Intel MPCBL0010 User Manual

Intel NetStructure® MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer

Technical Product Specification
October 2006
Order Number: 304120
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The Intel NetStructure® MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request.
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Copyright © Intel Corporation, 2006. Al l rights reserved.
Intel NetStructure® MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer Technical Product Specification October 2006 2 Order Number: 304120


1.0 Introduction............................................................................................................ 12
1.1 Document Organization......................................................................................12
1.2 Glossary ..........................................................................................................13
2.0 Feature Overview ....................................................................................................15
2.1 Application .......................................................................................................15
2.2 Functional Description..................................................................... .. ... ..............15
2.2.1 Low Voltage Intel
2.2.2 Chipset.................................................................................................16 Memory Controller Hub..............................................................17 I/O Controller Hub ....................................................................17 64-Bit PCI Hub ..................... .. .. .. ............................. ... ..............17
2.2.3 Memory (J10, J12) ............................... .. ................................................17
2.2.4 I/O.......................................................................................................18 I/O Controller Hub ....................................................................18 Real-Time Clock........................................................................18 Timers.....................................................................................18 Gigabit Ethernet .......................................................................19 10/100 Fast Ethernet ................................................................19 USB 2.0...................................................................................19 Serial Ports..............................................................................19
2.2.5 AdvancedMC (AMC) Connector (J18, J19) .................................................. 19
2.2.6 Firmware Hubs.......................... .. .. .............................. .. .........................20 FWH0 (Main BIOS) ....................................................................20 FWH1 (Backup/Recovery BIOS) ..................................................21 Flash ROM Backup Mechanism....................................................21
2.2.7 Onboard Power Supplies..........................................................................21 Power Feed Fuses..................................................................... 21 ORing Diodes and Circuit Breaker Protection.................................21 Isolated -48 V to +12 V, 12 V Suspend, 5 V, 3.3 V Suspend, 1.8 V, and
1.5 V Converters21 Processor Voltage Regulator Module (VRM)................................... 22 IPMC Subsystem Standby Power.................................................22 Other On-board Supplies ...........................................................22 Other Suspend Power................................................................22
2.2.8 IPMC ....................................................................................................22
2.2.9 Telecom Clock .......................................................................................22
2.2.10 AdvancedMC Direct Connect .............................. .. ... ................................. 23
2.2.11 AdvancedTCA Compliance........................................................................24
3.0 Operating the Unit................................................................................................... 25
3.1 Jumpers...........................................................................................................25
3.2 AdvancedMC Filler Panels ...................................................................................27
3.3 Installing Memory .............................................................................................28
3.4 Installing and Extracting the SBC ........................................................................29
3.4.1 Chassis Installation.................................................................................30
3.4.2 Chassis Extraction..................................................................................30
3.5 AdvancedMC Module Installation and Extraction.....................................................32
3.6 BIOS Configuration............................................................................................32
3.7 Remote Access Configuration..............................................................................32
3.8 Software Updates..............................................................................................32
3.8.1 BIOS Updates........................................................................................ 33
3.8.2 Loading\Saving Custom BIOS Configuration...............................................33
Xeon™ Processor ........................................................16
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Intel NetStructure® MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer
MPCBL0010— Synchronizing BIOS Image and Settings from FWH0 (Main) to FWH1 (Backup)33 Copying BIOS.bin from the SBC ..................................................34 Saving BIOS.bin to the SBC........................................................34 flashlnx Command Line Options.................................................35
3.8.3 IPMC Firmware Updates................................... .. .............................. .. ......35 IPMC Firmware Upgrade Using the KCS Interface...........................35
3.9 Digital Ground to Chassis Ground Connectivity.......................................................36
4.0 Specifications ..........................................................................................................37
4.1 Mechanical Specifications....................................................................................37
4.1.1 Board Outline.................................................................... .. ...................37
4.1.2 Backing Plate and Top Cover.................................................................. ..37
4.2 Environmental Specifications...............................................................................37
4.3 Reliability Specifications......................................................................................38
4.3.1 Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) Specifications.......................................38 Environmental Assumptions............................... .. .. .. ...................38 General Assumptions.................................................................38 General Notes...........................................................................39
4.3.2 Power Requirements ............................. ............................. .....................39
4.3.3 Power Consumption ................................ .. ............................. .. ... ............39
4.4 Weight.............................................................................................................39
5.0 Connectors and LEDs ...............................................................................................40
5.1 Backplane Connectors .............................................. .. .. .............................. .. ......43
5.1.1 Power Distribution Connector (P10)...........................................................43
5.1.2 AdvancedTCA Data Transport Connector (J23)............................................44
5.1.3 AdvancedTCA Data Transport Connector (J20)............................................46
5.1.4 Alignment Blocks....................................................................................46
5.2 On-Board Connectors.........................................................................................47
5.2.1 POST Code Connector (J13) .....................................................................47
5.2.2 Extended IPT700 Debug Port Connector (J25).............................................47
5.3 Front Panel Connectors.......................................................................................48
5.3.1 Ethernet 10/100 Debug Connector (J3)......................................................48
5.3.2 USB Connector (J4).................................................................................49
5.3.3 Serial Port Connector (J5)........................................................................49
5.3.4 AdvancedMC* Connectors (J18, J19)................................................. ........50
5.4 LEDs................................................................................................................52
5.4.1 POST LED Codes.....................................................................................55
5.5 Reset Button.....................................................................................................56
6.0 BIOS Features..........................................................................................................57
6.1 Introduction......................................................................................................57
6.2 BIOS Flash Memory Organization.........................................................................57
6.3 Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS)..............................................57
6.4 Redundant BIOS Functionality .............................................................................57
6.5 Legacy USB Support...........................................................................................58
6.5.1 Language Support ............................................................................ ......58
6.6 Recovering BIOS Data........................................................................................58
6.7 Boot Options.....................................................................................................58
6.7.1 CD-ROM and Network Boot ......................................................................59
6.7.2 Booting without Attached Devices .............................................................59
6.8 Fast Booting Systems............................ .. .............................. .. .. .........................59
6.8.1 Quick Boot.............................................................................................59
6.9 BIOS Security Features ................................................ .. .. .............................. ....59
6.10 Remote Access Configuration ..............................................................................60
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MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer
7.0 BIOS Setup..............................................................................................................62
7.1 Introduction .....................................................................................................62
7.2 Main Menu .......................................................................................................62
7.3 Advanced Menu.................................................................................................63
7.3.1 CPU Configuration Sub-Menu ...................................................................64
7.3.2 IDE Configuration Sub-Menu....................................................................65 Primary IDE Master/Slave Configuration Options...........................67
7.3.3 SuperIO Configuration Sub-Menu ...................................... .. .. .. .................68
7.3.4 ACPI Configuration Sub-Menu ..................................................................69 Advanced ACPI Configuration Sub-Menu ......................................70 Chipset ACPI Configuration Sub-Menu..........................................70
7.3.5 System Management Sub-Menu ...............................................................71
7.3.6 Event Log Configuration Sub-Menu........................................ ...................72 PCI Express Error Masking Configuration Sub-Menu....................... 73
7.3.7 MPS Configuration Sub-Menu...................................................................74
7.3.8 AdvancedTCA* Channel Routing (PICMG*) Sub-Menu.................................. 74
7.3.9 On-board Devices Configuration Sub-Menu................................................75
7.3.10 PCI Express* Configuration Sub-Menu.......................................................76
7.3.11 Remote Access Configuration Sub-Menu....................................................77
7.3.12 IPMI Configuration Sub-Menu............... ............................. .. .. .. .................78
7.3.13 USB Configuration Sub-Menu....................... .. .. ........................................80 USB Mass Storage Device Configuration.......................................81
7.4 PCIPnP Menu....................................................................................................81
7.5 Boot Menu........................................................................................................82
7.5.1 Boot Settings Configuration Sub-Menu ......................................................82
7.5.2 Boot Device Priority Sub-Menu......................... .. .............................. .. .. .. ..83
7.5.3 Hard Disk Drives Sub-menu........................... .. .. .. .............................. .. .. ..84
7.5.4 OS Load Timeout Timer Sub-Menu............................................................84
7.6 Security Menu...................................................................................................85
7.7 Chipset Menu....................................................................................................85
7.7.1 Northbridge Configuration Sub-Menu ........................................................86
7.7.2 Spread Spectrum Clocking Mode Sub-Menu ...............................................87
7.8 Exit Menu.........................................................................................................87
8.0 Error Messages........................................................................................................89
8.1 BIOS Error Messages.........................................................................................89
8.2 Port 80h POST Codes .........................................................................................89
9.0 Addressing .............................................................................................................. 93
9.1 PCI Configuration Map .......................................................................................93
