LEICA DMI6000 B User Manual

Leica DMI6000 B
Operating Manual
Published October 2004 by:
Leica Microsystems Wetzlar GmbH Ernst-Leitz-Straße D-35578 Wetzlar (Germany)
Responsible for contents: Bernard Kleine (Marketing CM, Compound Microscopy, Product Manage­ment) Holger Grasse (Safety Officer according to MPG §30) In case of questions, please contact the hotline:
Phone +49(0)6441-292286 Fax +49(0)6441-292255 E-mail: MQM-Hotline@leica-microsystems.com
Leica DMI6000 B
Operating Manual
All rights to this documentation are held by Leica Microsystems Wetzlar GmbH. Reproduc­tion of text or illustrations (in whole or in part) by print, photocopy, microfilm or other method (in­cluding electronic systems) is not allowed with­out express written permission from Leica Mi­crosystems Wetzlar GmbH.
The term "Windows" may appear in the following text without further identification. It is, however, a registered trademark of Microsoft Corpora­tion. The names of companies and products used herein may be trademarks of their respec­tive owners.
The instructions contained in the following doc­umentation reflect state-of-the-art technology and knowledge standards. We have compiled the texts and illustrations as accurately as pos­sible. Nevertheless, no liability of any kind may be assumed for the accuracy of this manual’s contents. Still, we are always grateful for com­ments and suggestions regarding potential mis­takes within this documentation.
The information in this manual is subject to modifi­cation at any time and without notification.
1. Important Notes about this Manual ...... 7
2. Intended Purpose of the Microscope ... 8
3. Safety Notes ............................................... 9
3.1 General Safety Notes ............................... 9
3.2 Electrical Safety ........................................ 10
4. Overview of the Leica DMI
4.1 Specifications ............................................ 12
4.2 Glossary....................................................... 16
5. Unpacking the Microscope .................... 22
6. Assembling the Microscope .................. 25
6.1 Assembly Tools .......................................... 25
6.2 Installation of the Transmitted Light
Illumination Carrier (DL) ........................... 26
6.3 Installation of the DIC Module
and DIC Objective Prisms ........................ 27
6.4 Installation of Specimen Stages............. 28
6.5 Installation of Condensers ....................... 34
6.6 Installation of Eyepieces .......................... 39
6.7 Installation of Objectives ......................... 39
6.8 Installation of Filters
in the Illumination Arm ............................. 40
6.9 Installation of the
Transmitted Light Lamp Housing ............ 40
6.10 Installation and Replacement of the
Transmitted Light Lamps: .........................
Lamp Housing 107 or 107/2 ...................... 41
6000 B......... 12
6.11 Installation of Lamp Housing Mount
and Mirror Housing ................................... 42
6.12 Installation and Replacement
of Incident Light Lamps ............................ 44
6.13 Equipping the Incident Light
Tu rret Disk ................................................... 48
6.14 Installation of the Polarizer and
Analyzer....................................................... 50
6.15 Optional Accessories ............................... 52
6.16 Connection to the
Electronics Box CTR6000 ......................... 53
6.17 Connection to the Computer ................... 54
6.18 Connection to the Power Supply ............ 54
7. Start-up........................................................ 55
7.1 Functional Principle .................................. 55
7.2 Switching on the Microscope ................. 59
7.3 The LeicaScreen........................................ 60
7.4 The Function Buttons on the Stand ....... 61
7.5 The SmartMove Remote Control
Module......................................................... 64
7.6 Illumination ................................................. 65
7.6.1 Transmitted Light ............................ 65
7.6.2 Incident Light - Fluorescence ...... 68
7.7 Checking Phase Contrast Rings ............. 69
7.8 Setting the Motorized Polarizer ............. 70
7.9 Adjusting the Light Sources .................... 71
8. Operation .................................................... 74
8.1 Switching On .............................................. 74
8.2. Contrast Methods ...................................... 76
8.2.1 Brightfield (TL)................................. 76
8.2.2 Phase Contrast (TL) ........................ 77
8.2.3 Darkfield (TL) ................................... 77
