Keithley Instruments, Inc. warrants this product to be free from defects in material and tiorkmanship for a period of 1 year from date of
Keithley Instruments, Inc. warrants the following items for90 days from the date of shipment: probes, cables, rechargeable batteries,
diskettes, and documentation.
During the warranty period, we will, at OUT option, either repair or replace any product that proves to be defective.~~ :
To exercise this warranty, write or call your local Keithley representative, or contact Keithley headquarters in Ct&, Ohio. YOU will
be given Prompt assistance and return instruciions. Send the product, transport&~ prepaid, to the indicated service facility. Repairs
will be made and the product returned, transportation prepaid. Repaired or replaced products are warranted for the balance of the original warranty period, or at least PO days.
This warranty does not apply to defects resulting from product modification without Keithley’s express written consent, or misuse of
any product or part. This warranty also does not apply to fuses,~software, non-rechargeable batteries, damage from battery leakage,~or
problems arising~55Zi-i ncmii~l wear or failure to follow instructions.
Model 196~ System DMM
Instruction Manual
01986, Keithley Instruments, Inc.
Test Instrumentation Group
All rights reserved.
Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.
Fourth PrintingJanuary 1992
Document Number: 196-901-01 Rev. 0
Safety Precautions
The following safety precautions should be observed befoE
using this product and any associated inshvmentation. Although some instruments and accessories would normally be
used with non-hazardousvoltages, therearesituatio~iis where
hazardous conditions may be present
This product is intended for use by qualiied personnel who
iecognize shock hazards and are familiar with the safety precautions required to avoid possible injury. Read the operating
information carefully before using the product.
Exercise extreme caution when a shock hazard is present. Lethal voittige may be present on cable connector jacks or test
f?xtures. The American National Standards Instih~te (ANSI)
states that a shock hazard exists when voltage levels greater
than 30V RMS, 42.4V peak, or 60VDC are present. A good
safety practice is to expect that hazardous voltage is present
in any unknown circuit before measuring.
Before operating an inskutient, make sure the line cord is
connected to a properly grounded power receptacle. Inspect
the connecting cables, test leads, and jumpers for possible
wear, cracks, or breaks before each use.
For maximum safety, do not touch the product, test cables, or
any other instruments while power is applied to the circuit
under test. ALWAYS remove power from the entire test systern and discharge any capacitors before: connecting or disconnecting cables or jumpers, installing or removing
switching cards, or making internal changes, such as installing or removing jumpers.
Do not touch any object that could provide a current path to
the common side of the circuit under test or power lie
(earth) ground. Always make measurements with dry hands
while standing on a ~JY, insulated surface capable of withstanding the voltage being measured.
Do not exceed the maximum signal levels of the instruments
and accessories, as defined in the specifications and operating
inform&ion, and a~ shown on the instrument or test fixture
rear panel, or switchiig card.
Do not connect switching cards directly to unlimited power
circuits. They are intended to be used with impedance limited sources. NEVER cbnnect switching cards directly to AC
tin. When connecting sources to switching cards, install
$~~tive devices to lit fault current and voltage to the
When fuses are used in a product, replace with same type and
rating for continued protection against fire hazard.
Chassis connections must only be used as shield connections
for measuring circuits, NOT as safety earth ground connections.
If you are using a test fxtwe, keep the lid closed while power
is applied to the device under test. Safe operation requires the
u.s$of a lid interlock.
Ifa @saew ispresenton~hetest tixhm?,connectit tbsafety
earth ground using #18 AWG or larger wire.
The $ symbol on an instrument or accessory indicates that
1oOOV or more may be present on the terminals. Refer to the
product manual for detailed operahlng information.
Instrumentation and accessories should not be connected to
Maintenance should be performed by qualified service personnel. Before perfo&ng any maintenance, disconnect the
line cord~and all test cables.
6% Digits,
ANALOG SETTLING TIME: <lm.s (<2ms on 300mV range), to 0.01%
of step change.
CMRR: >lZOdB at dc, MHz or 6OHz (iO.O5%) with lkQ in either lead.
NMRR: >M)dB at50Hz or60Hz (iO.0546). ~~
RESPONSE: Tiue root mean square, ac coupled.
CREST FACTOR (ratio of peak to rms)z Up to 3:l allowable.
NONSINUSOIDAL INPUTS: For fundamental frequencies < -, mest
factor ~3, add 0.25% of reading to specified accuracy for 3oomV and
3V ranges; add 0.6% of reading to specified accuracy for 30V and 3fXlV
on 3wiXOkO ranges, requires proper zeroing. Allowable compensation
of ilOmV on 3OilQ range and ilWmV on 3ktl and 3OkO ranges.
MAX, ALLOWABLE INPIJZ 3wV rms, 425V peak, whichever is less.
JJNEARIlY Linetity is defined as the madmum deviation from a &might
line between the readings at zero and full range: 20ppm of range for
SCO@3OkO ranges, at 23°C iYC.
3 A
‘4wigit count error is 20. 3K-digit CO”“t error is 5.
OVERLOAD PROTECTION: 3A fuse (25OV), accessible from reii~ panel.
c iCO.1 x applicable accumw svecification)PC.
1 For Sinewave inputs >x.m EOuntS. For 4Vdigit accuracy, divide cou*t error by
10. .%3lidigit accuracy, count errOI b 5. Jn 3vl- and 4K.digit modes, specificati‘J”d apply for stnew.we inputs ,200Hz.
RESPONSE: True mot mean square, ac coupled.
CREST FACTOR (ratio of peak to rms): Up to 3:l allowable at % full scale.
NONSINUSOIDAL INPUTS: Spe&d accwacy for fundamental fquen-
ctes <lkJ&, CI& factor <3.
SEmING TIME: 1 second to within 0.1% of change in reading.
OVERLOAD PROTECTION: 3A fuse (UOV) accessibl&fiom rear panel.
RANGING: Manual or autoranging.
MAXIMUM READING: 3029999 counts in 6%.digit mode.
ZERO: Control subtract: on-scale value from subseqtient readings or allows
value to be prog&nmed.
CONNECTORS: Analog: Switch selectable front or rear, safety j&s.
Digital: TRIGGER input tid VOLTMETER COMPLETE &put on iear
panel, BNCs.
WARMUP: 2 hours to rated accuracy.
DISPLAY: 10, 0.5-in. alphanumeric LED digits with decimal point and
polarity. Function and IEEE-488 bus status also indicated.