9.2 FPGA Registers .................................................................................................95
9.3 IPMC Addresses .............................................................................................. 103 PwrBtn usage............................................ .. .. ......................... 105
10.0 Hardware Management Overview.......................................................................... 115
10.1 Intelligent Platform Management Controller (IPMC).............................................. 115
10.2 Sensor Data Record (SDR) ............................................................................... 117
10.3 System Event Log (SEL)................................................................................... 121
10.4 IPMB Link Sensor ............................................................................................ 126
10.5 Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) Information............................................................ 126
10.6 Customizable FRU Area.................................................................................... 127
10.6.1 LinuxCustFru Utility Usage..................................................................... 127
10.6.2 FRU Customer Area ............................................................................ .. 127
10.7 E-Keying........................................................................................................ 130
10.8 OEM IPMI Commands ........................................ .. ............................. ... ............ 130
10.8.1 Reset BIOS Flash Type............................ .. ............................. ... ............ 131
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10.8.2 Board Device Channel Port Selection Identifiers ........................................131 SetBoardDeviceChannelPortSelection.........................................132 GetBoardDeviceChannelPortSelection.........................................133 GetBoardDevicePossibleSelection...............................................133
10.8.3 Set Control State.................................................................................. 134
10.8.4 Get Control State..................................................................................134
10.8.5 Controls Identifier Table ........................................................................134
10.9 Hot Swap Process............................................................................................135
10.9.1 Hot Swap LED......................................................................................136
10.10 AdvancedMC Module Activation..........................................................................136
10.10.1Pre-Defined Resources for AdvancedMC Modules.......................................137
10.11 Temperature and Voltage Sensors......................................................................137
10.11.1Processor Events ..................................................................................139
10.11.2DIMM Memory Events................... .. .............................. .. .......................139
10.11.3System Firmware Progress (POST Error)..................................................139
10.11.4Critical Interrupts .................................................................................139
10.11.5System ACPI Power State ........................................... ...........................139
10.11.6 IPMB Link Sensor..................................................................................140
10.11.7 FRU Hot Swap ......................................................................................140
10.12 Reset .............................................................................................................140
10.12.1 Warm Reset.........................................................................................141
10.12.2 Hard Reset ..........................................................................................141
10.13 Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) Information ............................................................141
10.14 IPMC Firmware Code................................... .. .............................. .....................142
11.0 Serial Over LAN (SOL)............................................................................................145
11.1 References......................................................................................................145
11.2 SOL Architecture .............................................................................................145
11.2.1 SOL Implementation .............................................................................145
11.2.2 Architectural Components......................................................................147 IPMC .....................................................................................147 Ethernet Controller............................................. .....................147
11.3 Theory of Operation.........................................................................................147
11.3.1 Front Panel Serial Port or Rear Transition Module ......................................147
11.3.2 Serial Over LAN....................................................................................147
11.4 Serial Over LAN Client......................................................................................148
11.5 Reference Configuration Script ..........................................................................148
11.6 Supported Usage Model....................................................................................149
11.6.1 Configuring the Blade for SOL.................................................................149
11.7 Reference Script (reference_cfg)........................................................................ 150
11.7.1 SOL Configuration Reference Script (reference_cfg)...................................150
11.7.2 Default Behavior...................................................................................150
11.7.3 SOL User Information............................................................................150
11.7.4 LAN Parameters....................................................................................150
11.7.5 SOL Parameters ...................................................................................151
11.7.6 Channel Parameters..............................................................................151
11.7.7 Command Line Options..........................................................................151
11.8 Setting up a Serial Over LAN Session..................................................................152
11.8.1 Target Blade Setup ...............................................................................152 BIOS Configuration..................................................................152 Operating System Configuration......................... .. .. .. .................153 sbcutils RPM Installation...........................................................155 Execute the reference_cfg Script...............................................155
11.8.2 Client Blade Setup ................................................................................157 Configure the Ethernet Port ......................................................157 Installing ipmitool....................................................................158
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MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer
—MPCBL0010 Start an SOL Session............................................................... 158 Checking SOL Configuration ..................................................... 158 Ending an SOL Session............................................................ 159
11.9 Operating Systems for SOL Client (ipmitool) ....................................................... 160
12.0 Telecom Clock ....................................................................................................... 161
12.1 Functional Description.......................................... .. .............................. .. .. .. ...... 161
12.2 Interface Description ....................................................................................... 162
12.2.1 AdvancedTCA Backplane Interface.......................................................... 162
12.2.2 AdvancedMC Interface ................................................. .. ....................... 162
12.2.3 Reset/Interrupt Interface ...................................................................... 162
12.2.4 LPC Interface....................................................................................... 162
12.3 Function Description........................................................................................ 162
12.3.1 Redundant Reference Clock Selection...................................................... 162
12.3.2 PLL Clock Generation............................................................................ 162
12.3.3 Recovered Clock Selection.............................................. ....................... 163
12.3.4 Configuration....................................................................................... 163 Operational Configuration ........................................................ 163
12.3.5 Alarm Handling.................................................................................... 163
12.4 Telecom Clock API ........................................................................................... 164
12.4.1 TRANSMIT CLOCK ................................................................................ 164
12.4.2 Enable/Disable Transmission Clock ......................................................... 164
12.4.3 Recovered Clock.................. ............................. .............................. .. .... 165
12.4.4 Automatic Switchover ........................................................................... 165
12.4.5 Automatic Switchover Mode................................................................... 165
12.4.6 Select Reference Clock.......................................................................... 166
12.4.7 Reference Frequency for PLL.................... .. .. .............................. .. .......... 166
12.4.8 Primary/Secondary Redundant Clock....................................................... 166
12.4.9 Corner Frequency................................................................................. 167
12.4.10 PLL Operating Mode.............................................................................. 167
12.4.11Reference Clock Alignment ............................................. .. ..................... 167
12.4.12 Hardware Reset ................................................................................... 167
12.4.13Read Alarm States........................... ... ............................. .. .. .. ............... 168
12.4.14Read New Events ...................... .. .............................. ........................... 168
12.4.15Read the Current Reference Clock .............................................. ............ 169
12.4.16sysfs Interface..................................................................................... 169
12.5 Telecom Clock Registers................................................................................... 170
13.0 Maintenance.......................................................................................................... 177
13.1 Supervision .................................................................................................... 177
13.2 Diagnostics..................................................................................................... 177
13.2.1 In-Target Probe (ITP) ....................................................................... .. .. 177
14.0 Thermals ............................................................................................................... 178
15.0 Component Technology ......................................................................................... 179
16.0 Warranty Information ........................................................................................... 180
16.1 Intel NetStructure
Compute Boards and Platform Products Limited Warranty......... 180
16.2 Returning a Defective Product (RMA) ................................................................. 180
16.3 For the Americas............................................................................................. 180
16.3.1 For Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA).............................................. 181
16.3.2 For Asia and Pacific (APAC).................................................................... 181
16.3.3 Limitation of Liability and Remedies........................................................ 181
17.0 Customer Support ................................................................................................. 183
17.1 Customer Support........................................................................................... 183
17.2 Technical Support and Return for Service Assistance............................................ 183
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Intel NetStructure® MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer
17.3 Sales Assistance..............................................................................................183
17.4 Product Code Summary....................................................................................183
18.0 Certifications .........................................................................................................184
19.0 Agency Information—Class B .................................................................................185
19.1 North America (FCC Class B).......................... ................................ ...................185
19.2 Canada – Industry Canada (ICES-003 Class B) (English and French-translated) .......185
19.3 Japan VCCI Class B..........................................................................................185
19.4 Korean Class B................................................................................................186
19.5 Australia, New Zealand.....................................................................................186
20.0 Safety Warnings ....................................................................................................187
20.1 Mesures de Sécurité.........................................................................................188
20.2 Sicherheitshinweise..........................................................................................189
20.3 Norme di Sicurezza..........................................................................................190
20.4 Instrucciones de Seguridad...............................................................................191
20.5 Chinese Safety Warning....................................................................................192
A Reference Documents ............................................................................................193
B List of Supported Commands (IPMI v1.5 and PICMG 3.0).......................................195


