2.3 Dimensions and weights ................................................................................................ 11
2.3.1 Metric values for flow sensor and spool pieces ................................................................... 11
2.3.2 Imperial values for flow sensor and spool pieces................................................................ 13
3 Installation15
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1.1 Five-beam ultrasonic flowmeter
flowmetering. The absence of obstructions or moving parts in the pipe, ensures no wear or
pressure loss. This, in combination with larger meter sizes permits simplified configuration of
metering systems. For example no strainers and less parallel lines are required.
Operation is maintenance free. No periodic calibration is required, drastically cutting cost for
on-site equipment and procedures. This all results in considerable cost savings in both capital
(CAPEX) and operation expenditure (OPEX).
New line extensions make multi-beam flow metering a more cost effective and viable alternative
for low viscosity applications. There is also a line extension for extremely difficult heavy crudes.
ALTOSONIC V has established itself as the standard in multi-beam custody-transfer
• High reliability
• Compliant with API standards
• Certified to OIML R117 and MID MI-005
• No K-factor shift: no periodic re-calibration required
• No incidents of unscheduled interruption of operation since the introduction in 1996
• Rugged and reliable construction
• Large dynamic range
• Bi-directional flow measurement
• Integrated diagnostics
• Oil and Gas
• Refineries
• Petrochemical
• Offshore FPSO and platforms
• Production site / field
• Crude oil pipelines
• Terminal loading and off-loading
• Refineries
• Multi-product pipelines
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1.2 System components
The ALTOSONIC V is more than a simple meter. It is a 3 component system:
• UFS-V, Ultrasonic Flow Sensor
• UFC-V, Ultrasonic Flow Converter
• UFP-V, Ultrasonic Flow Processor
The flow converter and flow processor are intended for controlling an ultrasonic flow sensor and
processing its output signals. Equipment connected to the flow processor's input can be used to
determine the volume under reference conditions and to generate indications and printouts of
the measured / calculated quantities.
UFS-V, Ultrasonic Flow Sensor
UFS-V, Ultrasonic Flow Sensor
UFS-V, Ultrasonic Flow SensorUFS-V, Ultrasonic Flow Sensor
Stainless steel, fully welded design which contains 5 pairs of
transducers transferring signals to the flow converter. In
addition, a body temperature sensor is integrated to
compensate for body expansion.
1 Body temperature
2 Signals from transducer
3 Temperature
4 Pressure
5 Density (optional)
6 Viscosity (optional)
7 Modbus
8 To supervisory
UFC-V, Ultrasonic Flow Converter
UFC-V, Ultrasonic Flow Converter
UFC-V, Ultrasonic Flow ConverterUFC-V, Ultrasonic Flow Converter
For each independent measuring path, the flow converter
determines the time of flight, relative flow rate per path and
more, based on the received raw data from the flow sensor
and transfers this information via an RS485 information
string to the flow processor.
UFP-V, Ultrasonic Flow Processor
UFP-V, Ultrasonic Flow Processor
UFP-V, Ultrasonic Flow ProcessorUFP-V, Ultrasonic Flow Processor
The flow processor determines the gross flow based on the
information received from the flow converter. Using
measured pressure, temperature, and optional density, the
UFP also calculates the standard flow. The results and
diagnostics are shown on-screen or fed further to the
supervisory system.
Two versions are available of the processor:
• a panel-mounted version complete with HMI, and
• a compact housing for part of a system build.
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2.1 Technical data
The following data is provided for general applications. If you require data that is more
relevant to your specific application, please contact us or your local representative.
Additional information (certificates, special tools, software,...) and complete product
documentation can be downloaded free of charge from the website (Download Center).
The ALTOSONIC V flowmeter consists of a flow sensor (UFS-V) with ultrasonic transducers, a
separate electronic converter box (UFC-V) and a flow processor (UFP-V). The ALTOSONIC V is
custom designed to optimally suit your application.
Standard-40...+180°C / -40...+356°F0.1...150 cSt
Extended temperature-40...+250°C / -40...+482°F0.1...150 cSt
High viscosity-40...+180°C / -40...+356°Fup to 1500 cSt
Cryogenic-200...+180°C / -328...+356°F0.1...150 cSt
Measuring system
Measuring principle Ultrasonic transit time
Measuring functionalityStandard actual volume flow rate and totalised volume
Measuring rangev = 0...10 m/s / v = 0...33 ft/s
AccuracyTurndown 1:20: < ± 0.15% of measured value for v = 1...10 m/s / v = 0.9...33 ft/s
Turndown 1:50: < ± 0.20% of measured value for v = 0.2...10 m/s / v = 0.7...33 ft/s
Repeatability< ± 0.02% (n = 2)
Uncertainty< ± 0.027% (95% confidence level) acc. to API
Viscosity range0.1....1500 cSt
Density range
Zero stability< 0.2 mm/s
200...1200 kg/m3/ 12.5...75 lb/ft
Process conditions
Ambient temperature for all
ATEX versions
Maximum solid particle content
(well mixed)
Maximum gas content (well
Water in oil (well mixed)6% at > 1 m/s / 6% at > 3.3 ft/s
-40...+60°C / -40...+140°F
< 5% (by volume)
< 2% (by volume)
10% at > 2 m/s / 10% at > 6.6 ft/s
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