Jabra GO 6470 - DATASHEET 2, PRO 6470 Datasheet

GN Netcom is a world leader in innovative headset solutions. GN Netcom develops, manufactures and markets its products under the Jabra brand name.
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Onc e you’ve experie nced the f reedom of a Bluetooth®
headset, it’s har d to go ba ck to t al ki ng whi le ho lding you r
mobi le. Why s hould it be any di fferent with your desk or
sof tphone? With the Jabra GO™ 6470, you can always enjoy
the freedom o f hav ing your hands fr ee – regar dless of whi ch
phone you use.
Ready, Ge T seT, GO!
Wear your Jabra G O™ 6470 head set when you’r e out a nd about
talk ing on your mobile pho ne. Back at the o ffi ce you can also
enjo y in sta nt, seamle ss connectivity w it h you r desk and
sof tphone. No matter whi ch l in e you r contac ts try to r eac h
you on, you’l l alway s be able to answer ju st by tapp ing the
headset button.
UnbeaTable s OUnd
Featur ing state-of-the-ar t aud io tec hnolog ies and a styl ish
med ium-si zed boom, t he Jabra GO™ 6470 del ivers such
supe rb sound qual ity you’ ll never want to answer a cal l
without it! A du al m icrophone Noise Bl ackout™ system with
advanc ed Digital Si gn al Processi ng pr actically elim inates a ll
backgrou nd noise, so your voice can be heard clearly eve n
from a noisy l ocation. Wideba nd qu al ity ens ur es th at the
sou nd you hear is cr ystal c lea r, whi le SafeTone technology
pro tects your hear in g.
UseR- fRiendly TOUch scReen b ase
Wit h mobile, sof t and desk phone suppor t, t he aw ard-
wi nning Jabra GO™ 6 470 touch screen base is the ke y
to unit in g al l your ph ones. A Smar tSetup w iz ar d helps
you easi ly conn ect p hones an d sel ect pref ere nces to get
sta rted in j ust a few m inutes. Once you’re up a nd run ni ng,
the screen’s color ful ic ons a nd i ntuit ive menu mak e call
handling a br eeze.
- Multiuse co nnect iv ity: mobile, des k and sof tphone
- Intuitive tou ch screen base with Sm ar tSe tup wizard
- Wideband sou nd (150 Hz – 6,800 H z)
- Dual micr ophone Noise B lac kout™ sy ste m
- Fu ll h ear ing protec tion with Jabra SafeTone
- Up to 10 0m w ir eless Bluetooth range
- Mi ni ma l energ y consu mption with Jabra Intel liPower
- Supe rior comfort w it h 3 wea ri ng s tyles incl uding choice
of two earhoo ks for you r indivi dua l st yle a nd comfort
- Future-p roof inv est ment with f ree soft wa re
upg rad es via Jabra PC Suite
All curren t USB periphe rals that are optimized for M icrosof t® Offic e Communic ator (PC versi on), such as head sets, will b e compatibl e with Micro soft® Lyn c™.
Jabra PRO 6470
feaTURe benefiT
Hands-free t elephon y with Bluetooth for up to 100m wireless r ange*
Long range connect ivit y giv es user s the fr eedom to multi-t ask with ma ximum ef ficiency and answer phone c alls up to 100m away from the ir desk and sof tphone. Heads et ra nge from mobile phone varies accor ding to mo del but t ypically up to 25m**.
Multiuse connecti vit y – mobile, d esk and s oftphone
Allow s user s to swi tch seamles sly between calls on mobile, de sk and softphones.
Talk time up to 6h** No need t o char ge head set ev en wit h conse cuti ve meetings.
Headset controls: – Multi func tion button – Headset touch sens or
Includes remote answering /ending of calls , voice -ac tiva ted dia ling, call reje ction, redia l func tion, swapping between held calls, volume controls and microphone mute.
2.4” Touch-sensi tive s creen in Q-VGA resolution for ca ll handling, sy stem c onfiguration and se tup wizard
Intui tive t ouch screen ca ll mana gemen t. Show s active phone device. Ea sy sy stem c onfigur ation with S mar tSet up wiza rd.
Bluetooth compliance Bluetooth 2.1.
Standby time 100h Less need to charge headset.
Travel charger Allow s user s to charge the headset from a ny elec tric al socket , PC or ca r adap ter.
Pouch t o protect the heads et when c arried in bags etc .
3 wear ing st yles : – Earhooks (2 models) – Headb and – Neckb and (ac cessory)
Swap e asil y betw een dif ferent wea ring styles and at tach the head set to w hichever ear t he user pref ers. Neckba nd is ava ilable as access ory.
Headset weight 15g Lightw eight o ffic e heads et.
Wideb and sound and DSP ( Digit al Signal Proces sing)
Hear a nd be hea rd wit h digit ally enhance d speech in wideband quality. Help ing user s hear c allers bet ter, this featur e enhanc es under sta nding and call efficiency.
Choic e of wideband (150-6,800 Hz) or narr owba nd (300-3,400 Hz) to matc h phone sy stems
Clos e integratio n with the speci fic type of phone system means bet ter ca ll clar ity f or both parties.
2-microphone Noise Bla ckou tTM technology State-o f-the-a rt noise-c anceling reduces dis traction s by almo st elimin ating background noise, so
only the user’s voice is t rans mitt ed.
Jabra SafeTone technologie s Prot ect s users’ hear ing by cu tting off s ound spik es and sudden loud n oises (Peak Stop ™
prot ection) and se curing s afe avera ge sound levels t hrough out the day (IntelliTone™). Full y compli ant wi th nois e-at-work legislation.
E-hooks and free drivers availa ble at www.jabra.com/pcsuite
User s can answer/end calls up t o 100m awa y from their desk or s oft phone.
Minimal energ y consumption w ith Jabra IntelliPower system
Headset and base g o into sleep-mo de when no t act ive. Sc reen display is a utoma tica lly dimme d and a sw itch mode power supply ensures reduce d power c onsump tion. This sav es energy and reduc es CO2 emiss ions.
Secur ity : encr yption between hea dset a nd connected device
Secur e conv ersa tion. No on e can listen in on y our conversations .
Secur ity : Kensington Lock Thef t pro tect ion of the base.
North America: One-year limited wa rra nty
With GN Netc om’s no fine print 1-yea r warr ant y, you’ll enj oy worr y-fr ee ownership.
Europe/APAC: Two-year limit ed war rant y
With GN Netc om’s no fine print 2-ye ar war ranty, you’ll enjoy wor ry-f ree ownership .
* Rang e varies acc ording t o the env ironmen t in which t he headset is used ** Ran ge and talk time depend on the devic e with which t he head set is c onnec ted
The Jabra GO™ 6470 mee ts the r equirements o f the international s tanda rd IEC 60 950-1. It also meet s EN 6095 0, AS/NZS 60950 and UL 60 950 IT equipment safet y sta ndards.