Intel D15343-003 User Manual

Intel® 82854 Graphics Memory Controller Hub (GMCH)
Revision 2.0
June 2005
Order Number: D15343-003
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1.0 Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 11
1.1 Overview............................................................................................................................. 11
1.2 Terminology ........................................................................................................................17
1.3 Reference Documents ........................................................................................................19
2.0 Intel
82854 GMCH Overview....................................................................................................... 21
2.1 System Architecture............................................................................................................ 21
2.1.1 Intel
2.2 Processor Host Interface ....................................................................................................22
2.3 GMCH System Memory Interface....................................................................................... 22
2.4 Graphics Features .............................................................................................................. 23
2.5 Display Features................................................................................................................. 23
2.5.1 GMCH Analog Display Port ................................................................................... 23
2.5.2 GMCH Integrated DVO Ports ................................................................................ 23
2.6 Hub Interface ...................................................................................................................... 24
2.7 Address Decode Policies .................................................................................................... 24
2.8 GMCH Clocking ..................................................................................................................25
2.9 System Interrupts................................................................................................................ 26
82854 GMCH ............................................................................................... 21
3.0 Signal Description.......................................................................................................................... 27
3.1 Host Interface Signals.........................................................................................................28
3.2 DDR SDRAM Interface .......................................................................................................31
3.3 Hub Interface Signals .........................................................................................................32
3.4 Clocks .................................................................................................................................33
3.5 Internal Graphics Display Signals....................................................................................... 35
3.5.1 Digital Video Output B (DVOB) Port ...................................................................... 35
3.5.2 Digital Video Output C (DVOC) Port...................................................................... 36
3.5.3 Analog CRT Display ..............................................................................................37
3.5.4 General Purpose Input/Output Signals .................................................................. 38
3.6 Voltage References, PLL Power......................................................................................... 39
4.0 Register Description ...................................................................................................................... 41
4.1 Conceptual Overview of the Platform Configuration Structure ........................................... 41
4.2 Nomenclature for Access Attributes ................................................................................... 42
4.3 Standard PCI Bus Configuration Mechanism .....................................................................43
4.4 Routing Configuration Accesses......................................................................................... 43
4.4.1 PCI Bus #0 Configuration Mechanism ................................................................... 43
4.4.2 Primary PCI and Downstream Configuration Mechanism......................................44
4.5 Register Definitions............................................................................................................. 44
4.6 I/O Mapped Registers.........................................................................................................45
4.6.1 CONFIG_ADDRESS – Configuration Address Register........................................ 45
4.6.2 CONFIG_DATA – Configuration Data Register .....................................................47
4.7 VGA I/O Mapped Registers ................................................................................................ 48
4.8 Intel 854 GMCH Host-Hub Interface Bridge Device Registers (Device #0, Function #0) ...49
4.8.1 VID – Vendor Identification Register...................................................................... 51
4.8.2 DID – Device Identification Register ...................................................................... 51
4.8.3 PCICMD – PCI Command Register....................................................................... 52
D15343-003 3
82854 Graphics Memory Controller Hub (GMCH)
4.8.4 PCI Status Register ............................................................................................... 53
4.8.5 RID – Register Identification.................................................................................. 54
4.8.6 SUBC – Sub Class Code Register ........................................................................ 54
4.8.7 BCC – Base Class Code Register ......................................................................... 55
4.8.8 HDR – Header Type Register................................................................................ 55
4.8.9 SVID – Subsystem Vendor Identification Register ................................................ 55
4.8.10 SID – Subsystem Identification Register ............................................................... 56
4.8.11 CAPPTR – Capabilities Pointer Register............................................................... 56
4.8.12 CAPID – Capabilities Identification Register (Device #0) ...................................... 57
4.8.13 GMC – GMCH Miscellaneous Control Register (Device #0) ................................. 58
4.8.14 GGC – GMCH Graphics Control Register (Device #0) .......................................... 59
4.8.15 DAFC – Device and Function Control Register (Device #0).................................. 60
4.8.16 FDHC – Fixed DRAM Hold Control Register (Device #0)...................................... 60
4.8.17 PAM(6:0) – Programmable Attribute Map Register (Device #0)............................ 61
4.8.18 SMRAM – System Management RAM Control Register (Device #0) .................... 64
4.8.19 ESMRAMC – Extended System Management RAM Control (Device #0) .............65
4.8.20 ERRSTS – Error Status Register (Device #0) ....................................................... 66
4.8.21 ERRCMD – Error Command Register (Device #0)................................................ 67
4.8.22 SMICMD – SMI Error Command Register (Device #0) ......................................... 68
4.8.23 SCICMD – SCI Error Command Register (Device #0) .......................................... 69
4.8.24 SHIC – Secondary Host Interface Control Register (Device #0) ........................... 70
4.8.25 HEM – Host Error Control, Status, and Observation (Device #0).......................... 71
4.9 Intel 854 GMCH Main Memory Control, Memory I/O Control Registers (Device #0, Function #1)72
4.9.1 VID – Vendor Identification Register...................................................................... 73
4.9.2 DID – Device Identification Register...................................................................... 73
4.9.3 PCICMD – PCI Command Register....................................................................... 74
4.9.4 PCISTS – PCI Status Register .............................................................................. 75
4.9.5 RID – Revision Identification Register ................................................................... 76
4.9.6 RID – Revision Identification Register ................................................................... 76
