Nec VERSA 6220, VERSA 6230 user Manual

The info rmat ion disclos ed in t his do cument , inclu ding all designs and r elat ed materials, is the valuable property of NEC Computer Systems Division, Packard Bell NEC, Inc. (NECCSD, P BNEC) and/or its licensors. NECCSD and/o r its licensors, as appro priate, re­serve all patent, copyright and other proprietary rights to this document, including all de­sign, manufacturing, reproduction, use, and sales rights thereto, except t o the extent said rights are expressly granted to others.
The NECCSD product(s) discussed in this document are warrant ed in accordance with the terms of the Warranty Statement accompanying each product. However, actual performance of each such product is dependent upon factor s such as system configuration, customer data, and operator control. Since implementation by customers of each product may vary, the suitability of specific product configurations and applications must be determined by the customer and is not warranted by NECCSD.
To allow for design and specification impro vement s, t he information in this do cument is subject to change at any time, without not ice. Reproduction of this document or port ions thereof without prior written approval of NECCSD is prohibited.
FaxFlash is a ser vice ma rk of NEC Computer Systems Division (NEC CSD) , Packar d Bell NEC, In c. NEC is a registered trademark, Versa is a U.S. registered trademark, MiniDock, VersaBay, VersaGlide, and
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All other product, brand, or trade names used in this publication are the property of their respective owners
First Printing — January 1998
Copyright 1998
NEC Computer Systems Division, Packard Bell NEC, Inc.
1414 Massachusetts Avenue
Boxborough, MA 01719
All Rights Reserved


This service and reference manual contains the technical info r mation necessary to set up and maintain the NEC Ve rs a® 6220/30/60 notebook computers.
The manual also pro vides hardware and interface information for users who need an over­view of the system design. T he manual is written for NEC-t r ained customer engineers, sys­tem analysts, service center personnel, and dealers.
The manual is organized as follows: Section 1 Technical Information, pr ovides an overview of the har dwar e and interface
components. System specifications are listed including computer dimensio ns, weight, envi­ronment, safety compliance, power consumption, and system memory specifications.
Section 2 Setup and Operation, takes t he aut ho r ized service technician or dealer from unpacking to setup and o per ation. The section includes a description of operating controls, setting parameters and accessing the NECCSD bulletin board system (BBS).
Section 3 Troubleshooting, lists troubleshooting procedures as well as helpful se rvicing hints.
Section 4 Field Service Guidelines, provides disassembly and assembly procedures, and an explo ded- view diagram of the NEC Versa system with part number s.
Appendix AConnector Locations and Pin Assignments, pro vides a list of the main board internal connector pin assignments and a list of external pin assignments.
Appendix BVideo Modes, lists NEC Versa supported video modes. An Index is included for convenience.


Aampere AC alternating current AT advanced technology
BBS Bulletin Board System BCD binary-code d dec imal BC U BIOS Customiz ed Utility BIOS basic input/out put system bit binary digit bp i bits per inch bps bits pe r second BUD BIOS Upgrade Diskette C Celsius or centigrade Cache high- speed buffer storage CAM constant ly addressable memory CAS column address stro be CD-ROM compact disk ROM CGA Color Graphics Adapter CGB Color Graphics Board CH channel clk clock cm cen timeter CM OS comp leme nt ar y metal ox ide
semiconducto r
COM communication CONT contrast CPGA ceramic pin gr id a rray CPU central processing unit CRT c athode-ra y tube DAC digital-to-analog convert er DACK DMA acknowledge DC direct current DIMM dua l-inlin e memory mod ule DIP dual in -line p acka ge DLAB Divisor Latch Add ress bit DMA direct memory access
DMAC DMA controller DOS disk operating system DRAM dynamic RAM DTE data ter minal equipment ECC error checking and correction ECP extended capabilities port EDO enhance d date out EDS error detecting system EGA E nhanced Graphics Adapter EMS E xpanded Memory
EPP enhan ced p ar alle l por t EPROM erasable and pr ogrammable
EVGA E nhanced Video Graphics
F Fahrenheit FAX facsimile tra nsmis sion FCC Federal Communications
FG frame ground FM frequency modulation Fn Function FRU field-replaceable unit GB gigabyte GND ground HDD hard disk drive HEX hexadecimal HGA Hercules Graphics Adapt er Hz hertz IC integrated circuit ID identification IDE inte lligent devic e elec tronics IDTR interrupt descriptor table
IMR Interrupt Mask register
xiv Abbreviations
in. inch INTA interrupt acknowledge IPB illus tra ted parts breakd own IR infrared IRR Interrupt Request register ISA Industry Standard Architecture ISR In Service register I/O input/output IPC integrated peripheral controller ips inches pe r sec ond IRQ interrupt request K kilo (1024) k kilo (1000) KB kilobyte kg kilogram kHz kilohertz kV kilovolt lb pound LBA logical block addressing LDTR local descriptor t able register LED light-emitting diode LSB least- significant bit LSI large-scale integration Mmega mA milliamps max maximum MB megabyte MDA Monochrome Display Adapter MFM modified frequency mo dulation Mhz megahertz mm millimeter ms millisecond MSB most-significant bit NASC National Authorized Service
Center NC not co nnected NDP numeric dat a pr ocessor
NMI Non-maskable Interrupt ns nanosecond NSRC National S er vice Response
Center PAL programmable array logic PC per sonal computer PCB pr inted circuit board PCI pe riphe ra l compon ent
interconnect PFP plastic flat package PIO Programmed Input/Output pixel picture element PJQFP plastic J-lead quad flat pack PLCC plastic lead chip carrier PLL phas e lock loop p-p peak-to-peak PPI programmable peripheral
interface PROM prog ra mmable ROM QFP quad flat pack RAM random-access memory RAMDAC RAM digital-to-analog RAS row ad d r ess strobe RGB r ed gr een blue RGBI red green blue intensity ROM re ad -only memor y rpm revolutions per minute R read RTC real-time clo ck R/W read/write Sslave SCSI Small Computer System
Interface SDLC Synchrono us Data Link
Contr o l SG signal gr ound SIMM single inline memor y module SIR seria l infrar ed
SOIC small outline integrated circuit SQFP silver quad flat package SVGA Super Video Graphics Array SW switch TCP T hin chip package TQFP Thin-quad flat package TSC Technical Support Center TTL transistor/transistor log ic tpi tracks per inch UART universal asynchronous
receiver/transmitter Vvolt Vdc volts, direct current VESA Video Electronics Standards
Abbreviations xv
VFO variable fr equency oscillator VGA Video Graphics Array VLSI ver y large-scale int egr ation VRAM virtual RAM Wwatt
µf microfarad µPD microprocessor µs microsecond ohm


Preface......................................................................................................................... xi
Abbreviations............................................................................................................... xiii
Section 1 Technical Information
Hardware Overview — Front.......................................................................................1-2
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)................................................................................1-2
Power Button .......................................................................................................1-3
LCD Status Bar and Power Indicator....................................................................1-4
Status Icons ...................................................................................................1-5
NEC VersaGlide...................................................................................................1-6
Diskette Drive and the NEC VersaBay II ..............................................................1-7