8.2.4 Polarization (TL) .............................. 78
8.2.5 Differential
Interference Contrast (TL) ............ 79
8.3 Fluorescence .............................................. 80
8.4 Combination Methods .............................. 81
8.5 Focusing ...................................................... 82
8.6 Tubes............................................................ 84
8.7 Eyepieces .................................................... 85
8.8 Objectives ................................................... 85
8.9 Stages and Object Displacement ........... 88
8.10 Magnification Changer............................. 89
8.11 Light Sources ............................................. 89
8.12 Aperture and
Field Diaphragm ......................................... 90
9. Troubleshooting......................................... 91
10. Care of the Microscope ........................... 95
10.1 Dust Cover .................................................. 95
10.2 Cleaning....................................................... 95
10.3 Handling Acids and Bases ...................... 96
11. Major Consumable and Replacement
Parts ............................................................ 97
12. Dimensions ................................................. 98
13. Abbreviations and Pictograms ............... 99
14. Index ............................................................ 101
15. EU Declaration of Conformity ................. 104
1. Important Notes about this Manual
1. Important Notes about this Manual
This operating manual is an essential com­ponent of the microscope, and must be read carefully before the microscope is assem­bled, put into operation or used.
Text symbols, pictograms and their meanings:
This operating manual contains important in­structions and information for the operational safety and maintenance of the microscope and accessories. It must therefore be kept safely for future reference. A separate manual is available on CD-ROM cov­ering the operation of the Leica Application Suite (LAS).
Numbers in parentheses, such as "(1.2)", corre­spond to illustrations (in the example, Figure 1, Item 2).
Numbers with pointer arrows (for example p.20), point to a certain page of this manual.
Caution! Special safety instructions within this manu­al are indicated with the triangle symbol shown here, and have a gray background.
Caution! The microscope and accessories can
be damaged when operated incorrectly.
Explanatory note.
Item not contained in all configurations.
2. Intended Purpose of the Microscope
2. Intended Purpose of the Microscope
The Leica DMI 6000 B microscope described in these instructions is intended for biological rou­tine and research applications. This includes the examination of samples taken from the human body to provide information on physiological or pathological states or congenital abnormalities, or determing the safety and compatibility with po­tential recipients, or monitoring therapeutic measures.
The Leica DMI of Leica’s proven inverted research micro­scopes. It is designed for cellular and tissue ex­amination, micromanipulation and microinjec­tion techniques, microdissection, and confocal microscopy. The Leica DMI universal deployment, all contrast methods such as darkfield, brightfield, phase contrast, DIC, flu­orescence, and modulation contrast are integral to the microscope and can be adapted or changed quickly and easily. Variable illumination and imaging beam paths, as well as HCS optics, modular accessories and a comprehensive range of peripherals, complement the Leica DMI 6000 B inverted research stand.
6000 B is a further development
6000 B is suitable for
The above-named microscope complies with the Council Directive 98/79/EEC concerning in vitro diagnostics. It also conforms to the Council Directives 73/23/EEC concerning electrical ap­paratus and 89/336/EEC concerning electromag­netic compatibility for use in an industrial envi­ronment.
The manufacturer assumes no liability for damage caused by, or any risks arising from using the microscope for other purposes than those for which it is intended or not us­ing it within the specifications of Leica Mi­crosystems Wetzlar GmbH. In such cases the declaration of conformity shall cease to be valid.
This (IVD) device is not intended for use in the patient environment defined by DIN VDE 0100-710. Neither is it intended for combin­ing with medical instruments according to EN 60601-1. If a microscope is electrically connected to a medical instrument accord­ing to EN 60601-1, the requirements de­fined in EN 60601-1-1 shall apply.