1 MPCBL0010 Block Diagram........................................................................................16
2 AdvancedMCA Direct Connect Switch Block Diagram......................................................24
3 Jumpers..................................................................................................................25
4 Jumper/Connector Locations......................................................................................26
5 AdvancedMC Filler Panel............................. .. .............................. .. .. .. .........................27
6 Memory Top Cover Installed ......................................................................................28
7 Empty DIMM Sockets................................................................................................28
8 Memory Installed................................................. ... ............................. .....................29
9 Digital Ground and Chassis Ground Isolated (Default)....................................................36
10 Connector Locations..................................................................................................41
11 Front Panel.................................... ... .. ............................. .............................. .. ........42
12 Power Distribution Connector (Zone 1) P10..................................................................43
13 Data Transport Connector (Zone 2) J23.......................................................................45
14 Ethernet 10/100 Debug Connector............................................ ... ............................. ..48
15 USB Connector (J4) ...................................................... .. .. .............................. .. ........49
16 Serial Port Connector (J5)............................... ...........................................................49
17 DB-9 to RJ-45 Pin Translation ....................................................................................50
18 AdvancedMC* Connector...........................................................................................52
19 Front Panel LEDs (Option 1).......................................................................................53
20 Front Panel B LEDs (Option 2)....................................................................................53
21 Example POST LED Codes............................... .............................. .............................56
22 IPMC Block Diagram ...............................................................................................116
23 AdvancedMC Direct Connect Switch Block Diagram .....................................................132
24 Hot Swap Process...................................................................................................135
25 Warm Reset Block Diagram......................................................................................141
26 IPMC Firmware Code Process ...................................................................................143
27 SOL Block Diagram........................................ .. .............................. .. .......................146
28 Reference Script Running on a Remote Node, Communicating over the LAN ...................149
29 BIOS Configuration of SOL Target Blade....................................................................153
30 Configuration for RHEL............................................................................................154
31 Block Diagram of the Telecom Clock..........................................................................161
32 Power vs. Flow Rate................................................................................................178
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MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer


1 Supported Memory Configurations...................................... .. .. ....................................18
2 Jumper Definitions ...................................................................................................26
3 Suggested Method of BIOS Image Synchronization prior to BIOS Upgrade ....................... 33
4 Flashlnx Utility Command Line Options........................................................................35
5 Environmental Specifications ..................................................................................... 37
6 Reliability Estimate Data ...........................................................................................38
7 Power Requirements.................................................................................................39
8 Total Measured Power...............................................................................................39
9 Weight ...................................................................................................................39
10 On-board and Backplane Connector Assignments .........................................................41
11 Front Panel Connector Assignments............................................................................42
12 Power Distribution Connector (Zone 1) P10 Pin Assignments..........................................44
13 AdvancedTCA Data Transport Connector (Zone 2) J23 Pin Assignments...........................46
14 AdvancedTCA* Data Transport Connector (Zone 2) J20 Pin............................................46
15 POST Code Connector Pin Assignments.......................................................................47
16 Ethernet 10/100 Debug Connector Pin Assignments......................................................48
17 Ethernet 10/100 Debug Connector LED Operation ........................................................48
18 USB Connector (J4) Pin Assignments..........................................................................49
19 Serial Port Connector (J5) Pin Assignments..................................................................50
20 AdvancedMC* Connector Pin Assignments...................................................................51
21 Front Panel LED Descriptions.....................................................................................54
22 Ethernet 10/100 Debug Connector LED Operation ........................................................55
23 Supervisor and User Password Functions.....................................................................60
24 Function Key Escape Code Equivalents........................................................................60
25 BIOS Setup Program Menu Bar..................................................................................62
26 BIOS Setup Program Function Keys............................................................................62
27 Main Menu ..............................................................................................................63
28 Advanced Menu .......................................................................................................64
29 CPU Configuration Sub-Menu......................................... .. .. .. .............................. .. .. .... 65
30 IDE Configuration Sub-Menu......................................................................................66
31 IDE Master/Slave Sub-Menu......................................................................................67
32 SuperIO Configuration Sub-Menu...............................................................................69
33 ACPI Configuration Sub-Menu............................................................... .. .. .................70
34 Advanced ACPI Configuration Sub-Menu......................................................................70
35 Chipset ACPI Configuration Sub-Menu.........................................................................71
36 System Management Sub-Menu.................................................................................72
37 Event Log Configuration Sub-Menu.............................................................................73
38 PCI Express Error Masking Configuration Sub-Menu......................................................73
39 MPS Configuration Sub-Menu.....................................................................................74
40 AdvancedTCA Channel Routing (PICMG) Sub-Menu.......................................................75
41 On-board Devices Configuration Sub-Menu.................................................................. 76
42 Option ROM Configuration Options..............................................................................76
43 PCI Express* Configuration Sub-Menu ........................................................................77
44 Remote Access Configuration Sub-Menu......................................................................78
45 IPMI Configuration Sub-Menu ....................................................................................79
46 LAN Configuration Sub-Menu.....................................................................................79
47 USB Configuration Sub-Menu.....................................................................................80
48 USB Mass Storage Device Configuration......................................................................81
49 PCIPnP Menu.................................. .. .. ......................................................... ............81
50 Boot Menu ..............................................................................................................82
51 Boot Settings Configuration Sub-Menu........................................................................82
52 Boot Device Priority Sub-Menu...................................................................................83
53 Hard Disk Drive Sub-Menu ........................................................................................84
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Intel NetStructure® MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer
54 OS Load Timeout Timer Sub-Menu..............................................................................85
55 Security Menu..........................................................................................................85
56 Chipset Menu...........................................................................................................86
57 Northbridge Chipset Configuration ..............................................................................86
58 Spread Spectrum Clocking Mode Configuration .............................................................87
59 Exit Menu................................................................................................................87
60 BIOS Error Messages ................................................................................................89
61 Bootblock Initialization Code Checkpoints ....................................................................90
62 POST Code Checkpoints ............................................................................................90
63 DIM Code Checkpoints ...................................................... .. .............................. ........92
64 ACPI Runtime Checkpoints.........................................................................................92
65 PCI Configuration Map...............................................................................................93
66 FPGA Register Legend...............................................................................................95
67 FPGA Register Overview............................................................................................96
68 POST Codes 00:80h..................................................................................................96
69 Extended POST Codes 0081h.....................................................................................96
70 FPGA Version 0A00h .................................................................................................97
71 Debug LED 0A01h ....................................................................................................97
72 FWUM 0A02h...........................................................................................................98
73 Development Features 0A04h .......................................... .. .............................. ..........98
74 Telecom Clock Register 0 0A08h.................................................................................99
75 Telecom Clock Register 1 0A09h...............................................................................100
76 Telecom Clock Register 2 0A0Ah...............................................................................100
77 Telecom Clock Register 3 0A0Bh............................................................................... 101
78 Transmission Frequency Selection.............................................................................101
79 Telecom Clock Register 4 0A0Ch...............................................................................101
80 Telecom Clock Register 5 0A0Dh ..............................................................................102
81 Telecom Clock Register 6 0A0Eh...............................................................................102
82 Telecom Clock Register 7 0A0Fh...............................................................................103
83 IPMC Register Legend .............................................................................................103
84 SBC Control 00h...................................... .. ............................. .............................. ..104
85 SBC Status 01h.......................... .............................. ..............................................106
86 POST Code Low 02h................................................................................................ 106
87 POST Code High 03h...............................................................................................106
88 LED Color Control 06h.............................. .. ............................. ... .. ...........................106
89 LED Control 07h.....................................................................................................106
90 AdvancedMC B1 Control & Status 10h .......................................................................107
91 AdvancedMC B1 Control & Status 11h .......................................................................107
92 AMC B2 Control & Status 12h...................................................................................108
93 AdvancedMC B2 Control & Status 13h .......................................................................108
94 CPU 0 VIDs 18h .....................................................................................................109
95 CPU 0 Status 19h...................................................................................................109
96 ADC Grab Control 20h.............................................................................................109
97 ADC1 and ADC2 Grab Data 21-22h...........................................................................110
98 Fabric Control 1 24h ...............................................................................................110
99 Fabric Control 2 25h ...............................................................................................111
100 Reset Source 27h.............................. .. ............................. .............................. .. ......111
101 Firmware Hub Control 28h.......................................................................................111
102 Reset Events 29h ............................................................... .. .. .............................. ..111
103 Crosspoint Switch Control 2Ah..................................................................................112
104 Crosspoint Switch Ports Register...............................................................................113
105 Crosspoint Switch Data 2Bh.....................................................................................113
106 Miscellaneous Controls and Status 2Dh......................................................................113
107 IPMC POST Codes FEh........................................ .. ... ............................. .. .................113
108 Version FFh ...........................................................................................................114
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MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer
109 Hardware Sensors.................................................................................................. 117
110 OEM Sensor Types ................................................................................................. 120
111 OEM Event/Reading Type........................................................................................ 121
112 SEL Events Supported ................................... .. .............................. .. ....................... 121
113 FRU Multi-Record Data for CPU/RAM/PMC/BIOS Version Information............................. 126
114 Reset BIOS Flash Type............................................................................................ 131
115 Channel Port Selection Identifiers............................................................................. 131
116 SetBoardDeviceChannelPortSelection........................................................................ 132
117 GetBoardDeviceChannelPortSelection........................................................................ 133
118 GetBoardDevicePossibleSelection ............................................................................. 133
119 Set Control State................................................................................................... 134
120 Get Control State...................................... .. .............................. .. ........................... 134
121 Controls Identifier.................................................................................................. 135
122 Hot Swap LED Signals................. .. ... ............................. .............................. ............ 136
123 Sensors and Thresholds (Version SDR 040) ............................ .. ................................. 138
124 Reset Actions ........................................................................................................ 140
125 SOL Configuration Reference Script Command-line Options.......................................... 151
126 Module Transmission Frequency Selection ................................................................. 164
127 Automatic Switchover Values................................................................................... 165
128 Switchover Mode Values ......................................................................................... 166
129 Received Reference Clock Values........... .. .. .. .............................. .. .. ........................... 166
130 Reference Frequency PLL Values .............................................................................. 166
131 Primary/Secondary Redundant Clock Values .............................................................. 166
132 Corner Frequency Values ................................... ... .. ............................. .. ................. 167
133 PLL Operating Mode Values ..................................................................................... 167
134 Hardware Reset Values........................................................................................... 168
135 Alarm State Values................................................................................................. 168
136 New Event Values .................................................................................................. 168
137 Reference Clock Values........................................................................................... 169
138 Telecom Clock API Function Mapping for the sysfs Interface......................................... 169
139 FPGA Register Legend............................................................................................. 170
140 FPGA Register Overview.......................................................................................... 170
141 Telecom Clock Register 0 0A08h ....................... .............................. ......................... 171
142 Telecom Clock Register 1 0A09h ....................... .............................. ......................... 171
143 Telecom Clock Register 2 0A0Ah.................................... .. .. .............................. ........ 172
144 Telecom Clock Register 3 0A0Bh.................................... .............................. .. .......... 173
145 Transmission Frequency Selection............................................................................ 173
146 Telecom Clock Register 4 0A0Ch................................ .. ............................. ............... 173
147 Telecom Clock Register 5 0A0Dh............................................................... ... ............ 174
148 Telecom Clock Register 6 0A0Eh ....................... .. ... ............................. ..................... 174
149 Telecom Clock Register 7 0A0Fh........ ....................................................................... 174
150 FPGA/PLD Serial Link Bit Definition........................................................................... 176
151 Hardware Monitoring Components............................................................................ 177
152 Product Codes ..................... ............................. ... ............................. ..................... 183
153 IPMI 1.5 Supported Commands................................................................................ 195
154 PICMG 3.0 IPMI Supported Commands ..................................................................... 197
October 2006 Technical Product Specification Order Number: 304120 11
Intel NetStructure® MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer

Revision History

Date Revision Description
Updated to include the following:
-- new Chapter 11, “Serial over LAN”
-- CMOS_CLR jumper change
-- new sensor threshold data
September 2006 002
March 2006 001 Intial release of this document.
-- change to sensor name, Temp CPLD Area
-- new section for other flashInx command options
-- new information about using ipmitool in section 3.8.3
-- corrected duplicate section names in 4.3.2 and 4.3.3
-- new note in section 6.7 to clarify additional boot options
-- new sysfs interface subsection 12.4.15 in Chapter 12, “Telecom Clock”
Intel NetStructure Technical Product Specification October 2006 12 Order Number: 304120
MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Document Organization

This document provides technical specifications related to the Intel NetStructure® MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer (SBC). The MPCBL0010 SBC is designed following the standards of the Advanced Telecommunications Compute Architecture (AdvancedTCA*) Design Guide for high availability, switched network computing. This document is intended for support during system product development and while sustaining a product. It specifies the architecture, design requirements, external requirements, board functionality, and design limitations of the MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer (SBC).
The focus of each section in this document can be summarized as follows:
Chapter 1.0, “Introduction” gives an overview of the information contained in this
document as well as a glossary of acronyms and important terms.
Chapter 2.0, “Feature Overview” introduces the key features of the MPCBL0010. Chapter 3.0, “Operating the Unit” provides basic instructions for configuring and
upgrading the MPCBL0010.
Chapter 4.0, “Specifications” contains the mechanical, environmental, and reliability
specifications for the MPCBL0010.
Chapter 5.0, “Connectors and LEDs” includes an illustration of LEDs, connector
locations, connector descriptions, and pinout tables.
Chapter 6.0, “BIOS Features” provides an introduction to the Intel/AMI BIOS, and the
System Management BIOS, stored in flash memory on the MPCBL0010.
Chapter 7.0, “BIOS Setup” describes the interactive menu system of the BIOS setup
Chapter 8.0, “Error Messages” lists BIOS error messages, Port 80h POST codes, and
provides a brief description of each.
Chapter 9.0, “Addressing” lists the PCI devices and the buses on which they reside, as
well as FPGA registers.
Chapter 10.0, “Hardware Management Overview” provides a detailed overview of the
IPMI implementation based on PICMG* 3.0 and IPMI v1.5 specifications in the MPCBL0010.
Chapter 11.0, “Serial Over LAN (SOL)”provides detailed information about Serial over
LAN (SOL), including architecture, theory of operations, use cases, configuration, and installation.
Chapter 12.0, “Telecom Clock” describes the operations of the telecom clock, its
various interfaces, and the API used by the telecom clock module.
Intel NetStructure Technical Product Specification October 2006 12 Order Number: 304120
MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer
Chapter 13.0, “Maintenance” includes supervision and diagnostics information. Chapter 14.0, “Thermals” describes pressure drop curves versus the flow rate in
accordance with PICMG 3.0 Specification..
Chapter 15.0, “Component Technology” lists the major components used on the
Chapter 16.0, “Warranty Information” provides warranty information for Intel
Chapter 17.0, “Customer Support” provides information on how to contact customer
Chapter 18.0, “Certifications” and Chapter 19.0, “Agency Information—Class B”
document the regulatory requirements the MPCBL0010 is designed to meet.
Chapter 19.0, “Agency Information—Class B” contains precautions to avoid personal
injury and prevent damage to this product or products to which it is connected.
Appendix A, “Reference Documents” provides a list of datasheets, standards, and
specifications for the technology designed into the MPCBL0010.
Appendix B, “List of Supported Commands (IPMI v1.5 and PICMG 3.0)” provides lists of
commands supported by IPMI v1.5 and PICMG Specification 3.0.