ISOLATION: Input Lo to IEEE Lo orpower line ground: 5oOVpeak. 5~xlC+
max. VI+ product. >lO’D paralleled by 4OOpF.
DATA MEMORY: 1 to 500 locations, programmable. Measurement inter-
vals selectable from lms to 999999,&s or triggered.
BENCH READING RATE: 5 readings/second (2lsecond on 30M8 and
3COMtl ranges).
FILTER: Weighted average (exponential). Programmable weighting, 1 to
OPERATING ENVIRONMENT: O”-500$ 0%.80% relative humidity up
to 35T; linearly derate 3% RH/“C, 35’C-5Ci’C (0%.60% RH up to 28OC
on 3oOMB range).
POWER: 105.125V or 210.UOV, rex panel switch selected, 5OHz or 6OHz,
30VA max. YO-1lOV and 18022OV versions available upon request.
DIMENSIONS, WEIGHT: l27mm high x 216mm wide x 359mm deep
(5 in. x 8% in. x 14% in.). Net weight 3.7kg (8 Ibs.).
Model lOlYA-1: Single Fixed Rack Mounting Kit
Model lOlYA-2: 5’%-in. Dual Fixed Rack Mounting Kit
Model 10195-1: 5’%-in. Single Slide Rack Mounting Kit
Model 10195-2: 5X-b,. Dual Slide Rack Mounting Kit
Model 1651: 5&Ampere Shunt
Model 1681:
Model 168s RFPmbe
Model 1685:
Model 1751:
Model 1754:
Model 5806:
Model 7W7-I: Shielded IEEE-488 Cable, lm
Model 7007-2: Shielded IEEE-488 Cable, 20,
Model 7008.3: IEEE-488 Cable, 3 ft. (O.Ym)
Model 7008-6: IEEE488 Cable, 6 ft. (1.8m)
Prices and specifications Subject to change without notice.
Clip-On Test Lead Set
Clamp-On Current Pmbe
General Purpose Test Leads
Universal Test Lead Kit
Kelvin clip Leads
TRMS AC Volts Calibration.
DC Current Calibration
TRMS AC Currefit calibration
Recommended Troubleshooting Equipment
Model I.96 Troubleshooting Mode
Power Stipply Checks.
Digital Circuitry Checks.
Display Circuitry Checks
Conmctions ‘for DC Volts Verification
Connections for Ohms Verification (300%#$! Range)
Connections for Ohms Verification (3OOkn--3OOMQ Ranges)
Connections for DC Current Verification
Connections for TRMS AC Cur&t Verification ._.
The Keithley Model 196 System DMM is a five function
autoranging~ digital multimeter. At 6% digit resolution, the
LED display can display ~*3,@0,1lOO coo@s. The ran@ of
this analog-to-digital (A/D) converter is greater t+q the nor:
mal *l,999,999&tit~AAID converter used in many 6% &St
DMMs. The built-in IEEE-488~ interface makes the instrument fully programmable over the IEEE-488 bus. The Model
196 can make the following basic measurements:
1. DC voltage measurements from lOOnV to 3OOV.
2. Resistance measurements from lOOpI tb’3OOM62.
3. TRMS AC voltage measurements from 1pV to 300V.
4. DC current me&urements from lnA to 3A.
5. TRMS AC current measurements from lnA to 3A.
In addition to the above~ mentioned measurement
capabilities, the Model 196 can make:AC dB voltage and
current measurements.
Warranty information may be found on the inside front
cover of this manual. Should it become necessary to exq
c@e the warranty, contact your Keithley represent&e or
the ~factory to determine the proper course of action.
Keithley Instruments maintains service facilities in the
United States, United Kingdom and throughout Europe.
Information concerning the application, operation or service of your instrument may be directed to the applications
engineer at any of these locations. Check the inside front
cover for addresses.
Information concerning improvements or changes to the
instrument which occur after the printing of this manual
will be found on an addendum sheet included with the
manual. Be sure to review these changes before attempting to operate or service the instrument.
Some important Model 196 features include:
l 10 Character Alphanumeric Display-Easy to read 14seg-
ment LEDs used for readings and front panel messages.
*High Speed Measurement Rate-l000 readings per
l Zero-Used to cancel offsets or establish baselines. A zero
value can be programmed from the front panel or over
the IEEE-488 bus.
l Filter-The weighted average digital filter can be set from
the front panel or over the bus.
l Data Store-Can stoti tip to 500 readings and is accessl%le
only over the bus.
l Digital Calibration-The instrument may be digitally
calibrated from either the front panel or over the bus.
l User Programmable Default Condition&&y inshument
measurement configuration can be established as the
power-up default conditions.
l Translator Softwze-User defined words (stored in non-
volatile memory) can be used to replace standard command strings over the IEEE-488 bus.
l Offset Compensated Ohms-Used to correct for small er-
ror voltages in the measurement circuit.
The following safety symbols and terms are used in this
manual or found on the Model 196.
The A
symbol on the instrument denotes that the user
should refer tom the -operating instruction iq this manual.
The I/y on the instrument denotes that a potential of
300V or more may be present on the terminal(s). Standard
safety practices should be observed when such dangerous
levels are encomitered.
The WARNING used in this manual explains dangers that
could result in personal injury or death.
The CAUTION used in this manual explains hazards that
could damage the instrument:
Detailed Model 196 specifications may be found preceding
the 7hble of Contents oft &is manual. ~. ~~~~
The Model 196 System DMM was carefully inspected, both
electrically and mechanically before shipment. After unpacking all items from the shipping carton, check for any
obvious signs of physical damage that may have occurred
during transit. Report any damage to the shipping~agent.
Retain and use the original packing materials in case reshipment is necessary. The following items are shipped with
every Model 196 order:
Model 196 System DMM
Model 196 Instruction Manual
Safety Test Leads (Model 3751)
Additional accessories as ordered.
Jf an additional instruction manual is required, order the
manual package (Keithley Part Number 196-901-00). The
manual package includes an instruction manual and any
applicable addenda.
This manual contains information necessrny for operating
and servicing the Model 196 System DMM. The information is divided into the following sections:
l Section 1 contains general information about the Model
396 includiig that necessary to inspect the instrument and
get it operating as quickly as possl%le.
l Section 2 contains detailed operating information on
using the front panel controls and programs, making connections and basic measuring techniques for each of the
available measuring functions.
l Section 3 contains the information necessary to connect
the Model 196 to the IEEE488 bus and program operating
modes and functions from a controller.
l Se&on 4 contains performance verification procedures
for the instrument. This information will be helpful if you
wish to verify that the instrument is operating in compliance with its stated specifications.
l Section 5 contains a description of operating theory.
