iRobot Create Open Interface Sensor Packets .........................................17
iRobot Create Open Interface Commands Quick Reference .......................22
iRobot Create Open Interface Sensor Packets Quick Reference ................24
2iRobot Create Open Interface (OI) Specification
iRobot Create
Open Interface
The Create Open Inter face (OI) consists of an electronic
interface and a software interface for controlling Create’s
behavior and reading its sensors. The electronic inter face
includes a 7 pin Mini-DIN connector and a DB-25 connector
in the Cargo Bay for connecting hardware and electronics
for sensors and actuators such as a robotic arm or light
sensor to Create. The software interface lets you manipulate
Create’s behavior and read its sensors through a series of
commands including mode commands, actuator commands,
song commands, demo commands, and sensor commands
that you send to Create’s serial por t by way of a PC or
microcontroller that is connected to the Mini-DIN connector
or Cargo Bay Connector.
Cargo Bay
IR Receiver
6-32 Mounting
Charging Socket
3iRobot Create Open Interface (OI) Specification
Physical Connections
To use the OI, a processor capable of generating serial
commands such as a PC or a microcontroller must be
connected to the external Mini-DIN connector or the
Cargo Bay Connector on Create. These connectors provide
two-way, serial communication at TTL (0 – 5V) levels. The
connectors also provide an unregulated direct connection
to iRobot Create’s batter y, which you can use to power
the OI applications. The Cargo Bay Connector also provides
a regulated 5V power supply and several input and output
pins (see details below). The Mini-DIN connector is located
in the rear right side of Create, beneath a snap-fit plastic
guard, while the Cargo Bay Connector is located in the front
middle of the cargo bay.
Mini-DIN Connector
This diagram shows the pinout of the top view of the female
connector in Create. Note that pins 5,6 and 7 are towards
the outside circumference of Create.
1VpwrCreate battery + (unregulated)
2VpwrCreate battery + (unregulated)
3RXD0 – 5V Serial input to Create
4TXD0 – 5V Serial output from Create
5BRCBaud Rate Change
6GNDCreate battery ground
7GNDCreate battery ground
Since the RXD and TXD pins use 0 – 5V logic voltage and the
PC serial por ts use dif ferent voltages (rs232 levels), it is
necessary to shift voltage levels. To do this, use an iRobot
Create serial cable rather than a normal serial cable, as
the iRobot Create serial cable contains all of the necessary
hardware to shift the voltage levels, whereas the normal
serial cable does not.
Cargo Bay Connector
The Cargo Bay Connector, located in the front middle of
the cargo bay, contains 25 pins that you can use to attach
electronics for peripheral devices such as additional
sensors. The Cargo Bay Connector provides four digital
inputs, an analog input, three digital output s, three
high-current low side driver outputs (useful for driving
motors), a charging indicator, a power toggle input, serial Tx and
Rx, a 5V reference, batter y ground and batter y voltage.
RXD0 – 5V Serial input to Create
TXD0 – 5V Serial output from Create
3Power control toggle Turns Create on or off on a low-to-high
4Analog input
5Digital input 10 - 5V digital input to Create
6Digital input 30 - 5V digital input to Create
7Digital output 10 - 5V, 20 mA digital output from Create
Switched 5VProvides a regulated 5V 100 mA supply
9VpwrCreate battery voltage (unregulated), 0.5A
10Switched VpwrProvides battery power @ 1.5 A when
11Switched VpwrProvides battery power @ 1.5 A when
12Switched VpwrProvides battery power @ 1.5 A when
13Robot chargingWhen Create is charging, this pin is high (5V)
14GNDCreate batter y ground
15Device Detect/Baud
Rate Change Pin
17Digital input 00 - 5V digital input to Create
18Digital input 20 - 5V digital input to Create
19Digital output 0
20Digital output 2
21GNDCreate batter y ground
22Low side driver 0
23Low side driver 1
24Low side driver 2
0 - 5V analog input to Create
and analog reference voltage when Create
is switched on
Create is powered on.
Create is powered on.
Create is powered on.
0-5V digital input to Create which can also
be used to change the baud rate to 19200
(see below)
Create battery ground
0 - 5V, 20 mA digital output from Create
0 - 5V, 20 mA digital output from Create
0.5A low side driver from Create
0.5A low side driver from Create
1.5A low side driver from Create
Create battery ground
4iRobot Create Open Interface (OI) Specification
Serial Port Settings
Baud: 57600 or 19200 (see below)
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None
By default, iRobot Create communicates at 57600 baud.
