DIAL™ 520 OC
Plug & Play uSB handSet Solution
oPtimized for microSoft office communicator
- True w ideba nd audio pe rfor mance for profess iona l sound
qua lity
- Int uitive, plug-a nd-play u sability
- Dedicated a ns we r/end an d mute buttons f or seamless
integ ration w it h Microsof t Of fice Communicator 20 07
- LCD d isplay show i ng numbers dia led
The Jabra DI A L™ 520 OC del ivers profession al per formance
and great value. It’s the cost-ef fective USB h andset solution
opt imi zed for Microsoft Office Com mu n icator. Wit h an eas ily
recogni zable user interf ace, it is the ideal produc t fo r ever y type
of Of fice Communicator user. Through its seaml ess integ ration
with t he aud io feat ures i n M ic rosof t Offi ce Communi cator it is
possib le to tr uly reap the benefits of IP telephony.
Th ro ug h its resembla nc e to well-k no wn phones the
Jabra DI AL™ 520 OC is a su re way to m igrate use rs o nto I P
telephony. Its plug & play capabi lities ensure that e ven the very
fir st cal l is eas y to mak e – simply con nect the handset and use
it like any ot her dialpad based phone. Du e to the po rtabil it y of
Jabra DI AL™ 520 OC, t he p roduc t is equal ly appl icable for of fice-
based and home-based professionals. A nd its sma ll size a nd s lim
des ig n make it conven ient to bring along.
Jabra DI AL™ 520 OC f ulfi l ls t he com mu nication needs of the
majority of office professio na ls and its seaml ess integ ration
with M ic rosoft Office Com mu nicator wi ll ma ximi ze prod uc tivity
and si mu ltaneou sly min imize the total c ost of ow nersh ip.
GN Netcom is a world le ader in inn ovative headset solutions. GN Netcom develo ps,
manufac tures an d markets its produ cts unde r the Jabra b rand nam e
DIAL™ 520 OC
featureS & BenefitS
Fe at ur e BeneFit
True wideband audio Professional performance through optimum call clarity
Plug & play solution Plug & play capabilities give instant usability, no need to install
additional drivers
Familia r design & func tion Familia r design & func tion ensures ease of use, minimizing the required
involvement and support in connection with deployment s of Microsoft
Office Communicator 2007
Dedicated answer/end but tons Increased productivit y via seamless integr ation with audio features
in Microsof t Offic e Communicator 2007
Cost-effective solution Delivers benefits of IP telephony at an a ffordable price
Small dialpad and slim design Small size of the handset ensures maximum por tabilit y
Compatibility The Jabra DIAL™ 520 OC is compatible with:
- Microsof t Windows™
Powered via USB No need for bat teries (that require changing) and no risk of running
out of power
2-year warranty With GN Netcom’s no fineprint 2-year warranty, you’ll enjoy worry-free
o w n e r s h i p