Infrared (IR) Assembly..........................................................................................1-8
Hardware Overview — Right Side...............................................................................1-8
Hardware Overview — Left Side.................................................................................1-10
Hardware Overview — Rear Side................................................................................1-11
Hardware Overview — Internal Components...............................................................1-12
Battery Pack.........................................................................................................1-12
Hard Disk Drive....................................................................................................1-12
Diskette Drive.......................................................................................................1-12
20X CD-ROM Reader ..........................................................................................1-12
CPU Board...........................................................................................................1-12
Sound Bo ard .........................................................................................................1-12
Graph Board.........................................................................................................1-14
I/O Board.............................................................................................................1-14
CMOS Battery......................................................................................................1-15
Bridge Battery......................................................................................................1-15
System Memory...........................................................................................................1-15
Memory Map........................................................................................................1-16
System Video...............................................................................................................1-16
Parallel Interface..........................................................................................................1-17
Serial Interface.............................................................................................................1-17
NEC Versa Chip Set....................................................................................................1-18
Intel Pentium P55CLM Microprocessor................................................................1-18
M-Trit o n System Controllers ................................................................................1-18
iv Contents
256K X Flash ROM..............................................................................................1-19
ROM BIOS....................................................................................................1-19
VGA Controller....................................................................................................1-19
Parallel Interface ...................................................................................................1-20
Keyboard Cont ro ller .............................................................................................1-20
PC CardBus Controller.........................................................................................1-20
Sound Integrated Circuit.......................................................................................1-20
Interrupt Controllers.............................................................................................1-21
Power Management Overview .....................................................................................1-22
System Power Management ..................................................................................1-23
Local Power Management.....................................................................................1-23
Plug and Play...............................................................................................................1-24
Specifications............................................................................................................... 1-25
Section 2 Setup and Operation
Unpacking t he Syst em..................................................................................................2-1
Hardware Setup...........................................................................................................2-1
Cable Connections................................................................................................2-3
Power Sources.............................................................................................................2-4
Using the AC Adapter...........................................................................................2-4
Using the Main Battery Pack.................................................................................2-5
Checking Battery Power Levels......................................................................2-5
What t o Do When Battery Power Get s Low...................................................2-6
Returning the Battery to Full Operation..........................................................2-6
When to Change the Battery..........................................................................2-6
Battery Handling............................................................................................2-6
Replacing the Battery Pack ............................................................................2-7
Batter y Precaut ions........................................................................................ 2-10
Recharging Battery Precautions...................................................................... 2-10
NEC VersaBay II Battery and Adapter Kit............................................................2-11
Extending Batt ery Life..........................................................................................2-11
Using the DC Car Adapter....................................................................................2-11
Operating Controls ...................................................................................................... 2-12
LCD Status Bar....................................................................................................2-13
Status Icons ...................................................................................................2-13
Function Keys (Fn Keys).......................................................................................2-14
Smart Po wer Switch.............................................................................................2-14
Contents v
Setting Switches ...................................................................................................2-15
Updating the System BIOS ............................................................................2-16
Changing Switch Sett ings............................................................................... 2-17
Perfo rming the BIOS Update.........................................................................2-20
Power-on Self-Test (POST).........................................................................................2-21
POST Errors.........................................................................................................2-22
Setup Utility ................................................................................................................ 2-25
Accessing Setup ....................................................................................................2-25
With an Error at POST ..................................................................................2-25
With No Errors at POST................................................................................2-25
Setup U tility Main Menu....................................................................................... 2-26
