This document was created to assist analyzers troubleshooting Motorola 3G Phones. All
information was collected during the repair in the Repair Entitlement Group Flensburg.
Please make sure beforehand, that the problem at hand is not a SW related issue that can be
solved with a 1FF update and a Master Reset/ Clear. In many cases a simple Master Reset can
already fix the problem.
The following section is meant to be a help in troubleshooting problems which are already
identified as PCB related.
ALT01 Alert – Ring tone, no
ALT02 Alert – Ring tone, low
ALT03 Alert – Ring tone, noise/distortion
Check LOUD_SPK- (P1) and LOUD_SPK + (P2) – both should have around 2.5Vdc
if not check L6009/L6010 for broken connection, VS4200/VS4201/C4203/C4204/
C4212/C4213/C6026/C6027/C6028/C6031 for low resistance
- check ALRT_REF 2.5Vdc at C4210
- check PCB for open tracks from P1 to U3000-F1 / P2 to U3000-H1
- you can either use “Repair-Studio” to switch on 1kHz tone to the alert-speaker to check
for open tracks, but be careful: You can have 1kHz and audio in call at P1/P2, but no
alert-tone, because the PCAP is defect!
- if 1kHz is ok, replace PCAP2 (U3000)
The alert signal is converted to analog and amplified by the PCAP2, but generated by the
POG, so if the PCAP2 alert audio path is ok there could be a problem with the POG not
generating the alert signals.
ALT11 Alert – Vibrator, no
ALT12 Alert – Vibrator, weak
Turn on vibrator using Repair Studio/Radiocomm. Measure V_VIB – should be about 1.3
Vdc. V_VIB is provided directly by the PCAP (U3000). To verify if the vibrator is defective a
simple method is to provide a supply voltage (1Vdc should be enough) via test probes directly
on the vibrator M3000 (radio in off state!). It should be rotating, if not replace the vibrator
M3000. Otherwise replace PCAP (U3000).
First step on every audio related problem is to identify which audio paths are affected.
If the audio signals in a loop are ok, there could be an audio problem in a network call. This
could be due to a POG related defect.
AUDxx Audio –
Headset Detection problem
If the headset detection is not working correctly, there is most likely a problem with the
detection of any accessory connected to the EMU connector (J5501).
With an open J5501 the voltage at pin 4 of J5501 (USB_ID) should be 2,775V when phone is
powered on with battery.
For headset detection USB_ID line is used. With headset connected voltage on that line
should be 1,7V.
AUD01 Audio – Earpiece, No
AUD02 Audio – Earpiece, Low
Check EAR_SPKR- at C5207 and EAR_SPKR+ at C5208. Both should have around 1.4Vdc
offset voltage, if audio-loop is switched on and additional up to 3Vpp at 1kHz, if test-tone is
switched on.
- if not check J5212 for solder shorts, C5207/5208 for low resistance
- (eventually) check PCB on open tracks from C5207 to C4001/U3000-J4 and C5208 to