Keithley 238, 237, 236 Datasheet

236, 237, and 238 Source-Measure Units
The 236, 237, and 238 Source-Measure Units (SMU) are fully programmable instruments, capable of sourcing and measuring voltage or current simulta­neously. These systems are really four instruments in one: voltage source, current source, voltage mea­sure and current measure.
The 236 will source voltage from 100µV to 110V, and current from 100fA to 100mA. It can also measure voltage from 10µV to 110V and current from 10fA to 100mA. The 237 offers the same capabilities with a decade enhancement in voltage source and mea-
sure (1100V). In this higher voltage range, current source and measure is 10mA maximum. The 238 offers a decade enhancement in current source and measure (1A). In this higher current range, voltage source and measure is 15V maximum.
The 236, 237, and 238 will measure very small cur­rents and voltages. With current sensitivity of 10fA, measurement capabilities are equal to those of an electrometer. Selectable integration and the filtering of multiple measurements enhances sensitivity for demanding applications.
Both source voltages and source currents settle to specified accuracy in as little as 500µs. Programma­ble delay and fast, integrating measurement capa­bility can provide coordinated source-measure times of 1ms.
These instruments address a wide variety of appli­cations, including the characterization of semicon­ductor devices, and the measurement of leakage currents or resistivity. They are particularly useful as source and measuring instruments in automated test equipment (ATE).
The 236, 237, and 238 provide simple, accurate mea­surements in semiconductor applications. Multiple units controlled with a personal computer make a
powerful semiconductor parameter analyzer. Non­standard tests are also performed efficiently be­cause of the unique versatility of these units.
Two accessory semiconductor test fixtures maintain the signal integrity of the SMUs all the way to your device. The 8006 is a general purpose test fixture, and the 8007 is designed to accommodate either 24­or 48-pin devices. These test fixtures can be safety interlocked with the 236, 237, and 238 to prevent accidental shock.
A Keithley Model 707A or 708A switching matrix and semiconductor switching cards may be used in conjunction with the 236, 237, and 238 for opti­mum performance in automated semiconductor measurement applications.
Keithley SMUs are powerful tools for research and industrial test applications. The short set-up time and simplified programming are big advantages for tests that need to be up and running quickly. The overall versatility is ideal for constantly changing research use.
The large dynamic range of source and measure capabilities permits accurate measurement of insu­lation resistance, leakage current, and dissipation factors. The high sensitivity of these units make them ideal for characterizing the electrical proper­ties of many materials.
Enhanced System Versatility
A single Source-Measure Unit eliminates most of the complicated system integration problems involved with setting up and programming individual sources and meters. This new, compact module also saves rack space and can be more economical than sepa­rate components.
New test systems can be developed much faster with SMUs. There is only one set of device dependent com­mands (DDC) to learn, and the overall test system is better coordinated for more efficient operation.
•Four instruments in one (voltage source, voltage measure, current source, current measure)
•10fA, 10µV measurement sensitivity
•1100V source and measure (237 only)
•1A source and measure (238 only)
•Standard and custom sweep capability including pulse
•1000 source/measurements per second
•Four quadrant source operation
•Internal 1000-reading memory
236 Source-Measure Unit with two
7078- TRX-10 3-Slot Low Noise Triax Cables, 3m (10 ft), one 236-ILC-3 Interlock Cable, 3m (10 ft), and one 237-ALG-2 Low Noise Triax Cable, 2m (6.6 ft)
237 High Voltage Source-Measure Unit
with two 7078-TRX-10 3-Slot Low Noise Triax Cables, 3m (10 ft), one 236-ILC-3 Interlock Cable, 3m (10 ft), and one 237-ALG-2 Low Noise Triax Cable, 2m (6.6 ft)
238 High Current Source-Measure Unit
with two 7078-TRX-10 3-Slot Low Noise Triax Cables, 3m (10 ft), one 236-ILC-3 Interlock Cable, 3m (10 ft), and one 237-ALG-2 Low Noise Triax Cable, 2m (6.6 ft)
These products are available with an Extended Warranty. See page 635 for com­plete ordering information.