3. Safety Notes
3. Safety Notes
3.1 General Safety Notes
This safety class 1 device is constructed and tested in accordance with EN 61010-2-101:2002, EN 61010-1:2001, IEC 1010-1:2001, Safety regulations for electrical measuring, con­trol, and laboratory devices.
In order to maintain this condition and to en­sure safe operation, the user must follow the instructions and warnings contained in this operating manual.
The devices and accessories described in this operating manual have been tested for safety and potential hazards. The responsible Leica affiliate or the main plant in Wetzlar must be consulted whenev­er the device is altered, modified, or used in conjunction with non-Leica components that are outside of the scope of this manual.
Unauthorized alterations to the device or noncompliant use shall void all rights to any warranty claims!
3. Safety Notes
3.2 Electrical Safety General specifications
Leica CTR6000 Electronics Box
For indoor use only. Supply voltage: Frequency: Power input: Fuses:
Ambient temperature: Relative humidity: Overvoltage category: Pollution degree:
For indoor use only. Supply voltage: Frequency: Power input: Fuses: Ambient temperature: Relative humidity: Overvoltage category: Pollution degree:
ebq 100 Supply Unit*
90-250V~ 50-60 Hz max. 290VA T6.3 A (IEC 60127-2/3) 15-35°C max. 80% to 30°C II 2
90-250V~ 50-60 Hz See CTR6000 See CTR6000 15-35°C max. 80% to 30°C II 2
Power plugs may only be plugged into an outlet equipped with a grounding contact.
Do not interfere with the grounding function by using an extension cord without a ground wire. Any interruption of the ground wire in­side or outside of the device, or release of the ground wire connection, can cause the device to become hazardous. Intentional ground interruption is not permitted!
Peripheral devices with their own or sepa­rate power supplies that are connected to the microscope can have the same protec­tive conductor potential by connecting them to the ground screw on the back of the Leica CTR6000 electronics box. For connections without a ground connector, Leica Service must be consulted.
For indoor use only. Supply voltage: Frequency: Power input: Fuses: Ambient temperature: Relative humidity: Overvoltage category: Pollution degree: (See enclosed manual)
90-250V~ 50-60 Hz max. 155VA 2xT2A (IEC 127) 10-36°C max. 80% to 30°C II 2
Never use any fuses as replacements other than those of the types and the current rat­ings listed here. Using patched fuses or bridging the fuse holder is not permitted. The use of incorrect fuses may result in a fire hazard.
The microscope’s electrical accessory com­ponents are not protected against water. Water can cause electric shock.
Protect the microscope from excessive tem­perature fluctuations. Such fluctuations can lead to the accumulation of condensation, which can damage the electrical and optical components. Ambient temperature: 15-35°C.
3. Safety Notes
Before exchanging the fuses or lamps, be absolutely certain to switch off the main power switch and remove the power cable.
4. Overview of the Instrument
4. Overview of the Leica DMI 6000 B
4.1 Specifications
Contrast Methods
Transmitted Light Axis
Incident Light Axis
•Transmitted light (DL): BF, DF, PH, DIC, Pol
• Incident light (IL): Fluo
• Combination (DL/IL): Fluo/DIC, Fluo/PH
•Intermediate pupil: IMC (integrated modulation contrast) IPH (integrated pos./neg. phase contrast)
• Automatic Illumination Manager
(aperture, field diaphragm, intensity, process switching)
• Automatic, color-neutral intensity control
• Manual or motorized shutter
• Lamp housing mount for interchangeable lamp housings.
