NEC Versa 4200
Windows 98 Upgrade Information
Follow the instructions provided in this document to upgrade your
NEC Versa® 4200 system to Microsoft® Windows® 98.
Please read these notes in thei r enti rety.
Although not a requi r em ent, NE C recomm ends that you use
the system’s AC power adapter throughout this process. The
Windows 98 upgrade is somewhat l engthy and interrupti ng
the process with a loss of power can be catastr ophic if the
system performs an emergenc y save-to-file.
If you are using the FAT16 file-system format (16-bit based File Allocation
Table), then the “Save-to-Disk” functionality in the BIOS setup does not have to
be disabled.
At present, the “Save-to- Disk” po wer management feature of this system does
not fully function in Windows 98. It is very important that this feature be
disabled, particularly if you will be using the FAT32 file system. Instructions
for disa bling “Save- to-Disk” are in the below s ection labeled, “D isabling the
Save-to-Disk in the BIOS Set up.”
double click on the My Computer desktop icon. Next, right
click on the C: driv e icon, and sel ec t Pr oper ties. If the
system is running FAT32, it is listed here next to “File
system.” If it is FAT16, FAT or FAT 16 appears.
Converting your har d drive to the FAT32 file system format
will signifi c antly enhance file operati ons and save disk
If you intend to convert y our har d drive to the FAT32 file
system format, it is imperative that you disable “Save-toDisk” functionality in the BIOS setup.
Failure to do this can result in catastrophic dat a los s.
To identify your computer’s file system format,
NEC Versa 4200 Windows 98 Upgrade Information 1

System Requirements
The system requirements for your NEC Versa using Windows 98 are
approximately the same as they are for using Windows 95. As with Windows
95, Windows 98 requires 16 MB of RAM. For hard disk space, a typical
installation requires 225 MB of free hard disk space, but may range from 165
MB to 300 MB, depending on system configuration and options selected.
The system requirements for your NEC Versa are:
A minimum of 16MB of RAM.
Approximately 50 MB additional hard d isk capacity.
If backing up Windows 95 system configuration files, another additional
50 MB for a total of 100-MB additional hard disk space.
your system has insufficient hard driv e space to proceed.
NEC recommends that you do the following procedures in the order listed to
upgrade your system.
The Windows 98 Setup Wizar d informs you if
1. Disable the “Save-to Disk” feature in the BIOS setup.
2. Upgrade your operating system to Windows 98.
3. Upgrade your mouse driver.
4. Configure LapLink for Windows.
Disabling Save-to-Disk in the BIOS Setup
Follow these steps t o disable “Sa ve-t o-Disk” in the BIOS setup.
1. Boot the system and enter the BIOS setup utility by pressing the F2 key, as
indicated on the screen, before Windows is loaded.
2. Once the BIOS set up ut ility appears, pr ess the right arrow key 3 times in
order to display the “Power Savings” menu.
3. Press the down arrow to select the “Suspend Mode” row entry.
4. Press t he p lus (‘+’) to change the “Suspend Mode” setting to “Suspend” if it
is set to “Save to Disk.” (The default setting is “Suspend.”)
5. Press the down arrow to select the “Auto Save To F ile” row entry.
6. Press the plus (‘+’) to change the “On” setting to “Off.”
7. Press t he right ar ro w key once to display the “E xit” menu.
8. Highlight “Save Cha nges and Exit” if it is not already selected.
2 NEC Ve rsa 4200 Windows 98 Upgrade Information