CPR 12/24-15 and
C P R 1 2 / 2 4 - 4 0
The Cathodic Protection Unit (CP) is a specialized power converter which provides DC
c u rrent to metal pipelines, storage tanks, bridges, or other exposed equipment to cancel the
e ffects of natural chemical corrosion. The CP operates directly from storage batteries common to photovoltaic systems and is equipped with a low voltage shut-down feature to prevent battery damage. It is suitable for use in systems of either positive or negative gro u n d .
The Cathodic Protection Contro l l e r
is designed for tro u b l e - f ree serv i c e
in all environments and includes
many special features which make
it easy to operate and maintain in
the field. Power consumption and
heat generation are minimized in
the CP since efficient solid
state circ u i t ry is used instead of
ballast resistors typical of earlier
cathodic protection units. T h e
power circuit contains no moving
p a rts to wear out or break down.
Quality digital voltage and curre n t
meters provide output monitoring which facilitates field adjustment. This is easily
p e rf o rmed by inserting a small screwdriver through the faceplate. Recalibration can
be perf o rmed in minutes without special tools or meter equipment.
Since corrosion protection systems normally operate in remote, unattended sites, they
should be protected from the common effects that make them fail such as: lightning
e x p o s u re, battery damage, and short - c i rc u i t s. That's why every Kyocera Solar, Inc. CP
Unit includes lightning transient suppression, a low battery shut-down circuit and output
overload pro t e c t i o n. Our dual transient protection network will suppress electrical spikes
and surges that normally damage field equipment. If the storage batteries become
d i s c h a rged due to cloudy days or photovoltaic system failure, the CP Unit will automatically
shut down, preventing excessive discharge and protecting the battery from perm a n e n t
damage and costly re p l a c e m e n t. Our built-in circ u i t - b reaker prevents damage to the CP
and other components, should the output leads become shorted to one another. To help
reduce overall system cost, the CP includes
adjustable current and voltage outputs. S t a n d a rd
Typical Negative
Current Load
Protection System
photovoltaic modules can be used and the CP
output adjusted to the desired level.
C a reful matching of the array to the DC converter
is not re q u i re d. The CP Unit can pro v i d e :
1) Adjustable current output with fixed upper limit
on voltage output
2) Adjustable voltage output with fixed upper
limit on current output.

CPR 12/24-15 and CPR 1 2 / 2 4 - 4 0
S t a n d a rd Feature s
Ideal for solar powered battery backed cathodic protection systems
User adjustable output voltage, current limit and half cell voltage re g u l a t i o n
Automation switching capabilities between diff e rent operating modes
Remote control and metering options available for sequenced operation
O p t i o n
LED Metering for output current and voltage
C o n t rol Feature s
Constant Vo l t a g e
Constant Curre n t
Half Cell Voltage Regulation
Electrical Specifications
Input Voltage: 10V to 40V input voltage range
12V to 24V nominal battery
Output Vo l t a g e : 2.0 to 24.0 Volts
Output Curre n t : 0.1 to 20.0 Amps (CPR 12/24-15)
0.1 to 40.0 Amps (CPR 12/24-40)
Half Cell Vo l t a g e : 0.2 to 3.0 Vo l t s
Ripple at Load (mv rm s ) : 2 0
E ff i c i e n c y : > 9 6 %
Transient Pro t e c t i o n : All inputs and outputs protected and tested.
Additional protection available.
Transient Response: (10% 90%)20 ms to re t u rn to re g u l a t i o n .
User Contro l s : Adjustment potentiometer to adjust output
Voltage, current limit and half cell re g u l a t i o n .
Mechanical Specifications
Open Frame Style for Mount in NEMA enclosure
D i m e n s i o n s : 4.88 in. x 4.73 in. x 1.5 in.
We i g h t : A p p roximately 0.5 lbs.
Te m p e r a t u re Range: - 4 0 ° C to 75°C
Te rm i n a t i o n s : Power Te rminal Block, Wi re Size: #10AW G
H u m i d i t y : 90% noncondensing, designed and tested for
Wa rr a n t y : 1 Ye a r
FAX: 303/422-8333
e-mail: info@kyocerasolar.com
Signal Te rminal Block, Wi re Size: #18AW G
operation in a NEMA 12, 4, 4x Enclosure .
Specifications subject to change without notice.