JOHN DEERE 9540, 9560, 9580, 9640, 9660 Diagnostic Trouble Codes

Diagnostic Trouble Codes
Diagnostic Trouble Code Priorities
IMPORTANT: These Diagnostic Trouble
Codes are listed for reference only. See your John Deere dealer for specific diagnostic information.
Each Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) has a priority. The priority of the DTC is indicated in the way the DTC is displayed to the operator:
Priority 1 - The Cornerpost Display 1 will stop normal function and the DTC will be displayed. This indicates a problem that requires the combine be stopped, the engine turned off immediately and the problem corrected. The Cornerpost Display 1 will show the DTC until the problem is resolved. Priority 2 - The Cornerpost Display 1 Diagnostic Indicator comes on. This indicates a problem that should be checked immediately Priority 3 - DTC's will be stored, but it is not indicated to the operator.
OUZXMAG,00018B6 -19-10OCT02-1/27
OUZXMAG,00018B6 -19-10OCT02-2/27
A-Diagnostics Menu B-Diagnostic Trouble Code Controller List C-Quick Cal Menu D-Diagnostic Address List
E-Display and Clear Diangostic Trouble codes F-Concave Position Sensor Calibration G-Header Calibration
H-HeaderTrak Angle Sensor Calibration I-Deck Plate Position Sensor Calibration
J-Machine Setting Addresses - Up & Down Arrow Button to change address ­CAL Button to change digit - Enter Button to set change into memory
Accessing Diagnostic Trouble Codes
Prepare Combine:
Turn the key switch to the run position.
OUZXMAG,00018B6 -19-10OCT02-3/27
Press the diagnostic switch. dIA will appear on the Cornerpost Display 1.
OUZXMAG,00018B6 -19-10OCT02-4/27
Press the up or down arrow switch to obtain the desired address. For example A00 appears on the Cornerpost Display 1.
OUZXMAG,00018B6 -19-10OCT02-5/27
Press the enter switch.
OUZXMAG,00018B6 -19-10OCT02-6/27
Press the up arrow switch once. If diagnostic trouble codes are available A00 and codE will appear on Cornerpost Display 1.
If no DTC is available A00 and nonE will appear on Cornerpost Display 1.
OUZXMAG,00018B6 -19-10OCT02-7/27
To read and record diagnostic trouble codes press the enter switch.
OUZXMAG,00018B6 -19-10OCT02-8/27
Press the up or down arrow switch to scroll through the diagnostic trouble codes.
Record each control unit name Record each suspected parameter number Record each failure mode identifier
OUZXMAG,00018B6 -19-10OCT02-9/27
After all codes have been displayed, there is an option to clear these codes.
Scroll to end of code list until CLr? is displayed.
OUZXMAG,00018B6 -19-10OCT02-10/27
Press the enter switch to clear codes. A00 and donE will appear on Cornerpost Display 1.
OUZXMAG,00018B6 -19-10OCT02-11/27
NOTE: Priority 1 codes cannot be cleared
until the problem is solved.
Press back arrow switch three times to return to normal operation.
