JUMO GmbH & Co. KG
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JUMO Instrument Co. Ltd.
JUMO House
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Phone: +44 1279 635533
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E-mail: sales@jumo.co.uk
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JUMO Process Control, Inc.
6733 Myers Road
East Syracuse, NY 13057, USA
Phone: 315-437-5866
Fax: 315-437-5860
E-mail: info.us@jumo.net
Internet: www.jumousa.com
4 universal analog inputs
electrically isolated
1 digital input
(DC 0/24 V)
Voltage supply
System bus
Data Sheet 705020
Measuring, Control, and Automation System
Analog input module 4-channel
Brief description
The analog input module 4-channel is equipped with four universal analog inputs that are electrically isolated from each other for thermocouples, RTD temperature probes, resistance transmitters, resistance/potentiometers, or standard signals (current or voltage) as well as one digital
input (DC 0/24 V). The digitized input values/states are available in the system for f urther processing.
LEDs are used to indicate applied voltage supply, the module operating status, as well as the
logical status of the digital input.
A setup program can be used to comfortably configure the analog input module.
For service work, the module insert can be easily pulled out of the case at the front. The case
including the bus PCB remains mounted on the DIN rail.
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Block diagram
Approval/approval marks (see “Technical data”)
Type 705020/...
• Four high-quality, universal analog inputs
for thermocouples, RTD temperature
probes, resistance transmitters, resistance/
potentiometers, or standard signals
• All analog inputs are electrically isolated
from each other
• Customer-specific linearization (up to 45
pairs of values or polynomial up to the 4th
• Limit value monitoring
• One digital input DC 0/24 V
• Automatic configuration after the module
insert has been exchanged (Plug and Play)
• Connection of the inputs at the front
• Removable terminal strips with Push-In
• Quick wiring of operating voltage and system bus due to easy module connection
JUMO GmbH & Co. KG
Delivery address: Mackenrodtstraße 14
36039 Fulda, Germany
Postal address:
36035 Fulda, Germany
Phone: +49 661 6003-0
Fax: +49 661 6003-607
E-mail: mail@jumo.net
Internet: www.jumo.net
JUMO Instrument Co. Ltd.
JUMO House
Temple Bank, Riverway
Harlow, Essex CM20 2DY, UK
Phone: +44 1279 635533
Fax: +44 1279 635262
E-mail: sales@jumo.co.uk
Internet: www.jumo.co.uk
JUMO Process Control, Inc.
6733 Myers Road
East Syracuse, NY 13057, USA
Phone: 315-437-5866
Fax: 315-437-5860
E-mail: info.us@jumo.net
Internet: www.jumousa.com
Limit value monitoring
For each analog input, two separate alarms
(min/max alarm) can be activated; each alarm
has its own limit value. Alarm type, event text,
collective alarm, alarm suppression, and
alarm delay are configurable.
Analog inputs
The four analog inputs are universal measuring inputs for RTD temperature probes, thermocouples, resistance transmitters,
resistance/potentiometers, and standard signals (current, voltage). Linearizations for over
20 common measuring probes (RTD temperature probes, thermocouples) are saved. A
measured value offset or a fine adjustment
can be carried out to compensate for plantspecific deviations. Due to the measuring circuit monitoring, a measuring range that is too
high or too low, probe/cable break, and probe/
cable short circuit are detected – depending
on the measuring element type – so that the
system is switched to an operational safe status in the event of an error.
Data Sheet 705020 Page 2/10
Customer-specific linearization
A customer-specific linearization is also possible. The required linearization curve can be
entered in the setup program using up to 45
pairs of values or a formula (polynomial up to
the 4th order).
Digital input
In addition, a digital input DC 0/24 V is available. The signal status can be used in the system in a flexible manner.
JUMO GmbH & Co. KG
Delivery address: Mackenrodtstraße 14
36039 Fulda, Germany
Postal address:
36035 Fulda, Germany
Phone: +49 661 6003-0
Fax: +49 661 6003-607
E-mail: mail@jumo.net
Internet: www.jumo.net
JUMO Instrument Co. Ltd.
