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USB Connectors.....................................................................................................B-15
System Board Jumper Settings.................................................................................. C-3
Content s vii
This service and refere nce ma nual contains technical informat ion necessary for
servicing and repairing Direction™ SP E-Series systems. The manual includes
system setup information, procedures for installing options, and troubleshooting.
The manual is written for NEC CS D-t rained customer engineers, syste m
analysts, service center personnel, and dealers.
The manual is organized as follows:
Section 1 — Technical Informati on, provides an overview of the computer
features, hardware des ign, interface po rts, and internal devices.
Section 2 — Setup Utility, includes procedures for configuring the system
through the Setup utility program
Section 3 — Option Installation, provides installation procedures for adding
optional expansion boards, diskette and hard drive storage devices, system
memory, and processor updates.
Section 4 — Maintenance and Troubleshooting, includes r ecommende d
maintenance information, lists poss ible computer problems a nd their solutions,
and has battery replacement procedur es.
Section 5 — Di sa ssembly and R e a ssembly, includes computer disassembly
and reassembly procedures.
Appendix A — System Specifications, provides a list of the system
specifications including dimensions, weight, environment, safety compliance,
power consumption, and memory.
Appendix B — Connector Pin Assignments, provides a list of the internal and
external system board connector pin assignments.
Appendix C — System Resources, include s informatio n on IR Q settings and
system boa rd jumpers.
Preface ix
AampereACalternating currentATadvanced technology
BBSBulletin Boar d S erviceBCDbinary-coded decimalBCUBIOS Customized UtilityBIOSbasic input/output systembitbinary digitBUUBIOS Upgrade Utilitybpibits per inchbpsbits per s eco ndCcapacitanceCcentigradeCachehigh-speed buffer storageCAMconstantly addressable
CAScolumn address strobeCD/ROMcompact disk-ROMCGcharacter generatorCGAColor Graphics AdapterCGBColor Graphics BoardCHchannelclkclockcmcentimeterCMOScomp le me ntar y met a l oxid e
COMcommunicationCONTcontrastCPGAcer amic pin grid ar rayCPUcentral process ing unitDACdig ital-to-analog conve rterDACKDMA acknowledgeDCdirect curr entDIPdual in-line packageDLABD ivisor Latch Address bitDMAdirect memor y access
DMACDMA controllerDOSdisk operating systemDRAMdynamic RAMECCerror checking and correctionEDOextended data outputEGAEnhanced Graphics AdapterEPROMerasable and programmable
EVGAEnhanced Video Graphics
FFahrenheitFAXfacsimile transmissionFCCFedera l Communicat ions
in.inchINTAinterrupt acknowledgeIPBillustr ated parts breakdownIRinfraredIRRInterrupt Request registerISAIndustry Standard
ISRIn Service registerI/Oinput/output
IPCintegrated peripheral
ipsinches per secondIRQinterrupt reques tKkilo (1024)kkilo (1000)KBkilobytekgkilogramkHzkilohertzlbpoundLEDl ight-emitt ing dio deLSBleast - s ignificant bitLSIlarge-scale integrationMmegamAmilliampsmaxmaximumMBmegabyteMDAMonochrome Display AdapterMFMmodified frequency
MHzmegahertzmmmillimetermsmillisecondMSBmost-significant bitNASCNational Authorized Service
NCnot co nnectedNMINon-maskable InterruptnsnanosecondNSRC National Service Response
PALprogrammable array logicPCpersonal computerPCBprinted circuit boardPCIPeriph eral Compo ne nt
PL Lp has e loc k loopp-ppeak-to-peakPPIpro grammable peripheral
PROMprogrammable ROMQFPquad flat packRAMrandom-access me mor yRAMDAC RAM digital-to-analog
RASrow address stro beRGBred green blueRGBIred green blue intensityROMread-only memoryrpmr evolutions per minuteRreadRTCr eal-time c lockR/Wread/writeSslaveSCSISmall Computer System
SGsignal groundSIMMs in gle i nl i n e memory mod uleSPMst andard page modeSRSSou nd Retr ieva l SystemSVGASuper Video Graphics ArraySWswitchTACTechnical Assistance CenterTSCTechnical Support CenterTTLtransistor/transistor logictpitracks per inchUSBuniversal serial busVvoltVacvolts, alternating currentVdcvolts, direct currentVESAvideo electronics standards
VFCVE S A-co mpliant feat ur e
VGAVideo Graphics ArrayVRAMvideo RAMWwatt
Technical Information
System Board
U.S. Robotics Modem Board
Diskette Drive
Hard Drive
Zip Drive
Power Supply
Power Management
This section prov ides an overview o f the NEC Direction™ SP E-Series
computers. These systems support the Intel® Pentium® II processor with
MMX™ technolog y. The following table describes t he a vaila ble featur es of the
different models. The subsect ions that follow provide more detailed information
on the system features.