4.9.7 BCC – Base Class Code Register ......................................................................... 76
4.9.8 HDR – Header Type Register................................................................................ 77
4.9.9 SVID – Subsystem Vendor Identification Register ................................................ 77
4.9.10 SID – Subsystem Identification Register ............................................................... 77
4.9.11 CAPPTR – Capabilities Pointer Register............................................................... 78
4.9.12 DRB – DRAM Row (0:3) Boundary Register (Device #0) ...................................... 78
4.9.13 DRA – DRAM Row Attribute Register (Device #0) ................................................ 79
4.9.14 DRT – DRAM Timing Register (Device #0) ........................................................... 80
4.9.15 PWRMG – DRAM Controller Power Management Control Register (Device #0).. 83
4.9.16 DRC – DRAM Controller Mode Register (Device #0) ............................................ 85
4.9.17 DTC – DRAM Throttling Control Register (Device #0) .......................................... 88
4.10 Intel 854 GMCH Configuration Process Registers (Device #0, Function #3) ..................... 92
4.10.1 VID – Vendor Identification Register...................................................................... 92
4.10.2 DID – Device Identification Register ...................................................................... 93
4.10.3 PCICMD – PCI Command Register....................................................................... 94
4.10.4 PCISTS – PCI Status Register .............................................................................. 95
4.10.5 RID – Revision Identification Register ................................................................... 96
4.10.6 SUBC – Sub-Class Code Register ........................................................................ 96
4.10.7 BCC – Base Class Code Register ......................................................................... 96
4.10.8 HDR – Header Type Register................................................................................ 97
4.10.9 SVID – Subsystem Vendor Identification Register................................................. 97
4.10.10 ID – Subsystem Identification Register.................................................................. 97
4.10.11 CAPPTR – Capabilities Pointer Register............................................................... 98
4.10.12 HPLLCC – HPLL Clock Control Register (Device #0) ........................................... 98
4.11 Intel
82854 GMCH Integrated Graphics Device Registers (Device #2, Function #0).....100
4.11.1 VID – Vendor Identification Register (Device #2) ................................................101
4.11.2 DID – Device Identification Register (Device #2)................................................. 101
4.11.3 PCICMD – PCI Command Register (Device #2) ................................................. 102
4.11.4 PCISTS – PCI Status Register (Device #2) ......................................................... 103
4.11.5 RID – Revision Identification Register (Device #2) .............................................. 103
4.11.6 CC – Class Code Register (Device #2) ...............................................................104
4.11.7 CLS – Cache Line Size Register (Device #2) ......................................................104
4.11.8 MLT – Master Latency Timer Register (Device #2) ............................................. 104
4.11.9 HDR – Header Type Register (Device #2)........................................................... 105
4.11.10 GMADR – Graphics Memory Range Address Register (Device #2)....................105
4.11.11 MMADR – Memory Mapped Range Address Register (Device #2)..................... 106
4.11.12 IOBAR – I/O Base Address Register (Device #2)................................................ 106
4.11.13 SVID – Subsystem Vendor Identification Register (Device #2) ...........................107
4.11.14 SID – Subsystem Identification Register (Device #2) ..........................................107
4.11.15 ROMADR – Video BIOS ROM Base Address Registers (Device #2)..................107
4.11.16 INTRLINE – Interrupt Line Register (Device #2).................................................. 108
4.11.17 INTRPIN – Interrupt Pin Register (Device #2) .....................................................108
4.11.18 MINGNT – Minimum Grant Register (Device #2) ................................................ 108
4.11.19 MAXLAT – Maximum Latency Register (Device #2)............................................ 109
4.11.20 PMCAP – Power Management Capabilities Register (Device #2).......................109
4.11.21 PMCS – Power Management Control/Status Register (Device #2)..................... 110
5.0 Intel
82854 GMCH System Address Map.................................................................................. 111
5.1 System Memory Address Ranges ....................................................................................111
5.2 DOS Compatibility Area....................................................................................................112
5.3 Extended System Memory Area ....................................................................................... 114
5.4 Main System Memory Address Range (0010_0000h to Top of Main Memory) ................115
5.4.1 15 MB-16 MB Window .........................................................................................115
5.4.2 Pre-allocated System Memory............................................................................. 115
5.4.3 System Management Mode (SMM) Memory Range............................................118
5.4.4 System Memory Shadowing ................................................................................119
5.4.5 I/O Address Space............................................................................................... 119
5.4.6 GMCH Decode Rules and Cross-Bridge Address Mapping ................................120
5.4.7 Hub Interface Decode Rules................................................................................ 121
6.0 Functional Description ................................................................................................................. 123
6.1 Host Interface Overview ...................................................................................................123
6.2 Dynamic Bus Inversion ..................................................................................................... 123
6.2.1 System Bus Interrupt Delivery .............................................................................123
6.2.2 Upstream Interrupt Messages ............................................................................. 124
6.3 System Memory Interface.................................................................................................124
6.3.1 DDR SDRAM Interface Overview ........................................................................124
6.3.2 System Memory Organization and Configuration ................................................ 124
6.3.3 DDR SDRAM Performance Description............................................................... 125
6.4 Integrated Graphics Overview .......................................................................................... 126
D15343-003 5
82854 Graphics Memory Controller Hub (GMCH)
6.4.1 3D/2D Instruction Processing .............................................................................. 126
6.4.2 3D Engine............................................................................................................ 127
6.4.3 Raster Engine ...................................................................................................... 130
6.4.4 2D Engine............................................................................................................ 133
6.4.5 Planes and Engines............................................................................................. 134
6.4.6 Hardware Cursor Plane (Native Graphic Mode only) .......................................... 134
6.4.7 Overlay Plane ...................................................................................................... 135
6.4.8 Video Functionality .............................................................................................. 137
6.5 Internal Graphic Display Interface .................................................................................... 138
6.5.1 Pipe A Timing Generator Unit.............................................................................. 138