Analog, digital, power supply, and IEEE-488 interface
operation is included.
0 Section 6 contains information for servicing the instru-
ment. This section includes information on fuse replacement, line voltage selection, calibration and
l Section 7 contains replaceable parts information.
The Model 196 System DMM is a highly sophisticated instrument with many capabilities. To get the instrument up
&id running quickly use the following procedure. For complete information on operating the Model 196 consult the
appropriate section of this manual.
Power up
1. Plug the line cord intom~the rear anel power jack and
plug the other end of the cordpinto an appropriate,
grounded power source. See paragraph 2.2.1 for more
complete information.
2. Press in the POWER switch to apply power to the in-
shument. The instrument will power up in the 3CW DC
Making Measurements
‘L Connect safety~shrouded testy leads to the front panel
VOLTS H.I and LO input terminals. Make sore the INPUT switch on the rear panel is in the in (FRONT)
2. To make a voltage measurement, simply connect the in-
put leads to a DC voltage source (up to 3OOV) and take
the reading from the display.
3. To change to a different measuring function, simply
press the desired function button. For -pie, to
measure resistance, press the OHMS button.
Using Front P.&e1 Programs
Program selection is accomplished by pressing the PRGM
button followed by the button(s) eat corresponds to the
program number or name. For example, to select Program
31 (IEEE), press the PRGM button and then the 3 and 1
buttons. ‘Ihble 2-7 lists and briefly describes the available
front panel programs. Once a program is selected the
following general rules will apply:
1. A displayed program condition can be entered by pressi”p the ENTER button.
2. Program conditions that prompt the user with a flashing
digit can be modified using the data buttons (0 through
9 and i).
3. Programs that contain alternate conditions can be
displayed by pressing one ofthe range buttons. Each
press of one of these buttons toggles the display between
the two available conditions.
4. A program will be executed when the ENTER button is
5. A program can be exited at any time and thus not eyecuted, by pressing the PRGM button.
Paragraph 2.7 provides the detailed information for using
the front panel programs.
The following accessories are available to enhance the
Model l96s, capabilities.
Models lOl9A and 1019s Rack Mounting Kits-The Model
~1019A is a stationary rack mounting kit with two front
panels provided to enable either single or dual side-by-side
mounting of the Model 196 or other similar Wthley instruments. The Model 10195 is a similar rack mounting kit
with a sliding mount configuration.
Model X301 Temperature Probe-The Model 1301 is a rUgged low cost temperature probe designed to allow temperature measurements from -55 to I5O’C.
Model 16008 High Voltage Probe-The Model 16008 extends
DMM measurements to 40kV.
Model 165150Ampere Current Shunt-The Model 1651 is
an external 0.00161 +J% 4terminal shunt, which permits
current measurements from 0 to 50A AC or DC.
Model l&31 Clip-On Test Lead Set-The Model l68l’con
tains two leads, 1.2m (4 ft.) long terminated with banana
plugs and spring action clip probes.
Model 1754 Universal Test Lead Kit--The Model 1754 is a
12 piece test lead kit, with interchangeable plug-in accessories. Included in the kit is one set of test leads (l-red,
l-black), two spade lugs, two standard b-a plugs, two
phone tips (0.06 DIA.), two hooks and miniature alligator
clips (with boots).
Model 5804 Test Lead Set-The Model 5804, used for
4terminal measurements, includes: two test probes with
spring-loaded plunger clip adapters to fit test probes, two
spring-loaded plunger test clips with in-line banana jacks,
and four solid copper alligator clips with insulator boots.
Model 5805 Kelvin Probes-The Model 5805 includes two
spring-loaded Kelvin test probes (one red, one black), with
48-inch banana plug cable assemblies. A set of eight replacement contacts for the Model 5805 Kelvin test probes
is also available (Keithley PIN CS-551).
Model 5806 Kelvin Clip Lead Set-The Model 5806 includes
~two I+in clip test lead assemblies with banana plug ter-
mination (one red, one black). A set of eight replacement
rubber bands for the lviode1~5806 is also available (Keithkey
PIN GA-22).
Model 7087 IEEE-&3 Shielded Cables-The Model 7007 connects the Model 196 to the IEEE-488 bus using shielded
cables to reduce electromagnetic interference (EMI). The
Model 7Ow-1 is one meter in length and has a EMI shielded IEEE-488 connector at: each end. The Model 7007-2 is
identical to the Model 7007-1, but is two meters in length.
Model 7088 IEEE488 Cables-The Model 7008~connects the
Model 196 to the IEEE-488 bus. The Model 7008-3 is D.9m
(3 ft.) in length and has a~standard IEEE488 connector at
each end. The Model 7008-6 cable is identical to the Model
7008-3, but~is 1.8m (6 ft.) in length.
Model 1682A RF Probe-The Model 1682A permits voltage
measurements from lOOkHa to 25OMHz. AC to DC transfer
accuracy is *ldB from lOOkFIr to 25OhJH.z at IV, peak
responding, calibrated in RMS of a sine wave.
Model 1685 Clamp-On AC Probe-The Model 1685
measures AC current by clamping on to a single conductor. Interruption of the circuit is unnecessary. The Model
1685 detects currents by sensing the chsnglng magnetic field
produced by the current~flow.
Model I751 Safety Test Leads-Finger gu$.s and shrouded
banana plugs help minimize the chance of making contact
with live circuitry.
Model 8573A IEEE488 Interface--The Model 8573A is an
IEEE1188 standard interface designed to interface the IBM
PC or XT computers to Keithley instrumentation over the
~IEEE-488 bus. The interface system contains two distinc-
tive parts an interface board containing logic~ to perform
the necessary hardware functions and the handler software
(supplied on disk) to perform the required control func-
tions. These two important facets of the Model 857ZA join
together to give the IBM advanced capabilities over
lXE-488 interfaceable instrumentation.
Operation of the Model 196 can be divided into two general
categories: front panel operation and IEEE-488 bus~operation. This section contains information necesssay to use the
instrument from the front panel. Theses functions can also
be programmed over the lEFE-488 bus, as described in Section 3.
2.2.1 Line Power
Use the following procedure to connect the Model 196 to
line power and power up the instrument.