System Features
FeatureDirection SPE 266Direction SPE 300Di r ection SPE 333
ProcessorIntel Pentium II
266-MHz MMX
System RAM32 MB to 256 MB32 MB to 256 MB32 MB to 256 MB
Secondary Cache512 KB, pipeline burst512 KB, pipeline burst512 KB, pipeline burst
ChipsetIntel 440EXIntel 440EXIntel 440EX
Hard Drive4.3 GB - 11.4 GB4.3 GB - 11.4 GB4.3 GB - 11.4 GB
CD-ROM Drive32x or DVD32x or DVD32x or DVD
Power Supply235 W235 W235 W
3D Rage Pro
Turbo AGP
YMF740-V and Analog
Devices AD1819A
Intel Pentium II
300-MHz MMX
ATI 3D Rage Pro Turbo
Yamaha 1-XG
YMF740-V and Analog
Devices AD1819A
Intel Pentium II
333-MHz MMX
ATI 3D Rage Pro Turbo
Yamaha 1-XG
YMF740-V and Analog
Devices AD1819A
System Board
The system boar d cont ains most of the components that provide system
functions. The fo llowing su bsections provide a description of these components.
The system board uses a 266-MHz, 300-MHz, or 333-MHz Intel Pentium II
processor with MMX technology. The MMX processor improves audio, video,
and 3D graphics performance.
The Pentium II processo r is packaged in a Single Edge Contact (SE C) cartr idge
and the cartridge plugs into the syst em board’s slot 1.
System Cache/Memory
To utilize the processor’s power, the syste m features an opt imized 64-bit
memory interface and provides support for a second level cache to compliment
the processor’s internal cache.
1-2 Technical Information
High-perfor mance featur es include:
pipeline 32-bit addressing
64-bit data
512-KB of pipeline burst secondary cache; direct mapped write-back and
write-through organization.
The system comes with 32 to 256 MB of main system memory. Two sockets on
the system board support up to 256 MB of high-speed memory using industrystandard go ld-plated dual in-line memor y modules (DIMMs) .
The system supports 66-MHz Synchronous DRAM (SDRAM) only.
The system supports the following DIMM configurations:
1-Mbit by 64 (8-MB DIMM)
2-Mbit by 64 (16-MB DIMM)
4-Mbit by 64 (32-MB DIMM)
8-Mbit by 64 (64-MB DIMM)
16-Mbit by 64(128-MB DIMM).
The Intel 440EX chipset provides DMA, memory, and bus control. The chipset
include s the follow ing c hips:
Intel 82371EB PCI ISA IDE Xcelerator (PIIX4E) implements the
PCI Local Bus
The 32-bit industry-standard PCI bus is a highly-integrated input/output (I/O)
interface that o ffers the highest performance local bus available for the Pentium
II processor. The PCI bus supports burst modes that send large chunks of data
across the bus, allowing fast displa ys of high-resolution image s.
The high-bandwidth PCI local bus eliminates data bottlenecks found in
t ra ditional systems, maint ai ns maximum perfo rman ce at h igh cloc k spe ed s, and
provides a clear upgrade path to future technologies.
Intel 82443EX PCI/AGP (PAC) provides bus-contro l signals, addr es s
paths, and data paths for tr ansfer s b etween the processor’s host bus, P CI
bus, Accelerated Graphics Po rt ( AGP), and main memory.