6.5.2 Blend Function..................................................................................................... 141
6.5.3 Interlaced Video Field display.............................................................................. 141
6.5.4 Interlace support for Video Overlay Window ....................................................... 143
6.5.5 Analog Display Port Characteristics .................................................................... 145
7.0 Power and Thermal Management ............................................................................................... 147
7.1 General Description of Supported CPU States................................................................. 148
7.2 General Description of ACPI States ................................................................................. 148
7.3 Internal Thermal Sensor ................................................................................................... 149
7.3.1 Overview.............................................................................................................. 149
7.3.2 Hysteresis Operation ........................................................................................... 149
7.4 External Thermal Sensor Input ......................................................................................... 150
7.4.1 Usage .................................................................................................................. 150
8.0 Intel
82854 GMCH Strap Pins ................................................................................................... 151
8.1 Strapping Configuration .................................................................................................... 151
9.0 Ballout and Package Information................................................................................................. 153
9.1 VCC/VSS Voltage Groups ................................................................................................ 154
9.2 Package Mechanical Information...................................................................................... 164
1 Intel® 854 Chipset system block diagram (Native Graphic mode) ............................................. 16
2 Configuration Address Register.................................................................................................. 45
3 Configuration Data Register .......................................................................................................47
4 PAM Registers............................................................................................................................ 62
5 Simplified View of System Address Map .................................................................................. 111
6 Detailed View of System Address Map.....................................................................................112
7 Intel
82854 GMCH Graphics Block Diagram (Native Graphic Mode only) ............................. 126
8 ARIB TR-B15 Plane Resolutions .............................................................................................. 139
9 H, V Parameters ....................................................................................................................... 140
10 Interlaced Timing Using HSYNC and VSYNC for Field1/Field2 Downstream Detection..........140
11 Timing Register Switching ........................................................................................................ 144
12 Intel 13 Intel 14 Intel 15 Intel
82854 GMCH Ballout Diagram (Top View) ..................................................................... 153
82854 GMCH Micro-FCBGA Package Dimensions (Top View) ..................................... 164
82854 GMCH Micro-FCBGA Package Dimensions (Side View) ....................................165
82854 GMCH Micro-FCBGA Package Dimensions (Bottom View) ................................ 166
1 Terms and Descriptions..............................................................................................................17
2 Reference Documents ................................................................................................................ 19
3 DDR SDRAM Memory Capacity ................................................................................................. 22
4 Intel
82854 GMCH Interface Clocks ......................................................................................... 25
5 Host Interface Signal Descriptions.............................................................................................. 28
6 DDR SDRAM Interface Descriptions ......................................................................................... 31
7 Hub Interface Signals ................................................................................................................ 32
8 Clock Signals .............................................................................................................................. 33
9 Digital Video Output B (DVOB) Port Signal Descriptions ........................................................... 35
10 Digital Video Output C (DVOC) Port Signal Descriptions ...........................................................36
11 DVOB and DVOC Port Common Signal Descriptions ............................................................... 37
12 Analog CRT Display Signal Descriptions.................................................................................... 37
13 GPIO Signal Descriptions ........................................................................................................... 38
14 Voltage References, PLL Power ................................................................................................39
15 Device Number Assignment .......................................................................................................41
16 Nomenclature for Access Attributes ...........................................................................................42
17 VGA I/O Mapped Register List ...................................................................................................48
18 Index – Data Registers ............................................................................................................... 48
19 GMCH Configuration Space - Device #0, Function#0 ................................................................ 49
20 Attribute Bit Assignment ............................................................................................................. 61
21 PAM Registers and Associated System Memory Segments ...................................................... 63
22 Host-Hub I/F Bridge/System Memory Controller Configuration Space (Device #0, Function#1)72
23 Configuration Process Configuration Space (Device#0, Function #3)........................................ 92
24 Intel
82854 GMCH Configurations and Some Resolution Examples: Native Graphics Mode.99
25 Integrated Graphics Device Configuration Space (Device #2, Function#0) ............................ 100
26 System Memory Segments and Their Attributes ......................................................................113
27 Table 33. Pre-allocated System Memory.................................................................................. 115
28 SMM Space Transaction Handling ...........................................................................................119
D15343-003 7
82854 Graphics Memory Controller Hub (GMCH)
29 Relation of DBI Bits to Data Bits ............................................................................................... 123
30 Data Bytes on DDR DIMM Used for Programming DRAM Registers....................................... 125
31 Dual Display Usage Model (Native Graphic Mode only) .......................................................... 134
32 DVO Control Data Bits.............................................................................................................. 143
33 Strapping Signals and Configuration ........................................................................................ 151
34 Intel
82854 GMCH Straps for Frequency/CPU Configuration ................................................ 152
35 Voltage Levels and Ball Out for Voltage Groups ...................................................................... 154
36 Ballout Table ............................................................................................................................ 155
Revision History
Date Revision Description
March 2005 1.0 Initial release of this document.
June 2005 2.0
Add support for Genuine Intel® Processor at 1.2 GHz and Genuine Intel® Processor at 1.5 GHz technology.
§ §
D15343-003 9
82854 Graphics Memory Controller Hub (GMCH)