• Automatic, electronic condenser identification
• Aautomatic Illumination Manager
(aperture, field diaphragm, intensity, process switching)
• Automatic, color-neutral intensity control
• Motorized shutter (switching speed < 50ms)
• Lamp housing mount for up to 3 interchangeable light sources
• Motorized 6-place filter turret
• Fluorescence Intensity Manager (FIM) (reduction of incident illumination intensity)
• Mechanical booster lens for central boosting of fluorescence or uniform distribution
• Motorized Excitation Manager to monitor fluorescence emission when using double and triple filter cubes
• Ultrafast filter wheel for 3 excitation wavelengths (switching speed < 50 ms)
• Ergonomic with or without camera port at left
•2 switching positions: 100%VIS and 50%VIS / 50%CAM
• Optional Bertrand lens
• Eye spacing adjustment
• Height and angle adjustment (10° - 45°)
4. Overview of the Instrument
Magnification Changer
Objective Turret
• Motorized
•3 switching positions (choice of magnifications: 1x, 1.5x, 1.6x or 2.0x)
• Effective for all camera ports
• Manual
•2 switching positions (choice of magnifications: 1x, 1.5x, 1.6x or 2.0x)
• Effective on tube port
• Motorized and coded
• 6x for objectives with M25 thread and 45mm parfocal distance
• For DIC: motorized/coded Wollaston prism carousel
• Anti-vibration locking
Fixed regular stages
• Ceramic-coated stage plate (248mm x 204mm)
•Heated stage plate (from 3°C above room temperature to 60°C) (248 x 212mm)
•Temperature-controlled stage plate (0°C to 60°C) (248mm x 212mm)
Fixed micromanipulation stages
• Ceramic-coated stage plate (248mm x 204/122mm)
•Heated stage plate (from 3°C above room temperature to 60°C) (248mm x 204/122mm)
•Temperature-controlled stage plate (0°C to 60°C) (248mm x 204/122mm)
Regular manual 3-plate cross-stage
• Positioning range: 83mm x 127mm
• 20 optional inserts (standard, heating, cooling) for a variety of applications, size of inserts:160mm x 110mm (compatible with scanning stages)
Manual micromanipulation 3-plate cross-stage
• Positioning range: 40mm x 40mm
•3 optional inserts for a variety of applications
Motorized micromanipulation 3-plate cross-stage
• Positioning range: 40mm x 40mm
Scanning stage IM 120 x 100 (motors on top)
• 1mm, 2mm, 4mm spindle pitch (higher resolution v. higher speed)
• 20 optional inserts (standard, heating, cooling) for a variety of applications, size of inserts:160mm x 110mm
4. Overview of the Instrument
Scanning stage IM 120 x 100 (motors on bottom)
• 1mm, 2mm, 4mm spindle pitch (higher resolution vs. higher speed)
• 20 optional inserts (standard, heating, cooling) for a variety of applications, size of inserts:160mm x 110mm
Z focus
Observation Ports
• Motorized and coded
• Motorized or manual aperture diaphragm
• Contrast methods: BF, DF, PH, DIC, Pol, IMC
• Automatic method switching
• Condenser turret with 7 positions for contrast methods
•2 condenser housings (S1-S28 and S70)
• Condenser heads: S1/1.4 oil, S1/0.9 dry, S23/0.53, S28/0.55
• Condenser heads can be swung out
• Condenser S70 with additional lens for low magnifications
• All condensers suitable for magnifications from 1.25x to 100x
• With or without motorized or manual polarizer
•With or without motorized or coded Wollaston prism disk
• Motorized and coded
• 9mm travel (1mm below, 8mm above the stage)
• Maximum travel speed: 5mm/s
•5 focus steps: 0.05 µm, 0.1 µm, 0.7 µm, 1.5 µm, 5.0 µm
• Electronic focus repositioning
• Automatic lowering prior to objective change
• Electronic parfocality
• Motorized and coded
• Left side ports (100%, 80%, or 50% transmission)
• Left side port dichroic splitting at 680 nm
• Right side ports (100%, 80%, or 50% transmission)
• Bottom port
• Top port with 2 switching positions
• 100% to eyepieces
• 50% to eyepieces/ 50% to port
4. Overview of the Instrument
Electronics Box Leica CTR6000
•7 fixed control buttons for illumination and apertures
•7 variable function buttons behind the focus controls
•3 fixed control buttons for focus steps
•2 focus hand wheels
•7 buttons for fluorescence cubes and shutters
•4 buttons for magnification changers and ports
• SmartMove: ergonomic controller for x, y, z and 4 additional vari­able function buttons
• Separate control unit for all motorized and electronic elements of the microscope such as:
• Objective turret
• Ffocus
• Ports
• Magnification changer
• Fluorescence
• Condenser
• Motorized stages With
• Power supply for 100W halogen lamp
• Power supply for SmartMove
•2 x RS232C
•2 x USB
•4 x external/internal peripherals
Software Tools
• Leica Application Suite (LAS) for Windows For:
• Microscope and camera configuration
• Microscope and camera control
• Image acquisition
2000, XP with plug-ins
4. Overview of the Instrument
4.2 Glossary The Stand
Four basic versions of the Leica DMI stand (DMI 3000 B, DMI 4000 B, DMI 5000 B, DMI 6000 B) are available which can be combined into a wide range of microscope variants.
