Leica MM LIVE-DEAD User Manual

Leica MM Live/Dead powered by MetaMorph
Analysis Software Drop-in for Leica MM AF
• Precise cell staining quantitation
• Generate area and intensity measurements
• Adaptive Background Correction™ for improved cell quantitation
• Field and Cell-by-Cell data logging
The Leica MM Live Dead Application Module for the Leica MM AF software is designed to automate accurate identication of cells after staining with a variety of live/dead staining kits.
The software simultaneously reports the total number and percent­age of live and dead cells, depending on stains used. Measure­ments of intensity and area are on a wavelength-by-wavelength or cell-by-cell basis. The module can detect a second stain as a subpopulation of an entire cell population. It can also be used with exclusive markers to detect two different populations.
The module utilizes Adaptive Background Correction adapting the cell detection algorithm to the local intensity ranges between and within cells to provide the most robust segmentation available. This technique enables probe detection even with highly variable background uorescence within a single image.
The simple interface minimizes setup efforts and at the same time enables users to customize the settings and measurements to ob­tain the best possible results specic to the type of cells used in the experiments.
Image acquisition
CHO cells. Top: control, bottom: 1 μM Stauro­sporine. Cells were incubated for ~24 hours and apoptosis was induced by incubating different concentrations of Staurosporine for 6 hours. As­say kit: Molecular Probes, Vybrant Assay Kit #7.
Easy Configuration for analysis
Five easy steps allow you to get started in min­utes:
1. Select the image of interest
2. Choose the staining population (dead, live or all)
3. Specify the stained area (nucleus, cytoplasm or both)
4. Set the minimum and maximum cell width
5. Determine the intensity above local back­ground
6. Optionally choose the parameters for reporting
Interactive data display
Once the analysis is run, the Cellular Results table allows you to interactively view individual cells’ data. Clicking one or multiple cells in the image highlights the data for the selected cell(s) in the table.
Multi-parameter analysis
Choose the measurements to capture, includ­ing:
• Live, dead and total cell counts
• Percentage of live and dead cells
• Per-wavelength average measurements
• Per-wavelength per-cell measurements
Powerful data export capabilities
All measurements can be directly exported to a text le or Microsoft
Excel® for further analy-
“MetaMorph® is a Registered Trademark of MDS
Analytical Technologies”
Cell segmentation and analysis
The Live Dead module identifies live and dead cells simultaneously
Data exporting
Measurements can be exported directly to a spreadsheet program for further analysis.
Customization through journaling
Journals are sophisticated and powerful macros that record and perform a series of tasks without the need for a programming language. The mod­ules can be incorporated into a Leica MM AF journal to increase the customization and auto­mation of your analysis.