PCI-to-ISA bridge, PCI IDE functionality, Universal Serial Bus (USB)
host/hub funct ions, and enhanced pow e r manage ment.
The PCI bus contains two embedded PCI devices: the PCI local bus IDE
interface and the PCI video/graphics co nt roller. The PCI bus also co nt ains a
co nnector for attaching the bus expansion boar d.
Technical Information 1-3
Expansion Bus
The expansion bus cont ains one ISA slot and two PCI slots. The PCI ISA IDE
Xcelerator chip (PIIX4E ) prov ides t he logic that enables the ISA bus functions.
With 24-bit memory addressing, a 16-bit data path, and an eight MHz clock, the
ISA bus is designed to support all peripherals compatible with the IBM® AT™
standard. For PCI functions, the Xcelerator chip provides 32-bit memor y
addressing, 32-bit data path, and a 33-MHz clock speed.
The BIOS (Basic Input Output System) is stored in the Intel 28F002 Flash
EPROM. The Flash EPROM is reprogrammable and allows fast, economical
BIOS upgrades.
The syste m memo r y map is sho w n in t he follow in g t ab le.
A0000-C7FFF160 KBVideo memory and BIOS
00000-9FFFF640 KBConventional memory
Plug and Play Support
The system comes with Plug and Play BIOS technology. Plug and Play
eliminates complicated setup procedures for installing Plug and Play expansion
To add a Plug and Play expansion board, simply power off the system, install
the board, and power on the system. There are no jumper s t o set and no s yst em
resource conflicts to reso lve. P lug and Play automatical ly configures the board
for the system. The system also supports non-Plug and Play boards.
Plug and Play is controlled by the Plug and Play BIOS and the system’s
operating system. The Plug and Play BIOS is stored in the Intel 28F002 Flash
EPROM o n the system board.
(open to ISA and PCI bus)
The Plug and Play BIOS adds several steps to the POST process. During POST,
the Plug and Play evaluates the configuration of installed boards and assigns
available system resour ces to the devices. On co mpletion of Plug and Play
POST, the operat ing syste m checks to see if there are any additional resources
required, then assigns avai lable resources to t he devices.
1-4 Technical Information
CMOS Memory/Real-Time Clock Battery
The 82371EB PCI ISA IDE Xcelerator (PIIX4E) on the system board stores
system information in non-vo latile C M OS memor y. The chip also c ontains the
system’s rea l- time cloc k . Both ar e ma inta ined b y a 3-volt coin cell lithiu m
battery on the system boar d. The battery is replaceable.
DMA/IRQ Settings
The system automatically configures interrupts requests (IRQ), direct memory
access (DMA) channels, and ot her paramet er s when adding PCI boards w ith
minimal user intervention.
The following tables list system IRQ and DMA default settings.
Interrupt Level Assignments
IRQSystem R esource
NMII/O channel check
00Reserved, int erval timer
01Reserved, keyboard controller
02Reserved, cascade i nterrupt from slave PIC
03User available
05Diskette drive
07Real-time clock
09USB/user available
10Windows Sound System*/user available
11User available/video
12PS /2 mouse port (if pr esent , els e user available)
13Reserved, numeric processor
14Prim ary IDE (if presen t, else u ser available)
15Secondary IDE (if present, else user available)
* Defa ult; setting can be changed.
Technical Information 1-5
IDE Ports
The system board pro vides two fast I DE ports: primary channel and secondar y
Each port supports two devices for a total of four IDE devices. The system
board allows the connect ion of an IDE CD- ROM dr ive for syst em configuration
flexibility without the addition of a controller.
The IDE ports feature an enhanced IDE interface which supports up to 16.7 MB
per second 32-bit wide data tr ansfers on t he high-performance PCI local bus.
The standard hard drive and Zip® drive (in some systems) are connected to t he
primary channel. The CD-ROM drive is att ached t o t he seco ndar y channel.
The system board features an enhanced para llel port , one buffered high-speed
serial port, and two Universal Serial Bus (USB) ports.