If you are using a microcontroller that does not support
57600 baud, there are two ways to force Create to switch
to 19200:
Method 1:
When powering on Create, hold down the Play button.
After about 4 seconds, Create plays a tune of descending
pitches. Create will communicate at 19200 baud until the
power is turned off, the battery is removed and reinserted,
the batter y voltage falls below the minimum required for
processor operation, or the baud rate is explicitly changed
by way of the OI.
Method 2:
Use the Baud Rate Change pin (pin 15 on the Cargo Bay
Connector/pin 5 on the Mini-DIN connector) to change
Create’s baud rate. After turning on Create, wait 2 seconds
and then pulse the Baud Rate Change low three times.
Each pulse should last between 50 and 500 milliseconds.
Create will communicate at 19200 baud until the processor
loses battery power or the baud rate is explicitly changed
by way of the OI.
5iRobot Create Open Interface (OI) Specification
iRobot Create Open Interface Modes
The Create OI has four operating modes: Of f, Passive,
Safe, and Full. After a battery change or when is first
supplied, the OI is in “off” mode. When it is off, the OI listens
at the default baud rate (57600 or 19200 - see Serial Port
Settings above) for an OI Star t command. Once it receives
the Start command, you can enter into any one of the four
operating modes by sending a mode command to the OI.
You can also switch between operating modes at any time
by sending a command to the OI for the operating mode
that you want to use.
Passive Mode
Upon sending the Start command or any one of the demo
commands (which also starts the specific demo, e.g., Spot
Cover, Cover, Cover and Dock, or Demo), the OI enters
into Passive mode. When the OI is in Passive mode, you
can request and receive sensor data using any of the
sensors commands, but you cannot change the current
command parameters for the actuators (motors, speaker,
lights, low side drivers, digital outputs) to something else.
To change how one of the actuators operates, you must
switch from Passive mode to Full mode or Safe mode.
While in Passive mode, you can read Create’s sensors,
watch Create per form any one of its ten built-in demos,
and charge the batter y.
Full Mode
When you send a Full command to the OI, Create enters
into Full mode. Full mode gives you complete control over
Create, all of its actuators, and all of the safety-related
conditions that are restricted when the OI is in Safe mode,
as Full mode shuts of f the cliff, wheel-drop and internal
charger safety features. To put the OI back into Safe mode,
you must send the Safe command.
If no commands are sent to the OI when in Full mode, Create
waits with all motors and LEDs off and does not respond to
Play or Advance button presses or other sensor input.
Note that charging terminates when you enter Full Mode.
Safe Mode
When you send a Safe command to the OI, Create enters into
Safe mode. Safe mode gives you full control of Create, with
the exception of the following safety-related conditions:
• Detection of a cliff while moving forward (or moving
backward with a small turning radius, less than one robot
• Detection of a wheel drop (on any wheel).
• Charger plugged in and powered.
Should one of the above safety-related conditions occur
while the OI is in Safe mode, Create stops all motors and
reverts to the Passive mode.
If no commands are sent to the OI when in Safe mode, Create
waits with all motors and LEDs off and does not respond to
Play or Advance button presses or other sensor input.
Note that charging terminates when you enter Safe Mode.
6iRobot Create Open Interface (OI) Specification
Open Interface Command Reference
The following is a list of all of iRobot Create’s Open Inter face
commands. Each command starts with a one-byte opcode.
Some of the commands must be followed by data bytes.
All of Create’s OI commands including their required data
bytes are described below.
NOTE: Always send the required number of data bytes for
the command, otherwise, the processor will enter and
remain in a “waiting” state until all of the required data
bytes are received.
Getting Started Commands
The following commands star t the Open Inter face and get
it ready for use.
Start Opcode:128 Data Bytes: 0
This command starts the OI. You must always send the Start
command before sending any other commands to the OI.
• Serial sequence: [128].
• Available in modes: Passive, Safe, or Full
• Changes mode to: Passive. Create beeps once to
acknowledge it is starting from “off” mode.
Baud Opcode: 129 Data Bytes: 1
This command sets the baud rate in bits per second (bps)
at which OI commands and data are sent according to the
baud code sent in the data byte. The default baud rate at
power up is 57600 bps, but the star ting baud rate can
be changed to 19200 by holding down the Play button
while powering on Create until you hear a sequence
of descending tones. Once the baud rate is changed, it
persists until Create is power cycled by pressing the power
button or removing the battery, or when the battery voltage
falls below the minimum required for processor operation.