The basic building blocks of the Leica DMI6000 B stand are:
• DMI6000 B electronic stand
• Integrated fluorescence axis with motorized filter cube changer (6 positions)
• With or without bottom port
• Lateral camera ports, 100%, 80%, or 50%
• Optional top port at the left side of the tube
• Integrated motorized tube lens changer
• Optional Bertrand lens
The individual variants and their components, differences, and applications are described in this manual. The function and performance of all microscopy techniques and required accesso­ries of the Leica DMI6000 B will be described in detail in the section of this manual that covers the operation of the microscope.
The tube and tube lens create the primary image together with the objective. The tubes are an integral part of the stand and consist of a basic body and a binocular section. The trinocular tube also features a photo/video port. A switchable mirror diverts either 100% of the light to the eyepieces or camera port, or splits it, with 50% each going to the eyepieces and camera port. A Bertrand lens is also available as an option.
The eyepieces create an enlarged, virtual image of the actual intermediate image created by the objective. The eyepiece serves as a magnifier in this respect.
Intensity Controller
The stand contains a 12V 100 W transformer for continuous regulation of the intensity via the in­tensity controller. The intensity can be adjusted using the controls (1.6).
Focus Wheel
The focus wheel allows quick, precise focusing of the microscopic image. Focusing is realized by the vertical travel of the objective turret, with a total range of 9mm.
Incident Light-Fluorescence Unit
The stand features an integrated fluorescence axis and a motorized filter cube changer with 6 positions.
Aperture Ddiaphragm
The aperture diaphragm determines the resolu­tion, depth of field, and contrast of the micro­scopic image. The best resolution is obtained when the apertures of the objective and the condenser are roughly the same.
The aperture diaphragm in the illumination light path is not for setting the image bright­ness. This should be done only with the inten­sity controls or neutral filters.
4. Overview of the Instrument
The condenser is a lens system that gathers light and projects it onto the specimen from above. The condenser is designed for the utiliza­tion of the numerical aperture in the objective.
Condenser Height Adjustment
The markings of the transmitted-light column indi­cate the height to be set for the used condenser.
Stages and Accessories
The stage is designed to accommodate the specimens to be observed. Mechanical and mo­torized 3-plate cross-stages are available for the Leica DMI 6000 B.
Motorized Objective Turret and Objectives
The motorized objective turret is designed to ac­commodate the objectives. The L-objectives with their long working distances especially take into consideration the correction of varying container bottom thicknesses. All microscope objectives are usable, from
1.25:1 to 100 : 1 magnification. All objectives in
the Leica product range with a 25mm thread and coverslip correction are compatible. For perfor­mance data on Leica objectives, please refer to the most current valid objective lists available from your Leica representative.
Transmitted Light Illumination Unit
The transmitted light illumination unit consists of an illumination carrier and the transmitted light illumination column. The transmitted light illumi­nation carrier does not contain a lamp housing, but a filter module for two swing-in filters and, depending on the condenser used, a field dia­phragm.