The enhanced parallel port supports Enhanced Capabilities Port (ECP) and
Enhanced Parallel Port (EPP) modes for devices that require ECP or EPP
protocols. These protocols allow high-speed bi-directional transfer over a
parallel port and increase parallel port functionality by supporting more devices.
The one buffered high-speed serial port uses a fast 16C550 UART which
supports transfer rates up to 115.2 kilobits (Kb) per second. This port allows the
installation of high-speed serial devices for faster dat a transfer r ates.
The two USB ports allow additional new plug and play serial devices without
removing the system cover. Simply plug the USB device into the port. The
speed varies between 12 megabits per second (Mbps) for printers and 1.5 Mbps
for mice and keyboards. Up to 127 USB devices can be connected to the
The combination of the enhanced parallel port , buffered ser ia l ports, and USB
ports ensure optimum performance for future peripheral devices and operating
1-6 Technical Information
Sound Sy stem
The system board features the Yamaha 1-XG YMF740-V PCI bus digital
controller and the Analog Devices AD1819A SOUNDPORT analog codec. The
sound system provides the following features.
Advance d power management
Two chip split digital/analog architecture for improved signal-to-noise
3D stereo enhancement
Multiple audio inputs and outputs
32-voice software wavetable
Sound Blaster® Pro compatibility
Graphics Controller
The system board features the ATI Rage Pro Turbo. This controller provides the
following features.
AGP support
Full bus mastering support
Triple 8-bit palette DAC with gamma correction
DDC1 and DDC2B+ support
Game acceleration
te xture lighting
U.S. Robotics Modem Board
Two optional modem boards are available: t he U.S . Robotics® x2-capable
data/fax Winmodem and the x2-capable data/fax/voice modem. Each modem
board contains fax and modem capabilities. The data/fax Winmodem provides
fax and modem capabilities. The data/fax/voice modem provides modem, fax,
full-duplex speakerphone, a nd vo icemail capabilit ies. E ach boar d provides
receive transfer rates of 56-Kbps (kilobytes per second) for data and 14.4-Kbps
for fax.
Diskette Drive
The syste m comes standard w ith a 1. 4 4 - MB h igh-density diskette drive
preinstalled in the 3 1/2-inch accessible device slot (drive A). The drive is
connected to the system board via a two-co nnecto r cable.
Technical Information 1-7
Hard Drive
The system supports up to three IDE hard drives, the standard hard drive, and
two optional hard drives (if a Zip drive does not come standard with the
The drive can be used to load programs from a CD or it can be used to play
audio CDs. The drive operates at different speeds depending on whether the CD
contains music or data. The drive is fully compatible with Kodak Multisession
Photo CDs™ and standard CDs.
The drive is connected to the secondar y IDE/PCI port on the syste m board.
Zip Drive
Some systems come with the Iome ga® Zip 100 ATA drive. The Zip drive
provides removable 100-MB data disks and has a data transfer rate up to 1.4 MB
per second.
Power Supply
The 235-watt power supply is mounted inside the system unit. It supplies power
to the system board, option boards, d iskette drives, hard drives, keyboard, and
mouse. A fan inside the power supply provides system ventilation. The power
supply has several cables for attaching to the various devices requiring power.
Power Management
The Advanced Power Management (APM) program, located on the 82371EB
PCI ISA IDE Xcelerator (PIIX4E) chip, reduces system power consumption
when there is no activity detected from the keyboard, mouse, diskette drive,
CD-ROM/DVD drive, or hard drive after a predefined period of time. As soon
as activity is detected, the system resumes where it left off.
In the CMOS Setup utility, a n inactivity timer is ava ilabl e for s e tting the length
of time before the system enters a low-power mode.
1-8 Technical Information
Setup Utility
Configuration I nformation
When to Use Setup
How to Start Setup
How to Use Setup
Main Men u
Advanced Menu
Security Menu
Power Menu
Boot Menu
Exit Menu
This section describes t he Setup utility program that allows the syst em
configuration information to be viewed and changed.
system parameters for the configuration. Unl ess setti ng the
time and date, setti ng security features, customi zi ng the
system, or adding optional hardware, Setup does not need
to be run.