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236, 237, and 238 Source-Measure Units
Figure 1: Internal Memory
0001 0002 0003 0004 0005
+1.0000 V +02.000 V +03.000 V +04.000 V +05.000 V
+028.00 V
+1000.0 V
236-ILC-3 Interlock Cable, 3m (10 ft) 237-ALG-2 3-Slot, Low Noise Triax Cable,
7078-TRX-3 3-Slot, Low Noise Triax Cable,
7078-TRX-10 3-Slot, Low Noise Triax Cable,
7078-TRX-20 3-Slot, Low Noise Triax Cable,
1938 Fixed Rack Mount Kit 1939 Slide Rack Mount Kit 8000-10 Equipment Cabinet, 10 in high 8000-14 Equipment Cabinet, 14 in high
Metrics-ICS Metrics-ICS-IV/TestPoint
SWITCHING (page 174)
707A Switching Matrix 708A Switching Matrix 7072 Semiconductor Matrix Card 7072-HV High Voltage Semiconductor
7153 High Voltage Low Current Matrix
7172 8×12 Low Current Matrix Card 7174A 8×12 High Speed, Low Current
8006 Component Test Fixture 8007 Semiconductor Test Fixture
213 Quad Voltage Source 237-TRX-NG 3-Slot Triax to 3-Lug Female
See page 235 for descriptions of all accessories.
2m (6.6 ft)
0.9m (3 ft)
3m (10 ft)
6m (20 ft)
Matrix Card
Matrix Card
Triax Connector
1-800-552-1115 (U.S. only)
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Measurements as a Function of Voltage,
00.100 s
00.100 s
00.100 s
00.100 s
00.100 s
00.100 s
00.100 s
+1.0921 nA +1.1526 nA +1.2234 nA +2.3725 nA +2.7713 nA
+3.6576 nA
+8.5763 nA
000.002 s
000.003 s
000.005 s
000.006 s
000.008 s
000.042 s
001.503 s
Current, or Time
Measurements can be taken and recorded in an internal memory along with corresponding values of the source volt­age or current and time. Up to 1000 values of each variable, correlated in time, may be accessed by the front panel using either a rotary dial or a keypad. All measurement and source values along with the elapsed time may also be obtained over the IEEE-488 bus.
The internal memory is organized to obtain and present measurement results in a versatile and easy to understand manner. All source values and corresponding measurement values are stored in sequence and share a common index.
Data Display
The contents of the internal memory may be accessed via the IEEE-488 bus or displayed in several for­mats using the front panel controls. Source and measure values may be displayed simultaneously or with the index value. Delay and elapsed time may also be displayed with the index. The choice between display modes is conveniently made using the Select keys. The delay time between source and measure­ment may be independently set from 0 to 65,000ms from the front panel or the IEEE-488 interface.
Selectable Sweeps of Voltage and Current
The 236, 237, and 238 may be programmed to perform source-measurements as a function of a stepped voltage or current. Voltage and current may be swept linearly, logarithmically, or pulsed. The START, STOP, STEP method of setting sweep parameters allows operators to become proficient at using the instrument very quickly. Sweep parameters may be appended (APPEND key) to obtain more complex test sequences.
Creating custom sweeps of voltage or current is facilitated by the use of three waveform operations: CRE­ATE, APPEND, and MODIFY. These allow the user to select waveform parameters, combine multiple waveforms, and select and change any points in a waveform previously created or appended.
Fully-Guarded Four-Terminal Measurements
The 236, 237, and 238 outputs and inputs are fully guarded, and the units are configured to allow four­terminal measurements. Two-terminal measurements are also available for more standard test proce­dures. These outputs may be floated up to ±200V from ground.
Source Capability
The 236, 237, and 238 deliver full output current at maximum voltage to allow for optimum character­ization of high-power devices. The 236 delivers up to 100mA at 110V, the 237 delivers 10mA at 1100V, and the 238 delivers 1A at 15V.
Pushbutton suppression lets you make relative measurements with respect to a baseline or cancel back­ground signals. Suppression for a particular measurement may be any value within the specified oper­ating range of the instrument.
Fast, efficient programming makes these Source-Measure Units the ideal systems for a wide range of testing procedures in the most comprehensive systems.
FIGURE 2: Data Displays FIGURE 3: SMU Source Capability
238: ±1A at ±15V
Display source and measure values simultaneously.
Display delay time between source and measurement.
Display measured current.
Display time (T).
236, 237, 238:
±110V, ±100mA
1V 10V 100V 1000V–1V–10V–100V–1000V
±1100V at ±10mA
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