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Describes the functions of the application, the features and enhancements of its subsystems, the
system capacities, and other documentation which may be helpful.
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Issue 3.0
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Issue 3.0
CallCenterWorX Overview
General Description
CHAPTER 1CallCenter
1. General Description
A call center often serves as the primary interface between customer and company. It is the new front line in
business-to-busine ss and consumer transa ctions, a customer contac t center that must als o remain in contact with
the entire organization. When agent and customer share a call, a number of vital dynamics are in play:
•Communication is taking place at its most fundamental level—voice.
•Two-way information is being shared that dictates a transaction outcome—data.
•The transaction experience is either pleasant or unpleasant.
•Money is either made or lost.
•Customer loyalty is developed or disrupted.
CallCenterWorX is a suite of h ardware and software solutions that are focused on cust omer care. It i ncludes tools
for enhancing accurate call direction, for maximizing and measuring performance, and for efficiencies in time
and cost—a call center that not only works hard for you, but responds quickly and efficiently to the customer.
The CallCenterWorX suite includes the Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) system and the Management
Information System (MIS ), elements th at streamline call flow and work flow. CallCenterWorX gives you a
flexible, adaptable tool to control both the structure and the operation of your call center.
The ACD system supplements the call processing capabilities of the NEAX2000 IVS. Typical call routing is
designed to connect ea ch caller with the most appropriate ag ent to handle the ir call in the sh ortest time pos sible.
Avoiding long wait times a nd getting the caller dir ect ly to someone who can deal with the ir re ques t c an have a
substantial impact on customer satisfa ction. The ACD facilitates the handl ing of a l arge volume of calls with the
smallest n umber of resources, while at the same tim e minimizing a caller’s wait for assistance.
When the ACD accepts a call, it can be configured to play a message to the caller and route the call in a
pre-specif ied order to a queue of waiting calls for a particular split (group of agents). The queued call is then
answered i n sequence by the next available agent in that split.
As each call progresses through the system, the ACD provides data to the MIS, which translates the
call-handling data into meaningful statistics. The MIS system of CallCenterWorX uses these statistics to offer
call center managers and supervisors access to important real-time and historical data. This data is used for
maximizing agent productivity and assuring quality performance in handling incoming and outgoing call
volume in the call center.
The MIS Status Screens (Real-Time Screens) provi de c olo r- coded, up-to-the-second vi ews of agent and queue
activity. Statisti cs on the cal l volume, and on the ef fect ivenes s of the agent s handl ing thos e call s, are compu ted
in real-time and are di splayed for the curr ent hour and day. These st atistics are also col lected in the MIS databa se
and used to generat e reports in text or graphical form at, giving you the da ta you need to make informed decisio ns
concerning the management of your call center.
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Issue 3.0
CallCenterWorX Overview
CallCenterWorX ACD 2.0 Features and Enhancements
2. CallCenterWorX ACD 2.0 Features and Enhancements
The CallCenterWorX ACD 2.0:
1. Runs on the
Windows NT 4.0 Workstation
operating system using a
information and processing directly available from the desktop interface.
2. Uses a
GUI interface
3.Has the capacity to serve
4. Can support up to
to make commands and controls easily accessible to the user.
10, 20, 30, 40, 60, or 80 logged-in agents
nine tenants
5. Routes incoming calls using:
•A user-defined set of call handling instructions named
•A system of
, and
Holiday Schedules
priorities and call overflows
designed to deliver calls rapidly and efficiently to the
Call Control Vectors
appropriate split or age nt.
6. Has
dockable Toolbars
build a
personal toolbar
7. Provides
8. Provides
Toolbar icons
context-sensitive Help
Data Entry screens
which can be drag ged to ot her locations on the working screen. The use r can also
of most frequently used icons.
for all MAT commands, for opening report views, and for
with a choice of background color pattern for each screen.
•Data Entry screens can accept new data or revise previously entered data with
of the action. These screens list operational data in
drop-down menus
architecture, making
•Each Data Entry screen can open to a
report view
showing the currently programmed data. The font
style and size and the column headings in the report can be reset to suit your preference.