1. Check that the instrument is set to correspond to the
available line power. When the instrument leaves the factov, the internally selected line voltage is marked on the
rear panel. Ranges are 105W25V or 2kW!5OV 5016OHz
AC. If the line voltage setting of the instrument needs
to be changed, refer to Section 6, paragraph 6.2 for the
procedure. If the line frequency setting of the instrument
needs to be checked and/or changed, utilize front panel
Program 32 (see paragraph 2.7.8) after the instrument
completes the power up sequence.
2. Connect the female end of the power cord to the AC
receptacle on the rear panel of the instrument.~ Connect
the other end of the cord to a grounded AC outlet.
The Model 196 is equipped with a 3-wire power
cord that contains a separate ground wire and
is designed to be used with grounded outlets,
When proper connections are made, instrument
chassis is connected to power line ground.
Failure to use a gmunded outlet may result in
personal injury or death because of electric
Be sure that the power line voltage agrees with
the indicated range on the rear panel of the instrument. Failure to obsenre this precaution
may result in instrument damage.
2.2.2 Power Up Sequence
The instrument can be turned on by pressing in the front
panel POWER switch. The switch will be at the inner most
position when the instrument is turned on. Upon ower
up, the instrument will do a number of tests on itse 9 Tests
are performed on memory (ROM, RAM and ETROM). If
RAM or ROM fails, the instrument will lo& up. If ETROM
FAILS, the message ‘TINCAL!’ will be displayed. See paragraph 67.2 for a complete description of the power up self
test and recommendations to resolve failures.
2.2.3 Default Conditions
Default conditions can be defined as setup conditions that
the instrument will return to when a particular feature or
command is asserted. The Model 196 will return to either
factory default conditions or user saved default conditions.
Factory Default Conditions
Ate the factory, the Model 196 is set up so that the instru-
ment is configured to certain setup conditions on the
initial power up. These factory default conditions are listed
in Tables 2-l and 37 (located in Section 3). If alternate setup
conditions are saved (see User Saved Default Conditions),
the instrument can be returned to the factory default con-
ditions by running Program 37 (Reset). To retain the fac-
tory default condihons as power-up default conditions, run
Program 30 (Save} immediately after executing kograrn 37
Sending device-dependent comman d I.0 over the IEEE-488
bus is equivalent to running Program 37 (Reset) and then
Program 30 (Save).
Table 2-1. Factory Default Conditions
Zero value (rrogram ZERO)
dB Reference Value
(program dB)
Filter Value (Program FILTER)
MX+B Status (Program 4)
MX+B Parameters (Program 34)
NOTE: The Model 196 is initially set for an IEEE address
of 7. The line frequency is set to 50 nor 6OHz.
User Saved Default Conditions
Each function oft the Model 196 “remembers”~ the last
measurement configuration that it was set up for (such as
range, zero value, filter value, et+ Switching back and forth
between functions will not affect the unique tonfiguratioq
of each function. However, the instrument will “forget” the
configurations on power-down unless they are saved.
Unique setup conditions can be saved by running front
panel Program 30 (Save) or by sending device-dependent
command Ll aver the IEBE-488 bus. These~tiser saved
default conditions will prevsjl over the factory default conditions on power-up, or when a DCL or SDC is asserted
over the bus.
IEEE Address and Lie Frequency
Any IEEE address and line frequency setting can be saved
as default conditions by running Program 30 (Save) or by
sending Ll over the bus. See paragraph 2.7 for complete
information on Programs 31 (IEEE Address) and 32 (Line
lexer (Program 6) ‘-’
/l’ASS~~(l’rogrsm 5)
HI/Lo Limits (Program 35)
Ohms Compensation (Program R
kfault Condition
6% Di ‘ts
M=1.0OWOO~ ;~~
The front panel layout of the Model 196 is shown in Fiie
Z-l. The following paragraphs describe the various components of the front panel in detail.
2.3.1 Display and Indicators
Display-The 10 character, alphanumeric, LED display is
used to display numeric conversion data, range and function mnemonics (i.e. mv) and messages.
Function Indicators-The indicator that is on identifies
which of the five operating functions is currently selected.
Rsnge Jndicator-When the instrument is in autorange the
AUTO indicator light will be on.
Modifier Indicators-When the zero feature is enabled, the
ZERO indicator will torn on. When filter is enabled, the
FKTER indicator will turn on.
IEEE Status Indicators-These three indicators apply to instrument operation over the IEEE-488 bus. The RMT indicator shows when the instrument is in the IEEE-488
remote state. The TLK and LSN indicators show when the
instrument is in the talk and listen states respectively. See
Section 3 for detailed information on oueration over the
2.3.2 Controls
.&lI front panel co&ols, except the POWER and C%L
ENABLE switches, are momentary contact switches. Indicaton are located above certain buttons to show that they
are enabled. Some buttons have secondary functions that
are associated with front panel program operation. See
paragraph 2-7 for detailed information on front panel
POWER-The POWER switch controls AC power to
the insbxment . Depressing and releasing the switch once
tams the power on. Depressing and releasing the switch
a second time turns the power off. The correct positions
footi\and off are marked on the front panel by the POWER
An ‘TJNCAI!’ error will set the IEEE address to 7
and the line frequency to 6OHz.
DCV-The DCV button places the instrument in the DC
volts measurement mode. The secondary function of this
button is to enter the i sign. See paragraph 2.6.4 for DCV
Figure 2-1. Model 196 Front Panel
ACV-The ACV button places the instrument in the AC volts
measurement mode. The secondary function of this button is to enter the number 0. See paragraph 26.7 for ACV
&The fl button places the instrument in the ohms
measurement mode. The secondary function of this button is to enter the number 1. See paragraph 2.6.6~for
resistance measurements.
DCA-The DCA button places the instrument in the DC
amps measurement mode. The secondary function of this
button is to enter the number 2. See paragraph 26.8 for
DC4 measurements.
ACA-The ACA button places the instrument in the AC
amps measurement mode. The secondary function of this
button is to enter the number 3. See paragraph 2.6.8 for
ACA measurements.
Manual-Each time the A button is pressed, the instrument will move up one range, while the V button will move
the instrument down one range each time its is
pressed. Pressing either of these buttons will cancel
autorange, if it was previous selected. The secondary functions of these buttons are tom enter the number 4 (V) and
number 5 (A).
AUTO-The AUTO button places the instrument in the
autorange mode. While in this mode, the instrument will
go to the best range to measure the applied signal.
Autoranging is available for all functions and ranges.
Autoranging may be cancelled by pressing the AUTO button or one of the manual range buttons. The secondary
function of this button is to enter the number 6.