The system ships from the fact ory wit h the cor r ect
Configuration Information
S yste m config ur ation information is stored in no nvolatile memory. A
nonvolatile memory device retains its data when system power is turned off.
No nvo latile me mo r y is a co mplementary met a l-o x ide sem ic o nd u ctor (CMO S )
chip backed up by a battery on the system board. The battery supplies
continuous power to CMOS memory and maintains configuration information
when system power is off.
When to Use Setup
The Setup utility allows the user to view and set system parameters. Use the
Setup utility program:
to set the time and date.
to update or check system parameters when adding or removing
expansion options.
to change or set power management featur es.
to correct a hardware discrepancy when the Power-On Self-Test (POST)
displays an error message and a prompt to run Setup.
to check the installation of opt ional memory by comparing t he a mount of
memory ins ta lled w ith the amount of memory displayed by Setup.
to change certain system operat ing paramet er s, such as boot device
sequence and keyboard parameters.
to configure system connections for peripherals such as the d isket te drive,
hard drives, and devices connected to the printer port and serial port.
to customize the syst em with security features such as passwords.
to set system parameters after replacing the CMOS battery.
2-2 Setup Utility
How to Start Setup
To start the Setup ut ility, fo llow these steps:
1. Turn on or reboot the system.
2. Press F2 after P O ST begins, but before the system boots u p. You have about
five seconds t o p r ess F2.
Setup’s Main Menu window appears similar to the following screen.
actual settings on the M ain M enu depend upon the hardware
installed in the system.
The screen shown is typical of a system. The
How to Use Setup
The S etu p utility ha s a M ain Menu window and six top-leve l menu s wit h
The Main Menu window contains the following areas:
A title line the top line of the Main Menu. This line disp lays t he Setup
ut ility name and copyright mess a ge.
The me nu ba r the line under the Setup title line. The menu bar
contain s six t op-leve l menus to s et syst em par ameters .
A Main Menu su m mary window the area on the left side of the screen.
This area provides a summar y o f Main Menu Setup parameters. Some
Main Menu parameters can be set from this window or they can be set
from submenus.
Setup Utility 2-3
The following subsections describe how to use the Main Menu window to set
system parameters.
Menu Bar
The menu bar at the top of the Ma in Menu window lists these menus:
The help and navigation window the area on the right side of the
screen. This area provides help infor mat ion for the Setup option currently
selected. T he navigation keys pro vide a su mmar y o f co mmands avai la ble
fo r ma king se l e c tio ns .
The General Help window a window that appears any time during
Setup after pressing F1. This help window provides general informat ion
about using Setup.
Main Use the Main menu for basic syst em configurat ion. For example,
select “Main” to verify processor type and speed and to set the system
time and date. Use this menu to check memory parameters.
Advanced Use the Advanced menu to set serial port and pr inter port
addresses and interrupts, diskette drive, and hard drive parameters, and to
enable/disable t he syst em’s IDE and diskette drive interfaces.
The Advanced menu also provides submenu items for setting keyboard
features, video configurations, and DMI event logging.
Security Use th is menu to set User and Administ rator Passwo r ds and
the Unattended Start feature.
Power — Use the Power menu to set power management parameters.
Boot — Use this menu to set boot options.
Exit Exits the Se tup utility w ith various save o r d iscar d options.
A Maintenance Menu appears w he n t he syst em is in configure mode. See
Appendix C for information on putting the system in configure mode. This
menu allows you to change the pro cessor speed and to clear user and
administrator p asswords .
To select an option from the menu bar, use the left and right arrow keys. See
“Exiting Setup” in this section for a description on exiting the Main Menu.
2-4 Setup Utility
Legend Bar
Use the keys listed in the legend bar on the bottom of the Setup menu to make
the selections o r exit the curr ent menu. T he following t able describes the legend
keys and their alternates.
F1Provides help for the parameter field being displayed.
EscExits th e menu.
Setup Key Functions
← or → arrow keys
↑ or ↓ arrow keys
EnterExecutes a command or selects submenu.