1.0 Introduction

This document is the datasheet for the Intel® 82854 Graphics Memory Controller Hub (GMCH).

1.1 Overview

The Intel® 854 chipset is a combination of the Intel® 82854 Graphics Memory Controller Hub (GMCH) (Graphics Memory Controller Hub) and ICH4-M (I/O Controller Hub). The Intel 854 Chipset is designed to work with the Ultra Low V oltage (ULV) Intel MHz with 512 KB of on-die L2 cache on an 0.13 micron process, Genuine Intel GHz, and Genuine Intel performance, integrated graphics and manages the flow of information. Figure 1 depicts the Intel 854 chipset block diagram.
Processor/Host Bus Support
The Genuine Intel® Processor at 1.2 GHz and Genuine Intel® Processor at 1.5 GHz have the following key features:
High performance, low power core
AGTL+ bus driver technology with integrated AGTL+ termination resistors and low voltage
Supports Intel Architecture with Dynamic Execution
400-MHz, Source-Synchronous processor system bus
2x address, 4x data
On-die, primary 32-Kbyte instruction cache and 32-Kbyte write-back data cache
On-die, 512-Kbyte second level cache with Advanced Transfer Cache Architecture
Advanced Branch Prediction and Data Prefetch Logic
Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (SSE2)
Advanced Power Management features
Celeron® M processor at 600
Processor at 1.5 GHz. The Intel® 82854 GMCH provides high-
Processor at 1.2
Memory System
Directly supports one DDR SDRAM channel, 64-bits wide
Supports 266/333-MHz DDR SDRAM devices with max of two, double-sided DIMM (four
rows populated) with unbuffered PC2100/PC2700 DDR SDRAM.
Supports 128-Mbit, 256-Mbit, and 512-Mbit technologies providing maximum capacity of
2 GB with x16 devices
All supported devices have four banks
Supports up to 16 simultaneous open pages
Supports page sizes of 2 kB, 4 kB, 8 kB, and 16 kB. Page size is individually selected for
every row
UMA support only
D15343-003 11
Intel® 82854 Graphics Memory Controller Hub (GMCH)
System Interrupts
Supports Intel 8259 and front side bus interrupt delivery mechanism
Supports interrupts signaled as upstream memory writes from PCI and Hub interface
MSI sent to the CPU through the system bus
IOxAPIC in ICH4-M provides redirection for upstream interrupts to the system bus
Video Stream Decoder
Hardware motion compensation for MPEG2
All video format decoder (18 ATSC video formats) supported
Dynamic Bob and Weave support for video streams
Software DVD at 60 Fields/second and 30 frames/second full screen
Support for standard definition DVD (i.e., NTSC pixel resolution of 720x480, and so on)
quality encoding at low CPU utilization
Video Overlay
Single high quality scalable overlay and second Sprite to support second overlay
Multiple overlay functionality provided via arithmetic stretch BLT (Block Transfer)
5-tap horizontal, 3-tap vertical filtered scaling
Multiple overlay formats
Direct YUV from overlay to TV-out
Independent gamma correction
Independent brightness / contrast/ saturation
Independent tint/hue support
Destination colorkeying
Source chromakeying
12 D15343-003
Analog display support
— 350-MHz integrated 24-bit RAMDAC that can drive a standard progressive scan analog
monitor with pixel resolution up to 1600x1200 at 85 Hz and up to 2048x1536 at 75 Hz
Dual independent pipe support
— Concurrent: different images and display timings on each display device — Simultaneous: same images and display timings on each display device
DVO (DVOB and DVOC) support
— Digital video out ports DVOB and DVOC with 165-MHz dot clock on each 12-bit
interface; two 12-bit channels can be combined to form one dual channel 24-bit interface with an effective dot clock of 330 MHz
— The combined DVO B/C ports as well as individual DVO B/C ports can drive a variety of
DVO devices (TV-Out Encoders, TMDS and LVDS transmitters, and so on) with pixel resolution up to 1600x1200 at 85 Hz and up to 2048x1536 at 72 Hz.
— Compliant with DVI Specification 1.0
Tri-view support through DVO B, C port, and CRT
Internal Graphics Features
Up to 64 MB of dynamic video memory allocation
Display image rotation
Graphics core frequency at 200, 250 MHz
2D graphics engine
— Optimized 128-bit BL T engine — Ten programmable and predefined monochrome patterns — Alpha Stretch BLT (via 3D pipeline) — Anti-aliased lines — Hardware-based BLT Clipping and Scissoring — 32-bit Alpha Blended cursor — Programmable 64 x 64 3-color Transparent cursor — Color Space Conversion — Three Operand Raster BLTs — 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit color — ROP support — DIB translation and Linear/Tile addressing — Multiple hardware color cursor support (32-bit with alpha and legacy 2-bpp mode) — Accompanying I
C and DDC channels provided through multiplexed interface
D15343-003 13
Intel® 82854 Graphics Memory Controller Hub (GMCH)
3D graphics engine
— 3D setup and render engine — Enhanced Hardware Binning Instruction Set supported — Zone rendering — High quality performance texture engine — Viewpoint transform and perspective divide — Triangle lists, strips and fans support — Indexed vertex and flexible vertex formats — Pixel accurate fast scissoring and clipping operation — Backface culling support — Direct 3D support — Anti-Aliased lines support — Sprite points support — Provides the highest sustained fill rate performance in 32-bit color and 24-bit W mode — High quality performance texture engine — 266-MegaTexel/s peak performance — Per pixel perspective corrected texture mapping — Single pass texture compositing (multi-textures) — Enhanced texture blending functions — Twelve level of detail MIP map sizes from 1x1 to 2k x 2k — Numerous texture formats — Alpha and Luminance maps — Texture chromakeying — Bilinear, trilinear, and anisotropic MIP map filtering — Cubic environment reflection mapping — Dot product bump-mapping — Embossed bump-mapping — DXTn texture decompression — FX1 texture compression — 3D graphics rasterization enhancements — One Pixel per clock — Flat and Gouraud shading — Color alpha blending for transparency — Vertex and programmable pixel fog and atmospheric effects — Color specular lighting — Z Bias support
14 D15343-003
— Dithering — Line and full-scene anti-aliasing — 16- and 24-bit Z bufferin g — 16- and 24-bit W buffering — 8-bit Stencil buffering — Double and triple render buffer support — 16- and 32-bit color — Destination alpha — Vertex cache — Optimal 3D resolution supported — Fast Clear support — ROP support
Hub Interface to ICH4-M
266-MB/s point-to-point Hub interface to ICH4-M
66-MHz base clock
Graphic Power Management
Dynamic Frequency Switching
Memory Self-Refresh during C3
Intel Display Power Saving Technology
Power Management
SMRAM space remapping to A0000h (128-kB)
Supports extended SMRAM space above 256-MB, additional 1-MB TSEG from top of
memory, cacheable (cacheability controlled by CPU)
APM Rev 1.2 compliant power management
Supports Suspend to System Memory (S3), Suspend to Disk (S4) and Soft Off (S5)
ACPI 1.0b, 2.0 support
Optimized Clock Gating for 3D and Display Engines
On-Die Thermal Sensor
D15343-003 15
Intel® 82854 Graphics Memory Controller Hub (GMCH)
732-pin Micro-FCBGA (37.5 x 37.5 mm)
Figure 1. Intel® 854 Chipset system block diagram (Native Graphic mode)
Intel® Celeron® M
400 MHz
512 MB DD R
Memory Down
333 MHz
USB 2.0/1.1
Intel® 82854
Intel® 82801DBM
(ICH 4-M)
AC Link
ADD Slot
PCI Slots
16 D15343-003