•The report view can open to a
the report to a pr inte r. A repo rt can be s aved t o a
to a
Microsoft Access
9. Has a
optional Workbook area
Print Preview
showing a tab for each open screen with t he MAT command ic on fo r that
showing the report as it would be printed, and can send
data file
, saved to a
Microsoft Excel
file, or exported
screen. A report icon displays on top of the command icon for those screens open to the report view.
Multiple screens
can be open simultaneously. A screen is made the active screen by selecting the
appropriate Workbook tab.
10. Has an
Supports 6 languages
12. Uses a
optional Status bar
Trace Client
to view ACD call processing on screen. CCV programming diagnostics let you
which reflects the state of the active screen.
(English, Japanese, F rench, German, Itali an and Spa nish) fo r dis play to the agent ’s
monitor the call flow in real-time to design or re-engineer your installation.
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Issue 3.0
3. CallCenterWorX MIS 2.0 Features and Enhancements
The CallCenterWorX MIS 2.0:
CallCenterWorX Overview
CallCenterWorX MIS 2.0 Features and Enhancements
1. Runs on the
2. Uses a
3. Provides a
Monitors the performance
Windows NT 4.0 Workstation, Windows 95, and Windows 98
GUI interface
dockable Toolbar
to make commands and controls easily accessible to the user.
to speed and simplify operation.
of the call cente r to mai ntain e ffic iency and de te rmine the opti mum nu mber of
operating systems.
agents and trunks to provide the best service at the lowest cost, using:
Real-time status screens
Current and historical reports
•The capacity for
additional MIS PCs
can be operated on a
5. Analyzes statistical data received from the ACD and
displaying ongoing activity.
for analysis of traffic and agent productivity.
to be added on a remote basis. Th ese additional MIS appl ications
-based system or via an
stores historical data
for 38 days plus 47 hours.
•Data accumulated during each hour is summarized and stored on the hard drive, then used to prepare
reports or graphs
6. Displays real-time activity screens showing
detailing the activity of the call center for a day, a week, or a month.
up-to-the-second caller activity and agent activity
call center in report or graph form.
•This data can be
printed on demand or by schedule
•Each report screen has a
data can be refreshed to
modifiable grid layout
the report, and the
in which the data can be sorted alphabetically. The
printer setup
for the modified layout can be saved.
in the
•A text report can be saved into a
Bitmap or JPEG
variety of reports
. A text report or graph can be copied and paste d int o
providing different data views are available for agents and agent groups, splits,
tab-delimited text file
. A graph view can be saved into a file as a
other Windows applications
trunk groups, pilots, and tally codes.
Multiple window views
can be open at the same time, letting the user view several real-time screens,
a few reports, and the system configuration concurrently.
7. Has a
status bar
at the bottom of the MIS window which displays the current date and time, and the
current Longest Waiting Call.
8. Offers a
wall board GUI
for wall message assignment and scheduling, providing the user with a selection
of wall board types, message colors, real-time statistics, graphics, data scope, and display modes from
drop-down lists.
9. Includes
online Help
10. Supports both the
and a
context-sensitive Help
English and Japanese languages
for display to the user’s screen.
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Issue 3.0
CallCenterWorX Overview
System Capacities
4. System Capacities
T a ble 1-1 System Capacities
1Tenants per System 9
2Splits per ACD Tenant
Note 2
3Splits per System3030
Note 1
Note 2
Note 1
4Splits per Logon ID164
5Active ACD Agents per System80
10Transfer-to-PBX Numbers120–
11Agent Logon ID Codes per System300300
12Agent Logon ID Code Digits99
13Printers per System11
14Statistics Report History Limit–
15MIS per System
Note 6Note 6
16Pilot Numbers128
Note 7
38 days + 47 hrs
Note 5
17Tally Code Names per Split–100
18Tally Code Names per System–3000
19Busy Hour Call Attempts (BHCA)
Note 1:
Note 2:
Note 3:
See Chapter 2, Heading 8, “
Multi-tenant MIS Considerations—Split Numbering
The total number of splits per system (30) is shared among the total number of tenants (up to 9).