Selecting a Menu Item
To select a menu item, use the up/down arrow keys to move the cursor to the
desired field. Then press
Menu s aves the v alues currently d is pla ye d in a ll the menu s .
Displaying a Submenu
To display a submenu, use the up/down arrow keys to move the cursor to the
desired submenu. Then press
all selectable submenus.
Getting Help
A Field Help window or Item Specific Help window on the right side of each
menu displays the help text for the currently selected Setup option. It updates as
the cursor moves to each new field.
Selects next menu.
Moves cursor up and down for item select ion.
. The Exit Saving Changes command in the Exit
. A pointer (a right-pointing triangle) marks
Pressing F1 on any menu brings up the General Help window that describes the
legend keys and their functions.
Mai n Men u
This section describes the Main Menu parameters. Other menu parameters are
available by selecting submenus. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor to a
parameter and press
BIOS Version
This field displays your system’s B IOS ve rsion nu mber.
to exit the current window.
to select a submenu. Items with lighter text are not
Setup Utility 2-5
Processor Type
This field displays your computer’s processor type.
Processor Speed
This field displa ys your pro cesso r ’s speed.
Cache RAM
This field displays the size of your optional system’s L2 (exter nal) cache.
Syste m Memory and Memory Banks 0 - 2
This field d isp la ys the total amount of memory insta lled on yo ur syst e m
boar d and in wh ic h ba nks the memo ry is inst alled .
This field displays the current default language (English) used by the
L2 Cache ECC Support
This field allows error checking on dat a accessed from the optional L2
cache. The choices are “Ena bled” o r “Disabled.”
System Time and Date
These two fields specify the cor r ect t ime and date. To change them, press
to highlight the field you want to change, then press the + or – keys
to change the setting.
To return to the Main Menu, press
the right arrow key.
Advanced Menu
This s ection d e s cribes the Adva nc ed Menu pa ramete rs. Other menu paramet ers
are available by selecting submenus. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor to a
parameter and press
Plug & Play O/S
This option lets you specify whether the oper at ing system or system
BIOS will handle the Plug and Play. Choose “Yes” or “No. ”
Reset Configuration Data
This option clears the BIOS configuration data on the next boot. The
options include “No” or “Yes.”
. To mo ve to the Advanced Menu, pr e s s
to select a submenu. Items with lighter text are not
2-6Setup Utility
This option controls whether the NumLock key on the keyboard is on or
off at boot up. The choices are “Auto,” “On,” or “Off.”
Periph eral Co nfigurati on Subme n u
This submenu can be used to configure your system’s ports or peripheral
devices. To enter the submenu, highlight this field, then press
following options appear:
Serial Port A
This option lets you configure your system’s Serial Port A. You can
choose “Auto,” “Enabled,” or “Disabled.” The “Enabled” setting is 2F8h,
IRQ3. Change the setting to 3F8h, IRQ4.
An asterisk symbol appearing next to an option indicat es
that the selected I RQ is set to conflict with another device.
. The
additional options that allow you to specify the Base I/O
address and IRQs for the port you ar e c onfiguring.
Parallel Port
If you select the Enabled option, you can see
This option configures the system’s Parallel Port. Choose “Auto,”
“Enabled,” or “Disabled.” The “Enabled” setting is bidirectional, 378h,
additional options that allow you to specify the Base I/O
address and IRQs for the port you ar e c onfiguring.
Mod e (Para llel Port)
If you select the Enabled option, you can see
This option sets the mode for the parallel port. The options include
“Output Only” (AT- c ompatible mode ), “B idire ct ional” (PS /2-compatible
mode), “EPP” (Extended Parallel Port – high speed bidirectional), and
“ECP” (Enhanced Capabilities Port – high speed bidirectional).
An asterisk symbol appearing next to an option indicat es
that the selected I RQ is set to conflict with another device.
This option configures the onboard audio syste m. Select “Enabled” if the
optional sound board is not installed or “Disabled” if the optional sound
boar d is installe d .