How to Use Setup..........................................................................................2-26
Looking at Screens ........................................................................................2-27
Using Keys.....................................................................................................2-28
Checking/Setting System Parameters..............................................................2-28
BIOS Setup Menus...............................................................................................2-31
Standard CMOS Setup...................................................................................2-31
Advanced CMOS Setup.................................................................................2-32
Power Management Setup..............................................................................2-32
Boot Device Setup ........................................................................................2-34
Peripherals Setup ...........................................................................................2-34
Other BIOS Setup Options.............................................................................2-35
Password Protectio n ......................................................................................2-35
Using BIOS Set up to Set Power Management....................................................... 2-35
Using the Save to File (STF) Feature..............................................................2-36
STF Benefits..................................................................................................2-36
Section 3 Troubleshooting
Quick Trouble Shooting ...............................................................................................3-1
Problem Checklist.................................................................................................3-1
Start-up Problems.................................................................................................3-3
POST Error Messages....................................................................................3-4
Helpful Questions ........................................................................................................3-7
Section 4 Field Service Guidelines
Preventive Maintenance...............................................................................................4-1
Cleaning the Notebook’s Exterior.........................................................................4-1
vi Contents
Cleaning the Notebook’s Interior..........................................................................4-2
Protecting the Disk Drives ....................................................................................4-2
Handling the Battery Packs...................................................................................4-3
Maintaining the LCD Quality................................................................................4-3
Required Tools and Equipment....................................................................................4-3
Disassembly and Reassembly........................................................................................4-4
Hard Disk Drive....................................................................................................4-5
Diskette Drive.......................................................................................................4-7
Main Battery Pack (Li-Io n Type) ..........................................................................4-8
Removing the Keyboard........................................................................................4-10
Memory Upgrade..................................................................................................4-12
LCD and Top Cover.............................................................................................4-15
LCD Status Bar and Power Button.......................................................................4-19
Bridge Battery, CMOS Battery, Buzzer ................................................................4-20
Sound Bo ard and Microphone...............................................................................4-21
IR Assembly and Graph Board..............................................................................4-21
CPU Assembly......................................................................................................4-23
I/O Board.............................................................................................................4-24
Illustrated Parts Breakdown.........................................................................................4-25
Service Informatio n......................................................................................................4-29
Technical Support........................................................................................................4-30
Product Informatio n .....................................................................................................4-30
Ordering Informatio n from FaxFlash............................................................................4-30
Appendix A Connector Locations and Pin Assignme nts
Appendix B Video Modes
List of Figures
1-1 NEC Versa 6220/30/60 Series Notebook....................................................... 1-1
1-2 LCD Panel..................................................................................................... 1-3
1-3 LCD Status Bar and Button Locations ........................................................... 1-4
1-4 System Status Bar.......................................................................................... 1-5
1-5 Keyboard Layout ........................................................................................... 1-6
Contents vii
1-6 VersaGlide Location ...................................................................................... 1-7
1-7 NEC VersaBay II Location............................................................................ 1-7
1-8 Right Side Features........................................................................................ 1-8
1-9 Left Side Features.......................................................................................... 1-10
1-10 Rear Features ................................................................................................. 1-11
1-11 Sound Bo ard Layo ut...................................................................................... 1-13
1-12 Graph Board Layout ...................................................................................... 1-14
1-13 I/O Board Layout........................................................................................... 1-14
2-1 Connecting the AC Adapter........................................................................... 2-1
2-2 Powering on the System................................................................................. 2-2
2-3 Power and I/O Connect o r Locations.............................................................. 2-3
2-4 NEC Versa AC Adapter ................................................................................. 2-4
2-5 Remo ving the Co ver ...................................................................................... 2-8
2-6 Remo ving the Batt ery .................................................................................... 2-8
2-7 Inserting the Batt ery Pack.............................................................................. 2-9
2-8 Replacing the Cover....................................................................................... 2-9
2-9 Connecting the Car DC Adapter..................................................................... 2-11
2-10 Keyboard Panel LEDs and Controls............................................................... 2-12
2-11 Status Bar Location ....................................................................................... 2-13
2-12 Dip Switch Location...................................................................................... 2-15
