MM5500 MMaaiinn FFeeaattuurreess
Enhanced Definition Synthesis (EDS) engine, just like the M3, and developed in parallel with OASYS, provides incredible,
high-fidelity sounds.
Incredible sounds and addictive grooves, with Korg’s legendary sound design making the most of the M50’s impressive
Easy to use interface, with a bright and beautiful TouchView display!
Four Chord Trigger Buttons to trigger notes (up to 8-note chords!), drum sounds and MIDI messages.
Two powerful, polyphonic, programmable arpeggiators that can run simultaneously, with over 900 patterns for
expressive, tweak- able performances.
Massive Combinations layer, spli t and velocity-switch up to 16 Programs, with a separate 3-band EQ for each timbre.
Drum Track adds an instant groove and inspiration to any Program, Combi or Sequence- with over 600 preloaded patterns.
5 stereo Insert, 2 Stereo Master and 1 Stereo Total effects – the full mixing power of the M3 – no corners cut here!
4 Multi-function knobs for easy sound editing and mixer/arpeggiators/external devices/software control.
External software control templates built in, with over 100 templates for the most popular titles.
Flexible computer integration, wi th VST/RTAS/AU plug-in editor/librarian software included, to integrate the M50
into your computer-based studio – works with all major DAWs!
Hi-res (480ppq) sequencer with Korg’s famous tool kit of musical inspiration, including One-Touch Record, Template
Songs, RPPR, and Cue Lists.
M50-61 and M50-73 provide Korg’s brand new synth-weighted keybed, with great-feeling velocity-sensitive keys in sexy,
lightweight/very portable packages. M50-88 uses Korg’s incredibly realistic-feeling RH-3 graded hammer-action piano keys
in one of the lightest weight 88-note synths available!
USB MIDI connectivity and SD card storage- Connect easily to your computer (no interface required), and store songs
and other data on readily-available memory cards.
M50 Connections 2
Getting Around on the M50 2
Loading the Factory Settings/Demo Songs 2
Selecting and Playing Programs and Combis 3
Chord Triggers with Chord Assign function 3
Getting to Know the Arpeggiators 4
Working with the Drum Track 4
The Multi-Function Knobs 4
Making Music with the M50’s Sequencer 5
Saving Using SD Cards 6
Computer Connections- Plug-In and Standalone 7

M50 EasyStart
MM5500 CCoonnnneeccttiioonnss
1. Connect the AC power cable, and make sure that the VOLUME knob is turned down first > connect audio cables from
the AUDIO OUTPUT L/R jacks on the back of the M50 to your mixer, amplifier, or powered monitors (or connect
headphones to the PHONES jack).
2. Press the POWER ON button on the rear panel. Note that the current Operating System information will be displayed on
power-up. Visit www.korg.com/m50 for the most-current OS and additional support!
GGeettttiinngg AArroouunndd oonn tthhee MM5500
Navigating through the M50 is quick and easy… You’re never more than a touch or two away from where you
want to be. You’ve provided with several different ways to enter data, meaning that you can work the way that
you want to.
1. The M50 has three musical modes, which can be selected using the buttons to the right of the display:
PROG (Program) mode: Use this to play the individual sounds of the M50
COMBI (Combination) mode: Up to 16 programs can be layered, split or velocity-switched across the keys, each
with its own 3-band EQ
SEQ (Sequence) mode: A high-resolution 16 track sequencer with easy editing and audio recording
2. There are two additional modes:
GLOBAL mode: Adjust settings that affect all modes, such as MIDI, connection, and tuning settings
MEDIA mode: Interact with the SD card, saving and loading songs, sounds, and settings
3. Use the TouchView display to select sounds and functions. When selecting sounds, use the scroll bar at the bottom of
the display to move right or left, and you’ll see more sounds in each center menu – touch to audition sounds, and touch
the “OK” button in the display to go to the play mode page of the selected sound.
4. When you touch a parameter with a value that can be changed, you can modify it using these controls surrounding the
Turn the DIAL to the right of the display
Use the INC/DEC buttons to the left of the display
Use the numeric keypad to the right of the display to enter values
LLooaaddiinngg FFaaccttoorryy SSeettttiinnggss//DDeemmoo SSoonnggss
1. Press the GLOBAL button, touch the drop-down menu in the upper-right corner of the display, and select “Load
Preload/Demo Data”.
2. Choose what you’d like to load (“All Data” is selected by default) and then touch “OK”.
If you select a type of sound to load (Programs/Combis), you can load individual banks instead of the entire
preload data. You can even load individual sounds if desired.
3. Press the SEQ button, and then press START/STOP to listen to the demo songs…
To select additional demo songs: Touch the title of the song, and use the INC/DEC buttons, the DIAL, or the
numeric keypad and then press the START/STOP button. Press START/STOP again to stop playback of the

M50 EasyStart
SSeelleeccttiinngg aanndd PPllaayyiinngg PPrrooggrraammss aanndd CCoommbbiiss
1. Press either the PROG or COMBI button.
2. In the display, touch the “Category” box on the top of the display.
This is on the “Main” tab in Program Mode, and the “Prog 1-8” tab in Combi mode.
3. Choose the type of sound using the tabs on the left and right sides of the center menu in the display, and either touch
the desired sound in the display, or use the panel controls to select a sound.
4. Either play the keys, or press one of the four CHORD TRIGGER buttons, located just below the four knobs.
Note: You can stay right here in the Category page while you try out sounds… No need to touch “OK” until you’ve found the one you want
to work within Program or Combi Play mode!
Use the Chord Triggers!
Those four Chord Trigger buttons are very powerful. They can act as individual notes or drum sounds, and they can also trigger
eight-note chords. To start, check out some drums…
1. Go to Program Mode, and select any drum kit from the category search (the Drums category is on the lower right side).
2. Press to turn the DRUM TRACK and ARP ON/OFF buttons OFF (unlit).
3. Try playing the pads. They are automatically mapped to kick, snare, closed hat and open hat.
You’ll find this is the case with nearly every drum kit. Just call up the kit, and play away!
Okay, these pads can trigger drum sounds. But did you know that they can also play entire eight-note chords?
Check it out…
1. Go to the category search in Program Mode again, and select a pitched sound, like an acoustic guitar or a piano.
2. Play the triggers to hear the different chords. There are preset chords assigned to the triggers - for every sound in the
Cool… but what if you want to use your OWN chords?
Work with the Chord Assign Function:
1. Press the CHORD ASSIGN button (it will light) > Play up to eight notes at once…To create a massive chord, just hold
down the first key you want to use, and then press the other seven individually. Try holding down the sustain pedal, and
really-spread your 8-note voicing out across the keyboard to create some really…cool and/or demented chord
2. Hit the trigger you want to use to store the new chord voicing, and then hit that trigger again to hear it played back.
These triggers are great when playing the M50 live… You can use them to provide left-hand accompaniment, while you solo
with the right hand. You can also trigger arpeggio elements, or play a quick drum solo…or control external sounds!