Leica Microsystems User manual

Leica Microsystems
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Cleaning of Microscope Optics
Order No.: 11914709
1 Considerations before cleaning
Which image quality do you expect?
Optimize all microscope settings:
Aperture, Köhler, correction ring, etc.
Check your specimen
I Use standard with proven quality
II Use cleaned specimen
Check slide and cover glass Check immersion medium
I Same type as embedding medium of specimen
II Is immersion medium from the same lot? III Only use recommended types IV No Anisol
2 Where to clean and where not
2 4
Where to clean
1 Front lens of objective
2 Cover glass of camera sensor
3 Cover slip and specimen slide
4 C-mount
5 Condenser lens
6 Misc. glass surfaces
Where not to clean
I Filter cubes
II All inside optics of a microscope
3 How to locate dirt
Turn camera and inspect image
I If dirt is turning in the image not located in camera
II If dirt stays camera
Turn objective, condenser, C-mount
I If dirt is turning with image objective, condenser, etc.
Control the relevant elements macroscopically
I Magnifying glass or oculars upside down
Front lens
I Turn it
II Look from the back against a bright background
4 Different kinds of dirt
Loosely or not permanently attached dirt
I Glass (broken slides, cover slips, etc.)
II Skin, dander
III Pollen, etc.
Attached dirt
I Water soluble
II Solvent soluble
III In practice often a mixture
5 How to clean
Aim of cleaning
I Complete elimination of dust and dirt for perfect
image quality
II No remaining residues on the optical parts
III No damage of optical parts
General procedure
I Locate dirt
II Inspect dirt III Remove dust IV Remove water soluble dirt
V Remove solvent soluble dirt VI Inspect result
VII Repeat from III to VI if necessary
Remove dust
I If possible do it manually
II Only use specified compressed air
a Contamination with oil may cause
difficulties to remove residues
III Perfect tool: bellows
Remove attached dirt
I Never use rubbing materials, papers, microfibre cloths
II Never clean dry
III Always start to clean water soluble dirt
a If you can see grease start with solvents
IV All solvents for cleaning should be absolutely clean
a PA solvents (ultra pure) b Destilled or demineralized water c No ammonium containing glass cleaner like Sidolin,
Sparkle, etc.
V All tools should be absolutely clean
a Use certified wound cotton sticks and dental cotton
pads to avoid lint (no Q-tips or similar!)
Remove water soluble dirt
I Use only clean, deionised water
a Simple method: breathe upon the surface
II Use a cotton stick
a Clean from the centre toward the edge in
concentric circles
III Inspect result
Remove solvent soluble dirt
I Use ultra pure solvents
a Ethanol PA b Acetone PA (be careful, may harm plastics and
objective labels)
II Use a cotton stick, dental cotton pad
a Cotton stick and cotton pad should only be moist,
not dropping wet
b Clean from the centre toward the edge in
concentric circles
III Inspect result
IV Still smudgy?
a Combine the methods: breathe upon the surface
and clean with cotton stick and acetone
Leica Optics Cleaning Kit Order number 11505508