You must wait 100ms after sending this command before
sending additional commands at the new baud rate.
Note: at a baud rate of 115200, there must be at least
200μs between the onset of each character, or some
characters may not be received.
• Serial sequence: [129][Baud Code]
• Available in modes: Passive, Safe, or Full
• Changes mode to: No Change
• Baud data byte 1: Baud Code (0 - 11)
Baud Code Baud Rate in BPS
Mode Commands
Create has four operating modes: Off, Passive, Safe, and
Full. Create powers on in the Passive mode. The following
commands change Create’s OI mode.
Safe Opcode: 131 Data Bytes: 0
This command puts the OI into Safe mode, enabling user
control of Create. It turns off all LEDs. The OI can be in
Passive, Safe, or Full mode to accept this command.
• Serial sequence: [131]
• Available in modes: Passive, Safe, or Full
• Changes mode to: Safe
Note: The effect and usage of the Control command (130)
is identical to the Safe command. The Control command is
deprecated but is present for backward compatibility with
the Roomba Open Interface. Use Safe command instead.
Full Opcode: 132 Data Bytes: 0
This command gives you complete control over Create
by putting the OI into Full mode, and turning of f the cliff,
wheel-drop and internal charger safety features. That is, in
Full mode, Create executes any command that you send
it, even if the internal charger is plugged in, or the robot
senses a cliff or wheel drop.
• Serial sequence: [132]
• Available in modes: Passive, Safe, or Full
• Changes mode to: Full
Note: Use the Start command (128) to change the mode
to Passive.
7iRobot Create Open Interface (OI) Specification
Demo Commands
The following are commands to star t iRobot Create’s
built-in demos.
Demo Opcode: 136 Data Bytes: 1
This command starts the requested built-in demo.
• Serial sequence: [136][Which-demo]
• Available in modes: Passive, Safe, or Full
• Changes mode to: Passive
• Demo data byte 1: Demo number (-1 - 9)
Demo Names, Descriptions and Numbers
-1 (255) Abort current demo
1Cover and Dock Identical to the Cover demo, with one
2Spot Cover Create covers an area around its
3Mouse Create drives in search of a wall. Once
4Drive Figure EightCreate continuously drives in a figure 8
5Wimp Create drives forward when pushed from
Stops the demo that Create is currently
Create attempts to cover an entire
room using a combination of behaviors,
such as random bounce, wall following,
and spiraling.
exception. If Create sees an infrared
signal from an iRobot Home Base, it
uses that signal to dock with the Home
Base and recharge itself.
starting position by spiraling outward,
then inward.
a wall is found, Create drives along the
wall, traveling around circumference of
the room.
behind. If Create hits an obstacle while
driving, it drives away from the obstacle.
Create drives toward an iRobot Vir tual
Wall as long as the back and sides of
the virtual wall receiver are blinded by
black electrical tape.
A Virtual Wall emits infrared signals
that Create sees with its Omnidirectional
Infrared Receiver, located on top of the
Tag Identical to the Home demo, except
Create drives into multiple virtual walls
by bumping into one, turning around,
driving to the next virtual wall, bumping
into it and turning around to bump into
the next virtual wall.
Pachelbel Create plays the notes of Pachelbel’s
Canon in sequence when cliff sensors
are activated.
Create plays a note of a chord for each
of its four cliff sensors. Select the
chord using the bumper, as follows:
• No bumper: G major.
• Right/left bumper: D major 7
• Both bumpers (center): C major
You can also call the Cover, Cover and Seek Dock and Spot
Demos using the Opcodes specified below. This is present
for ensuring backward compatibility with the Roomba OI.
Cover Opcode: 135 Data Bytes: 0
This command starts the Cover demo.
• Serial sequence: [135]
• Available in modes: Passive, Safe, or Full
• Changes mode to: Passive
Cover and Dock Opcode: 143 Data Bytes: 0
This command starts the Cover and Dock demo.
• Serial sequence: [143]
• Available in modes: Passive, Safe, or Full
• Changes mode to: Passive
Spot Opcode: 134 Data Bytes: 0
This command starts the Spot Cover demo.
• Serial sequence: [134]
• Available in modes: Passive, Safe, or Full
• Changes mode to: Passive
If you want Create to home in on a
Virtual Wall, cover all but a small
opening in the front of the infrared
receiver with black electrical tape.
Create spins to locate a virtual wall,
then drives toward it. Once Create hits
the wall or another obstacle, it stops.
8iRobot Create Open Interface (OI) Specification
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