1.2 Glossary

ACPI Advanced Configuration and Power Interf ace. AdvancedMC* Advanced Mezzanine Card. The AdvancedMC is a modular add-
AdvancedTCA Advanced Telecommunications Compute Architecture AMC Advanced Mezzanine Card. See AdvancedMC. BIOS Basic Input/Output Subsystem. ROM code that initializes the
Blade An assembled PCB card that plugs into a chassis. DIMM Dual Inline Memory Module. A small card with memory on it that
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory. Fabric Board A board capable of moving packet data between Node Boards
Fabric Slot A slot supporting a link port connection to/from each Node Slot
FRED Field Recovery Device FWUM Firmware Upgrade Manager used for upgrading IPMI firmware. Hyper-Threading Technology
C* Inter-IC (Integr ated Circuit). Two- wire interface commonly used
on card that extends the functionality of the SBC.
computer and performs some basic functions.
is used with the MPCBL0010.
via the ports of the backplane. This is sometimes referred to as a switch.
and/or out of the chassis.
(HT Technology) Allows a single physical processor, to appear as two logical processors to a HT Technology-aware operating system.
to carry management data.
October 2006 Technical Product Specification Order Number: 304120 13
Intel NetStructure® MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer
IBA Intel® Boot Agent. The Intel Boot Agent is a software product
that allows your networked client computer to boot using a
program code image supplied by a remote server. IDE Integrated Device Electronics. Common, low-cost disk interface. IPMB Intelligent Platform Management Bus. Physical two-wire
medium to carry IPMI. IPMC Intelligent Platform Management Controller . ASIC on baseboard
responsible for low-level system management. IPMI Intelligent Platform Management Interface. Progr amming model
for system management. KCS Keyboard Controller Style interface. LPC Bus Low Pin Count Bus. Legacy I/O bus that replaces ISA and X-bus.
See the Low Pin Count (LPC) Interface specification. MTBF Mean Time Between Failure. A reliability measure based on the
probability of failure. NEBS National Equipment Building Standards. Telco standards for
equipment emissions, thermal, shock, contaminants, and fire
suppression requirements. NMI Non-Maskable Interrupt. Low-level PC interrupt. Node Board A board capable of providing and/or receiving packet data to/
from a Fabric Board via the ports of the networks. The term is
used interchangeably with SBC. MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer. Node Slot A slot supporting port connections to/from Fabric Slot(s). A
Node slot is intended to accept a Node Board. PCB Printed Circuit Board. Physical Port A port that physically exists. It is supported by one of many
physical (PHY) type components. PLL Phase-locked Loop. ROM Read-Only Memory. SATA Serial ATA (Advanced Technology Attachment). A physical
storage interface. SBC Single Board Computer. This term is used interchangeably with
Node Board. SEL System Event Log. Action logged by management controller. ShMC Shelf Management Controller. SMBus System Management Bus. Similar to I
SMI System Management Interrupt. Low-level PC interrupt which
can be initiated by chipset or management controller. Used to
service IPMC or handle things like memory errors. SMS, SMSC Standard Microsystems Corporation*. SOL Serial over LAN USB Universal Serial Bus. General-purpose peripheral interconnect,
operating at 1-12 Mbps.
Intel NetStructure Technical Product Specification October 2006 14 Order Number: 304120
MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer
Feature Overview—MPCBL0010 SBC

2.0 Feature Overview

2.1 Application

The Advanced Telecommunications Compute Architecture (AdvancedTCA*) standards define open architecture modular computing components for a carrier-grade, communications network infrastructure. The goals of the standards are to enable blade-based modular platforms to be:
•cost effective
• high-density
• high-availability
• scalable
These systems use a fabric I/O network for connecting multiple, independent processor boards, I/O nodes (e.g., line cards), and I/O devices (e.g., storage subsystem).
The MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer (SBC) is designed according to the AdvancedTCA Design Guide for High Availability, Switched Network Computing.

2.2 Functional Description

This topic defines the architecture of the MPCBL0010 SBC through descriptions of functional blocks. Figure 1 shows the functional blocks of the MPCBL0010 SBC. The MPCBL0010 SBC is a hot-swappable SBC with backplane connections to gigabit Ethernet networks.
The SBC incorporates an Intelligent Platform Management Controller that monitors critical functions of the board, responds to commands from the shelf manager, and reports events.
Power is supplied to the MPCBL0010 SBC through two redundant -48 V power supply connections. Power for on-board hardware management circuitry is provided through a standby converter. This converter is fed by the diode OR'd -48 V supply from the backplane.
The SBC has provision for the addition of two AdvancedMC* devices and also offers one USB port and one service terminal interface (serial port). An overview of each block is shown in Figure 1.
October 2006 Technical Product Specification Order Number: 304120 15
Intel NetStructure® MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer

Figure 1. MPCBL0010 Block Diagram

MPCBL0010 SBC—Feature Overview
33 MHz LPC
Intel® E7520
Intel® E7520
Intel® E7520
Intel® E7520
Intel® E7520
Intel® E7520
Firmware Hub
Firmware Hub
PCI Express x8
800 MHz
Front Panel
USB Port
USB Port
Optional Third­party AMC
Optional Third­party AMC
Firmware Hub
Firmware Hub
240-pin DIMM
240-pin DIMM
240-pin DIMM
240-pin DIMM
DDR2 400
DDR2 400
DDR2 400
DDR2 400
HI 1.5 266 MB/s
PCI 32b/33MHz
PCI Express x8
PCI Express x8

2.2.1 Low Voltage Intel® Xeon™ Processor

PCI-X 133 MHz
Anvik II
Anvik II
LV Intel® Xeon™
LV Intel® Xeon™
2.8 GHz
2.8 GHz
Anvik II
Anvik II
and Hot
and Hot
Zone 1
Zone 2
Zone 2
The MPCBL0010 SBC supports a single Low Voltage Intel® Xeon™ processor. This LV Xeon processor with 800 MHz system bus is designed for high-performance. Based on the Intel® NetBurst™ microarchitecture and Hyper-Threading Technology† (HT Technology), it is binary-compatible with previous Intel processors.
Low Voltage Xeon processors require their package case temperatures to be operated below an absolute maximum specification. If the chassis ambient temperature exceeds a level whereby the processor thermal cooling subsystem can no longer maintain the specified case temperature, the processor will automatically enter a mode called Thermal Monitor to reduce its case temperature. Thermal Monitor controls the processor temperature by modulating the internal processor core clocks and reducing internal power dissipation and it does not require any interaction by the operating system or application. Once the case temperature has reached a safe operating level, the processor will return to its non-modulated operating frequency.
See the Low Voltage Xeon processor datasheet, referenced in Appendix A, “Reference
Documents”, for further details.