2-13 Locating the Speaker Cap Screws .................................................................. 2-17
2-14 Removing the Speaker Caps........................................................................... 2-17
2-15 Lifting the Keyboard...................................................................................... 2-18
2-16 Posit ioning the Keyboard............................................................................... 2-18
2-17 Dip Switches.................................................................................................. 2-19
2-18 Reassembling the System............................................................................... 2-20
2-19 Setup Main Menu........................................................................................... 2-26
2-20 Advanced CMOS Setup Menu ....................................................................... 2-27
4-1 Remo ving the Drive Bay Cover...................................................................... 4-5
4-2 Remo ving the Hard Disk Drive ...................................................................... 4-6
4-3 VersaBay II Release Latches.......................................................................... 4-7
4-4 Remo ving the Standard Diskette Drive........................................................... 4-8
4-5 Remo ving the Batt ery Compartment Cover.................................................... 4-9
4-6 Remo ving the Batt ery .................................................................................... 4-9
4-7 Locating the Speaker Cap Screws.................................................................. 4-10
viii Contents
4-8 Remo ving the Speaker Caps........................................................................... 4-10
4-9 Lifting up the Keybo ard ................................................................................. 4-11
4-10 Posit ioning the Keyboard............................................................................... 4-12
4-11 DIMM Features............................................................................................. 4-13
4-1 2 Ins talling t he DI MM....................................................................................... 4-13
4-13 Removing an Installed DIMM........................................................................ 4-14
4-14 Removing the Bottom Base Screws................................................................ 4-15
4-15 Location of the Three Screws......................................................................... 4-16
4-16 Separating the Top Cover from the Base Unit ................................................ 4-17
4-17 Removing the VersaGlide............................................................................... 4-18
4-18 LCD Status Board ......................................................................................... 4-19
4-19 Removing Bridge Battery, CMOS Batter y, and Buzzer .................................. 4-20
4-20 Removing the IR Assembly and Graph Board................................................. 4-22
4-21 Removing the CPU Board from the Graph Board........................................... 4-24
4-22 Removing the I/O Board................................................................................ 4-25
4-23 NEC Versa Model 6220/30/60 Illustrated Parts Breakdown........................... 4-26
A-1 Graph Board Layout ...................................................................................... A-1
A-2 I/O Board Layout........................................................................................... A-2
List of Tables
1-1 Model Configurations .................................................................................... 1-2
1-2 Memo ry Map................................................................................................. 1-16
1-3 NEC Versa Series Chip Types and Technologies............................................ 1-18
1-4 Interrupt Cont ro llers...................................................................................... 1-21
1-5 Automat ic Power-Saving Features ................................................................. 1-22
1-6 Maximum Performance Default Sett ings......................................................... 1-24
1-7 Specifications................................................................................................. 1-25
2-1 I/O Connector Descriptions............................................................................ 2-3
2-2 Control and Switch Functions ........................................................................ 2-12
2-3 Fn Key Operations ......................................................................................... 2-14
2-4 POST Error Messages.................................................................................... 2-22
2-5 Beep Codes.................................................................................................... 2-24
2-6 Setup Key Functions...................................................................................... 2-28
2-7 Setup Parameters........................................................................................... 2-29
Contents ix
3-1 Troubl es hooti n g............................................................................................. 3-2
3-2 POST Error Messages.................................................................................... 3-4
3-3 Beep Codes.................................................................................................... 3-6
4-1 NEC Versa 6220/30/60 Disassembly Sequence .............................................. 4-4
4-2 System RAM Expansion................................................................................ 4-12
4-3 NE C Ver sa 6220/30/60 Field-Replaceable Parts............................................. 4-27
4-4 NEC Service and Information Telephone Numbers ......................................... 4-29
A-1 Graph Board Connectors................................................................................ A-2
A-2 I/O Board Connectors.................................................................................... A-3
A-3 Keyboard/Mouse Connectors......................................................................... A-3
A-4 Serial Port Connect o r Pin Assignments .......................................................... A-3
A-5 CRT Connector Pin Assignment s ................................................................... A-4
A-6 Parallel Printer Pin Assignments ..................................................................... A-4
A-7 Power Connector ........................................................................................... A-5
A-8 Hard Disk Drive Connect o r............................................................................ A-5
B-1 LCD Display Mode Setting (1024x768 TFT Color LCD and
Simultaneous CRT Display) Standard Video Mode .................................... B-1
B-2 Frequency Table of Standard Video Mode ..................................................... B-2
B-3 Expanded Video Mode................................................................................... B-2
B-4 Frequency Table of Extended Video Mode..................................................... B-3
B-5 CRT Display Mode Setting (CRT-only Display)............................................. B-3
B-6 Extended Video Mode................................................................................... B-4
B-7 Panning Video Mode for (1024x768 TFT Color LCD and
Simultaneous CRT Display)....................................................................... B-5
B-8 NTSC/PAL TV Display Mode ....................................................................... B-5
B-9 Panning NTSC/PAL TV Mode....................................................................... B-5
Section 1

Technical Information

The NEC Versa 6220/30/60 notebook computer is lightweight, compact, and fully IBM compatible.