OUZXMAG,00018B6 -19-10OCT02-12/27
A00 - Engine Control Unit Diagnostic Trouble Codes
SPN FMI Pri. Description
A00 91 09 3 Throttle input not valid or not received
A00 94 01 1 Fuel pressure too low - less than 80kPa / 11.6 PSI (9540)
A00 94 03 1 Fuel Pressure Sensor (cc# 131) voltage out of range high - greater
than 4 V DC (9640, 9560, 9660, 9580, 9680)
A00 94 04 1 Fuel Pressure Sensor (cc# 131) voltage out of range low. (9640,
9560, 9660, 9580, 9680)
A00 94 10 2 The rail pressure drops too fast when the engine is motoring and the
high pressure pump is off. (9640, 9560, 9660, 9580, 9680)
A00 94 13 1 Fuel Pressure Sensor reading is incorrect. (9640, 9560, 9660, 9580,
A00 94 17 2 During starting, rail pressure is not developed after a short time
cranking. (9640, 9560, 9660, 9580, 9680)
A00 94 18 2
Fuel pressure too low - less than 100 kPa / 14.7 PSI at low idle (9540)
A00 97 03 2 Water in Fuel Sensor (cc# 136) voltage out of range high (9640,
9560-Engine Type B, 9660, 9580, 9680)
A00 97 04 2 Water in Fuel Sensor (cc# 136) voltage out of range low (9640,
9560-Engine Type B, 9660, 9580, 9680)
A00 97 31 2 Water is detected in fuel. (9640, 9560-Engine Type B, 9660, 9580,
A00 100 01 1 Oil Pressure Sensor is open after engine rpm is above cranking
A00 100 04 2 Oil Pressure Sensor is closed when engine is not running (9640,
9560, 9660, 9580, 9680)
A00 105 00 1
Engine Manifold Air Temperature Sensor is above 100°C (9560­Engine Type C only)
A00 105 03 2 Engine Manifold Air Temperature Sensor voltage is out of range
high. The device or wiring is faulty. (9640, 9560, 9660, 9580, 9680)
A00 105 04 2 Engine Manifold Air Temperature Sensor voltage is out of range
low. The device or wiring is faulty. (9640, 9560, 9660, 9580, 9680)
A00 105 16 2 Engine Manifold Air temperature above 88°C / 190°F (moderately
severe level). Maximum power level is derated. Power boost is disabled.
A00 107 00 2 Air Filter Restricted Switch indicates a plugged air filter.
A00 110 00 1 Engine coolant temperature above 115°C / 240°F (most severe
level). Maximum power level is derated. Power boost is disabled.
A00 110 03 2 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor voltage is out of range high.
The device or wiring is faulty.
A00 110 04 2 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor voltage is out of range low. The
device or wiring is faulty.
A00 110 15 2 Engine Coolant Temperature is above 105°C. (9560-Engine Type C)
A00 110 16 2 Engine coolant temperature above 110°C / 230°F for 9640, 9560,
9660, 9580 and 9680 or above 100°C / 212°F for 9540. Maximum power level is derated. Power boost is disabled.
A00 111 01 1 Coolant level low. Engine coolant temperature above 125°C / 257°F.
Maximum power level is derated. Power boost is disabled.
A00 158 17 2 Controller not powered down properly. (9640, 9560, 9660, 9580,
A00 174 00 2
Engine fuel temperature is too high (greater than 75°C / 167°F). Injector pump may be damaged because hot fuel loses its lubrication properties. (9540)
A00 174 03 2 Engine Fuel Temperature Sensor voltage is out of range high. The
device or wiring is faulty. Injector pump may be damaged because hot fuel loses its lubrication properties. (9640, 9560, 9660, 9580,
OUZXMAG,00018B6 -19-10OCT02-13/27
SPN FMI Pri. Description
A00 174 04 2 Engine Fuel Temperature Sensor voltage is out of range low. The
device or wiring is faulty. Injector pump may be damaged because hot fuel loses its lubrication properties. (9640, 9560, 9660, 9580,
A00 174 15 2
Engine fuel temperature above normal range (greater than 65°C / 149°F). Maximum power level and power boost are derated. (9540)
A00 174 16 2
Engine fuel temperature above normal range (greater than 65°C / 149°F for 9640, 9560, 9660, 9580, 9680 or greater than 73°C / 163°F for 9540). Maximum power level and power boost are derated.