2.2.2 Chipset

The MPCBL0010 SBC uses the Intel® E7520 chipset, which consists of the following major components:
E7520 Memory Controller Hub (MCH)
6300ESB I/O Controller Hub (ICH)
Architecture (IA-32)
Intel NetStructure Technical Product Specification October 2006 16 Order Number: 304120
MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer
Feature Overview—MPCBL0010 SBC
•Intel® 6700PXH 64-bit PCI Hub
A brief overview is provided here and detailed component information can be found in each device’s respective documentation. Memory Controller Hub
The architecture of the Intel required for performance servers, with configuration options facilitating optimization of the platform for workloads characteristic of communication, presentation, storage, performance computation, or database applications. To accomplish this optimization, the MCH has numerous Reliability, Availability, Serviceability, Usability, and Manageability (RASUM) features on multiple interfaces.
The front side bus supports a base system bus frequency of 200 MHz. The address and request interface is double-pumped to 400 MHz while the 64-bit data interface (+ parity) is quad-pumped to 800 MHz. This arrangement provides a matched system bus address and data bandwidths of 6.4 GBytes/s. The MCH provides an integrated memory controller for direct connection to registered DDR2-400 memory.
The MCH is compatible with PCI Express* Interface Specification, Rev 1.0a. The MCH provides three configurable x8 PCI Express interfaces, each with a max theoretical bandwidth of 4 GBytes. The MCH supports PCI Express Hot Swap. The MCH is a root class component as defined in the PCI Express Interface Specification, Rev1.0a.
E7520 MCH provides the performance and feature set
The MCH connects with the 6300ESB ICH through a dedicated Hub Interface 1.5 that supports a peak bandwidth of 266 MByte/s using a x4 base clock of 66 MHz. I/O Controller Hub
The Intel®6300ESB ICH provides legacy function support similar to that of previous ICH-family devices, but with extensions in Serial ATA technology and 32-bit/33 MHz PCI-X support. The 6300ESB ICH also includes integrated USB 2.0 and USB 1.0 support, an LPC interface, a system management interface, a power management interface, integrated IOxAPIC and 8259 interrupt controllers, and an integrated DMA controller. 64-Bit PCI Hub
The Intel® 6700PXH PCI Hub provides the connection between a PCI Express interface and two independent PCI bus interfaces configurable for standard PCI 2.3 protocol, as well as the enhanced high-frequency PCI-X 1.0b protocol. The 6700PXH provides configurable support for 32- or 64-bit PCI devices.
The MPCBL0010 SBC implements four gigabit Ethernet interfaces by means of two high-speed Intel
82546GB Dual Port Gigabit Ethernet controllers. These controllers are connected to the 6700PXH through a shared PCI-X interface. One controller is connected to the base interface and the other to the fabric interface on the AdvancedTCA backplane to support PICMG 3.0 and 3.1 specifications.

2.2.3 Memory (J10, J12)

The memory subsystem is designed to support Double Data Rate2 (DDR2) Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory (SDRAM) using the E7520 MCH. The MCH provides two independent DDR channels, which support DDR2-400 DIMMs. The peak bandwidth of each DDR2 branch channel is 3.2 GByte/s (8 bytes x 400 MT/s) with DDR2-400. The two DDR2 channels from the MCH operate in lock step; the effective overall peak bandwidth of the DDR2 memory subsystem is 6.4 GByte/s for DDR2 400.
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Intel NetStructure® MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer
MPCBL0010 SBC—Feature Overview
Note: Two 25-degree 240-pin DIMMs theoretically support memory configurations up to 8
GBytes of PC2-3200 registered DDR2-400 SDRAM, but only memory configurations of 2 GBytes and 4 GBytes have been validated.
Table 1. Supported Memory Configurations
Total Memory J10 J12
2 GBytes 1 GByte DDR2-400 DIMM 1 GByte DDR2-400 DIMM 4 GBytes 2 GBytes DDR2-400 DIMM 2 GBytes DDR2-400 DIMM
Note: See the Intel NetStructure
MPCBL0010 High-Performance Single Board Computer
Compatibility Report, available on the Intel web site, for a complete list of validated
memory. Memory scrubbing is supported and enabled on the MPCBL0010 SBC as described in
the Intel E7520 chipset datasheet. There is no additional configuration or driver support required. The memory subsystem is periodically checked and cleansed as the scrubbing process repeats itself over and over. If a correctable memory error is found it is fixed automatically and a "Correctable ECC" event is sent to the SEL. If uncorrectable memory errors are found, an "Uncorrectable ECC" event is sent to the SEL.

2.2.4 I/O I/O Controller Hub
The 6300ESB ICH includes integrated USB 2.0 and USB Classic support, SATA, an LPC interface, a system management interface, a power management interface, integrated IOxAPIC and 8259 interrupt controllers, and an integrated DMA controller.
See the 6300ESB ICH product-specific documentation as noted in Appendix A,
“Reference Documents”for further details. Real-Time Clock
The MPCBL0010 SBC real-time clock is integrated into the ICH. It is derived from a
32.768 kHz crystal with the following specifications:
• Frequency tolerance @ 25 ºC: ±20 ppm
• Frequency stability: maximum of -0.04ppm/(ΔºC)
•Aging ΔF/f (1st year @ 25º C): ±3 ppm
• ±20ppm from 0-55º C and aging 1 ppm/year
The real-time clock is powered by a 0.22 F SuperCap capacitor when main power is not applied to the board. This capacitor powers the real-time clock for a minimum of two hours while external power is removed from the MPCBL0010 SBC. Timers
The 6300ESB ICH provides three timers. Each is implemented as a single counter with its own comparator and value register. Each timer’s counter increases monotonically. Each individual timer can generate an interrupt when the value in its value register matches the value in the main counter. Some of the timers can be enabled to generate a periodic interrupt.
The registers associated with these timers are mapped to a memory space (much like the I/O APIC). However, this memory space is not implemented as a standard PCI function. The BIOS reports to the operating system the location of the register space.
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MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer
Feature Overview—MPCBL0010 SBC
The hardware may support an assignable decode space; however, the BIOS will set this space prior to handing it over to the OS. It is not expected that the OS will move the location of these timers once the space is set by the BIOS.
In the 6300ESB ICH, one timer block is implemented. The timer block has one counter and three timers (comparators). Various capabilities registers indicate the number of timers and the capabilities of each. Timer Accuracy
The timers are accurate over any 1 ms period to within 0.005% of the time specified in the timer resolution fields. Within any 100 ms period, the timer will report a time that is up to two ticks too early or too late. Each tick is less than or equal to 100 ns, so this represents an error of less than 0.2%. The timer is monotonic. It will not return the same value on two consecutive reads (unless the counter has rolled over and reached the same value). The main counter will be clocked by the 14.31818 MHz clock, synchronized into the 66.666 MHz domain. This method results in a non-uniform duty cycle on the synchronized clock, but it does have the correct average period. The main counter will be as accurate as the 14.3818 MHz clock. Gigabit Ethernet
The MPCBL0010 SBC implements four gigabit Ethernet interfaces. Two of these interfaces are routed to the AdvancedTCA base interface and operate in copper mode, and the other two are optionally routed to the AdvancedTCA fabric interface in SERDES mode on the AdvancedTCA backplane to support PICMG 3.0 and 3.1 specifications. These four GbE interfaces are connected through the Intel 6700PXH and use the Intel® 82546GB Dual Port Gigabit Ethernet Controller. 10/100 Fast Ethernet
A single 10/100 Fast Ethernet port is routed to the front panel of the SBC and may be used as a debug Ethernet port. This Ethernet interface is connected to the 6300ESB ICH through the Intel® 82551ER 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX Ethernet Controller. USB 2.0
The MPCBL0010 SBC has one USB connector that supports USB 2.0 and 1.1. This connector enables the daisy chaining of as many as 127 devices per interface. USB supports Plug and Play and Hot Swapping operations (OS level) which allows USB devices to be automatically attached, configured, and detached, without rebooting. USB devices such as a floppy drive or a CD-ROM drive can be used as boot devices for the MPCBL0010 SBC. Serial Ports
The MPCBL0010 SBC supports two serial ports and is software compatible with NS16C550. Serial port 1 is routed to the front panel RJ-45 connector for normal operation. Serial port 2 is routed to the IPMC.

