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Whether feeding caustic, acid or other conductive liquids to a process, this capable
controller does it with ease and accuracy. Compared with other concentration
controllers, the ControlGuard FCS is a breeze to program and maintain. Its optional
secondary pump and pump controls make it well suited for two point / two chemical
injection applications such as eggwash, bottle wash, can wash, and other industrial
spray wash applications. ControlGuard FCS can be operated as a probe based
dispenser or feed chemicals based, repeat cycle times or discreet signal inputs from
PLCs, motor contactors or manual push button.
• Program/Control chemicals in millisiemens, percent concentration (total wash solution)
or Knight Units “KU’s”.
• Temperature display of wash solution (°F or °C)
• Conductivity or “Repeat Interval“ chemical feed modes
• Water tight molded plastic case with latch
• Menu driven digital programming
• Password protected menus
• Conductive or inductive probes (inductive probe never needs cleaning)
• Optional secondary pump controller
• Operates peristaltic, electric or air operated pumps
• Optional low supply beacon
• Temperature compensating inductive probe holds chemical concentrations constant at any
ControlGuard FCS Components
ControlGuard FCS Components
AC pump output board
and power supply
ptional secondary pump
control modules
Water proof prime button
for secondary pumps
Air solenoid valve for
running AODD pumps
Power on-off switch with
rubber boot
A Variety of Configurations and Applications
A Variety of Configurations and Applications
Bright red flashing low
chemical beacon
EPDM gasket seal
CPU with digital display
and plug/play connectors
24 VDC pump motors
IP-65 rated case
Squeeze tube equipped
w/Kynar hose barbs
Applications: Single chemical
concentration control and
peristaltic pump system for
controlling one chemical
Pump #1 KP-8120 BDCX
18oz/min (532 ml/min) w/
T-50E EPDM squeeze tube w/
3/8” barb connector fittings
* Conductivity sensor optional
Applications: Two chemical
concentration control for
caustic and sanitizer with
variable speed control for
setting sanitizer flow rate.
Pump #1 KP-8120 BDCX
45oz/min (1350 ml/min) w/
T-66E squeeze tube w/ 3/8”
barb connector fittings
Applications: Controller only
can operate CleanGuard
electric diaphragm or
FlowGuard air operated
pumps. Air solenoid valve
ordered as part of controller.
Electric diaphragm pump
powered by internal AC output
Pump #2 KP-5100DCX
18oz/min (532 ml/min) w/
T-50E EPDM squeeze tube w/
1/4” barb connector fittings
* Conductivity sensor optional
ControlGuard FCS System
Part Number Model Description
7165051 CG-FCS Conductivity Controller Base System (Please specify 110 VAC or 230 VAC)
Control Guard Configurable Options
1600698 N/A Inductive Probe w/ 25ft. (7.6m) cable and 1/2” NPT thread
7005195 P-120s Conductive Probe w/ Cell Constant 1.0
7224520 KP-8120BDCX Peristaltic 800 Pump Assy (Pump 1) (DC pump) w/ w/ T-66E Squeeze Tube (45 oz/min)(1350 ml/min)
7224519 KP-5200DCX Peristaltic 500 Pump Assy (Pump 2 ) (DC pump) w/ T-50E Squeeze Tube (18 oz/min) (532 ml/min)
0200503 N/A Strobe, Control Guard FCS
1900775 N/A Pump Trigger Switch [for #2 pump: KP 5100 0-100oz/min (250 ml/min)]
7164045 3/8” Air Solenoid Valve, 24 VDC
7140583 KTM-550 Limit Timer to control secondary pump run time w/signal or manual activation (DC Pumps)
7142326 KTM-600 Limit Timer to control secondary pump run time w/signal or manual activation (AC Pumps)
7142218 MT-300 Event Timer w/ 20 Events/Day, One pump output (DC Pumps)
7142228-2 MT-400 Event Timer w/ 20 Events/Day, One pump output (AC pumps)
7140586 CT-550 Repeat Cycle Timer (0-12 min On/ 0-63 Min Off) (DC Pumps)
7141600 CT-600 Repeat Cycle Timer (0-12 min On/ 0-63 Min Off) (AC Pumps)
Applications: Temperature
compensating inductive probe
holds chemical concentrations
constant at any temperature.
Inductive probes never need
to be cleaned.
P-120 Probe - conductive
sensor with stainless steel tips
Case dimensions:
W 13.25” x H 10.5” x D 7.5”
34 cm x 27 cm x 19 cm
Case ratings:
IP-65 (Complete protection
from dust and water jets)
Case material:
115 or 230 VAC
Conductivity Range:
Conductive: 50 mS (max)
Inductive: 200 mS (max)
Alarm Delay:
0-512 seconds
Knight controls and pump systems are warranted against defects in material and work man ship for a period of ONE YEAR. All Electronic Control Boards have a TWO YEAR warranty.
Warranty applies only to the replacement or repair of such parts when returned to the factory with a KRA number, freight prepaid and found to be defective upon factory inspection.
Rubber and synthetic rubber parts such as "O" rings, diaphragms, squeeze tubing and gaskets are considered expendable and are not covered under warranty. War ran ty does not
cover liability resulting from performance of this equipment nor the labor to replace this equipment. Product abuse or misuse voids warranty. Knight products are not for use in
potentially explosive environments. Any use of our equipment in such an environment is at the risk of the user. Knight does not accept any liability in such circumstances.
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Tel (949) 595-4800 Fax (905)542-1536 Fax +44(1323)514.828 Fax +61(02)4271.8136 Fax +82(2)3482.5742 Fax +65.6489.6723
Fax (949)595-4801
The information and specifications included in this publication were in effect at the time of approval for printing. Knight,
LLC. reserves the right, however, to discontinue or change
specifications or design at any time without notice and without
incurring any obligation whatsoever.