Keithley 2016, 2015 User Manual

Models 2015 and 2016 Background Noise
Packing List
Measuring background noise in the presence of a signal with the Models 2015 and 2016
Starting with B08 firmware, the Models 2015 and 2016 have the ability to measure the background noise in the presence of a signal. (Background noise is the RMS energy not contained in the fundamental or any of its harmonics).
The background noise value can also be an option for the internal sweep measurement. An additional choice to the :OUTPut:LIST:ELEMents command parameters of DIST and AMPL is BNOIS. The data returned from an :OUTPut:LIST:DATA? query is ordered as <dist1>, <ampl1>, <bnois1> , <dist2>, <ampl2>, <bnois2>, etc. The actual data elements sent are determined by the elements selected.
For example, if the command is: OUTP:LIST:ELEM DIST,BNOIS the elements returned in response to a OUTP:LIST:DATA? would be: <dist1>, <bnois1>,<dist2>, <bnois2>, etc.
PA-698 Rev. A / 11-99