2.2.5 AdvancedMC (AMC) Connector (J18, J19)

The MPCBL0010 SBC has two single-width, full-height AdvancedMC* slots. The AdvancedMC slots are connected to the E7520 MCH with PCI Express x8 to each slot. Each AdvancedMC slot has an opening in the front panel of the SBC that exposes the I/ O connectors of the add-in AdvancedMCs.
The MPCBL0010 SBC does not support double-width, half-height, or stacked half-height AdvancedMC modules.
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Intel NetStructure® MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer
MPCBL0010 SBC—Feature Overview
In addition to the PCI Express connections to the AdvancedMC slots, SATA and AdvancedTCA zone 2 telecom clock signals are also connected to each AdvancedMC slot. The MPCBL0010 SBC features a two-channel bus master PCI SATA interface through the 6300ESB ICH. Each channel supports one device and is available through the AdvancedMC module slots.
Each of these x8 PCI Express ports routed to the AdvancedMC connectors can train with a link width of x8, x4, or x1. The PCI Express raw bit-rate on the data pins of 2.5 Gbit/ s results in the bandwidth per pair of 250 MBytes/s given the 8/10 encoding used to transmit data across this interface. The result is a maximum theoretical realized bandwidth on an x8 PCI Express port of 2 GByt es/s in each direction or an aggregate of 4 GBytes/s.
The MPCBL0010 SBC supports AdvancedMC modules with a maximum power consumption of 20 watts for each AdvancedMC slot, and it has independent hot swap circuitry for +12 V and +3.3 V connections.
Note: Do not operate the MPCBL0010 SBC without filler panels or AdvancedMC modules
installed. The AdvancedMC module slots should not be left open or uncovered when the MPCBL0010 SBC is in use. The two slot filler panels included with the SBC are provided to optimize cooling and radiated emissions for the SBC.
Note: Shipping the MPCBL0010 SBC with third party AdvancedMC modules installed may
cause damage to the SBC or AdvancedMCs. Shipping damage that occurs to the MPCBL0010 SBC due to AdvancedMC modules installed during shipment may not be covered by the SBC product warranty.

2.2.6 Firmware Hubs

The MPCBL0010 SBC supports two 8 Mbit (1 MByte) BIOS flash ROMs (Firmware Hubs):
•Primary BIOS flash ROM (FWH0)
• Recovery BIOS flash ROM (FWH1) The flash is allocated for BIOS and firmware use. The SBC boots from the primary flash ROM under normal circumstances. During the
boot process, if the BIOS (or IPMC) determines that the contents of the primary flash ROM are corrupted, a hardware mechanismautomatically changes the flash device select logic to the recovery flash ROM and restarts the boot process.
Each flash component has a separately write-protected boot block that prevents erasure when the device is upgraded.
Flash ROM BIOS updates can be performed by an end user locally, or a network administrator over the LAN via telnet. The SBC should have a local copy of the flash update utility and the BIOS data files, or have the capability to copy the flash update utility and BIOS data files onto a local drive from the network. The flash update utility has a command line interface to specify the path and the file name of the BIOS data files. After completing the BIOS ROM update, users should shutdown and reset the SBC for the new BIOS ROM to take effect. FWH0 (Main BIOS)
The BIOS executes code off of the flash ROM and performs checksum validation of its operational code. This checksum occurs in the BIOS boot block. The BIOS image is also stored in FWH0 firmware hub. During a BIOS update, the BIOS image is stored in FWH0 only. FWH0 also stores the factory default CMOS settings and user-configured CMOS settings.
Intel NetStructure Technical Product Specification October 2006 20 Order Number: 304120
MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer
Feature Overview—MPCBL0010 SBC FWH1 (Backup/Recovery BIOS)
The FWH1 firmware hub stores the recovery BIOS. In the event of a checksum failure on the main BIOS operational code, the BIOS requests the BMC to switch firmware hubs, so that the board can boot up from FWH1 for recovery. Flash ROM Backup Mechanism
The on-board Intelligent Platform Management Controller (IPMC) manages which of the two BIOS flash ROMs is used during the boot process. The IPMC monitors the boot progress and can change the flash ROM selection and reset the processor.
The Intelligent Platform Management Controller sets the ID for both firmware hub (FWH) devices. The default state is to configure the main firmware hub (FWH) ROM device ID to be the boot device; the backup FWH is assigned the next ID. The backup FWH responds to the address range just below the main FWH ROM in high memory.
Boot accesses are directed to the FWH with ID = 0; unconnected ID pins are pulled low by the FWH device. In this way the IPMC can select which flash ROM is used for the boot process.

2.2.7 Onboard Power Supplies

The main power supply rails on the MPCBL0010 SBC are powered from dual-redundant
-48 V power supply inputs from the AdvancedTCA backplane power connector (P10). There are also dual redundant, limited current, make-last-break-first (MLBF) power connections. Power Feed Fuses
As required by the PICMG 3.0 specification, the MPCBL0010 SBC provides fuses on each -48 V power feed and on the RTN connections as well. The fuses on the return feeds are critical to preventing overcurrent situations if an ORing diode in the return path fails and there is a voltage potential difference between the A and B return paths. ORing Diodes and Circuit Breaker Protection
The two -48 V power sources are ORed together. A current limiting FET switch is connected between the ORed -48 V sources and the primary DC-DC converters. The FET switch provides three functions:
• A mechanism to electrically connect/disconnect the SBC to/from the two -48 V inputs.
• A soft-on function.
• An electronic over-current circuit breaker feature. Isolated -48 V to +12 V, 12 V Suspend, 5 V, 3.3 V Suspend, 1.8 V, and
1.5 V Converters
These converters provide DC isolation between the -48 V and -48 V return connections and all of the derived DC power on the MPCBL0010 SBC. A 12 V rail provides up to 10 A of current mainly for processor VRM and the two AdvancedMC slots. A 5 V output provides up to 2 A of current mainly for USB. The 3.3 V suspend provides the main 3.3 V when back end power is enabled. Up to 6 A of 3.3 V is provided when board is full on. The converter’s 1.8 V output provides up to 25 A of current, and the 1.5 V provides up to 18 A of current. The 12 V suspend and 3.3 V suspend outputs are always enabled. When the board is in the suspend state, no more than 10 W is drawn from the -48 V input (as specified in PICMG 3.0). All other outputs are enabled under IPMC control.
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Intel NetStructure® MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer
Current values here indicate the maximum that can be delivered by design and do not reflect the current actually provided on the MPCBL0010 SBC. Additionally, each converter has design margin. The maximum current that can be drawn by the SBC in operation is 200 Watts, conforming with the AdvancedTCA 3.0 specification. Processor Voltage Regulator Module (VRM)
The Voltage Regulator Module (VRM) provides core power to the Low Voltage Xeon processor. The input to the VRM is connected to the +12 V power rail.
The VRM controller is designed to support the processor core voltages selected by the voltage identification (VID) pins on the processor. The VRM is disabled until all other voltage converters indicate “power good.” The voltage regulator module is designed to support one Low Voltage Xeon at up to 60 A of current. IPMC Subsystem Standby Power
The IPMC subsystem standby power is 3.3 V suspend, as described in Section Other On-board Supplies
The 2.5 V power rail is derived from the 3.3 V rail using a standard buck converter. This rail is limited to 3 A of current. Vtt for the CPU is derived from the 1.5 V rail using a linear regulator.
MPCBL0010 SBC—Feature Overview Other Suspend Power
The 5 V suspend is derived from the 12 V suspend using a linear regulator at < 1 A. The 1.8 VSB and 1.5 VSB are derive d from the 3.3 V suspend using linear regulators all at < 1 A.

2.2.8 IPMC

The MPCBL0010 SBC uses the Renesas* H8S/2168 for the Intelligent Platform Management Controller (IPMC). The IPMC provides a management subsystem for monitoring, event logging, and recovery control. The IPMC serves as the gateway for management applications to access the platform hardware. Some of the key features are:
• Compliant with PICMG 3.0 and IPMI v1.5 rev 1.1
• Automatic rollback capability if an upgrade fails
• Upgradeable from the IPMI KCS interface
• Support for AdvancedMC via IPMB-L
• Supports initiation of a graceful shutdown on the host CPU and ShMC notification insertion and removal.