1.2 Terminology

Table 1. Terms and Descriptions
Term Description
AGTL+ Advanced Gunning Transceiver Logic + (AGTL+) bus
BLI Backlight Inverter
Core The internal base logic in the Intel
CPU Central Processing Unit
CRT Cathode Ray Tube
DBI Dynamic Bus inversion
DBL Display Brightness Link
DDC Display Data Channel (standard created by VESA)
DPMS Display Power Management Signaling (standard created by VESA)
82854 GMCH
DVI* Digital Visual Interface is the interface specified by the DDWG (Digital Display
DVMT Dynamic Video Memory Technology
DVO Digital Video Out
EDID Extended Display Identification Data
EIST Enhanced Intel
FSB Front side bus. Connection between Intel
Full Reset A full Intel
GMCH Refers to the GMCH component. Throughout this datasheet, the Intel
HD High definition, typically MP@HL for MPEG2; Resolution supported are 720p,
Host This term is used synonymously with processor
Hub Interface (HI) The proprietary interconnect between the Intel
C Inter-IC (a two wire serial bus created by Philips)
Working Group) DVI Spec. Rev. 1.0 utilizing only the Silicon Image developed TMDS protocol
SpeedStep® Technology
known as the Host interface
Graphics Memory Controller Hub (GMCH) will be referred to as the GMCH.
1080i and 1080p
component. In this document, the Hub interface cycles originating from or destined for the ICH4-M are generally referred to as “Hub interface cycles.” Hub cycles originating from or destined for the primary PCI interface on are sometimes referred to as “Hub interface/PCI cycles”
82854 GMCH Reset is defined in this document when RSTIN# is
82854 GMCH and the CPU. Also
82854 GMCH and the ICH4-M
IGD Integrated Graphics Device
D15343-003 17
Intel® 82854 Graphics Memory Controller Hub (GMCH)
Intel 82801DBM ICH4-M The component contains the primary PCI interface, LPC interface, USB 2.0,
ATA-100, AC’97, and other I/O functions. It communicates with the Intel
82854 GMCH over a proprietary interconnect called the Hub interface. Throughout this datasheet, the Intel 82801DBM ICH4-M component will be referred to as the ICH4-M
IPI Inter Processor Interrupt
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
MSI Message Signaled Interrupts. MSI allow a device to request interrupt service via
a standard memory write transaction instead of through a hardware signal
Native Graphic Mode The Intel
82854 GMCH can support RGB and Dual Independent Display in this
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
SD Standard definition, typically MP@ML for MPEG2
SSC Spread Spectrum Clocking
STB Set Top Box
System Bus Processor-to-Intel
82854 GMCH interface. The Enhanced mode of the Scalable bus is the P6 Bus plus enhancements, consisting of source synchronous transfers for address and data, and system bus interrupt delivery. The Intel Celeron M processor implements a subset of Enhanced mode.
UMA Unified Memory Architecture with graphics memory for the IGD inside system
VDL Video Data Link
18 D15343-003

1.3 Reference Documents

Table 2. Reference Documents
Document Location
Intel® Celeron® M Processor Datasheet
Ultra Low Voltage Intel(R) Celeron(R) M Processor at 600 MHz Addendum to the Intel(R) Celeron(R) M Processor Datasheet
Intel® 854 Chipset Platform Design Guide for Use with Ultra Low Voltage Intel® Celeron® M Processor at 600 MHz
PCI Local Bus Specification 2.2
Intel® 82801DBM I/O Controller Hub 4 Mobile (ICH4-M) Datasheet
Advanced Configuration and Power Management (ACPI) Specification 1.0b &
IA-32 Intel® Architecture Software Developer Manual Volume 3: System Programming Guide
ARIB TR-B15 Operational Guidelines for Digital Satellite Broadcasting (detailed Implementation guideline for receiver)
ATSC Standards
Please contact your local Intel representative for this document.
Please contact your local Intel representative for this document.
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Intel® 82854 Graphics Memory Controller Hub (GMCH)
20 D15343-003

2.0 Intel® 82854 GMCH Overview

2.1 System Architecture

The Intel® 82854 GMCH includes a processor interface, DDR SDRAM interface, display interface, and Hub interface.
Combined with the ULV Intel® Celeron® M Processor or Genuine Intel® Processor, and an ICH4­M, it provides many of the functions required to deliver the features below:
Overall system software platform
Graphic overlay function for the GUI and 3-D graphics for gaming.
Soft CODEC function
STB middleware execution
New STB embedded applications requiring IA level of high performance.

