Jabra DIAL™ 520 MS USB
Jabra DIAL™ 520 MS USB
Plug & Play uSB handSet
Solution for unified CoMMuniCationS
- Tr ue wideband audio performance for professional sound
qua lity
- Intuitive, plug-and-play usabi lity
- Ded icated an swe r/end a nd mute but tons for seamless
integrati on with leadi ng Unified Commun ications
- LCD d isplay show ing numbers dia led
The Jabra DIA L™ 520 MS USB delivers professional
per for mance a nd great value. It’s t he cost-ef fective USB
handset solution for Unified Commun ications solutions w ith
an easi ly recogn iz able u ser i nterface. It is the i deal product
for ever y ty pe of Unified Communications use r. Through
its seam less integratio n with the aud io features in lead in g
Unified Commu nications application s it is possi ble to t ru ly
reap the be nef its of IP telephony.
Th rou gh its rese mblance to wel l-k now n phones t he
Jabra DIA L™ 520 MS U SB is a s ure way to m ig rate user s
onto IP telephony. Its plug & play capabi lities e nsu re t hat
eve n the very first call is easy to ma ke – simply con nec t the
handset and use it l ik e any o the r dialpad based phone. Due
to the por tabi lity of Jabra DIAL™ 520 MS USB, the product
is equal ly applicable for office-based and home-based
pro fession als. An d its smal l si ze and sl im desig n ma ke it
conven ient to bring a lon g.
Jabra DIA L™ 520 MS U SB fulfills t he co mmu ni cation needs
of the majority of office pr ofessio nals and its seamless
integrati on with leadi ng Unified Commun ications
applications w il l maximize produc tiv ity and s imultaneously
mi ni mi ze the total cost of ownersh ip.
All current USB peripherals that are optimized for Microsoft® Office Communicator (PC version), such as headsets, will be compatible with Microsoft® Lync™.
GN Netcom is a world leader in innovative headset solutions. GN Netcom develops, manufactures and markets its products under the Jabra brand name.
featureS & BenefitS
Featur e BeneF it
True wideband audio Professional performance through optimum call clarity
Plug & play solution Plug & play capabilities give instant us abilit y, no need to ins tall
additional drivers
Familia r design & function Familia r design & function ensures ease of use, minimizing the required
involvement and support in connec tion with deployments of Unified
Communications solutions
Dedicated answer/end but tons Increased productivity via seamless integration with audio features
Cost-effective solution Delivers benefits of IP telephony at an af fordable price
Small dialpad and slim design Small size of the handset ensures maximum portability
Compatibilit y The Jabra DIAL™ 520 MS USB is compatible with:
- Microsoft Windows™, Microsoft
Powered via USB No need for batteries (that require changing) and no risk of running
out of power
Jabra PC Suite - www.jabra.com/pcsuite
1-year warranty With GN Netcom’s no fineprint 1-year warranty, you’ll enjoy worr y-free
Free PC software that enables remote call control with Jabra headsets and
new and improved functionalit y. Jabra DIAL 520 MS USB also supports dia lpad
inter face with the latest generation of UC and softphones
Lync™ and CIPC 7.0(3)