ZERO-The ZERO button turns on the ZERO indicator and
causes the displayed reading to be subtracted from subsequent readings. This feature allows for zero correction or
storage of baseline values. The secondary function of this
button is to select the ZERO program and enter the number
Z Refer to paragraph 2.62 for detailed information on the
zero feature.
FIUER-The FIWER button turns on the FIUEl7 indicator
and causes the instrument to start weighted averaging (1
to l/99) fhe readings. The factory default weighted average
is l/10, but may be changed using the PIITER program (see
paragraph 2.7.16). See paragraph 2.6.3 for filter operation.
Selectin the PILTEK rogiam is one of the secondary functionsof&isbutton.&eothersecondaryfunctionisto~nter
the number 8.
dB-The dB button places the inshument~~in the dB
measurement mode and may be used with the ACV and
ACA functions. Under factory default conditions, measure-
ments are referenced to 1V or lmA. However, the dB program may be used to change the referqce @ell. ‘JTh$ seconY
day function of this button is to select the dB program and
enter the number 9. See paragriph 2.6.9 for dB measurements.
PRGM-This button is used tom enter the fronts panel pro-
gram mode.
ENTER-This button is used to enter program parameters.
This button will also trigger a reading when the instruments
is in a one-shot trigger mode.
the LOCAL button will be inoperative. See Section 3 for
informa$on on operating the instnunent-over the IEEE488
2.3.3 Input Terminals q
The ~input terminals are intended to be used with safety
shrouded test leads to help minimize the possibility of contact with live cikuits. Note that the terminals sre duplicated
sideways on the rear panel and that the INPUT switch (also
located on the rear panel) determines which set of termin&
is Bctive.
VOLTS 0HMS~i-J.I akd LQ-l’he VOLTS OHMS Hl atid LO
terminals are used for making DC volts, AC volts and two-
wire resistance measurements.
AMPS and LO-The AMPS and LO terminals are used for
making DC current and AC cUrrent measurem&s.
terminals are used with the VOJXS OHMS HI and LO terminals to make four-wire resistance measurements.
El LQCA&When the instrument is in the IEEE-488
remote state (RM’I indicator on), the LOCAL button will
return the instrument to front panel operation. However,
if local lockout (LLO) was asserted over the IEEE-488 bus,
2.3.4 Calibration Enable Switch q
Calibration of the Model 196 can only be done if the CAL
ENABLE switch is in the enable position. See paragraph
6.4 for details.
The reax panel of the Model 196 is shown in Figure 2-2.
2.4.1 Controls
ra T TkTc TIC%TTA,-C -t-L:- a.r.2~L -A,-~ the hment
Iable lme voltage. see paragrapn 6.2 for the proset this switch.
INPUT-The INPUT switch connects the instrument
to either the front panel input terminals or the rear panel
input terminals. This switch operates in same manner as
the power switch. The front panel input terminals are
selected when the switch is in the “in’ position and the
rear panel input terminals are selected when the switch is
in the “0uV position.
2.4.2 Connectors and Terminals
~~~ pJ
AC Receptacle-Power is applied through the supplied
power cord to the 3-terminal AC receptacle. Note that the
selected supply voltage is marked on the rear panel near
the line voltage switch.
El Input Terminals-The rear panel input terminals per-
form the same functions as the front panel input terminals.
Paragraph 2.3.3 contains the description of the input
mu IEEE-488 Car
nect the ins,e
functions ym -rl-l
used to apply pulses to trigger the Model 196 to take one
or more readings, depending on the selected trigger mode.
x5 14,&ed below the connector.
EXTERNAL TRIGGER Input-This BNC~connector is
mector-This connector is used to connt to the IEEE-483 bus. IEEE interface
Figure 2-2. Model 196 Rear Panel
connector provides a TTLcompatible negative-going pulse
when the Model 196 has completed a reading. It is useful
for triggering other inshumentation.
2.4.3. Fuses
LINE FUSE-The line fuse provides protection for the
AC power line input. Refer to paragraph 6.3.1 for the line
fuse replacement procedure.
CURRENT FUSkhe 3A current fuse provides protection for the current measurement circoits of the instrument. Refer to paragraph 63.2 for the cwr$nt fuse replacement procedure.
To optimize safety when measuring voltage in high energy
distribution circuits, read and use the directions in the
following warning.
Dangerous arcs of an explosive nature in a high
energy circuit can cause severe personal injury
or death. If the meter is connected to a high
energy circuit when set to a current range, low
resistance range or any other low impedance
range, the circuit is virtually shorted. Dangerous
arcing can also result when the meter is set to
a voltage range if the minimum voltage spacing
is reduced.
Table 2-2 lists and explains the various display messages
assodated with incorrect front panel operation of the Model
Table 2-2. Error Messages
EIPROM failure on power up. See
paragraph 6.7.2.
Invalid entry while trying to select
Overrange-Decimal point position
and mnemonics define function
and range (3kfl range shown).~ Th:
number of characters in the
“OVERFLO” message defines the
display resolution (6Yzd resolution
Trigger received while still processing reading from last trigger.
Selecting dB with in&ument fitit
in ACV or ACA.
Pressing a range button while in
ACV dB or ACA dB.
196 in invalid state (i.e. dB function), when entering calibratioti
When making measurements in high energy circuits use
test leads that meet the follcwing requirements:
l Test leads should be folly insulated.
l Only use test leads that can be connected to the circuit
(e.~,jz~~~~.clips, spade lugs, etc.) for hands-off
l Do not use test leads that decrease voltage spacing. This
diminishes arc protection and creates a hazardous
Use the following sequence when testing power circuits:
1. De-energize the circuit using the regular installed
connect-disconnect device such as the circuit breaker,
main switch, etc.
2. Attach the test leads to the circuit under test. Use appropriate safety rated lead~s for this application.
3. Set the DMM to the proper function and range.
4. Energize the circuit using the installed connectdisconnect device and make measurenwnts without
disconnecting the DMM.
5. De-energize the circuit using the installed connectdisconnect device.
6. Disconnect the test~leads from the circuit under test.
The maximum common-mode input voltage (the
voltage between inout LO and chassis around)
is 506J peak. Exceeding this value may create
s shock hazard.
The following paragraphs describe the basic pwxdures for
making voltage, resJs@~ce, current, and~dB measurements.
2.6.1 Warm Up Period
The Model 196 is usable immediately when it is first turned
on. However, the instrument must be allowed to warm up
for at least~ two hours to achieve rated accuracy.
