Leica MM Angiogenesis powered by MetaMorph
Analysis Software Drop-in for Leica MM AF
• Unique z-Series acquisition
• Best focus algorithm for better quality result
• Adaptive Background Correction™ for improved segmentation
• Multi-Parameter analysis
In many serious diseases, the human body loses control over an­giogenesis. Angiogenesis dependent diseases – such as cancer, diabetic retinopathy, psoriasis, coronary artery disease, stroke and rheumatoid arthritis – result when new blood vessels either grow excessively or insufciently.
One of the morphological changes that can be observed in angio­genesis is tube formation. The in vitro tube formation experiment poses special imaging challenges.
After plating, the cells grow into the matrix, with tubes developing roughly parallel to the surface. However, the surface is not at and some tubules grow perpendicular to it.
The Leica MM Angiogenesis Module for the Leica MM AF facili­tates the acquisition and analysis of tube formation experiments.
To capture the three dimensional behavior, the application module allows for a unique z-series acquisition. A best focus image is then obtained from the stack of images, and the analysis is run on that image.
The module includes Adaptive Background Correction, adapting the vessel detection algorithm to the local intensity ranges outside the vessels to provide the most robust segmentation available. This technique enables vessel detection even with highly variable background uorescence within a single image.
The application module has a user-friendly interface to minimize set up efforts and provide the exibility to customize the settings and measurements collected to better suit your needs.
Unique 3D acquisition, Angiogenesis Endothe­lial Cell Tube Formation Assay
Courtesy of Min Wu, BD Biosciences. Raw z-series images acquired.
Simple acquisition set up
1. Load an acquisition protocol
2. Choose appropriate settings
Easy configuration for analysis
1. Select the image of interest
2. Specify a range of tube widths
3. Select the contrast level
Multi-parameter analysis
Measurement options include:
• Total tube length
• Total tube area
• Mean tube thickness
• Number of segments
• Number of branch points
• Number of nodes
• Total area of nodes
• Mean node area
Best focus algorithm
Calculate best focus image.
image analysis
Best focus image is analyzed. White: tubes, green: nodes.
Customization through journaling
Journals are sophisticated and powerful macros that record and perform a series of tasks with­out the need for a programming language. The Angiogenesis module can be incorporated into a Leica MM AF journal to increase the customiza­tion and automation of your analysis
Powerful data export capabilities
All measurements can be directly exported to a text le or Microsoft
Excel® for further analy-
“MetaMorph® is a Registered Trademark of MDS
Analytical Technologies”
Data export for further analysis