The filters are generally used to enhance the contrast of the specimen and are installed in the illumination carrier. A selection of various filters can be interchanged as required.
Field Diaphragm
The field diaphragm is used to realize Koehler il­lumination.
Lamp Housing for Transmitted Light
The lamp housings 107/2 and 107 (both for 12V 100W halogen) are available for the Leica DMI 6000 B. For their descriptions and applications, please refer to the section of this manual de­scribing the use of the microscope. The letter L indicates a lamp housing designed for left-handed operation.
Lamp Housing for Incident Light
The 106 z L lamp housing (for halogen or xenon) is available for the Leica DMI 6000 B. For their descriptions and applications, please refer to the section of this manual describing the use of the microscope. The letter L indicates a lamp housing designed for left-handed operation.
Leica CTR6000 Electronics Box
The Leica CTR6000 electronics box contains the power supply for the lamp and the circuit boards required to control the motorized functions of the stand.
4. Overview of the Instrument
Fig. 1 Leica DMI 6000 B left view 1 Eyepiece 2 Eyepiece tube 3 Top port 4 Intermediate pupil interface 5 LeicaScreen 6 Light intensity 7 Field diaphragm 8 TL/IL switching 9 Aperture diaphragm 10 Focus wheel
11 Variable function buttons 12 Right side port 13 Booster lens 14 Lamp mount 15 Condenser head 16 Condenser base 17 Field diaphragm 18 Transmitted light lamp housing 19 DIC objective prism disk
4. Overview of the Instrument
Fig. 2 Leica DMI 6000 B right view 1 E-focus control buttons 2 Focus wheel 3 Variable function buttons 4 Opener for drawer 5 Drawer 6 Right side port
12 3
7 Analyzer slot 8 Centering window 9 Field diaphragm centering 10 Incident light lamp housing 11 Objective turret 12 Stage with attachable mechanical stage
4. Overview of the Instrument
Fig. 3 Leica DMI 6000 B front view 1 LeicaScreen 2 Front control panel 3 Port switching 4 Top port 5 Manual transmitted light filters 6 Field diaphragm centering
Fig. 3b SmartMove remote control module 1 Travel in x 2 Travel in y 3 Focus
Fig. 3a Front control panel
Fig. 4 Overall view of Leica DMI 6000 B with SmartMove remote control module
4 Variable function buttons
(preassigned at factory)
4. Overview of the Instrument
5. Unpacking the Microscope
5. Unpacking the Microscope
The microscope is delivered in several packages.
The stand package contains the following com­ponents:
• Stand with integrated incident light axis, objective turret and tube
• Illumination arm
• Specimen stage
• CD with Leica Application Suite (LAS) software package
• Instructions and list of microscope presets (identification sheet)
The system package contains the microscope's accessories:
• Eyepieces
• Objectives
• Condenser
• Lamp housings with accessories
• Assembly tools
• Additional accessories such as filter cubes, etc. depending on feature set
The Leica CTR6000 electronics box, the Smart­Move remote control module and the ebq 100 supply unit are supplied in separate packages.
Please carefully compare the contents of the delivery to the packing slip, delivery note, or in­voice. We urgently recommend storing a copy of these documents with the manual to ensure that you have information on the time and scope of delivery handy for subsequent orders or service work. Please make sure that no small parts remain in the packing material. Parts of our packing material are marked by symbols to simplify recycling.
First, carefully remove all components from the transportation and packaging materials.
Do not put the instrument into operation in the event of visible damage to the compo­nents or packing material.
5. Unpacking the Microscope
Do not connect the microscope or periph­erals to an AC power source at this time under any circumstances!
Installation Location
Work with the microscope should be performed in a dust-free room, which is free of oil vapors and other chemical vapors, as well as extreme humidity. At the workplace, large temperature fluctuations, direct sunlight, and vibrations should be avoided. These may adversely affect measurements and long-term observations.
