Leica MM Monopole Detection
powered by MetaMorph
Analysis Software Drop-in for Leica MM AF
• Quantitation of mitotic cells with monopolar or bipolar spindles
• Adaptive background correction for improved segmentation
• Field and Cell-by-Cell data logging
Proper formation of a bipolar spindle is vital for the segregation of chromosomes during mitosis. In some serious diseases where cells proliferate uncontrollably, such as cancer, progression through mitosis can be stopped by simply disrupting the normal bi­polar spindle formation. Several classical chemotherapy drugs act on microtubules to disrupt the bipolar spindle formation. However, these treatments have side effects in interphase cells.
Recently, a new compound named monastrol was found to disrupt spindle formation by affecting centrosome separation. In compar­ison with microtubule drugs, this effect was specic to mitosis. When the two centrosomes fail to replicate or separate, a monop­olar spindle forms instead of a normal bipolar spindle. Other com­pounds that can produce monopolar spindles are actively being investigated.
The Leica MM Monopole Detection for Leica MM AF software is designed for the quantitation of mitotic cells with monopolar or bi­polar spindles where cells are labeled with a DNA stain and a sec­ond probe for microtubules.
The module utilizes Adaptive Background Correction adapting the cell detection algorithm to the local intensity ranges between and within cells to provide the most robust segmentation available. This technique enables probe detection even with highly variable background uorescence within a single image.
The simple interface minimizes setup efforts and at the same time enables users to customize the settings and measurements to ob­tain the best possible results specic to the type of cells used in the experiments.
Multiple wavelength acquisition
CHO-K1 cells treated with monastrol and stained with mouse anti-beta tubulin primary antibody detected with a FITC conjugated goat anti­mouse secondary antibody. Nuclei are stained with Hoeschst 33342. Orange arrow shows mo­nopole.
Configuration for analysis
1. Select the DNA stained image
2. Specify the size range of DNA-stained cells and intensity above local background
3. Select the microtubules image
4. Set cell classication limits based on DNA/microtubule staining correlation
5. Optionally set reporting parameters
Interactive data display
Once the analysis is run, the Cellular Results ta­ble allows you to interactively view individual cells’ data. Clicking one or multiple cells in the image highlights the data for the selected cell(s) in the table.
Customization through journaling
Journals are sophisticated and powerful macros that record and perform a series of tasks without the need for a programming language. The mo­dules can be incorporated into a Leica MM AF journal to increase the customization and auto­mation of your analysis.
Multi-parameter analysis
The application module can generate a number of eld or cell-by-cell parameters. Field measu­rements include:
• Count and percentage of monopoles, bipoles and interphase cells
• Area of DNA structures, monopolar, bipolar and interphase cells
• DNA and microtubule average intensities Cell-by-cell measurements include:
• Cell classication
• Cell correlation coefcient (DNA versus microtubule staining)
• Cell DNA structures area
• Integrated and average intensities of DNA and microtubules
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cal Technologies”
Robust segmentation and analysis
3T3-L1 mouse fibroblast cells treated with mo­nastrol and stained with mouse anti-beta tubulin primary antibody detected with a FITC conjuga­ted goat antimouse secondary antibody. Nuclei are stained with Hoeschst 33342. Top: control, middle: monastrol, bottom: segmented image shows interphase cells (red), bipolar spindles (blue) and monopole (green).
Powerful data export capabilities
All measurements can be directly exported to a text le or Microsoft® Excel® for further analy­sis.