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Mitel Networks™ 3050 ICP S tart Here Guide
56005244, Revision A
January 2003
®, ™Trademark of MITE L N etwo rk s Co rpor at ion .
© Copyright 2003, MITEL Networks Corporation.
All rights reserved.
Purpose of this guide
This guide provides you with:
• a description of a typical configuration
• a table listing the default system configuration options
• a list of what you require
• directions to the supporting documentation you need, depending on the type of installation
you will be performing
• instructions on how to Register the ServiceLink subscription.
• contact information
• important Safety instructions and regulatory notices
Typical 3050 ICP Configuration
The stand-alone server configuration can include:
• the Mitel Networks™ 3050 ICP server with external power adaptor
• a printed software license agreement
• optionally, Mitel Networks 5055 SIP phones, each shipped with an Installation Guide
• optionally, a layer 2 Ethernet switch with manual and power adaptor
• optionally, a PSTN gateway
Default 3050 IC P Configu ration
The 3050 ICP is factory configured to function as a stand-alone Internet gateway and SIP
telephony server. This default configuration may not be appropriate if the 3050 ICP must be
integrated with existing LAN, or WAN networks. In these situations, refer to the online
advanced installation instructions.
Description Value
3050 ICP Web server address
User names 1 - 8 user1111, user1112......us er111 9
DHCP IP Address Range LocalLAN side -
WAN side Dependent on the ISP
Administrator Password icp3050
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3050 ICP
What you require
Basic system
• a PC or Macintosh comput er equippe d with an Eth ernet LAN Interfac e, TCP/ IP software ,
and a copy of Netscape Navigator (6.0 or greater) or Internet Explorer (5.5 or greater). This
workstation is required to configure the 3050 ICP and to view and print some of the installation and administration documentation.
• a printer to create copies of the online installation documents
• Ethernet cabling for the SIP phones, workstations or IP appliances, the layer 2 switch, the
PSTN gateway (if required) and the broadband internet device (Cable or DSL modem - the
modem installer will generally provide you with a suitable cable to connect you modem to
the 3050 ICP)
• installed and functioning cable modem or DSL modem equipped with a Ethernet Interface,
and all required account information for your ISP (username, password)
Optional accessories
• For installations with analog trunk connectivity, a phone line jack is required for each trunk.
• For increased relia bility, an approv ed uninte rruptable p ower supply (UPS) is required for
the 3050 ICP, the PSTN gateway, the cable/DSL modem and any IP devices or workstations
that are required to work during power-outage.
On-line documentation
The rest of the 3050 ICP documentation is available on-line from Mitel Networks documentation web-page. To access this page:
1. Point your browser to http://www.mitel.com.
2. Select Support.
3. Select Documentation Library from the pop-up list.
4. Use the Documentation Library drop-down list to select User Guides.
5. Click the User Guide link to display a pop-up screen listing user guides.
6. Locate the section titled 3050 ICP.
3050 ICP Technicians Handbook - Provides key installation, LAN configuration, testing, and
troubleshooting procedures.
Mitel Networks 5055 Installation Guide - Set installation guide for 5055 SIP phone.
Mitel Networks 5055 SIP Phone User’s Guide - Explains how to use the 5055 SIP phone
3050 ICP General Information Guide - Provides an overview of the product, system descrip-
tion (including photos), applications, peripherals, network connectivity, and trunking.
3050 ICP Voicemail User’s Guide - Explains how to log into the user’s voice mail account to
record voice mail prompts, manage passwords and voice mail PINs.
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