Allowable ambient conditions Temperature 15-35°C Relative humidity maximum 80% up to 30°C
If at all possible, avoid touching the lens surfac­es of the objectives. If fingerprints do appear on the glass surfaces, remove them with a soft leather or linen cloth. Even small traces of finger perspiration can damage the surfaces in a short time. See the chapter "Care of the Microscope"
p. 95, for additional instructions.
Microscopes in warm and warm-damp climatic zones require special care in order to prevent the build up of fungus. See the chapter "Care of the Microscope" p. 95, for additional instructions.
Electrical components must be placed at least 10 cm away from the wall and away from flammable substances.
5. Unpacking the Microscope
For shipping or transporting the microscope and its accessory components, the original packag­ing should be used.
As a precaution to prevent damage from vibra­tions, the following components should be dis­assembled and packaged separately:
• Unscrew the objectives.
• Remove the eyepieces.
• Remove the condenser.
• Remove the specimen stage.
• Remove the transmitted light arm.
• Remove the lamp housings.
• Remove the lamp housing mount.
• Disassemble the burner of 106 z lamp housing.
• Remove the filter cube.
• Remove all moving or loose parts.
6. Assembling the Microscope
6. Assembly
The microscope components are logically as­sembled in this order:
•Transmitted light illumination carrier
• DIC module and DIC objective prisms*
• Specimen stage
• Condenser with condenser head
• Eyepieces
• Objectives
•Transmitted light lamps
• Lamp housing mount (mirror housings)
• Incident light lamps
• Assembly of incident light turret disk*
• Polarizer and analyzer*
When using intermediate systems and optical accessories, the sequence may vary. In this case, read Chapter "6.15 Optional Accessories" p. 52.
6.1 Assembly Tools
If possible, the microscope should be assem­bled and set up with the assistance of Leica sales or service personnel. A small number of universal screwdrivers which are included in the scope of delivery are re­quired for assembly (Fig. 7).
Fig. 7 Assembly tools 1 Phillips screwdriver*
3mm Allen key
3 1.5mm centering key* 4 2mm centering key* 5 3mm hex key* 6 2.5mm hex key* (short type) 7 2.5mm hex key*
* depending on scope of delivery
6. Assembly
6.2 Installation of the Transmitted Light Illumination Carrier (DL)
Wipe the installation surface (8.3) with a dry cloth. Tip the illumination carrier (8.1) back slightly and install it so that the pin (8.2) engages the groove in the support surface (8.4).
Set the DL illumination carrier upright and fasten it with the 4 screws.
When fastening the transmitted light illumina­tion carrier, do not hold it so as to ensure its op­timal alignment with the optical axis. The tilt angle of the illumination carrier can be varied with the knurled screw (9.1) or fixed verti­cally. Connect the electronics cable to one of the sockets, EXT1 - EXT4.
The transmitted light lamp housing for 12V 100W halogen lamps is a separate component. For in­structions on replacing the halogen lamp Ch. 6.10, p. 41.
6. Assembly
6.3 Installation of the DIC Module
and DIC Objective Prisms
If your microscope is not equipped with DIC, please continue with Chapter 6.4.
In the Leica DMI 6000 B microscope, the DIC prisms are already installed in the DIC disk be­low the objective turret (Fig. 10b).
Proceed as follows when making changes to the IC prism disk:
• Remove the front cover (Fig. 11) below the
objective revolver after releasing the socket screws (Fig. 10a).
Fig. 10a Removing the front cover
Fig. 11 Front cover, DIC prism disk
• Insert the DIC prism disk (Fig. 10b) in its receptacle and tighten the two socket screws. Note: insert the prism disk with the electronics board facing down.
Replacing Individual IC Prisms:
• Release the two socket screws and remove the prism disk.