2.6.2 Zero
The zero feature serves as a means of baseline suppression
by aIlowing a stored offset value to be subtracted from
subsequent readings. When the ZERO button is pressed,
the instrument takes the currently displayed reading as a
baseline value. All subsequent readings represent~the difference between the applied signal level and the ~stored
A baseline level can be established for any or all measure-
ment functions and is remembered by each function. For
example, a 1OV baseline can be established on DCV, a 5V
baseline can be established on ACV and a 1Okll baseline
can be established on OHMS. Theses levels will snot be
cancelled by switching back and forth between functioti.
Once a baseline is established for a measurement function,
that stored level will be the same regardless of what range
the Model 196 is on. For example, if 1V is established
as the baseline on the 3V range, then the baseline will also
be 1V on the 30V through 30lV ranges. A aem baseline level
canbeaslaigeasfullrange. ~~
The followirg discussion on dynamic range is
based on a display resolution of 6% digits. At 5’/zd
resolution, the number of counts would be reduced
by a factor of 10. At 4Yzd resolution, counts would
be reduced by a factor of 100 and 3%d resolution
would reduce counts by a factor of 1000.
Example l-The instrument is set to the 3V DC range and
a maximum -3.03OOOOV is established as the zero value.
When -3.03OOOOV is connected to the input of the Model
196, the display will read O.OMlOOClV. When +3.03OCEOV is
co.nnected to the input, the display will read +60600ooV.
Thus, the dynamic measurement range of the Model 196
is OV to 6.06V, which is 6060000 counts.
Example 2-Ihe instrument is still set to the 3V DC range,
but a maximum +3.03oOOOV ia the zero level. When
+3.03oO~CGV is connected to the input of the Model 196, the
display will read O.O@XtOOV When Y3.0~ is connected
to the input, the display will read -6.06OOOCV. Thus the
dynamic measurements range of the instrument is -6.06V
to OV, which is still 6060000 counts.
Zero Correction-The Model 196 must be properly zeroed
when using the 3OOmV DC or the 3OOB range in order to
achieve rated accuracy specifications. To use ZERO for zero
correction, perform the following steps:
Disable zero, if presently enabled, by pressing the
ZERO button. The ZERO indicator will turn off.
Select the 3oOmV DC or the 30022 range.
Connect the test leads to the input of the Model 196 and
short them together. If four-wire resistance
measurements are to be made, connect and short all four
leads together. Allow any thermals to stabilize.
Note: At5% and 6%~digit resolution, low level measurement techniques need to be employed. Use Kelvin test
leads or shielded test leads. See paragraph 2.6.5 for low
level measurement considerations.
Press the ZERO button. The display will read zero.
Remove the short and connect thetest leads to the signal
or resistance to be measured.
Note: Test lead, resistance is also~ compensated for when
zeroing the 3OO’J range with the above procedure.
By design, the dynamic measurement range of the Model
196, at 6%-d@ resolution, is M)60000 counts.1 With zero
disabled, the displayed reading range of the instrument is
*303ooOO counts. With zero enabled, the Model 196 has
the capability to-display ~606OCOO counts. This increased
display range ensures that the dynamic measurement range
of the instrument is not reduced when using a zero baseline
value. The following two examples will use the maximum
allowable zero values (3030000 counts and -3030008
counts) to show that dynamic measurement range wilI not
be reduced. It is important to note that the increased display
range does not increase the
to the instrument. For example, on the 3V range, the Model
196 will always overrange when more than k3.03V is connected to the input.
maximum allowable input level
Baseline Levels-Baseline values can be established by
either applying baseline levels to the instrument or by setting baseline values with the front panel ZERO program.
paragraph 27’15 contains the complete procedure for using
the ZERO program. To establish a baseline level by applying a level to the Model 196, perform the following steps:
1. Disable zero, if presently enabled, by pressing the ZERO
button. The ZERO indicator will turn off.
2. Sele&a function and range that is appropriate for the
anticipated measurement.
3. Chnect the desired baseline level to the input -of the
Model 196 and note that level on the display
4. Press the ZERO button. The display will zero and the
ZERO indicator will be enabled. The previously
displayed reading will be the stored baseline. The rero
baseline value will also be stored in Program ZERO,
replacing the previous zero value.
With ZERO enabled, a hazardous voltage
baseline level (rt4OV or more), not displayed,
may be present on the input terminals. If not
sure what is applied to the input, assume that
a hazardous voltage is present.
5. Disconnect the stored signal from the input and connect
the signal to be measured in its place. Subsequent~
readings will be the difference between the stored value
and the applied ‘signal.
1. Disablmg zero cancels the zero baseline value on that
selected function. However, since the zero value is
automatically stored in Program ZERO, the zero baseline
value can be retrieved by using the program as long as
the ZERO button is not ~again pressed (see paragraph
2.Xi5 for details). Pressing the ZERO button, thus enabling zero, will wipe out the previous baseline value in Pro-
gram ZERO. Baselines established on other functions are
not affected.
2. To store a new baseline on a selected function, zero must
first be disabled and then enabled again. The new value
will be stored with the first triggered conversion. The
baseline value wi.lI also be stored as~the zero value in
Program ZERO, cancelling the previously stored value.
3. Setting the range lower than the suppressed value wi.lI
overrange the display; the instrument will display the
overrange message under theses conditions.
4. When the ZERO button is pressed to enable zero, the
ZERO indicator light will blink until an on scale reading
is available to use as a zero level.
2.6.3 Filter
The Model 196 incorporates two filters; a digital filter controlled from either the front panel or over the IEEE-438 bus,
and an internal filter controlled exclusively from over the
The factory default filter weighting is l/l@ but can be
changed to a weighting from 1 (l/l) to-1199 with the use
of the FILTER program. While in the program, the Model
196 will only display the denominator of the filter
Weighting. For example, if the current filter weighting is l/lo,
the FILTER program will display it as the value l0. Thus,
filter value as usecl in this discussion refers to the values
displayed by the Model 196 when in the FILTER program.
A falter value can be set for any or all measurement functions and is remembered by each function. For example,
a filter value of 20 can be set for DCV and a filter value of
53 can be set~for ACV These filter values will not be cancelled by switching back and forth between functions.
An advantage of using the filter is to stabilize the reading
-of a noisy input level. A consideration of filter usage is that
the larger the weighting, the longer the response time of
the display. Perform the following procedure to use the
1. If it is desired to cb.eck and/or change the filter value,
utilize Program FIITER as explained in paragraph 27.16.
2. Press the FILTER button. The FILm indicator will turn
1. When the filter is enabled, readings will be filtered before
being displayed. See Digital Filter Theory.