2.1.1 Intel® 82854 GMCH

The Intel® 82854 GMCH is in a 732-pin Micro-FCBGA package that contains the following functionality listed below:
AGTL+ host bus supporting 32-bit host addressing with Enhanced Intel SpeedStep technology
Supports a single channel of DDR SDRAM memory
System memory supports DDR 266/333 MHz (SSTL_2) DDR SDRAM
Integrated graphics capabilities: Graphic Core frequency at 200, 250 MHz
Supports three display ports: one progressive scan analog monitor and two DVO ports.
Enhanced Power Management Graphics features
Intel® 82854 GMCH Overview
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Intel® 82854 Graphics Memory Controller Hub (GMCH)

2.2 Processor Host Interface

The Intel® 82854 GMCH supports the Intel Celeron M Processor, and Genuine Intel Processor. Key features of the front side bus (FSB) are:
Support for a 400-MHz system bus frequency.
Source synchronous double pumped address (2X)
Source synchronous quad pumped data (4X)
Front side bus interrupt delivery
Low voltage swing Vtt (1.05 ~ 1.55V)
Dynamic Power Down (DPWR#) support
Integrates AGTL+ termination resistors on all of the AGTL+ signals
Supports 32-bit host bus addressing allowing the CPU to access the entire 4 GB of the GMCH
memory address space.
An 8-deep, In-Order queue
Support DPWR# signal
Supports one outstanding defer cycle at a time to any particular I/O interface

2.3 GMCH System Memory Interface

The GMCH system memory controller directly supports the following:
One channel of PC2100/2700 DIMM DDR SDRAM memory
DDR SDRAM devices with densities of 128-Mb, 256-Mb, and 512-Mb technology
Up to 1 GB (512-Mb technology) with two DDR DIMMs
Up to 2 GB (512-Mb technology) using high density devices with two DDR DIMMs
Table 3. DDR SDRAM Memory Capacity
Technology Width System Memory Capacity
128 Mb 16 256 MB -
256 Mb 16 512 MB -
512 Mb 16 1 GB -
128 Mb 8 256 MB 512 MB
256 Mb 8 512 MB 1 GB
512 Mb 8 1 GB 2 GB
The GMCH system memory interface supports a thermal throttling scheme to selectively throttle reads and/or writes. Throttling can be triggered either by the on-die thermal sensor, or by preset write bandwidth limits. Read throttle can also be triggered by an external input pin. The memory controller logic supports aggressive Dynamic Row Power Down features to help reduce power and supports Address and Control line tri-stating when DDR SDRAM is in an active power down or in self refresh state.
System Memory Capacity
with Stacked Memory
22 D15343-003
The GMCH system memory architecture is optimized to maintain open pages (up to 16-KB page size) across multiple rows. As a result, up to 16 pages across four rows is supported. To complement this, the GMCH will tend to keep pages open within rows, or will only close a single bank on a page miss. The GMCH supports only four bank memory technologies.

2.4 Graphics Features

The GMCH IGD provides a highly integrated graphics accelerator delivering high performance 2D, 3D, and video capabilities. With its interfaces to UMA using a DVMT configuration, an analog display, and two digital display ports, the GMCH can provide a complete graphics solution.
The GMCH also provides 2D hardware acceleration for block transfers of data (BLTs). The BLT engine provides the ability to copy a source block of data to a destination and perform raster operations (for example, ROP1, ROP2, and ROP3) on the data using a pattern, and/or another destination. Performing these common tasks in hardware reduces CPU load, and thus improves performance.
High bandwidth access to data is provided through the system memory interface. The GMCH uses Tiling architecture to increase system memory efficiency and thus maximize effective rendering bandwidth. The Intel rendering technology. The Intel Cubic filtering.
82854 GMCH improves 3D performance and quality with 3D Zone
Intel® 82854 GMCH Overview
82854 GMCH also supports Video Mixer rendering, and Bi-

2.5 Display Features

The Intel® 82854 GMCH has three display ports: one analog and two digital. With these interfaces, the GMCH can provide support for a progressive scan analog monitor and two DVO ports. The native graphic mode is able to deliver up to two streams of data via the two DVO ports.

2.5.1 GMCH Analog Display Port

The Intel® 82854 GMCH has an integrated 350-MHz, 24-bit RAMDAC that can directly drive a progressive scan analog monitor pixel resolution up to 1600x1200 at 85-Hz refresh and up to 2048x1536 at 75-Hz refresh. In the native graphic mode, the Analog display port can be driven by Pipe A or Pipe B.

