950J | 1050J

Push the limits.
Push the limits.
247 net hp
56,361 lb. w/Semi-U Blade; 59,255 lb. w/ Straight Blade
22-, 24-, 26-, 32-, and 36-in. grousers
12-ft. 1-in. and 14-ft. 10-in. blades
Big, strong, and powerful, the 950J and 1050J
Dozers deliver the super-sized performance you
need to get the big jobs done. But it’s not just
their large stature that make these dozers such
valuable assets. Like their J-Series siblings, these
two offer many of the production-boosting advan-
tages that have made Deere crawlers so popular,
including state-of-the-art electronic controls,
Total Machine Control
hydrostatic drivetrain. You simply won’t find com-
parable-size crawlers with the same combination
of power, control, reliability, and comfort. Read on
to learn how the 950J and 1050J will help you
push productivity beyond the limits of other dozers.
(TMC), and a full-featured

335 net hp
86,800 lb. w/Semi-U Blade; 89,250 lb. w/Straight Blade
22-, 24-, and 28-in. grousers
13-ft. 3-in. and 14-ft. 2-in. blades
Slow-running Tier 3 diesels
deliver impressive power,
torque, and drawbar pull for
unsurpassed productivity.
Hydraulic-driven variable-
speed suction fan runs
only as needed, reducing
noise, fuel consumption,
cooling system wear, and
operating costs.
Power turns, power man-
agement, infi nite speed
control — John Deere
introduced them all 30 years
ago. And the 950J and 1050J
Dozers are loaded with even
more productivity- and uptime-
boosting enhancements.
Comfort and convenience
are noticeably enhanced in
the quieter, more spacious
redesigned cab.
Extended service intervals,
remote test ports, and
designed-in diagnostics keep
maintenance and operating
costs to a minimum.

Infi nitely variable track control lets an operator
speed up or slow power to either track, for
smooth, full-power turns.
Serious productivity,
Serious productivity,
easy-going control.
easy-going control.
Counterrotation is a productivity-boosting
feature that enables an operator to overcome
heavy corner loads and quickly reposition the
blade on the go. Provides space-saving spot
turns, too.
These dozers steer the same and maintain their
preset speed whether working on level ground
or a 2-1 slope.
Size matters on large-scale construction sites.
With their superior power-to-weight ratios, 950J
and 1050J simply outpush every dozer in their
class. And do so with less effort. State-of-the-art
controls and full-featured hydrostatic drivetrains
put you in complete command of a whole arsenal
of productivity-boosting hydrostatic advantages
including power turns, counterrotation, infinitely
variable travel speeds, and dynamic braking. With
conventional powershift torque converter drivetrains
and differential steering systems, other crawlers
simply can’t do what a John Deere can.

Variable-pitch parallelogram single-or multi-shank
rippers can be angled on-the-go, for
increased productivity.
Power management
takes the guesswork out
of effi cient operation. The
operator simply sets the
desired maximum ground-
speed and the system
automatically maintains
peak engine rpm and power
effi ciency without stalling
or shifting.
Infi nitely variable speed
range from standstill to 6.8
mph gives total fl exibility
to match groundspeed to
the load. Travel can also be
varied to fi t specifi c applica-
tions, terrain, or operating
preferences — and even
limited to maximize under-
carriage life.
Blade pitch is adjustable
to three mount locations,
for superior performance
in a variety of applications
and materials. Unlike other
dozers, tilt cylinder pitch can
also be set to maintain equal
tilt. A hydraulic pitch option is
Blade curvature gets
material rolling and fi lls
more fully for increased

Convenient 12-volt port powers cell
phones and other electronic devices.
Take comfort
Take comfort
in more productivity.
in more productivity.
Like all Deere dozers, state-of-
the-art short-throw, low-effort
blade and speed-in-grip
hydrostatic drivetrain controls
deliver predictable response at
all times.
Retractable seat belt,
slip-resistant fl oor mat,
convenient grab bars,
neutral-start lever, and
automatic park brake help
keep the operator out of
harm’s way.
Deluxe suspension high-back
seat adjusts seven ways
for daylong comfort and is
angled 15 degrees to provide
a more comfortable view of
the ripper. Armrests and foot-
rests are also fully adjustable
to fi t any size operator.
Decelerator slows ground-
speeds to maintain speed
and traction without
affecting engine power and
hydraulic response. Fully
depressing the pedal applies
the brakes.
TMC lets you customize
decelerator mode and
response, forward/reverse
groundspeed ranges, FNR
shift rate, and forward/
reverse speed ratios for
superb control.