This service manual covers only the NEC Versa 6220/30/60 notebooks. All figures in this manual r eflect this series of noteboo ks.
Figure 1-1 NEC Versa 6220/30/60 Series Notebook
This section of the manual provides system configuration information, including an over­view of hard war e and interface components. See the following table for a system-specific breakdown of the hardware.
1-2 Technical Information
Table 1-1 Model Configurati ons
Feature NE C V ersa 6220 NEC V ersa 6230 NEC V ersa 6260
CPU Intel Pentium® with
MMX technology
P55CLM/200 MHz O n- B oar d DRA M 32-MB 32-MB 32-MB Video Memory 2-MB 2-MB 2-MB Hard Disk Drive 3.0 GB 12.5 mm high 5.4 G B 17mm high 5.4 GB 17mm high CD-ROM Reader 20X CD-ROM Reader 20X CD-ROM Reader 20X CD-ROM Reader Color LCD 13.3” E xtended
Graphics Array
(XGA),TFT Color
Intel Pentium® with MMX technology P55CLM/233 MHz
13. 3” E xtended Graphics Array (XGA),TFT Color Display
Intel Pentium® with MMX technology P55CLM/266 MHz
13. 3” E xtended Graphics Array (XGA),TFT Color Display
Take a moment to be come familiar w ith th e locatio n and fu nction of co nt rols located on th e front of the system.
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
The LCD operates with the NeoMagic NMG4 contro ller. The contro ller supports XGA, uses a 64-bit accelerator with a Peripheral Component Interco nnect ( P CI ) interface. The LCD also supports VESA t iming.
The NEC Versa 6220/30/60 LCD features the following:
13.3-inch Extended Graphics Ar r ay (XGA) TFT high-resolution active matrix
XGA c olor display
0.264 mm do t pitch
18-bit digital interface
1024 x 768 resolution
64K colors.
Additional LCD panel features:
Power LED that indicates the current power status. This LED is visible with the
LCD panel opened or closed.
Slid e switch t hat adjusts screen brightness.
Technical Information 1-3
Figure 1-2 LCD Panel
Another video feature includes a CRT port o n t he system's rear panel that allows the user to connect an opt ional monochrome or color external display to the system. The computer can support the LCD and external display simultaneously.
Power- sav ing features for con trolling t he L CD's backlig ht ing in clude th e ROM-based h ot key combination Fn F5, and Auto Setup power management settings. See Section 2, Setup and Operation, for information on using these sett ings. In addition, the automatic LCD status featur e conserves the backlight. When the LCD is closed the backlight shuts off automatically, saving battery power.
Power Button
Slide the Power button to the right to power on and power off the computer. The Power butto n is a “smar t” switch, meaning that it recognizes when the system is in Suspend mode. If in Suspend mode, you cannot power off until yo u pr ess the Suspend butto n again to bring the system out of Suspend mode.
1-4 Technical Information
Figure 1-3 LCD Status Bar and Button Locati ons
LCD Status Bar and Power Indicator
The LCD status bar is situated right below the LCD screen. It pro vides an easy way to de­tect system stat us. Different graphic icons appear on the LCD bar indicating that a device is accessed, an operat ion performed, or a po wer mode activated. The graphic icons displayed on the LCD bar resemble either t heir physical characteristics or their primary function. See the LCD Stat us Bar figure shown next, and the descriptions that follow for the specific meaning of each icon.
The power indicator is located just above and to t he left of the status bar. T he power indi­cator lights green when computer power is on.
Technical Information 1-5
Figure 1-4 System Status Bar
Status Icons
The following list defines the status icons displayed in the system status bar.
Suspend — appears when the system is in Suspend mode. Suspend mode con­serves system power by shutting down devices in the system while ret aining data and system status.
Power Management — shows the current power management mode in use, in­cluding Off, Custom, High Performance or Longest Life.
Diskette Drive — appears when the NEC Versa writes data to or retrieves data from a diskette.
Hard Disk — shows when the NEC Versa writes data to or retrieves data from the hard disk.
Caps Lock — appears when Caps Lock is in effect.