2.5.2 GMCH Integrated DVO Ports

The Intel® 82854 GMCH provides a digital display channel that is capable of driving a pixel clock up to 165 MHz.
The GMCH supports three ARIB planes of graphics: Still Picture Plane, Text and Graphic Plane, and Superimpose Text Plane at a frame rate of 10 fps. A minimum of two displays are supported. The ARIB plane resolutions supported can be found in Figure 8.
In native graphics mode, the GMCH supports a single display up to 60 fps real time with maximum resolution of 720 x 480 pixels.
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Intel® 82854 Graphics Memory Controller Hub (GMCH)

2.6 Hub Interface

A proprietary interconnect connects the GMCH to the ICH4-M. All communication between the GMCH and the ICH4-M occurs over the Hub interface 1.5. The Hub interface runs at 66 MHz (266-MB/s).

2.7 Address Decode Policies

Host initiated I/O cycles are positively decoded to the GMCH configuration space and subtractively decoded to the Hub interface. Host initiated system memory cycles are positively decoded to DDR SDRAM and are again subtractively decoded to the Hub interface, if less than 4 GB. System memory accesses from the Hub interface to DDR SDRAM will be snooped on the FSB.
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2.8 GMCH Clocking

The GMCH has the following clock input/output pins:
400-MHz, spread spectrum, low voltage differential BCLK, BCLK# for front side bus (FSB)
66-MHz, 3.3-V GCLKIN for Hub interface buffers
Six pairs of differential output clocks (SCK[5:0], SCK[5:0]#), 200/266 MHz, 2.5 V for system
memory interface
48-MHz, non-Spread Spectrum, 3.3-V DREFCLK for the Display Frequency Synthesis
8-MHz or 66-MHz, Spread Spectrum, 3.3-V DREFSSCLK for the Display Frequency
Up to 148.5 MHz, 1.5-V DVOBCCLKINT for TV-Out mode
DPMS clock for S1-M
Clock Synthesizer chips are responsible for generating the system host clocks, GMCH display clocks, Hub interface clocks, PCI clocks, SIO clocks, and FWH clocks. The host target speed is 400 MHz. The GMCH does not require any relationship between the BCLK Host clock and the 66-MHz clock generated for the Hub interface; they are asynchronous to each other. The Hub interface runs at a constant 66-MHz base frequency . Table 4 indicates the frequency ratios between the various interfaces that the GMCH supports.
Table 4. Intel® 82854 GMCH Interface Clocks
Intel® 82854 GMCH Overview
Interface Clock Speed
CPU Bus 100 MHz Reference 4 400 8 3200
DDR SDRAM 133 MHz 1:1 Synchronous 2 266 8 2128
166 MHz 1:1 Synchronous 2 333 8 2664
(Native Graphic Mode)
(Native Graphic Mode)
DAC Interface 350 MHz Asynchronous 1 350 3 1050
Up to 165 MHz
Up to 330 MHz
CPU System Bus Frequency Ratio
Asynchronous 2 330 1.5 495
Asynchronous 2 660 3 1980
Samples Per Clock
Data Rate (Mega­samples/s)
Data Width (Bytes)
Peak Bandwidth (MB/s)
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Intel® 82854 Graphics Memory Controller Hub (GMCH)

2.9 System Interrupts

The GMCH supports both the legacy Intel 8259 Programmable Interrupt delivery mechanism and the Intel Celeron M processor FSB interrupt delivery mechanism. The serial APIC Interrupt mechanism is not supported.
The Intel 8259 Interrupt delivery mechanism support consists of flushing in bound Hub interface write buffers when an Interrupt Acknowledge cycle is forwarded from the system bus to the Hub interface.
PCI MSI interrupts are generated as memory writes. The GMCH decodes upstream memory writes to the range 0FEE0_0000h - 0FEEF_FFFFh from the Hub interface as message based interrupts. The GMCH forwards the memory writes along with the associated write data to the system bus as an Interrupt Message transaction. Since this address does not decode as part of main system memory, the write cycle and the write data do not get forwarded to system memory via the write buffer . The GMCH provides the response and HTRDY# for all Interrupt Message cycles including the ones originating from the GMCH. The GMCH also supports interrupt redirection for upstream interrupt memory writes.
For message based interrupts, system write buffer coherency is maintained by relying on strict ordering of memory writes. The GMCH ensures that all memory writes received from a given interface prior to an interrupt message memory write are delivered to the system bus for snooping in the same order that they occur on the given interface.
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3.0 Signal Description

This section describes the Intel® 82854 GMCH signals. These signals are arranged in functional groups according to their associated interface. The following notations are used to describe the signal type.
Notation Description
I Input pin
O Output pin
I/O Bi-directional Input/Output pin
The signal description also includes the type of buffer used for the particular signal:
Buffer Description
AGTL+ Open Drain AGTL+ interface signal. Refer to the AGTL+ I/O
Specification for complete details. The GMCH integrates AGTL+ termination resistors, and supports VTTLF of 1.05 V ± 5%. AGTL+ signals are "inverted bus" style where a low voltage represents a logical 1.
DVO DVO buffers (1.5-V tolerant)
Hub Compatible to Hub interface 1.5
SSTL_2 Stub Series Termination Logic compatible signals (2.5-V tolerant)
LVTTL Low Voltage TTL compatible signals (3.3-V tolerant)
CMOS CMOS buffers (3.3-V tolerant)
Analog Analog signal interface
Ref Voltage reference signal
Signal Description
Note: System Address and Data Bus signals are logically inverted signals. In other words, the actual
values are inverted from what appears on the system bus. This must be taken into account and the addresses and data bus signals must be inverted inside the GMCH. All processor control signals follow normal convention: A 0 indicates an active level (low voltage), and a 1 indicates an active level (high voltage).
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Intel® 854 Graphics Memory Controller Hub (GMCH)

