Although Meridian is today best-known for its
digital circuitry, it is a company built on ana-
logue roots, and indeed, superb analogue circuit
design and implementation are important parts
of all Meridian products.
The G Series power amplifi ers offer the ideal
way to interface G Series components to third-
party passive loudspeakers. They include the
latest power amp developments from Merid-
ian, utilised in their fl agship DSP8000 digital
loudspeaker systems, and share many common
In all cases, pairs of channels can be bridged for
additional output and fl exibility, and the amplifi -
ers in the range are gain-matched to further add
to the possibilities when building a system.
The Meridian G55 is a fi ve-channel unit, and
delivers a solid 100W continuous mean power
with detail as well as punch where it’s required
– at any volume level from a string quartet at
The amplifi er modules feature a symmetrical
predecessors, the multi-award-winning 500 and
positive-action front-panel keys are software-
setup program on a Windows computer,
plus Meridian communications ports. A compre-
The discrete active input components are ther-
The amplifi ers are of a unique low-feedback
with an output impedance that is close to zero
A trigger input allows the amplifi er to be activat-
Two sets of outputs are provided per chan-
The outer pairs of channels can be operated in
The amplifi ers have electronic protection, reset
A front-panel indicator shows when the ampli-
with no capacitors in the signal path. Soft start and
thermal management in main assembly. Optimised
Versions: 100, 110, 115, 220, 230, 240 Vac, 50/60Hz.
Austell, Atlanta GA 30168-7849
accepts no liability for errors or omissions.
amend product specifi cations at any time.