Scroll Lo ck — sh ows th at Scr oll Lo ck is in e ffect.
Num Lock — appears when Num Lock is in effect. Num Lock lets the user enter number s for calculations via the numeric keyp ad.
Battery Stat us — displays the percentage of battery power available.
 Battery 1 appears when you have the main battery installed in the battery bay.  Batter y 2 appears when you have an optional battery installed in the
VersaBay II.
1-6 Technical Information
The built-in, 85-key keyboard (U.S.) or 79-key keyboard (UK and Germany) uses the stan­dard QWERTY format. The keyboard pro vides 12 function keys and 7 cursor control keys, with an Fn key for ROM-based key functions. The numeric keypad is embedded in the stan­dard key layout.
Figure 1-5 Keyboard Layout
NEC VersaGlide
The NEC VersaGlide is a built-in mechanism that functions as the system’s mouse. It co n­tro ls the on-screen po inter (cur sor). T o use the VersaGlide, move your finger across the NEC VersaGlide pad, and the cursor follows. T he buttons below the NEC VersaGlide al­low the user to select or deselect menu items. Tap and double- tap are supported on the VersaGlide pad.
The PS/2 Microsoft mouse is the system’s default pointing device until the user selects the NEC Setup icon. When the user selects the NEC Setup icon, the NEC VersaGlide is installed as the system pointing device. If an external mouse is installed, the NEC VersaGlide is deactivated. A serial mouse is not supported.
Figure 1-6 VersaGlide Location
Diskette Drive and the NEC VersaBay II
Technical Information 1-7
A standard 1.44-MB diskette drive or SuperDisk LS-120 drive comes installed in the Ver­saBay II slot on the front o f the computer . T he VersaBay II expansion slot lets the user re­place the standard diskette drive with the 20X CD-ROM reader that also ships with the system. In addition to t he CD-ROM reader , the VersaBay II accepts NEC options including a second battery pack, or an additional har d disk.
Figure 1-7 NEC VersaBay II Location
1-8 Technical Information
Infrared (IR) Assembly
The IR assembly consists of a small board with two infrared LEDs, connected to the Graph board at co nnector P10. The board allows the NEC Versa computer to communicate with other infrared-ready computers. For example, the infrared port allows the user to transfer files between the NEC Versa and an IR-equipped computer, or pr int to an IR-equipped printer without using cables.
Review the following section for a description of the hardware on the right side of the NEC Versa.
Figure 1-8 Right Side Feature s
Kensington Lock — Gives the user the option to add an optional Kensington Lock.
Hard Disk Drive Bay Cover Release Latch — The hard disk drive bay contains the remova ble hard disk dr ive.
To access the hard disk drive, power off the system, turn the system over, remove the hard disk drive bay co ver scr ew and lift up the hard disk drive bay cover re­lease latch while pushing the cover away from the system.
Technical Information 1-9
Fan Vents — Allow your system to co ol properly and maintain a safe operating
Always keep the fan vent clear to allow proper
system cooling.
USB Port — The Univer sal Serial Bus (USB) port allows you to connect up to
127 USB-equipped peripheral devices to your NEC Versa.
TV Out Jack — Lets you use your television set as an external mo nitor . T his port
supports both NTSC and PAL signals.
The TV Out port does not suppo r t the SECAM signal used in some countries. For proper display, set the video mode to 640 x 480.
AC Power Por t — Use the power jack to attach the NEC Versa to a DC power source, such as t he AC adapter or the op tional DC car adapter.
1-10 Technical Information
Review the following section for a description of the hardware on the left side of the NEC Versa.
Figure 1-9 Left Side Features
PC card slots — provides two slots for inserting two Type II PC cards or one Type III PC card.
Batter y bay and battery bay cover release lat ch — Co nt ains an eight-cell Lithium
Ion (Li-Ion) battery that lets yo u run your system on DC power.
Audio ports and a volume cont r ol knob. The audio ports include:
 Volume Co nt rol — allows you to co nt rol the speaker volume.  Headphones — lets you connect external headphones or speakers to your
NEC Versa. Plugging in headphones disables the built-in syst em speakers.
 Line- Out — lets the NEC Versa act as an input source for another audio
system. Connect this port to a Line-In port on anot her audio system to play or record.
 Line-In — lets you use another audio system, like a home stereo, as an input
source. Use a cable to connect to the Line- O ut port on the other audio sys­tem to record or play.
 Microphone (MIC) — allows you to connect an external micro pho ne for
monophonic recording or amplificat ion through the unit. Plugging in an ex­ternal micro phone disables the bu ilt-in microphone.
Technical Information 1-11
Review the following sections for descriptions of the hardware on the rear o f the NEC Versa.
Figure 1-10 Rear Features
Keyboard/Mouse Port — Use the standard PS/2 port t o connect an external
PS/2-st yle mouse or a PS/2-style keyboard to the system. With an optional Y-cable adapter, you can connect both a mouse and a keyboar d at the same time.