2. Pressing the FILIER button a second time will disable
the filter.
3. After a reading is triggered (continuous or one-shot), the
FIITER indicator light will blink for three time constants.
A time constant is measured in readings. The number
of readings in one time constant is equal to the filter
value. For example, for a filter value of IO, one time constant~ is equal to 10 readings and three time constants
would be equal to 30 readings. The blinking duration will
be shorter in the 3%d mode since that has the fastest
reading rate.
4. In a continuous trigger mode, a reading that is outside
the filter window wiIl cause the FILTER indicator to blink
for one time constant.
Digital Filter Theory-The mathematical representation of
the weighted average digital Elter is as follows:
Digital Filter-The Model 196 utilizes a digital filter to attenuate excess noise present on input signals. This filter
is a weighted average type.
(new reading -AVG(t-I))
AVG(t) = AVG(t-1) +
AVG(t) = displayed average
AVG(t-1) = old displayed average
F = weighting factor (filter value)
As with any filter, the Model 196 digital filter will affect
reading response time. The step response for this fiker~is
of the form:
step response = l-K’“+”
“K” is a constant based on the filter weighting~ factor
The step occurs when n=O. n=l is the first ream after
the step, n=2 is the second reading, etc.
step response = l-
l- Y-
( )
displayed value will be the new reading, and weighted
averaging WilI start from this point. The step response was
one reding to tbis change. The window in the Model 196
filter is lO,OoO counts for 6Yzd resolution, 1000 counts for
5Yzd, 7.00~ counts for 4Yzd and 10 counts for 31/2d.
Internal Filter-In addition to the front panel digital filter,
an inter& running avenge digita~fiher & -cd when msking high ~oh$ion and high sensitivity rriek+reme$k qe
enable&able status of the filter is controlled over the IEEE
bus. However, under factory default conditions, the in&~ment powers up with the filter enabled. When enabled,
this filtering only occurs when the instniment is in the 5Yz
OI blh-digit resolution niode.
1. The front panel FILTER indicator light does not turn on
when the internal filter is activated. The indicator is only
used with the front~panel digital filter.
2. Contding the internal filter (on/off) over the IEEE bus
is explained in paragraph 3.9.22.
3. In a one-shot trigger mode, the Model 196 will not output a reading until both filters have settled. Three time
constants are used to allow the filters to settle. A time
constant is measured in readings. The number of
readings in one time constant is equal to the filter value.
For example, for a filter value of lo,, three time constants
would be equal to 30 readings. If both the internal filter
and the front panel filter are in use, the time constant
is the sum of both filter values.
4. Filter windows for the internal filter function in the same
manner as the windows for the front panel filter.
However, the window sizes of the internal filter are much
bnaller than the front panel filter window sizes.
Five readings sfter the step occurs, the display will be at
47% of the step change. After 10 readings (n=lO), the
display will be at 168% and after 20 readings, the display
wiU be at ~88%. The more the readings, the closer the
display will be to the step change.
To speed the response to large step changes, the Model 196
digital filter employs a “windo+ around the displayed
average. As long as new readings are within this window,
the displayed value is based on the weighted avemge equa-
tion. If a new reading is outside of this window, the
2.6.4 DC Voltage Measurements
The Model 196 can be.~ used tom make DC voltage
measurements in the range oft-*XlOnV to k3OOV. Use the
following procedure to make DC voltage measurements.
1. Select the DC volts fundion by pressing the DCV button.
2. Select a range consistent with the expected voltage or use
3. Select the front or rear panel input terminals with the
INPUT switch.
The 3oOmV DC range requires zero to be set in
order to achieve rated accuracy. The zero correction procedure can be found in paragraph 2.6.2.
4. Connect the signal to be measured to the selected input
terminals as shown in Figure 2-3.
other external considerations besides the Model I.96 will
affect the accumcy. Effects not noticeable wheti working
with higher voltages sre significant in nanovolt and
microvolt signals. The Model 196 reads only the signal
received at its input; therefore, it is important that
signal be properly bansmitted from the source. The following paragraphs indicate factors which affect accuracy noise,
source resistance, thermal emfs and stray pick-up.
Noise and Source Resistance-The limit of sensitivity in
measuring voltages with the Model 196 is determined by
the noise present. The noise voltage at the Model 1% input increases with sauce resistance.
For high impedance sources, the generated ~noise can
become significant when using the most sensitive mnge
(3COmV, 6Yzd) of the Model 196. As an -pie of determining e, (noise voltage generation due to Johnson noise
of the somce resistance), assume that the Model 196 is con-
nected to a voltage source with an internal resistance of
lM0. At a mom temperature of 20°C, the p-p noise Voltage
generated over a bandwidth of lHz will be:
e, =
e, = 6.35 x lP d/(1 x W) (1)
Thus, an e, of 0.635pV would be displayed at 6Yzd resolulion as an additional six diaits of noise on the Model 196.
To compensate for the dispgyed noise, use digital filtering
and then zero out the settled offset.
Shielding-AC voltages ‘Which &e extremely k&i cornpared with the DC signal may erroneously produce a DC
output. Therefore, if there is AC interference, the~~circuit
should be shielded with the shield connected to the Model
196 input Lo (particularly for low-level sources). Impropw
shielding can cause the Model 1% to behave in one or more
of the following ways:
1. Unexpected offset voltages.
2. Inconsistent readings between ranges.
3. Sudden shifts in reading.
To minimjze pick-up, keep-the voltage source and the
Model 196 away from strong AC magnetic sources. The
voltage induced due to magnetic flux is proportional to the
area of the loop formed by the input leads. Therefore,
minimize the loop area of the input leads and connect each
signd at ody one point.
T&rmal EMFs-Thermal emfs (thermoelectric potentials)
are generated by thermal differences between the junction
of dissimilar metals. These can be large compared to the
signal which the Model 196 can measure. Thermal emfs can
cause the following problems:
-1. Instability or zero offset is much higher than expected.
2. The reading is sensitive to (and responds to) temperature
changes. This can be demonstrated by touching the circuit, by placing a heat source near the circuit or by a
regular pattern of instability (corresponding to heating
and air-conditioning systems or changes in sunlight).
3. To minim&e the drift caused by thermal emfs, use copper leads to connect the circuit to the Model 196. A
banana plug is generally suitable and generates just a
few microvolts. A clean copper conductor such ss #lO
bus wire is about the best for this application. The leads
to the input may be shielded or unshielded, as necessary.
Refer to Shielding.
