Kodak DCS 330 User Manual

This is an update to the DCS 300 Series User’s Manual. It describes new features available on DCS 330 cameras with firmware version 3.2 or later.
Table of Contents
New Look for the Image Display........................................................................ 2
Navigating the Image Display .................................................................... 5
Status Bar ....................................................................................................6
Dual Slots for PC Cards....................................................................................... 7
Selecting a PC Card or Folder .................................................................... 8
Deleting Images .......................................................................................... 9
Formatting a PC Card ............................................................................... 10
JPEG File Processing......................................................................................... 11
Processing with Two PC Cards ................................................................. 11
Processing Images ..................................................................................... 12
Changing Processing Settings ................................................................... 15
Working with TIFF Custom Files on your Computer .............................. 17
White Balance.................................................................................................... 18
Selecting White Balance ........................................................................... 18
Using Custom White Balance Settings ..................................................... 19
Intervalometer.................................................................................................... 25
Recovering Deleted Images............................................................................... 27
Name Plate......................................................................................................... 28
Global Positioning System................................................................................ 29
IPTC Data Management.................................................................................... 31
Loading IPTC Data from a PC Card ......................................................... 32
Sharpening......................................................................................................... 33
In the Camera ..................................... ........ ............................................... 34
In the DCS Acquire Module or DCS TWAIN Data Source ..................... 35
Serial Port Operation......................................................................................... 37
Connecting a Device to the Serial Port ..................................................... 37
Accessing Serial Port Options .................................................................. 38
Image Transmit ......................................................................................... 42
New Features
DCS 330 cameras with firmware version 3.2 or later have the following new features:
A new look for the Image DisplayDual active slots for PC CardsJPEG file processing that allows you to finish files in the cameraEnhanced White Balance functionalityAn Intervalometer that allows you to set your camera to capture a series of images
The ability to recover deleted imagesA name plate that you can personalizeA Global Positioning System option that determines the exact latitude and
longitude of the camera
IPTC data in image headerSerial port operations
New Features

New Look for the Image Display

The Image Display has been redesigned to be easier to use and to provide more space for menu choices and image-related information. There is a new way of using the Menu bar, and a new Status bar that appears in Image Review mode.

Menu Bar

To provide more room on the Image Display screens, the Menu bar is only displayed at your request. When you turn the Image Display On, the last screen used appears without the Menu bar. If you then press the MENU button, the Menu bar appears.
Shortcut, press an d hold the MENU button to turn the I m age Dis pl ay On and di spl ay
the Menu bar.
The original Menu bar looked like this:
The new one looks like this:
When the Menu bar is displayed, the contrast of the remainder of the screen is lowered,
giving it a “grayed-out” appearance.
When you select t he f ol lowing icons on t h e Men u bar, the se dropdown menus and s creens appear:
Icon Dropdown Menu Function
Folder icon One PC Card:
Two PC Cards (p age 7):
Menu icon Displays choices for the
Display icon Displays choices for Single,
Displays the Folder menu. (Refer to chapter 4 of the
User’s Manual.)
Main and Properties menus.
Four, and Nine Image Review mode. (Refer to chapter 9 of the User’s Manual.)
New Features
Status icon Displays the Status screen
that contains information about the current image.
Icon Dropdown Menu Function
White Balance icon
Contrast icon Displays the Contrast screen
Displays choices for White Balance settings (page 18).
where you can adjust the contrast of the images displayed on the Image LCD panel. (The images themselves are not affected.)

Navigating the Image Display

Use the following guidelines when navigating the Image Display
Display the Menu bar and selec t a Menu bar icon
Press and hold the MENU button and rotate the Main Command dial until the desired icon is highlighted.
Display a Dropdown menu
Highlight the Folder, Menu, Display, or White Bala nce icon , and continue pres sing the MENU button until the dropdown menu appears.
New Features
Choose an item from a dropdown menu
When a dropdown menu appears, continue to press the MENU button and rotate the Main Command dial until the desired menu choice is highlighted.
Chose an item from a menu screen
Press and hold the SELECT button and rotate the Main Command dial to highlight your choice.

Status Bar

A Status bar appears whenever images are displayed (in Single, Four, or Nine Image Review mode). Information about the currently selected image appears on the Status bar:
The currently act ive PC Card
(if there are two cards in the camera)
Two PC Cards
One PC Card
The currently active folderSound icon (if one or more
sound files are associated with the selected image)
Tag icon (if the selected
image has been tagged)
Refer t o chapter 9 of the
User’s Manual for informat ion on tagging or associating a sound file with an image.