Agent positions available depend on the installed security key’s capacity for logged-on agents. The total
number of agents is sh ared among the total number of tenants (u p to 9). Security keys are available in the
following capacities: 10, 20, 30, 40, 60, and 80.
Note 4:
Note 5:
The MIS tracks Split queue calls as “High” and “Standard.”
Current and previous days’ statistics are stored on an hourly basis up to a maximum of 47 hours. Daily
data is stored for the preceding 38 days.
Note 6:
Note 7:
See Chapter 2, Heading 7, “CallCenterWorX MIS PC Support.”
Dependent upon the CallCenterWorX configuration formula based on the OAI monitoring limitations:
(Agents x 2) + (Pilots and/or Personal Pilots) + Trunks + IVR Ports must be equal to or less than 256.
Note 8:
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Issue 3.0
See the “NEAX2000 IVS2 Business/Hotel/Data Features and Specifications” manual for this information
(reflects IVS
information only).
Note 8
CallCenterWorX Overview
Other Documentation
5. Other Documentation
Other docum entation available from NEC may offer helpful inform ation for the specialized needs of your
Table 1-2 Related Documentation Available from NEC
Document NameStock No.
CallCenterWorX ACD Features and Specifications Manual151959
CallCenterWorX MIS Quick Reference Guide151954
Business/Hotel/Data Features and Specifications 152007
Lists hardware, software, and information requirements for the most common configurations.
Chapter 3Connection Drawings
Contains drawings and instructions for connecting the PBX to the computer(s) in several
Chapter 4Programming the PBX and the D
Includes the assign ment commands for the NEAX2000 IVS and the D
Series E and Series III ACD
terminals which enable them to use CallCenterWorX.
Chapter 5Installing and Configuring the ACD Computer and the Remote MIS PC
Provides procedures for the basic installation and configuration of the computers used for
Chapter 6Installation of CallCenterWorX
Provides procedures for installing the CallCenterWorX program.
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Issue 3.0
System Requirements
Variations in Setup
CHAPTER 2System Requirements
1. Variations in Setup
The CallCenterWorX ACD Client/Server architecture allows one or more Maintenance Administration
Terminal (MAT) computers to program and monitor the ACD system. The ACD computer can then provide
call-handling data to an MIS application (which is not a Client) for translation into meaningful statistics and
reports. The MI S ap plic at io n c an be lo ad ed a s p ar t of th e c o mpl et e CallCenterWorX suite, or used alone on
one or more remote MIS PCs. Each MIS application maintains an independent database. See this chapter,
Heading 7, “CallCenterWorX MIS PC Support.”
The installation CD-ROM contains
three main installation options
, which are:
1.CallCenterWorX suite, consisting of CallCenterWorX ACD, with the option to instal l the Se rver an d MAT
Client or only the MAT Client, plus CallCenterWorX MIS.
2.CallCenterWorX ACD, with the option to install the Server and MAT Client or only the MAT Client.
3.CallCenterWorX MIS.
CallCenterWorX suite (including MIS) installation
, choosing the ACD Server a nd MAT Client, requires
the CCWX Version 2 Security Key and Sentinel drivers (drivers are automatically installed with Server
installation procedure).
CallCenterWorX ACD Server and MAT Client installation
requires Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 with
Service Pack 5, a CCWX Version 2 Security Key, and Sentinel drivers (drivers are automatically installed with
Server installation procedure).
CallCenterWorX ACD MAT Client installation
will run alone on Micros oft Windows NT 4.0 with Service
Pack 5, Windows 98, or Windows 95 with OSR 2.5 4.00.1111 for Year 2000 compliance . It doe s not requ ir e a
Security Key or Sentinel drivers.
•The complete suite (including MIS) installation using the MAT Client requires an MIS Security Key and
Sentinel drivers (drive rs are automatically installed with MIS i nstallation p rocedure).
