – Emergency Eject Hole
NEC Versa LitePad Tablet P C USB CD-R/ RW Drive 1

USB CD-R/RW drive cable connectors
A – USB IF/Power Cable (drive end of cable)
B – USB Drive Connectors (at rear of drive)
USB CD-R/RW drive — bottom feature
A – Emergency Eject Tool
Eject But ton — Open s the dri ve tray. P ress t his button to open the tray a nd loa d or
remove a CD from the drive.
Dri ve Status LED — Lights during data read and write data operations. When the LED
is lit, do not open the drive tray, unp lug the USB cable, or turn off the NEC Versa
LitePad™ ta blet PC. Doin g s o might c ause the loss of data from th e CD.
USB Cable C on nectors — Connect the USB cable end with the smaller in terface
conn ector to the USB drive; conn ect the other en d to the USB/power ports on the N EC
Versa LitePad tablet PC.
Emergency Eject Hole — Allows you to manually open the drive tray and remove a
dis c from th e drive if the Ej e ct button function is dis abled by software or a power
To open the tray and remove a disc in an em ergency, use the emergen cy eject tool at the
rear of the drive. Press the tool into the hole to release the tray.
Stand — Install the USB CD-R/RW dr ive in the stand to save space on your desk or
Ease of use — Connect or disconnect th e USB CD-R/RW drive at any time, wi th tablet
PC power on or off ( see the next s ection).
2 NEC Versa LitePad Tablet P C USB CD-R/RW Drive