JUMO House
Temple Bank, Riverway
Harlow, Essex CM20 2DY, UK
Phone: +44 1279 635533
Fax: +44 1279 635262
E-mail: sales@jumo.co.uk
Internet: www.jumo.co.uk
JUMO Process Control, Inc.
6733 Myers Road
East Syracuse, NY 13057, USA
Phone: 315-437-5866
Fax: 315-437-5860
E-mail: info.us@jumo.net
Internet: www.jumousa.com
Data Sheet 705020 Page 3/10
Technical data
Analog inputs
General information
Number 4
A/D converter Dynamic resolution up to 16 bit
Designation Standard Measuring range Measuring accuracy
Fe-CuNi “L” -200 to +900 °C 0.1 % from -100 °C 300 ppm/K
Fe-CuNi “J” DIN EN 60584 -200 to +1200°C 0.1 % from -100 °C 300 ppm/K
Cu-CuNi “U” -200 to +600 °C 0.1 % from -130 °C 300 ppm/K
Cu-CuNi “T” DIN EN 60584 -200 to +400 °C 0.1 % from -150 °C 300 ppm/K
NiCr-Ni “K” DIN EN 60584 -200 to +1372 °C 0.1 % from -80 °C 300 ppm/K
NiCr-CuNi „E“ DIN EN 60584 -200 to +1000 °C 0.1 % from -80 °C 300 ppm/K
NiCrSi-NiSi “N” DIN EN 60584 -100 to +1300 °C 0.1 % from -80 °C 300 ppm/K
Pt10Rh-Pt “S” DINEN 60584 -50 to 1768 °C 0.15 % from 20 °C 300 ppm/K
Pt13Rh-Pt “R” DIN EN 60584 -50 to 1768 °C 0.15 % from 20 °C 300 ppm/K
Pt30Rh-Pt6Rh “B” DIN EN 60584 0 to 1820 °C 0.15 % from 400 °C 300 ppm/K
W5Re-W26Re „C“ 0 to 2320 °C 0.15 % from 500 °C 300 ppm/K
W3Re-W25Re “D” 0 to 2495 °C 0.15 % from 500 °C 300 ppm/K
W3Re-W26Re 0 to 2400 °C 0.15 % from 500 °C 300 ppm/K
Chromel-Copel GOST 8.585-2001 -200 to +800 °C 0.15 % from -80 °C 300 ppm/K
Chromel-Alumel GOST 8.585-2001 -200 to +1372 °C 0.10 % from -80 °C 300 ppm/K
PLII (Platinel II) 0 to 1395 °C 0.10 % from -80 °C 300 ppm/K
Linear 0 to 75 mV 0.1 % 300 ppm/K
Cold junction Pt100 internal
Cold junction accuracy 1 K
The accuracy values refer to the maximum measuring range. Smaller measuring ranges lead to reduced linearization accuracy.
temperature influence
RTD temperature probe
Designation Standard Measuring range Measuring accuracy
Pt100 DIN EN 60751 -200 to +850 °C 50 ppm/K
2-wire circuit 0.15 %
3-wire/4-wire circuit 0.05 %
Pt500 DIN EN 60751 -200 to +850 °C 50 ppm/K
2-wire circuit 0.30 %
3-wire/4-wire circuit 0.15 %
Pt1000 DIN EN 60751 -200 to +850 °C 50 ppm/K
2-wire circuit 0.20 %
3-wire/4-wire circuit 0.08 %
Ni 100 DIN 43760 -60 to +250 °C 50 ppm/K
2-wire circuit 0.36 %
3-wire/4-wire circuit 0.24 %
Pt100 JIS 1604 -200 to +650 °C 50 ppm/K
2-wire circuit 0.20 %
3-wire/4-wire circuit 0.06 %
temperature influence