Setup Utility 2-7
Legacy USB Support
This option configures support for legacy USB devices. Select “Enabled”
or “Disabled. ”
To return to the Advanced M enu, pr ess
IDE Configuration Submenu
This submenu can be used to auto-configure or manually configure the IDE
devices, usually hard drives or CD-ROM drives. Depending on the system you
purchased, the available options may include “User,” “Auto,” “CD-ROM,”
“ATAPI Removable,” “IDE Removable,” or “None.”
The standard hard drive (drive C) shipped with the system is configured as
“Primary IDE Mast er . ” The st andard CD- ROM drive is configured as
“Secondary IDE Master.” To display the submenu for an IDE device, highlight
the appropriate device field and press
master or slave devi c e (see the documentation that comes
with the device).
IDE Cont roller
This option configures the system’s integrated IDE controller. Select
from “Primary,” “Secondary,” “Both,” or “Disabled.”
Jumpers on the IDE device must be set to the
Hard Disk Pre-Delay
This option set the time delay to allow the hard drive to spin up. The
choices in seconds are “3,” “6,” “9,” “12,” “15,” “21,” and “30.”
These entries let you check or change the following hard dr ive parameter s. T hey
are not available if “Auto” is selected.
This field lets you select the drive type. Available options include “User,”
“Auto,” “CD-ROM,” “AT API Removable,” “Other ATAPI,” “IDE
Removable,” or “None.”
Max imum Capacity
This field displays the maximum cap acity of your ha rd drive.
2-8 Setup Utility
Multi Sector Transfers
This opt ion determines the number of secto rs per block for multip le
sector transfers. You cannot access this option if the co nfigurat ion type is
set to “Auto.” If necessary, check the specif ication for your drive to
determine the best set ting for optimum drive performance. The options
2 Sectors
4 Sectors
8 Sectors
16 Sectors
LBA Mode Control
This option specif ies the IDE translation mode. LBA cause s Logical
Block Addressing to be used in place of Cylinders/Heads/Sect ors. You
can enable or disable (default) this option. This option cannot be changed
when “Auto” is selected.
Do not change the transl ation mode setting from the option
selected when the hard drive was formatted. Changing the
option after f ormatting could result in corrupt ed data!
Transfer Mode
This option specifies the method for transferring data bet ween t he hard
drive and system memory. This option cannot be changed when “Auto” is
selected. T he opt ions inc lude:
Setup Utility 2-9
Ultra DMA
This option sets the Ultra DMA Mode for the hard drive. This option
cannot be changed when “Auto” is selected. The options include:
Mode 0
Mode 1
Mode 2
To return to the Advanced M enu, pr ess
Floppy Options Submenu
This submenu can be used to configure your system’s diskette drives. To enter
the submenu, highlight the Floppy Options field, then press
Floppy Disk Controller, Diskette A:, and Floppy Write Protect options.
Floppy Disk Controller
This option configures the system’s diskette drive controller. Select
“Enabled” or “Disabled.”
Diskette A:
These fields specif y the capac it y and physical size of Diskette Drive A.
To change these, highlight the field for the drive, press
from the following options:
360KB, 5.25 inch
1.2MB, 5.25 inch
. Select
and select
Floppy Write Protect
This option enables or disables write protection for the diskette drive(s).
Choose the desired setting to enable or disable this option.
To return to the Advanced M enu, pr ess
2-10 Setup Utility
720KB, 3.5 inch
1.44/1.25 MB, 3.5 inch (default)
2.88 MB, 3.5 inch.
DMI Event Logging Submenu
This submenu can be used to view and modify DMI Event Logs. To enter the
submenu, highlight the DMI Event Logging field, then press
following options appear:
Eve nt Log Capacity/Event L og V alidity
These fields indicat e whet her space is available in the Event Log, and
whether the contents of the log are valid.
View DMI Event Log
If there are no event logs sto r ed, you cannot access this log.
Clear All DMI Event Logs
This option clears the DMI Event Log after rebooting the system. Choose
“No” or “Yes.”
