Mackie DFX 12, DFX 6, DFX, DFX Series Hook-up Manual

Hello and welcome to one of many download­able web editi o n s of M a c ki e’s P rod u ct Hook-Up Guide . S i nce 1992, we’ v e been i n c l u d i n g these helpful “con n ection m a p s ” i n ou r In Your Face product gui des, a n d w e ’ v e been u rged to contin u e doing so beca u se th ey’re so gosh-darn ed h e l p­ful. Now , we ve split our h ook -up s i n to p roduct
famlie s, a nd made them ava i l a b l e to you ov e r th i s new-fangled Internet thingy that everyone is talking a bo ut th ese d a ys.
There will be documents that cover hoo ki n g up our co m p a ct VLZ
PRO Series, Analog 8•Bus Series conso l es, CFX Series effects mixers, DFX Series com pa ct effects mixers, the D8B dig ital consol e , th e HD R24/96 hard di s k r ecorder, PP M Series powered m ixe rs, th e FR Se ri es a m p l ifi ers, SR Series front-of-house mixe rs, a n d ou r A ctive loudspeakers.
Inside you’ll fi nd lots of useful information — most likely your questions will be answered here. W e re a l i ze that there’s n o possible way to cover every single question or a pp l i cati o n i n so few pages beca u se n ew wa ys t o us e M a c ki e pr od u cts are invent ed ev ery day . You ma y c o m e u p with some ideas on how to do what you want by look­ing at the va ri o u s d i a grams we ’ ve i n c l u d ed h er e .
Keep in mind that a good half of the battle in hooking u p our products is havin g th e p ro pe r connection s. C h eck th e ca b l es ’n’ p l u gs th a t you alrea dy h a ve with th e d iagra m s on th e n ext page. W e kn ow it m a y loo k bori n g , but o n e of these drawi n gs c o u l d sa ve yo u r l ife . Well, ma ybe not your life , b ut pr o ba b ly a lo t of wee pi n g and sorrow. And do n’t forget to ch ec k o ut the t ec h tips/FAQs document also available for download on the web at
If you don’t fi nd the answe rs you’re a fter, then why not give ou r mighty Tec h S u p port ga n g a call? These fol ks have t on s of experi en c e i n th e real world, a n d they’v e g o t lots of equ i pm e nt a nd mixers at the i r bec k a n d ca l l . They’re achi n g t o share th ei r kn owl ed g e with yo u. (An d ca l l i n g th e m would be a very humanitarian th i n g to d o — th ey’re located in the dank sub-basement of our building and they ra re ly get visitors. Your ca l l j u st m ay be the one that keeps thei r s p i rits al ive .)
Call Mackie Tech Support toll-free (in the U.S.) at 800-2 5 8-6883 (Monda y th r ou gh Frida y, 7 AM to 5 PM P a c ifi c Time) with any Macki e pr od u ct­question you can c o n jure. Put th em through the wringer ! We encour a ge it.
Incide ntal ly, the Mac ki e P r od u ct Hook-Up Gu i d e (Web Edition s) w er e p ut to g e the r fr om within the confi nes of the Macki e Di gital Mosh Pit — l ocat ed on the second fl oor near the Are a Of Refuge — by the well-meaning, super-preening Mackie Macin­tosh Department. We used Adobe InDesign
, Illustrator®, Photos ho p®, and Acroba t® on a number of s u ped-up big d a d dy M a cs.
Oh yeah: Copyrig ht © 2 00 2 M a c ki e Des i gns Inc.
All Rights Reserved. The following a r e tr a de m a r ks or reg i ste red tr a de­marks of Macki e Des i g n s I n c.: “MACKIE.”, the Running Man gure, VLZ, XDR, D8B, HUI, C FX Series, FR Series, a nd H R Seri es.
PRINTING NOTE: These pages were built 21cm wide (8.26in) by 27.94cm (11in) tall to accommodate the printers of both our North American users and our users around the globe. This PDF will print at 100% on both “Letter” sized and “A4” sized paper (with room in the left margin for hole punching).
Standard mono/unbalanced phone plug used for most mixer connections.
Insert “Y” Cable
TS Plug (mono)
TRS Plug (stereo)
Standard stereo/balanced phone plug used for balanced connections on Mackie mixers.
The “Y” Cable is used for connecting serial effects devices, such as graphic equalizers or compressors, to a Mackie mixers Channel or Bus insert jacks. On one end is a standard Tip-Ring-Sleeve “stereo plug. Its tip and ring are wired to separate mono Tip-Sleeve plugs. Note that the RING of the TRS plug (A) is actually wired to the TIP of one of the mono TS plugs (B). If you insert a TS (mono) 1/4" plug only partially (to the first click) into an insert jack, the plug will not activate the jack switch and will not break the insert connection in the circuit (thereby allowing the channel signal to continue on its merry way through
the mixer). See (C) in Insert Points below.
Partial insertion allows you to tap out of the channel or bus circuit at that point in the circuit without interrupting normal operation.
If you push the 1/4" TS plug in to t he second click, you will open the jack switc h and c reate a direct out, whic h doe s interrupt the sign al in th at c h annel or bu s c ircuit. See (D) in Insert Points above. Note: Do not over lo ad or short -circuit the signal you ar e tapping f r om t he mi x er. That will affect the internal sig n al of the mixer.
Balanced XLR
Standard XLR microphone connector to be used with mic-level.
RCA/Phono Plug
Tape deck connections on most Mackie mixers.
Insert Points
Direct out with no signal interruption to master. Insert only to first “click.”
Direct out with signal interruption to master. Insert all the way in to the second “click.”
(TIP = SEND to effects RING = RETURN from effects)
For use as an effects loop.
TS Plug (mono)
TS Plug (mono)
TRS Plug (stereo)
Attention !
You may notice these effects unit hookups (Figure A) throughout this applications guide. These hookups utilize the Insert "Y" Cable (explained on the facing page).
Figure B is a closeup of Figure A. The two colors represent the input and output traveling the length of the "Y" cable. The dotted line represents the two signals travelling alongside one another.
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