• Place the prism against the stop pin (10b.3), place the washer between the screw and the prism, and tighten gently to prevent undue tension. Insert the prism so that its identifying letter, e.g. ID, is facing upward and is legible.
• After installing the prisms, replace the prism disk into its receptacle.
Fig. 10b DIC objective prism turret (coded and motorized) 1 IC objective prism in frame 2 Identification letter (ID) 3 Orientation pin
Fig. 12 IC objective prism 1 Objective prism in frame 2 Screw and washer
6. Assembly
6.4 Installation of Specimen Stages
A wide range of specimen stages are available. The most important are the following:
• Fixed stage (248mm x 204mm): normal, heating and temperature-controlled
• Fixed micromanipulation stage (248mm x 204/ 112mm): normal, heating, temperature­controlled
• Regular manual 3-plate cross-stage, position­ing range: 83mm x 127mm
• Manual micromanipulation 3-plate cross-stage positioning range: 40mm x 40mm
• Motorized micromanipulation 3-plate cross­stage positioning range: 40mm x 40mm
• Manual rotating stage
• Scanning stage IM 120 x 100 (motors on top)
• Scanning stage IM 120 x 100 (motors on bottom)
Fig. 14 Mechanical 3-plate stage
Fig. 15 Micromanipulation stage with attachable mechan-
ical stage
Fig. 13 Fixed stage (normal)
Fig. 16 3-plate micromanipulation stage
6. Assembly
The assembly of these stages is identical. The stages are solidly attached to the microscope by three screws. In the case of fixed stages, an at­tachable mechanical stage may be installed (Fig. 18). These are supplied in a separate pack­age.
Multiple-plate stages are supplied separately. Like the fixed stages, these stages are mounted as follows:
• If the screws for the stage are already in the stand, remove them first. In most cases, the screws will be found in the packing material of the stand.
The screw lengths may vary. When using screws of different lengths, use the shorter of the three screws in the front hole and the equally long ones in the rear holes.
• Use a clean cloth to remove dust and packing material residue from the stand’s contact surface with the stage.
• Align the stage so that the pair of holes faces back toward the illumination axis and the single hole faces forward toward the tube.
• Align the mounting holes in the stage with the holes in the support surface. If the holes are covered, in the case of 3-plate cross-stages or scanning stages, please shift the upper stage plate until the opening becomes visible.
• First, tighten the single front screw with the included 3mm hex screwdriver. Be sure to use
shortest of the three screws in the front
the hole, as an excessively long screw can interfere with the focus travel. (If you have a rotating stage, please continue reading under "Rotating Stage and Insert Frame for Cover­slips").
Fig. 17 Fixed micromanipulation stage Fig. 18 Attachable mechanical stage for fixed microman-
ipulation stage
6. Assembly
• Next, firmly tighten the two rear screws.
• Finally, give the front screw a final firm tightening.
Fixed Stage
Attachable mechanical stages that are designed to accept a variety of culture dishes are also available for fixed stages. These mechanical stages may be attached to either side of the fixed stage (Fig. 17).
Two screws are located at the underside (right or left) of the attachable mechanical stage. Tighten these screws in the threaded holes on the underside of the fixed stage with the 3mm hex screwdriver. Retighten these screws from time to time after frequent use.
The attachable mechanical stage has been pre­adjusted in the factory. In the event that the at­tachable mechanical stage runs out of focus when moving from right to left, this can be cor­rected by Leica’s technical service.
Next, remove one or more of the ordered insert frames (Fig. 20) from their packaging and place the insert frame into the precise retention sys­tem. The stage, the attachable mechanical stage, and the insert frame are now ready for use.
Some (not all) inserts are provided with self-ad­hesive scales to allow the coordinates to be read.
Apply these scales to the recesses of the at­tachable mechanical stage.
Fig. 20 a, b, c
Inserts for attachable mechanical stage (micromanipulation stage)
Fig. 19 a, b
Inserts for attachable mechanical stage (fixed stage)
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