Leica MM Mitotic Index powered by MetaMorph
Analysis Software Drop-in for Leica MM AF
• Quantitation of mitotic and interphase cells
• Multi-parameter analysis of two probes
• Adaptive Background Correction™ for improved segmentation
• Cell-by-Cell measurements and data logging
Cells are labeled with a DNA stain and a uorescent mitosis-spe-
Cell-based assays for cell cycle status have become critical for
oncology research. For example, potential anti-cancer therapeutics rely on arresting mitosis in cancerous cells to prevent uncontrolled proliferation.
In some forms of cancer, progression through mitosis can be
stopped by merely disrupting the mitotic spindle. In others, the
feedback is missing and cells proceed through mitosis without
proper chromosome segregation and accumulate mutations. Cellbased assays provide an efcient method for modeling the effects
of drugs on the cell cycle and quantitating the accumulation of
cells in mitosis. The Leica MM Mitotic Index module for the Leica
MM AF software is designed for the quantitative discrimination of
mitotic and interphase cells.
cic marker, such as immunouorescence staining for Histone 3
S10 phosphorylation. Two different wavelengths are acquired and
the images are analyzed with the Leica MM Mitotic module.
The module utilizes Adaptive Background Correction adapting the
cell detection algorithm to the local intensity ranges between and
within cells to provide the most robust segmentation available.
This technique enables probe detection even with highly variable
background uorescence within a single image.
The simple interface minimizes setup efforts and at the same time
enables users to customize the settings and measurements to obtain the best possible results specic to the type of cells used in
the experiments.

Easy Configuration for analysis
Customization through journaling
Multiple probe acquisition
CHO-K1 cells treated with Nocodazole for 18
hours before staining with anti-phospho-Histone H3 (Ser28). Top: control, bottom: 50 ng/ml
Image analysis
The Leica MM Mitotic Index module identifies
mitotic cells (green) and interphase cells (red).
1. Select the nuclear stain image
2. Specify the cell size range
3. Set the intensity above local background
4. Select the mitotic nuclear stain image
5. Set the intensity above local background
6. Optionally choose the reporting parameters
Interactive data display
Once the analysis is run, the Cellular Results
table allows you to interactively view individual
cells’ data. Clicking one or multiple cells in the
image highlights the data for the selected cell(s)
in the table.
Journals are sophisticated and powerful macros
that record and perform a series of tasks without
the need for a programming language. The modules can be incorporated into a Leica MM AF
journal to increase the customization and automation of your analysis.
Multi-parameter analysis
The application module generates a number of
eld or cell-by-cell parameters, including:
• Count of mitotic and non-mitotic nuclei
• Percentage of mitotic and non-mitotic nuclei
• Total and mean nuclei area of mitotic and nonmitotic cells
• Wavelength-specic integrated and average
intensities of mitotic and non-mitotic nuclei
Powerful data export capabilities
All measurements can be directly exported to a
text le or Microsoft® Excel® for further analysis.
“MetaMorph® is a Registered Trademark of MDS Analyti-
cal Technologies”
Export data for further analysis