2.2.9 Telecom Clock

The MPCBL0010 SBC supports a telecom clock synchronization circuit. This circuit uses the Zarlink* ZL30410 Multi-Service Line Card PLL and a PLD that act as a clock multiplexer on inputs and outputs. The clock can be synchronized to any of the AdvancedTCA backplane clocks, CLK1A/B and CLK2A/B. Any of the output clocks can be routed to the AdvancedMC CLKA and CLKB signals.
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MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer
Feature Overview—MPCBL0010 SBC
Control and status registers are implemented in the FPGA. States are synchronized between the FPGA and the PLD through a 33MHz full-duplex synchronous serial link. The FPGA being attached to the main processor as well as the IPMC allows for flexibility, and accesses to the control/status registers are simple and fast.
The PLL and clock buffers are not powered in the suspend well and stop working when the SBC is powered down.
The following frequencies can be selected individually for an AdvancedMC module:
•8 kHz
• 1.544 MHz
• 2.048 MHz
• 4.096 MHz
• 6.312 MHz
• 8.192 MHz
• 8.592 MHz
• 11.184 MHz
• 19.44 MHz
• 34.368 MHz
• 44.735 MHz
For more information on the telecom clock, see Section 12.0, “Telecom Clock”.

2.2.10 AdvancedMC Direct Connect

The AdvancedMC Direct Connect feature on the MPCBL0010 SBC enables connections from the AdvancedMC module directly to the AdvancedTCA backplane zone 2 fabric interface through a cross-point switch. This connection can be used instead of the on­board gigabit Ethernet connection that is normally routed to the AdvancedTCA fabric interface. Figure 2 displays the possible connection paths. Each intersecting dot in the diagram represents a programmable switch setting that can be set using IPMI OEM commands or through the BIOS configuration. This feature is compatible with the AdvancedMC .2 R1.0 specification.
October 2006 Technical Product Specification Order Number: 304120 23
Intel NetStructure® MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer
Figure 2. AdvancedMCA Direct Connect Switch Block Diagram
MPCBL0010 SBC—Feature Overview
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2.2.11 AdvancedTCA Compliance

The MPCBL0010 SBC conforms to the following specifications:
—PICMG 3.0 R2.0 — PICMG 3.1 R1.0 (Ethernet/Fiber Channel over AdvancedTCA) — AdvancedMC.0 R1.0 — AdvancedMC.1 R1.0 — AdvancedMC.2 R1.0 — AdvancedMC.3 R1.0 —ACPI R1.0
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Intel NetStructure Technical Product Specification October 2006 24 Order Number: 304120
MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer
Operating the Unit—MPCBL0010 SBC

3.0 Operating the Unit

3.1 Jumpers

The MPCBL0010 SBC contains several jumper posts that allow the user to configure certain options not configurable through the BIOS setup utility. Figure 3 shows the placement of the MPCBL0010 SBC jumpers. The MPCBL0010 SBC is shipped pre­configured and jumper positions do not generally need to be altered.

Figure 3. Jumpers

Figure 4 shows the jumper locations on the SBC. Table 2 gives definitions for each of
these jumpers.
October 2006 Technical Product Specification Order Number: 304120 25
Intel NetStructure® MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer

Figure 4. Jumper/Connector Locations

MPCBL0010 SBC—Operating the Unit

Table 2. Jumper Definitions

JP3 VT100 Mode Enabled (default) Disabled JP5 Clear CMOS Clear CMOS Normal operation (default)
JP6 IPMC Override for MPCBL0010 SBC
(posts 1-2)
JP6 IPMC Override for AdvancedMC
(posts 3-4)
JP7 POST code (posts 1-2)
Function with Jumper
Present (On)
Function with Jumper
Removed (Off)
SBC Activation Override. This setting is used when there is not
an AdvancedTCA shelf manager to activate the MPCBL0010 SBC. Setting this jumper allows the SBC to power up without a shelf manager.
Require AdvancedTCA shelf manager to activate MPCBL0010 SBC (default).
AdvancedMC Activation Override. This setting is used when there is not
an AdvancedTCA shelf manager capable of activating the AdvancedMC modules installed in the MPCBL0010 SBC. Setting this jumper allows the AdvancedMCs to power up without shelf manager support.
Require AdvancedTCA shelf manager to activate AdvancedMC modules installed in the MPCBL0010 SBC (default).
POST code to IPMC POST code to BIOS (default)
Intel NetStructure Technical Product Specification October 2006 26 Order Number: 304120
MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer
Operating the Unit—MPCBL0010 SBC
Table 2. Jumper Definitions (Continued)
JP7 IPMC Override (posts 3-4)
JP8 FPGA Config User PROM (default)
JP10 Test Mode
JP11 AdvancedMC PCI­Express Reference Clock Override
Note: Jumpers JP2, JP1, JP4, JP9, and JP12 are reserved for future use.
Function with Jumper
Present (On)
IPMC is completely disabled and always in RESET mode.
This setting can be used to allow the MPCBL0010 SBC to boot if the IPMC firmware is corrupted or non­functional.
Test Mode (for manufacturing purposes only).
Override AdvancedMC E-Keying and provide PCI-Express Reference Clock to the AdvancedMC connectors.

3.2 AdvancedMC Filler Panels

AdvancedMC* filler panels are used to optimize cooling and reduce radiated emissions when AdvancedMC modules are not installed in theMPCBL0010 SBC AdvancedMC module slots. Do not operate the MPCBL0010 SBC without filler panels or AdvancedMC modules installed. AdvancedMC module slots should not be left open or uncovered when the MPCBL0010 SBC is in use.
The MPCBL0010 SBC uses full-height, half-width AdvancedMC filler panels such as Schroff* part number # 20849-024 (
Function with Jumper
Removed (Off)
Normal IPMC operation (default)
Factory PROM (for manufacturing purposes only)
Normal (default)
Use normal AdvancedMC E-keying (default)

Figure 5. AdvancedMC Filler Panel

October 2006 Technical Product Specification Order Number: 304120 27
Intel NetStructure® MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer
MPCBL0010 SBC—Operating the Unit

3.3 Installing Memory

DDR2-400 DIMMs must be installed in matched pairs. Memory DIMMs of 1 GBytes or 2 GBytes are supported for a total of 2 Gbytes (2x1 Gbyte) or 4 Gbytes (2x2 Gbytes) of system memory. Matched pairs in this case means a pair of DIMMs equal in speed, density, and technology. Preferably, the same vendor and part number for both pairs. See the MPCBL0010 SBC Compatibility Report on the Intel web site for a list of approved memory part numbers and vendors.
To install memory:
Caution: Electrostatic discharge (ESD) can damage components. Install the memory in an ESD-
controlled area. If such an area is not available, wear an antistatic wrist strap or touch the surface of the antistatic package before handling the SBC and memory.
1. Remove all six screws pictured in Figure 6 from the memory access panel on the MPCBL0010 SBC top cover.

Figure 6. Memory Top Cover Installed

2. Remove the cover.

Figure 7. Empty DIMM Sockets

Intel NetStructure Technical Product Specification October 2006 28 Order Number: 304120
MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer
Operating the Unit—MPCBL0010 SBC
3. Insert two matched pair DIMMs.
Warning: Using excessive force to install memory can damage the DIMM socket and/or circuit

Figure 8. Memory Installed

4. Reinstall the cover.
5. Reinstall the six cover screws.
Note: Should any of the cover screws get lost in this process, the specifcations for them are:
• Flat head Phillips screws countersunk M2.5 x 3.4
• Steel with Precote* 80 (pink) coating all around

3.4 Installing and Extracting the SBC

The ability to replace SBCs without affecting the operation of the chassis is a major element of the PICMG AdvancedTCA standard. This Hot Swap functionality requires a faceplate ejector handle designed to the PICMG specifications. The new handle has two important functions:
Activate the Hot Swap microswitch on the chassis. The handle does this by sliding inward at the start of the extraction procedure.
Operate within a narrow range of motion. The handle is designed to provide clearance from other chassis components (cables, cable trays, PEMs, etc.) that would otherwise interfere with handle movement in some installations. It also allows clearance for AdvancedMCs to be installed or removed while the SBC is operating in the chassis. This is accomplished through a ratcheting mechanism where the handle is connected to the latching cam (See the illustration in
Section 3.4.1, “Chassis Installation”).
Please review the procedures below before attempting to install or remove the MPCBL0010 SBC from an AdvancedTCA chassis.
October 2006 Technical Product Specification Order Number: 304120 29
Intel NetStructure® MPCBL0010 Single Board Computer
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