Par allel Por t — U se th is port to connect a para llel printer or othe r para llel device. Th e p ort is an Enhanced Capabilities Port (ECP) . The ECP stan dard provides you with a greater processing speed than the conventional parallel port. I t also supports Enhanced Parallel Port (E PP) bi-directional and uni-directional pr oto­cols.
Expansion Port — T his port (also called the Docking po r t) provides a connection for NEC Versa 6220/30/60 options including the NEC Docking Station 6000 Plus, the NEC PortBar 6000, t he NEC MiniDock 6000, and the NEC Floppy Disk Drive (FDD) Co nnector.
Only dock the NEC Versa 6220/30/60 Series note-
books on the NEC Docking Station 6000 Plus or the NEC MiniDock 6000. T he cover of the docking sta­tion is specially designed to allow for proper system cooling.
1-12 Technical Information
External Monitor (Video) Por t — Use this 15-pin port t o att ach an external
monitor to your NEC Versa. You can run the LCD display and the external monitor simultaneously or run either alone.
Serial Port — Use this port to co nnect an external modem or other serial device.
Review the following sections for a description of the system’s internal hardware.
Battery Pack
The system uses a rechargeable Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) battery as its transient power source. The battery pack installs in the compartment next to t he VersaBay II on t he bottom of the NEC Versa.
Hard Disk Drive
A standard 2.5-inch 3.0- GB 12. 5 mm or 5.4-GB 17 mm hard disk drive ships with the sys­tem.
Diskette Drive
The interchangeable 3.5-inch 1.44 MB diskette drive inst alls in the front of the system in the VersaBay II slot .
20X CD-ROM Reader
A 20X CD-ROM reader ships with the NEC Versa 6220/30/60 notebooks. The inter­changeable t went y-speed CD-ROM reader featur es the latest in CD-ROM technology. It in­stalls in t he front of the system in the VersaBay II slot .
CPU Board
The CPU board is a rectangular-shaped board located between the graph board and I/O board. The CPU boar d is part of a subassembly, which includes a heat sink, fan and the CPU board.
Sound Board
Th e sound board provides the NEC Versa system with its au dio capabilities via line-in/lin e­out jacks, and headphone/micro pho ne jacks. It is situated on top of the main board. The sound board integrates the following features:
ESS Technology Plug and Play support
 ES1869
Technical Information 1-13
 Integrat ed Music Synthesis, ESFM™ and Stereo Digital to Analog Converter
(DAC) FM Synthesizer
 16 bit Stereo CODEC  4.0KHz to 44.1KHz Sampling Rate  7 Channe l Mixer.
Figure 1-11 Sound Board Layout
1-14 Technical Information
Graph Board
The system Graph board (G8YJP) ho uses a variety of connectors and cont r ols, including the DIMM connecto r s. These are identified in the diagr am shown in Appendix A.
Figure 1-12 Graph Board Lay out
I/O Board
The system I/O board (G8YAQ) contains peripher al subsystems including serial, par allel and video port s, and charger. I t is located underneath the main bo ar d. Refer to Appendix A for a list of connectors.
Technical Information 1-15
Figure 1-13 I/O Board Layout
CMOS Battery
The lit hium battery (3 Volts, 280 mAh capacit y) is attached to P13 on the Graph board. It provides battery backup and prevent s data loss in the system’s complementary metal oxide semiconductor ( CMOS ) RAM. T his memory area contains infor mation on the system’s configu ra tion like date, t ime, drives, and memory. The CM OS batter y lasts approximately three years.
Bridge Battery
The bridge batter y saves the memory contents and system status for up to 5 minutes while in Suspend mode. I t is connected to the Graph board via connector P11. T he AC adapter maint ains voltage in the br idge batt er y when the system is power ed on or off. The bridge battery stores 7.2 Vo lts, 70 mAH.
The Graph board provides 32 MB (3.3 V SO-D I MM) of standard RAM. Optional SO-DIMMs with a value of 16-, 32-, or 64-MB can be added to increase system
memo r y up to a maximum of 128-MB (70 ns 3.3V EDO access). In addition, 256-KB of read-only memory (ROM), 1 x 28F020, enables the system BIOS to be flashed.
The system provides 2 MB of video RAM (50-ns HyperPage mode, self-refresh). The follo wing Cache RAM is pr ovided:
L1: 32 KB (Internal Pentium)
L2: 512 KB write back (External).
1-16 Technical Information
Memory Map
The system supports system and video memory shadowing, both controlled through com­plementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS sett ings). The system supports BIOS as a cacheable area with write pro tection. Table 1-2 lists the system's memory map.
