Version 3
800 Series DVD-Audio Update
Sales Information
January 2002
800 Features
DVD-Audio from the inventors of
Movies in 96kHz/24-bit resolution
Ultimate sound and picture quality
Encrypted digital output
MHR Smart Link
Enhanced CD playback
Meridian’s 800 Series has firmly established the ultimate benchmark for performance and
architecture of top-class surround AV systems. The 800 CD/DVD Player and 861 Reference
Surround Controller have both received numerous major industry awards for aspects of their
performance: for surround sound, for stereo, as preamplifiers and as world-class CD and
DVD players.
Important features of the 800 Series are modular hardware, card-based electronics and a
basis of updateable software for all aspects of operation and signal-processing. Meridian has
pioneered this approach in the 800 Series to allow owners to upgrade as technology and
formats evolve. Over the three years since their debut, the 800 Series has been continually
improved, maintaining its industry-leading position for sound and picture quality, features and
facilities. All these improvements have been made available to existing owners.
Meridian is proud to announce Version 3, a significantly advanced version of both 800 and
861. As before, existing owners can upgrade.
800 Series Version 3
Although presaged by the exciting addition of DVD-Audio, Version 3 significantly raises the
performance of the 800 Series in nearly every area. Both products receive new, more
powerful DSP engines to enable ultra-high precision processing on up to 8 channels running
at 96kHz. This additional computing power is used to add facilities, extreme transparency
and exciting new sound-field options for all media.
In a revolutionary change to the playback system architecture, the Meridian 800 now
provides high-resolution multichannel outputs and a unique way of presenting movie sound.
MHR Smart Link
MHR Smart Link is a proprietary digital multichannel connection that allows the 800 Player to
feed high-resolution audio directly to the 861 Reference Surround Controller or to Meridian’s
DSP loudspeakers. The MHR Smart Link uses proprietary encryption and signaling
technology; the first digital connection to be officially sanctioned for DVD-Audio content.
To obtain the most transparent sound Meridian’s link also features unique low-jitter
technology. For the first time, the full resolution of multichannel audio from DVD-Audio
recordings (as well as those from CD and DVD-Video) can be losslessly transferred in the
digital domain from a player to a surround controller and on to the loudspeakers.
861 Features
New powerful DSP engine for high
resolution audio
Full support for DVD-Audio
Automatic mode and speaker
Unified bass management for all
Up to 10 outputs at 96kHz/24bit
Updated I/O options including:
192kHz/24bit analogue output
96kHz/24bit multichannel
analogue input
Discrete digital multichannel
Meridian Audio Limited
Stonehill, Stukeley Meadows
Cambridgeshire PE29 6EX
T +44 (0) 1480 445678
F +44 (0) 1480 445686
Meridian America Inc.
Suite 122, Building 2400
3800 Camp Creek Parkway
Atlanta GA 30331
T (404) 344 7111
F (404) 346 7111
Working together
The MHR Smart Link has profound ramifications for the system. By passing the signals at
full resolution between 800 and 861, the system can provide perfect and unified bass
management for all sources where it belongs – in the surround controller.
861 receives the full bandwidth and resolution of the original recording allowing it to offer the
highest possible sound quality on both its exquisite studio-grade analogue outputs (for
conventional, analogue-domain amplifiers and speakers), or on individual MHR-capable
digital outputs (for the multiple DSP speakers of a Meridian Digital Theater).
The MHR Smart Link also passes information about the disc content, whether it be high
resolution multichannel or stereo from DVD-Audio, CD, Dolby Digital or DTS on a movie or
PCM from a music video.
This means that with no intervention from the user, the 861 can automatically select the
optimum DSP modes and speaker settings for movies, for music, for stereo and
multichannel sources – a welcome feature at a time when the ever-expanding offerings of
source formats holds the potential for considerable confusion.
Multichannel system architecture
Meridian’s 800 Series now has comprehensive DVD-Audio capability with full multichannel
support for high resolution sources throughout the entire system.
Meridian have re-defined optimum movie playback in this latest series. 800 now has the
option to decode movies inside the player, and there are a number of benefits to this
approach. By taking the Dolby Digital decoding task from the 861, it is freed up to apply its
considerable signal processing power to optimize resolution – typically working at 48-bit
internal precision. Meanwhile the extensive DSP power in 800 is used to provide upsampling
and resolution enhancement for all sources including CD and DVD-Video. Until you have
experienced movies in 96kHz/24-bit resolution you might find it hard to anticipate this huge
improvement to movie sound. Important low-level details and a much clearer sense of space
bring intimacy to Dolby Digital sound tracks. A lasting impression of this new 800 Series is
greater and more natural dynamic contrasts.
The 800 Player can optionally upscale the audio from any disc (including DVD-Audio) and
send it, via MHR Smart Link, to the 861 for further processing – which may include
upsampling, bass management and upscaling for playback with as many as eight channels
and ten speakers.
DVD-Audio offers up to 6 channels of 96kHz/24-bit audio direct from the recording studio,
using the disc’s large capacity to deliver vivid, life-like surround recordings. DVD-Audio also
offers the same ultra-high quality in stereo and many discs provide additional content, such
as menus, pictures and video clips.
Meridian was an important contributor to the DVD-Audio standard, which mandates MLP
(Meridian Lossless Packing) as the format for the highest quality sound. We are in a unique
position to understand all the nuances of this exciting new format.
Without question, DVD-Audio offers the highest sound quality option for music in the home
and the 800 gives simple access to all the content. In the 800 we have control over all
aspects of the playback process and have developed a user-friendly interface for all media –
including DVD-Audio – as well as providing the highest possible sound and picture quality.
Now, with the 800 Series, we offer a playback system where the original audio can be
passed without degradation all the way from the recording studio to the loudspeaker.
High resolution multichannel pushes the boundaries of technology, and we are proud of our
achievement in the 800 Series: the sound is exquisite.
Version 3
800 Series DVD-Audio Update
Sales Information
January 2002
Meridian Audio Limited
Stonehill, Stukeley Meadows
Cambridgeshire PE29 6EX
T +44 (0) 1480 445678
F +44 (0) 1480 445686
Meridian America Inc.
Suite 122, Building 2400
3800 Camp Creek Parkway
Atlanta GA 30331
T (404) 344 7111
F (404) 346 7111