Leica MM Count Nuclei and
Cell Scoring powered by MetaMorph
Analysis Software Drop-in for Leica MM AF
• Ideal for two-wavelength experiments
• Count nuclei of most cell types
• Adaptive background correction™ for improved segmentation
• Cell-by-Cell measurements
Two popular and robust application modules are available together
in Leica MM AF to facilitate easy and fast segmentation analysis.
The Leica MM Count Nuclei Application Module for the Leica MM
AF is designed to automate accurate counting of nuclei of most
types of cells.
The module counts nuclei even when the background is uneven,
providing superior segmentation compared to simple thresholding.
The Leica MM Cell Scoring Module for the Leica MM AF is designed for the identication of two subpopulation of cells.
The module is an ideal tool for two-wavelength experiments. Using
a uorescent marker for all nuclei and an addition marker for cells
of interest, each wavelength is segmented and measured separately. The second stain can label the nucleus, cytoplasm or both.
The modules include Adaptive Background Correction, adapting
the cell detection algorithm to the local intensity ranges outside
the cells to provide the most robust segmentation available. This
technique enables cell detection even with highly variable background uorescence within a single image.
A simple interface minimizes setup efforts and settings can be
saved for future use or customized to t your experiment.

Count nuclei analysis configuration
Select a sample image to congure your
Count nuclei image analysis
Nuclei are identied, taking into consideration
nuclear size and varying background
Cell scoring acquisition
Acquisition of two wavelengths
Easy configuration for analysis
Count Nuclei setup is just two steps:
1. Select minimum and maximum nuclear size
2. Set the sample intensity level above the local
Cell Scoring setup involves a few easy steps:
1. Select the image of interest
2. Specify the size range of cells
3. Set the intensity above background
4. Choose the second image containing the
positive marker stain
5. Select the stain area (nucleus, cytoplasm
or both)
6. Specify the size range of cells and intensity
above background
7. Optionally congure the data log
Interactive data display
Once the module is run, the Cellular Results table allows you to interactively view an individual
cell’s data. Clicking one or multiple cells in the
image highlights the data for the selected cell(s)
in the table.
Multi-parameter analysis
Measurements for Count Nuclei include:
• Count of nuclei
• Integrated and average intensity
• Total and mean area
Measurements for Cell Scoring include:
• Count of negative and positive cells
• Percentage of negative and positive cells
• Total and mean nuclei area of negative and positive cells
• Wavelength-specic integrated and average
intensity of negative and positive cells
Powerful data export
All measurements can be directly exported to a
text le or Microsoft® Excel® for further analysis.
“MetaMorph® is a Registered Trademark of MDS
Analytical Technologies”
Cell scoring image analysis
The module identies the two different probes
Customization through journaling
Journals are sophisticated and powerful macros
that record and perform a series of tasks without
the need for a programming language. The modules can be incorporated into a Leica MM AF
journal to increase the customization and automation of your analysis.