Event Logging
This opt ion enable s logging of DMI events. C ho ose “Disa b led” or
“Enabled. ”
Mark DMI Events as Read
This option is used to mark off all DMI Events as read. If necessary,
to access the Confirmation dialog box and confirm your
. The
To return to the Advanced M enu, pr ess
Video Configuration Submenu
This submenu can be used to configure specific video features. To ent er the
submenu, highlight the field, then press
Palette Snooping
This option controls the ability of a primary PCI graphics contro ller to
share a common palette with an ISA add-in video board. Select
“Enabled” or “Disabled.”
AGP Ap e rtu re
This option specifies the aperture size for the AGP video contro ller. T he
default size is 64 MB. The choices are “64 MB” and “256 MB.”
To return to the Advanced M enu, pr ess
. The following option appears:
Setup Utility 2-11
Resource Configuration Submenu
This option allows you to reserve specific resources for use by legacy ISA
devices. To enter the submenu, highlight this field, then press
following options are displayed:
Memory Reser vation Subme nu
This option lets you configure memory blocks for use by legacy ISA
devices. When select ed, t he submenu disp lays a lists of addresses from
which specific addresses ca n be se lect ed. Use t he arrow (cursor) keys to
highlight an upper memory block, then press
(default) or “Reserved” w ith the curso r keys, then press
the setting.
. Select “Available”
. The
to change
To return to the Resource Configuration submenu, press
IRQ Reservation Submenu
This option lets you reserve specific IRQs (interrupt requests) for use by
legacy ISA devices. To do so, highlight this field, then press
the arrow (cursor) keys to highlight the specified IRQ, then press
Select “Available” (de fault) or “Reserved” with the arro w ke ys, then
An asterisk symbol appearing next to an option indicat es
that the selected I RQ is set to conflict with another device.
To return to the Advanced M enu, pr ess
(cursor) key to move to the Security Menu.
Security Menu
The Security Menu can be used to set a user passwo rd and/or an administrator
to change the setting.
twice. Then press t he r ight ar row
. Use
A User Password co ntrols access t o the system and Setup Utility program at
boot up. If the User Password feature has been enabled, you need to ent er your
User password correctly whenever you boot the system before you can use it.
An Administrator Password controls access to the BIOS and Setup Utility
program. If the Administrator Password feature has bee n enabled, an
Administrator password must be entered correctly before all options in the Setup
Utility program are available (for example, to disable password protection).
The Unattended Start feature allows the syst em to boot up and run but the
keyboard and mouse are both locked. You must enter the User Password to use
the keyboard and mouse.
Press the right arrow (cursor) key to move to the Power Menu.
2-12 Setup Utility
Power Menu
The Power Menu is used to enable or disable the system’s po wer management
features. When the power management option is enabled, the following options
appear in the Power Menu:
Po wer Mana gement
This feature lets you enable or disable BIOS power management.
Inactiv ity Timer
The Inactivity Timer lets you set the length o f time that t he syst em needs
to be inactive before entering its low-power or Standby mode. The lowpower mode powers down various devices in the system until you resume
using it. You can select from “Off,” or intervals of 1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60,
and 120 minutes. A setting of 1 minute achieves maximum power
savings, while a setting of 120 minutes allows maximum time before the
system enters its low-po we r mode.
Hard Drive
This opt ion co ntro ls w heth e r or no t a spin dow n c ommand is issue d to the
hard drives when the system goes into a low-power mode. Your choices
are “Enabled” or “Disabled.”
VESA Video Power Down
This option controls power to the monitor during the low-power modes.
Your choices are “Disabled,” “Standby,” “Suspe nd,” or “Sleep.”
Press the right arrow (cursor) key to move to the Boot Menu.
Boot Menu
The Boot Menu can be used to adjust the syst em’s boot features. The Boot
Menu features t he following o pt ions:
Quick Boot Mode
This option configures the system to boot without running certain POST
tests. The choices are “E nabled” a nd “Disab led.”
Scan User Flash Area
This option configures the BIOS to scan the flash memory for user binar y
files that are executed at boot time. The choices are “Enabled” and
After Power Failure
This option specifies whether or not to restore power to the system if it is
turned on and there is a power failure. The options are “Sta y Off” which
keeps the power off, “Power On” which rest or es t he syst em’s power, and
“Last Stat e” which resto r es t he previous po wer state.
Setup Utility 2-13
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