3.1 Host Interface Signals

Table 5. Host Interface Signal Descriptions
Signal Name Type Description
Address Strobe: The system bus owner asserts ADS# to indicate the first of two cycles of a request phase. The GMCH can assert this signal for snoop cycles and interrupt messages.
Block Next Request: Used to block the current request bus owner from issuing a new request. This signal is used to dynamically control the CPU bus pipeline depth.
Bus Priority Request: The GMCH is the only Priority Agent on the system bus. It asserts this signal to obtain the ownership of the address bus. This signal has priority over symmetric bus requests and will cause the current symmetric owner to stop issuing new transactions unless the HLOCK# signal was asserted.
Bus Request 0#: The GMCH pulls the processor bus BREQ0# signal low during CPURST#. The signal is sampled by the processor on the active-to-inactive transition of CPURST#. The minimum setup time for this signal is 4 BCLKs. The minimum hold time is 2 clocks and the maximum hold time is 20 BCLKs. BREQ0# should be tristated after the hold time requirement has been satisfied.
During regular operation, the GMCH will use BREQ0# as an early indication for FSB Address and Ctl input buffer and sense amp activation.
CPU Reset: The CPURST# pin is an output from the GMCH. The GMCH asserts CPURST# while RESET# (PCIRST# from ICH4-M) is asserted and for approximately 1 ms after RESET# is deasserted. The CPURST# allows the processor to begin execution in a known state.
Note that the ICH4-M must provide CPU strap set-up and hold-times around CPURST#. This requires strict synchronization between GMCH, CPURST# deassertion and ICH4-M driving the straps.
Data Bus Busy: Used by the data bus owner to hold the data bus for transfers requiring more than one cycle.
DINV[3:0]# I/O
Defer: GMCH will generate a deferred response as defined by the rules of the GMCH’s Dynamic Defer policy. The GMCH will also use the DEFER# signal to indicate a CPU retry response.
Dynamic Bus Inversion: Driven along with the HD[63:0]# signals. Indicates if the associated signals are inverted or not. DINV[3:0]# are asserted such that the number of data bits driven electrically low (low voltage) within the corresponding 16-bit group never exceeds 8.
Data Bits
DINV[3]# HD[63:48]#
DINV[2]# HD[47:32]#
DINV[1]# HD[31:16]#
DINV[0]# HD[16:0]#
Deep Sleep #: This signal comes from the ICH4-M device, providing an indication of C3 and C4 state control to the CPU. Deassertion of this signal is used as an early indication for C3 and C4 wake up (to active HPLL). Note that this is a low-voltage CMOS buffer operating on the FSB VTT power plane.
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Signal Description
HA[31:3]# I/O
HADSTB[1:0]# I/O
HD[63:0]# I/O
HDSTBP[3:0]# HDSTBN[3:0]#
Data Ready: Asserted for each cycle that data is transferred.
Host Address Bus: HA[31:3]# connects to the CPU address bus. During
processor cycles the HA[31:3]# are inputs. The GMCH drives HA[31:3]# during snoop cycles on behalf of Hub interface. HA[31:3]# are transferred at 2x rate. Note that the address is inverted on the CPU bus.
Host Address Strobe: HA[31:3]# connects to the CPU address bus. During CPU cycles, the source synchronous strobes are used to transfer HA[31:3]# and HREQ[4:0]# at the 2x transfer rate.
Address Bits
HADSTB[0]# HA[16:3]#, HREQ[4:0]#
HADSTB[1]# HA[31:17]# Host Data: These signals are connected to the CPU data bus.
HD[63:0]# are transferred at 4x rate. Note that the data signals are inverted on the CPU bus.
Differential Host Data Strobes: The differential source synchronous strobes are used to transfer HD[63:0]# and DINV[3:0]# at the 4x transfer rate.
Data Bits
HDSTBP[3]#, HDSTBN[3]# HD[63:48]#, DINV[3]#
HDSTBP[2]#, HDSTBN[2]# HD[47:32]#, DINV[2]#
HDSTBP[1]#, HDSTBN[1]# HD[31:16]#, DINV[1]#
HDSTBP[0]#, HDSTBN[0]# HD[15:0]#, DINV[0]# Hit: Indicates that a caching agent holds an unmodified version of the
requested line. Also, driven in conjunction with HITM# by the target to extend the snoop window.
HREQ[4:0]# I/O
Hit Modified: Indicates that a caching agent holds a modified version of the requested line and that this agent assumes responsibility for providing the line. Also, driven in conjunction with HIT# to extend the snoop window.
Host Lock: All CPU bus cycles sampled with the assertion of HLOCK# and ADS#, until the negation of HLOCK# must be atomic; that is, no Hub interface snoopable access to system memory is allowed when HLOCK# is asserted by the CPU.
Host Request Command: Defines the attributes of the request. HREQ[4:0]# are transferred at 2x rate. Asserted by the requesting agent during both halves of the Request Phase. In the first half the signals define the transaction type to a level of detail that is sufficient to begin a snoop request. In the second half the signals carry additional information to define the complete transaction type.
The transactions supported by the GMCH Host Bridge are defined in the Host Interface section of this document.
Host Target Ready: Indicates that the target of the processor transaction is able to enter the data transfer phase.
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Intel® 854 Graphics Memory Controller Hub (GMCH)
RS[2:0]# O
Response Status: Indicates the type of response according to the following the table:
000 Idle state
001 Retry response
010 Deferred response
011 Reserved (not driven by GMCH)
100 Hard Failure (not driven by GMCH)
101 No data response
110 Implicit Write back
111 Normal data response
Response type
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