Dual Slots for PC Cards

The second PC Card slot has been enabled on the DCS 330 camera. With Type II PC Cards, you can use one or both slots. With Type III PC Cards, only one slot can be used. The card in the rear slot is referred to as CARD0, and the card in the front slot as CARD1.
Insert PC Cards as descr ib ed in cha pter 4 o f the Use r’ s Manual. When using one PC Card ,
you can use either slot. When using two cards, the first card inserted will be the active card. When you capture or delete images, they will be saved to or deleted from the active card.
New Features
With two PC Cards inserted, the following procedures are slightly different than those described in the User’s Manual. (With one card, refer to chapter 4 of the User’s Manual.)
Selecting a PC Card or folder (page 8)Deleting images (page 9)Formatting a PC Card (page 10)
Your camer a us es 3 volt or 5 vo lt PC Cards. Wh en y ou u se t w o c ards, they mu s t
both have the same voltage rating. If you insert two cards with different
voltages, neit her i s power e d. A “Ca r d Voltage Mix” message app ears. You need to remove one of the cards so that the other can be powered.
After inserting one PC Card, wait for the PC Card Busy/Record LED to stop
blinking before inserting the second card. Failure to do so will cause an error.

Selecting a PC Card or Folder

Select the Folder icon (page 5). If there is no PC Card in the
camera, an X appea rs w i thi n the Folder icon. Selecting the Folder icon produces the screen at the left.
With one PC Card inserted, this
dropdown menu appe ars with a • displayed next to the currently active folder.
With t wo PC Cards ins erted, this dropdown menu appe ars with a • displayed next to the currently active card and the currently active folder on that card.
A 0 or 1 appears in the Folder icon, indicating the active PC Card.
The listed folders are on the active card. The fold er li st changes when you change cards.
The numbers in par entheses next to the cards and folders indicate the number of images in each.
2 Continue pressing the
MENU button.
3 With two PC C ards inserted,
select CARD0 or CARD1 from the dropdown menu (page 5), then select a folder. With one card inserted, select a folder.

Deleting Imag es

To delete images when one card is inserted, display the Main menu (page 5), then delete images as described in chapter 9 of the User’s Manual. If two cards are inserted, do the
1 Select a different PC Card, if
necessary (page 8).
2 Select the Menu icon, t hen
choose Main Menu from the dropdown menu (page 5).
The Main menu appears.
3 Select Delete Images.
The Delete Images screen appears, displaying choices for the act ive PC Card.
4 Press and hold the SELECT
button and rotate the Main Command dial to highli ght your choice.
New Features

Formatting a PC Card

There can only be one PC Card in the camera when you format a card. This is a safety feature to preve nt f ormatting the wrong ca rd. You can format a card using ei ther th e Quick Format or the Full Format feature.
Quick format, while fa st er, is not r eco mme nde d if th ere i s a poss ib il it y th at th e dat a on the card is corrupted.
1 Select the Menu icon, th en
choose Main Menu (page 5).
2 Select Card from the Main
menu. The Card menu appears.
3 Choose Quick Format or Full
If two cards are in the camera, you are prompted to remove the inactive card. For example, if CARD0 is active, you are prompted to remove CARD1.
Remove the inactive card, then select Retry.
If you remove the active card, the message at the left appears:
Re-insert the card in the proper slot, then select Retry.
4 Proceed with formatting as
described in chapter 4 of the
User’s Manual.

JPEG File Pr o cessing

The DCS 330 camer a su ppor ts background image pr oc essing that produce s JPEG or TIFF RGB files that can be opened directly by any image editing software.
The choices for processed files are JPEG Good, Better, Best, and TIFF RGB. JPEG Good files have th e m os t com pr ession, J PEG Be st have the least —the less compres si on applied,
the better the image quality in the processed file and the larger the file size. The final JPEG file size varies, depending on image content. TIFF RGB files are not compressed.
When you capt ure images, the y a re w r it t en t o t he s el ect ed folder on the PC Card using t he TIFF Custom format, regardless of whether Processing is turned on. If you turn on Processing, JPEG Best, Better, Good, or TIFF RGB files are created in the background (when the camera is not busy with other tasks such as capturing images).
JPEG files are saved to a JPEG folder and TIFF RGB files are saved to a TIFF RGB folder. These folders are created on the PC Card when you turn on Processing (if they are not already there). If you select the JPEG or TIFF RGB folder to review images, then capture an image, a message informs you that images cannot be saved in that folder. The images are saved in the default folder established in Properties. (Refer to chapter 3 of the User’s Manual.)
The default for Processing is Off. When you turn on Processing, it stays on until you turn it off, or remove the PC Card.

Processing with Two PC Cards

When you have PC Cards insert ed i n bot h slots (page 7), im ag es are process ed on t he card that is active when you turn on Processing. If you make the other card active, processing continues on the card originally designated for processing. For example, if CARD0 is active when you t ur n on Pr oce ssi ng, then you change t o CARD1, processing cont inu es on CARD0, but not on CARD1. In this case, if you want to switch Processing to CARD1, you must turn off Processing, then turn it back on. When turned on, Processing is automatically set for the active card (CARD1).
New Features
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