CallCenterWorX MIS installation
will run alone on Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 5,
Windows 98, or Windows 95 with OSR 2.5 4.00.1111 for Year 2000 compliance. It requires an MIS Security
Key, and Se ntinel driver s (drivers are automatically installed with MIS installation proce dure).
NEC Global Navigator 3.03 or higher is also compatible with CallCenterWorX ACD. See this chapter,
Heading 7, “CallCenterWorX MIS PC Support,” and Heading 8, “Multi-tena nt MIS Considerations—Split
Numbering,” for further information
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Issue 3.0
System Requirements
ACD Computer (Client or Server) With and Without MIS
2. ACD Computer (Client or Server) With and Without MIS
The following hard ware, so ftware , and i nfo rmation are r equir ed to i nstal l the Cal lCente rWorX ACD computer
using TCP/IP.
Table 2-1 System Requirements for ACD Computer With and Without MIS
Minimum Requirements
Pentium 266 Mhz processor or higher
64 MB RAM or more
30 MB available hard-disk space or more
15” or larger SVGA monitor
Note 1
1 floppy-disk drive or other data storage device
4X CD-ROM drive
1 parallel port for connection of Security Key
MS-compatible mouse
Network card (such as 3Com Etherlink III)
Computer Hardware
CallCenterWorX Version 2 Security Key
Note 2
NEAX2000 IVS Series 1700 software or higher (1900 or higher for INFOLINK)
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 with NT Service Pack 5 or higher
10 Base T Twisted 2P Cable of correct length
10 Base T Transceiver
Note 4
Note 1:
Note 2:
Must have video card and driver to support 1024 x 768 resolution
CallCenterWorX Version 1 Security Key will not be compatible with this version of the application.
CallCenterWorX ACD MAT Client without Server does not require a Security Key unless installed with
MIS, which will require an MIS Security Key.
Note 3:
CallCenterWorX ACD MAT Client without Server can also use Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows 98.
Windows 95 OSR 2.5 4.00.1111 is required for Year 2000 compliance.
Note 4:
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Issue 3.0
Not required when using PN-CC01
System Requirements
ACD Computer with MIS Using Remote MIS PC via TCP/IP
3. ACD Computer with MIS Using Remote MIS PC via TCP/IP
The following hardware, software, and information are required to install the CallCenterWorX ACD computer
communica ting with a remote MIS PC via TCP/IP.
Table 2-2 System Requirements for ACD Computer Using Remote MIS PC via TCP/IP
Minimum Requirements
Pentium 266 Mhz processor or higher
64 MB RAM or more
30 MB available hard-disk space or more
15” or larger SVGA monitor
Note 1
1 floppy-disk drive or other data storage device
4X CD-ROM drive
1 parallel port for connection of Security Key
MS-compatible mouse
Network card (such as 3Com Etherlink III)
Computer Hardware
CallCenterWorX Version 2 Security Key
Note 2
NEAX2000 IVS Series 1700 software or higher (1900 or higher for INFOLINK)
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 with NT Service Pack 5 or higher
Note 3
CallCenterWorX CD-ROM installation disk
IP address information and host name information for PBX and all PCs
10 Base T Twisted 2P Cables of correct lengths
10 Base T Transceiver
Note 4
10 Base T Hub
Note 1:
Note 2:
Note 3:
Note 4:
Must have video card and driver to support 1024 x 768 resolution.
CallCenterWorX Version 1 Security Key will not be compatible with this version of the application.
CallCenterWorX ACD MAT Client without Server does not require a Security Key unless installed with
MIS, which will require an MIS Security Key.
CallCenterWorX ACD MAT Client without Server can also use Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows 98.
Windows 95 OSR 2.5 4.00.1111 is required for Year 2000 compliance.
Not required when using PN-CC01.