Widely varying temperatwes within the circuit can also
create thermal ends. Therefor& maintain Constant
temperatures to
minimize these thermal ends. A card-
board box around the circuit under test also helps by
minimking air currents.
5. The ZERO cOntro1 can be used to null out constant off-
set voltages.
e, = 0.635fiV
2.6.6 Resistance Measurements
The Model 196 can make resistance measurements from
lOO#-l to 3CGMtI. The Model 196 provides automatic selection of 2-terminal or 4terminal resistance measurements.
This means that if the ohms sense leads are not connected,
the measurement is done Zterminal. If the sense leads are
connected, the measurement is done 4terininaI. For
4terminal measurements, rated accuracy can be obtained
as long as the msximum lead resistance does not exceed
the values listed in Table 2-3. For best results on the 3008
3kQ and 3OkQ ranges, it is recommended that 4terminal
measurements be made to eliminate errors caused by the
voltage drop across the test leads which will occur when
2-terminal measurements are made. The Model 5806 Kelvin
Test Lead Set is ideal for low resistance 4terminal
Offset-Compensated Ohms-Offs&-compensated ohms is
used to compensate for voltage potentials (such as thermal
EMFs) across the device under test. This feature eliminates
errors due to a low level external voltage source configured
in series with the unknown resistor. Offsets up to KhnV
on the 3OOn range and up to BlOmV on the other ranges
can be corrected with offset-compensation. This feature can
be used for both 2-terminal and 4terminal resistance
measurements up to 30k61. Offset-compensation is selected
through front panel Program !I (see paragraph 27.14).
especially the 3000 range. After offset-compep.sation is
enabled, the Model 1% should be properly zeroed.
To make resistance measurements, proceed as follows:
L Select the ohms function by pressing the Q button.
2. Select a range consistent with the expected resistance or
use autorange.
3. Select the f&t or rear panei input terminals using the
INPUT switch.
4. Turn offset-compensation on or off as needed, using Pm-
gram 0.
If offset-compensatio~n is being used, the 3ooI1,
3ka and 3OkQ ranges require zero to be set in
order to achieve the best accuracy. The zero car-
rection procedure is located in paragraph 2.6.2.
5. For 2-terminal measurements connect the resistance to
the instnunent as shown in Figs 2-4. For 4terminal
measurements connect the resistance to the instrument
as shown in F&ire 2-5.
During ohms offset compensated resistance measurements,
the Model 196 performs the following steps for each
1. Makes a normal resistance meaS,mment of the device.
In general, this consists of sourcing a current thmu
the device, and measuring the voltage dmp acro~
2. Turns off the internal -nt source and again measures
the voltage drop across the device. This is the voltage
caused by an external source.
3. Calculates and displays the corrected resistance value.
Offset-Compensated ohms not only cowxts for small error voltages in the measurement circuit, but also compensates for thermal voltages generated withim the Model 196.
In normal ohms, these thermal EMF offsets are accounted
for during c&ration. Therefore, enabling offset-compensation wilI cause these offsets to appear in the’ readings, Figure 2-4. Two-Terminal Resistance Measurements
The maximum input voltage between the HI
anti LO input terminals is 425V peak or 300V
RMS. Do not exceed these values or instru-
ment damage may occur.
6. Take the reading from the’display.
-~~- -
B.&rward bias the diode by connecting the red terminal
of the Model 196 to positive side of the diode. A good
diode will typically measure between 3OOn to IkQ.
C.Reverse bias the diode by reversing the connections
on the diode. A good diode will overrange the display.
Figure 2-5. Four-Terminal Resistance Measurements
Figure 2-6. TRMS AC Voltage Measurement
1. With ohms compensation active (Progam a), the 61 indicator light will blink when the ohms function is
2. Table 2-3 shows the current output for each resistance
3. It helps to shield resistance greater than IOOkQ to achieve
a stable reading. Place the resistance in a shielded
enclosure and electrically connect the shield to the LQ
input terminal of the instrument.
4. Diode Test-The 3kQ range can be used to test diodes as
A. Select the 3kO range.
Table 2-3. Resistance Ranges
Maximum Test Lead
6%d Nominal Resistance (Q) for
Range 1 Resolutim I-Short 1 -3 Count Error (Wzd)
*5%d resolution only
NOTE: Typical open circuit voltage is 5V.
2.6.7 TRMS AC Voltage Measurements
The instrument can make TRMS AC voltage measurements
from l$I to 3OOV. To measwe AC volts, proceed as follows:
1. Select the AC volts function by pressing the ACV button.
2. Select a range con$stent with the expeqed voltage or use
3. Select the front or rear panel input terminals using the
INPUT switch.
There is a small amount of offset (typically 150
counts at 5%d) present when using the ACV function. Do not zero this level o-ut. Paragraph 2.6.10
provides an explanation of AC voltage offset.
4. Connecbthe signal to be measured to the selected input
terminals as shown in Figure 2-6.
5. Take the reading from the display.
Clarifications of TRMS ACV Spedfications:
Msximum Allowable Input-The following graph summarizes the maximum input based on ~the lWV*Hz
2.8.8 Current Measurements (DC or TRMS AC)
The Model 196 can m&e DC or TRW AC current measure:
ments from lnA (at 5Yrd resolution) to 34. Use the following procedure to make current measurements.
1. Select the DC current or AC current function by pressing the DCA or ACA button respectively.
2. Select a range consistent with the expected current or
use autorange.
3. Select the front or rear panel input terminals using the
INPUT switch.
4. Connect the signal to be measured to the selected input
terminals as shown in Figure 2-7.
5. Take the reading from the display.
_ ._..
~. .-
Settling Time-lsec to within 0.1% of change in reading.
This the specification is for analog circuitry to settle and
does not in&de AID conversion time.
1. See paragraph 26.10 for TRMS measurement conSid&
2. When making TRMS AC voltage measurements below
45Hz, enable the front panel filter modifier to obtain
stable readings. A filter value of 10 is recommended.
3. To make low frequency AC mea%uenients in the range
of lOHz to 2oH.z:
A. The ACV function must be selected.
B. Digital filtering must be used to obtain a stable
C. Allow enough settling time before taking the reading.
Figure 2-7. Current Measurements
2.8.9 dB Measurements
The dB measurement mode makes it pocisible to compress
a large range of~measurements into a much smaller scope.
AC dB measurements can be made with the instrument in
the ACV or AC4 function. The relationship between dB
and voltage and currentxan be expressed by the followmg equations:
dB = 20 log .%
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