Table 1-2 Memory Map
Memory Space Size Function
000000-0002FFh 768 bytes BIOS Interrupt Vector Table 000300-0003FFh 256 bytes BIOS Stack Area 000400-0004FFh 256 bytes BIOS Data A r ea 000500-09FFFFh 639 KB Applicati on M emory (used by the Oper ating
System, devi c e dr iver s, TSRs, and all DO S
applicat ions) 0A0000-0AFFFFh 64 KB Video Buffer ( E GA and VGA) 0B0000-0B7FFFh 32 KB Video buf fer (m onoc hr ome, CGA c olor, VGA
monochrome) 0B8000-0BFFFFh 32 KB Video Buffer (CG A , EGA col or , and VGA color ) 0C0000-0CBFFFh 48 KB Video ROM (E GA and VGA) 0CC000-0CFFFFh 16 KB Unused, (Reserved for Adapter ROMs and other
devices requiring ROMs) 0D0000-0DFFFFh 64 KB Used by Adapter ROMs (i.e., network controllers,
hard disk controllers, SCSI host adapters) 0E0000-0EFFFFh 64 KB Used by System ROM adapters (i.e., network
controllers with boot capability) 0F0000-0FFFFFh 64 KB System A M IBIOS (includes Setup and hard disk
drive utilities) 100000-1FFFFFFh 32 MB Bui lt-in E xtended Mem or y 2000000-5FFFFFFh 64 MB Ex tended Memory
The system's LCD o per ates using the NeoMagic NMG4 VGA Controller . Video signals travel from the controller through the system's 15-pin D-SUB connector using 5 volts.
System video integrates a PCI-bus interface. The system ships with 2 MB Video RAM (VRAM). It supports video modes up to 1024 x 768 with 64K colors in LCD mode.
See A pp endix B for a list of Video modes .
Technical Information 1-17
The system' s parallel interface integrates National Semiconductor’s PC87338 chip with a 25-pin D-subconnector. T he por t is located o n the system's rear panel.
The modes of operation available fo r a PC87338 chip are:
comp atibility mod e
nibble mode
byte mo de Ex tended Capabilities Port (ECP)
Enhanced Parallel Port (EPP).
The user selects between four parallel interface modes using Auto Setup. T hese include un idir ec tional, bid ire ctiona l, extended or e nhanced. Unid ire ctiona l mode sends data out put from the standard ISA port only. Bidirectional mode sends data using the standard ISA port or PS/ 2 technology. Enhanced mode enables high speed data transmission to occur using either th e u nidire ctional or bidir ec tional modes.
The default parallel port address is 378h and the interrupt level is IRQ07. Pin locations for the parallel interface are listed in Appendix A.
The RS-232C serial port is a 9-pin connector on the system’s rear panel. The serial port consists of a 16550A and 16450 compatible serial port controller with a programmable baud rate up to 115,200 bps. The serial por t connects an RS-232C device or an external modem. The default serial port address is 3F8h and the int er r upt level is IRQ04.
1-18 Technical Information
Refer to Table 1-3 for a quick summary of chip types used in the system. See the Abbr evia­tions section at the beginning of this manu al for a translation of chip technologies.
Table 1-3 NEC Versa Seri es Chip Types and Technologie s
Chip Manufacture Description Technology
I ntel Penti um P55CLM Intel 200, 233 or 266 MHz CP U 320-pin TCP 82430T X (MTXC) Intel M-Triton System Controller 208-pin SQFP 82371T X (PIIX4) Intel M-PCI IDE ISA Xcelerator 176-pin TQFP N28F020-150 Intel 256k x 8 Flash ROM 32-pin PLCC NMG4 NeoMagic VGA Controller 208-pin FQFP PC97338 National
Semiconductor M38813E Mitsubishi K ey boar d Controller 64-pin TQFP PC1131 Texas Instruments PC Card Controller 208-pin QF P
ES1869 ESS Technol ogies Sound Cont r oller 100-pin PQF P
Diskette Control ler, IDE, Parallel Interface
100-pin TQFP
Intel Pentium P55CLM Microprocessor
The 200, 233 or 266 MHz Intel Pentium microprocessors with MMX technology used in the NEC Versa 6220/30/60 computer is built on Intel’s advanced 2. 5V BiCMOS silicon technology. The CPU has on-chip dual-processing, a local multiprocessor interrupt con­tro ller, and power management features. NEC adopt ed the chip specifically for its pipelined Floatin g Po int Unit (FPU), and local inter rupt mana ge ment.
M-Triton System Controllers
NEC implements Intel’s Mo bile Triton technology (MTXC 83439TX) for the NEC Versa 6220/30/60 notebook’s subsystems including the DRAM contro ller, Second Level Cache Controller and PCI Bus interface. The Mobile Triton PCI set features include:
3.3V EDO DIMM (70-ns) support
direct mapped organization write-back policy
fully synchronous 33 MHz PCI bus interface.
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