A00 174 31 2
Engine Fuel Temperature Sensor is out of range. Maximum power level and power boost are derated. (9540)
A00 189 00 3 Low fuel pressure (9540)
A00 190 00 1 Engine over-speed (greater than 2800 rpm). (9540)
A00 190 16 3
Engine speed too high (greater than 2800 rpm). Engine Control Unit reduce fuel flow until speed is below 2200 rpm (9540)
A00 611 03 1 The injector driver has detected a short to battery in the injector
wiring. (9640, 9560, 9660, 9580, 9680)
A00 611 04 1 The injector driver has detected a short to ground in the injector
wiring. (9640, 9560, 9660, 9580, 9680)
A00 627 01 2 All injector currents are out of specification. The injector pull-in
current is too low or the injector hold-in current is incorrect. (9640, 9560, 9660, 9580, 9680)
A00 627 04 2
Engine Control Unit Power (cc# 042) missing at Engine Control Unit while Electronic Power (cc# 021) is on. (9540)
A00 629 19 2 Engine Control Unit not receiving messages from Pump. (9540)
A00 632 02 2 Fuel shutoff error condition detected. (9540)
A00 632 05 2
The Engine Control Unit does not detect a change in engine speed after the Key Switch is turned off. Fuel shutoff not functioning correctly. (9540)
A00 636 02 2 Electrical noise detected on Pump Position Sensor + (cc# 172)
and/or Pump Position Sensor - (cc# 173)
A00 636 08 2 Pump Position Sensor signal is missing
A00 636 10 2 Pump Position Sensor signal has incorrect pulse pattern
A00 637 02 2 Electrical noise detected on Pump Position Sensor + (cc# 174)
and/or Pump Position Sensor - (cc# 175)
A00 637 07 2 Position relationship between Engine Speed Sensor and Pump
Position Sensor not correct (9640, 9560, 9660, 9580, 9680)
A00 637 08 2 Engine Speed Sensor signal is missing
A00 637 10 2 Engine Speed Sensor signal has incorrect pulse pattern
A00 651 05 2 The current to Injector #1 is less than expected. (9640, 9560, 9660,
9580, 9680)
A00 651 06 2 The current to Injector #1 increases too rapidly. (9640, 9560, 9660,
9580, 9680)
A00 651 07 2 The fuel flow to cylinder #1 is lower than expected. (9640, 9560-
Engine Type B, 9660, 9580)
A00 652 05 2 The current to Injector #2 is less than expected. (9640, 9560, 9660,
9580, 9680)
A00 652 06 2 The current to Injector #2 increases too rapidly. (9640, 9560, 9660,
9580, 9680)
A00 652 07 2 The fuel flow to cylinder #2 is lower than expected. (9640, 9560-
Engine Type B, 9660, 9580, 9680)
OUZXMAG,00018B6 -19-10OCT02-14/27
SPN FMI Pri. Description
A00 653 05 2 The current to Injector #3 is less than expected. (9640, 9560, 9660,
9580, 9680)
A00 653 06 2 The current to Injector #3 increases too rapidly. (9640, 9560, 9660,
9580, 9680)
A00 653 07 2 The fuel flow to cylinder #3 is lower than expected. (9640, 9560-
Engine Type B, 9660, 9580, 9680)
A00 654 05 2 The current to Injector #4 is less than expected. (9640, 9560, 9660,
9580, 9680)
A00 654 06 2 The current to Injector #4 increases too rapidly. (9640, 9560, 9660,
9580, 9680)
A00 654 07 2 The fuel flow to cylinder #4 is lower than expected. (9640, 9560-
Engine Type B, 9660, 9580, 9680)
A00 655 05 2 The current to Injector #5 is less than expected. (9640, 9560, 9660,
9580, 9680)
A00 655 06 2 The current to Injector #5 increases too rapidly. (9640, 9560, 9660,
9580, 9680)
A00 655 07 2 The fuel flow to cylinder #5 is lower than expected. (9640, 9560-
Engine Type B, 9660, 9580, 9680)
A00 656 05 2 The current to Injector #6 is less than expected. (9640, 9560, 9660,
9580, 9680)
A00 656 06 2 The current to Injector #6 increases too rapidly. (9640, 9560, 9660,