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Issue 3.0
System Requirements
ACD Computer with MIS Using Remote MIS PC via RS-232 Serial Connection
4. ACD Computer with MIS Using Remote MIS PC via RS-232 Serial Connection
The following hardware , soft war e, an d inf orm a ti on ar e re qui red to install the CallCenter WorX ACD computer
communicating with a remote MIS PC via an RS-232 serial connection.
Table 2-3 System Requirements for ACD Computer Using Remote MIS PC via RS-232
Minimum Requirements
Pentium 266 Mhz processor or higher
64 MB RAM or more
30 MB available hard-disk space or more
15” or larger SVGA monitor
Note 1
1 floppy-disk drive or other data storage device
4X CD-ROM drive
1 parallel port for connection of Security Key
MS-compatible mouse
Network card (such as 3Com Etherlink III)
Computer Hardware
CallCenterWorX Version 2 Security Key
Note 2
NEAX2000 IVS Series 1700 software or higher (1900 or higher for INFOLINK)
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 5 or higher
Note 3
CallCenterWorX software CD-ROM
IP address information for PBX
PBX Hardware
Circuit board PN-CC00 or PN-CC01
Circuit board PN-AP01
Circuit board PN-2DATA (optional card for announcements)
48-TW-0.3 Connecting Cable
CC00 Ethernet Cable
10 Base T Transceiver
Note 4
Note 4
10 Base T Twisted 2P Cable of correct length
Serial Hardware
RS-232 cabling to run from COM Port to remote MIS PC
Note 1:
Note 2:
Must have video card and driver to support 1024 x 768 resolution.
CallCenterWorX Version 1 Security Key will not be compatible with this version of the application.
CallCenterWorX ACD MAT Client without Server does not require a Security Key unless installed with
MIS, which will require an MIS Security Key.
Note 3:
CallCenterWorX ACD MAT Client without Server can also use Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows 98.
Windows 95 OSR 2.5 4.00.1111 is required for Year 2000 compliance.
Note 4:
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Issue 3.0
Not required when using PN-CC01.
System Requirements
Remote MIS PC Using TCP/IP
5. Remote MIS PC Using TCP/IP
The following hardware, software, and information are required to install a CallCenterWorX remote MIS PC
using TCP/IP.
T a ble 2-4 System Requirements for Remote MIS PC via TCP/IP
Minimum Requirements
Pentium 266 Mhz processor or higher
64 MB RAM or more
30 MB available hard-disk space or more
15” or larger SVGA monitor
Note 1
1 floppy-disk drive or other data storage device
4X CD-ROM drive
1 parallel port for connection of Security Key
MS-compatible mouse
Network card (such as 3Com Etherlink III)
Computer Hardware
MIS Security Key
Note 1:
Note 2:
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 4, or Windows 95, or Win dows 98
Note 2
CallCenterWorX software CD-ROM
IP addresses and host name information for PBX and ACD and remote MIS PCs
ACD computer connected to PBX via TCP/IP
10 Base T Twisted 2P Cable of correct length
Must have video card and driver to support 1024 x 768 resolution.
Windows 95 OSR 2.5 4.00.1111 is required for Year 2000 compliance.
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System Requirements
Remote MIS PC Using RS-232
6. Remote MIS PC Using RS-232
The following hardware, software, and information are required to install a CallCenterWorX remote MIS PC
using serial RS-232 connection.
Table 2-5 System Requirements for Remote MIS PC via Serial RS-232
Minimum Requirements
Pentium 266 Mhz processor or higher
64 MB RAM or more
30 MB available hard-disk space or more
15” or larger SVGA monitor
Note 1
1 floppy-disk drive or other data storage device
4X CD-ROM drive
1 parallel port for connection of Security Key
MS-compatible mouse
Computer Hardware
MIS Security Key
Note 1:
Note 2:
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 5 or higher, or Windows 95, or
Windows 98
Note 2
CallCenterWorX software CD-ROM
ACD computer connected to PBX
RS-232 Cable to run from ACD computer COM Port to remote MIS PC COM
Must have video card and driver to support 1024 x 768 resolution.
Windows 95 OSR 2.5 4.00.1111 is required for Year 2000 compliance.
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