9580, 9680)
A00 656 07 2 The fuel flow to cylinder #6 is lower than expected. (9640, 9560-
Engine Type B, 9660, 9580)
A00 676 03 2
The Glow Plug Relay output is on when the relay is not energized by the Engine Control Unit. (9560-Engine Type C)
A00 676 05 2
The Glow Plug Relay output is off when the relay is energized by the Engine Control Unit. (9560-Engine Type C)
A00 729 03 2
Inlet Air Heater Relay Output (cc# 189) is high when Engine Control Unit is not energizing the Glow Plug Relay. (9540)
A00 729 05 2
Inlet Air Heater Relay Output (cc# 189) is low when Engine Control Unit is energizing the Inlet Air Heater Relay. (9540)
A00 1076 02 2
The High Pressure Solenoid within the pump is continuously energized, the Pump Control Unit is unable to detect closure of the High Pressure Solenoid Valve or the internal pump speed sensor is broken. (9540)
A00 1077 07 2
The High Pressure Solenoid Valve is closed when the Engine Control Unit is commanding the Pump Control Unit to stop delivering fuel. (9540)
A00 1077 11 2
The Pump Control Unit senses an abnormal voltage on Pump Power (cc# 061). (9540)
A00 1077 12 2 The Pump Control Unit detects an error during a self test. (9540)
A00 1077 19 2
The Pump Control Unit is not receiving any ECU/CAN messages while detecting a signal on Crank Speed Out (cc# 187). (9540)
A00 1077 31 1
Injection Pump initiated engine protection due to Diagnostic Trouble Code 174.31, 1076.02, 1077.12, 1078.07 or 1078.31. Engine will derate. (9540)
A00 1078 07 2
The Pump Control Unit receives a crank signal from the Engine Control Unit that is moderately different than the internal timing within the Pump. Engine will be derated. (9540)
A00 1078 11 2
The Engine Control Unit detects a difference between the internal pump timing and engine speed. (9540)
A00 1078 31 2
The Pump Control Unit receives a crank signal from the Engine Control Unit that is extremely different than the internal timing within the Pump. Engine will be derated. (9540)
A00 1079 03 2
Sensor Supply Voltage 1 (cc# 131) too high (greater than 4.95 V DC). (9540)
A00 1079 04 3
Sensor Supply Voltage 1 (cc# 131) too low (less than 4.0 V DC). (9540)
A00 1080 03 1 Rail Pressure Sensor Power (cc# 721) voltage too high. (9640, 9560,
9660, 9580, 9680)
OUZXMAG,00018B6 -19-10OCT02-15/27
SPN FMI Pri. Description
A00 1080 04 1 Rail Pressure Sensor Power (cc# 721) voltage too low. (9640, 9560,
9660, 9580, 9680)
A00 1080 04 3 Rail Pressure Sensor Power (cc# 721) voltage too low. (9540)
A00 1347 03 1 CC# 178 Shorted to power. (9560-Engine Type C)
A00 1347 05 2 Driver detects problem in circuit to Pump Solenoid 1 Low (cc#
178). (9640, 9560, 9660, 9580, 9680)
A00 1347 07 2 Rail Pressure Control is unable to match required rail pressure. It
may bee too high or too low. (9640, 9560, 9660, 9580, 9680)
A00 1347 10 2 Pump Solenoid 1 is not delivering expected fuel flow. (9640, 9560-
Engine Type B, 9660, 9580, 9680)
A00 1348 05 2 Driver detects problem in circuit to Pump Solenoid 2 Low (cc#
179). (9640, 9560-Engine Type B, 9660, 9580, 9680)
A00 1348 10 2 Pump Solenoid 2 is not delivering expected fuel flow. (9640, 9560-
Engine Type B, 9660, 9580, 9680)
A00 1485 02 2
Pump Power (cc# 061) is powered when Engine Control Unit is off. (9540)
A00 1569 31 2 Engine protection - power derated due to other faults. This code
occurs in conjunction with 105.16, 110.00, 110.03, 110.04, and
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