Intel BXSTS200C User Manual

Xeon® Processor E5-1600 /
2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families
Thermal Mechanical Specification and Design Guide
October 2015
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Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families
Intel Thermal Mechanical Specification and Design Guide October 2015 2 Order No.: 330786-003
Revision History—Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families

Revision History

001 Initial release September 2014
002 Added Intel® Xeon® processor E5-4600 v3 product families. June 2015
003 Updated a socket part number on Table 25. October 2015
Description Date
October 2015 Thermal Mechanical Specification and Design Guide Order No.: 330786-003 3
Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families
Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families—Contents


Revision History..................................................................................................................3
1.0 Introduction................................................................................................................10
1.1 Definition of Terms............................................................................................... 10
2.0 LGA2011-3 Socket Overview....................................................................................... 12
2.1 Socket Components.............................................................................................. 13
2.2 Socket Land Pattern Guidance................................................................................ 17
2.3 Socket Loading Requirements.................................................................................20
2.3.1 Socket Loading Specifications.................................................................... 21
2.4 Socket Maximum temperature................................................................................ 21
2.5 Strain Guidance for Socket....................................................................................22
3.0 Independent Loading Mechanism (ILM) Specifications............................................... 23
3.1 ILM Load Specifications......................................................................................... 24
3.2 ILM Keepout Zones (KOZ)......................................................................................25
3.3 Independent Loading Mechanism (ILM)....................................................................25
3.4 ILM Mechanical Design Considerations and Recommendations.....................................25
3.5 ILM Features........................................................................................................ 26
3.6 Intel® ILM Reference Designs................................................................................. 28
3.6.1 Square ILM.............................................................................................. 28
3.6.2 Narrow ILM.............................................................................................. 30
3.7 ILM Cover............................................................................................................32
3.8 ILM Allowable Board Thickness............................................................................... 33
4.0 Processor Thermal Specifications and Features......................................................... 34
4.1 T
and DTS-Based Thermal Specification Implementation........................................34
4.1.1 Margin to Thermal Specification (M)............................................................ 34
4.2 Processor Thermal Features................................................................................... 36
4.2.1 Absolute Processor Temperature................................................................. 36
4.2.2 Short Duration TCC Activation .................................................................. 36
4.3 Processor Thermal Specifications............................................................................ 36
4.3.1 Thermal Specifications...............................................................................37
4.3.2 T
and DTS Based Thermal Specifications.................................................37
4.3.3 Server Processor Thermal Profiles and Form Factors..................................... 38
4.3.4 Server 4S Processor Thermal Profiles and Form Factors.................................40
4.3.5 Workstation Processor Thermal Profiles and Form Factors..............................41
4.3.6 Embedded Server Processor Thermal Profiles...............................................42
4.3.7 Thermal Metrology.................................................................................... 44
5.0 Processor Thermal Solutions.......................................................................................47
5.1 Processor Boundary Conditions for Shadowed and Spread Core Layouts....................... 47
5.2 Heatsink Design Considerations.............................................................................. 49
5.3 Thermal Design Guidelines..................................................................................... 50
5.3.1 Intel® Turbo Boost Technology................................................................... 50
5.3.2 Thermal Excursion Power........................................................................... 50
5.3.3 Thermal Characterization Parameters.......................................................... 51
5.4 Thermal Interface Material (TIM) Considerations....................................................... 52
5.5 Mechanical Recommendations and Targets............................................................... 53
Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families Thermal Mechanical Specification and Design Guide October 2015 4 Order No.: 330786-003
Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families
5.5.1 Processor / Socket Stackup Height.............................................................. 53
5.5.2 Processor Heatsink Mechanical Targets........................................................ 54
5.6 Heatsink Mechanical and Structural Considerations....................................................55
5.7 Intel Reference Design Heat Sink............................................................................ 55
5.7.1 2U Square Heatsink Performance................................................................ 57
5.7.2 1U Square Heatsink Performance................................................................ 58
5.7.3 1U Narrow Heatsink Performance................................................................ 59
5.7.4 Workstation Tower Active Heatsink Performance........................................... 60
5.7.5 Mechanical Load Range..............................................................................61
5.7.6 Thermal Interface Material (TIM).................................................................61
6.0 Processor Mechanical Specifications........................................................................... 62
6.1 Package Size........................................................................................................62
6.2 Package Loading Specifications............................................................................... 63
6.3 Processor Mass Specification.................................................................................. 64
6.4 Processor Materials............................................................................................... 64
6.5 Processor Markings............................................................................................... 64
6.6 Package Handling Guidelines.................................................................................. 66
7.0 Boxed Processor Specifications...................................................................................67
7.1 Boxed Processor Thermal Solutions......................................................................... 67
7.1.1 Available Boxed Thermal Solution Configurations...........................................67
7.1.2 Intel® Thermal Solution STS200C (Passive/Active Combination Heat Sink
Solution)................................................................................................ 67
7.1.3 Intel® Thermal Solution STS200P and STS200PNRW (Boxed 25.5 mm Tall
Passive Heat Sink Solutions)......................................................................68
7.1.4 Thermal Interface Material (TIM).................................................................68
7.2 Boxed Processor Cooling Requirements....................................................................69
7.3 Mechanical Specifications...................................................................................... 69
7.4 Fan Power Supply [STS200C]................................................................................. 70
7.5 Boxed Processor Contents......................................................................................71
8.0 Quality Reliability and Ecological Requirements..........................................................72
8.1 Use Conditions..................................................................................................... 72
8.2 Intel® Reference Component Validation....................................................................73
8.2.1 Board Functional Test Sequence..................................................................73
8.2.2 Post-Test Pass Criteria Examples.................................................................73
8.2.3 Recommended BIOS/Processor/Memory Test Procedures................................74
8.3 Material and Recycling Requirements.......................................................................74
Appendix A Component Suppliers..................................................................................... 76
Appendix B Mechanical Drawings......................................................................................78
B.1 Large Package Mechanical Drawing Page 1............................................................... 79
B.2 Large Package Mechanical Drawing Page 2............................................................... 80
B.3 Package Mechanical Drawing Page 1........................................................................81
B.4 Package Mechanical Drawing Page 2........................................................................82
B.5 ILM Backplate Keep Out Zone.................................................................................83
B.6 ILM Mounting Hole Keep Out Zone.......................................................................... 84
B.7 Narrow ILM Keep Out Zone.................................................................................... 85
B.8 Narrow ILM 3D Keep Out Zone............................................................................... 86
B.9 ILM Keep Out Zone............................................................................................... 87
B.10 3D Keep Out Zone.............................................................................................. 88
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Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families
Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families—Contents
B.11 Heat Sink Retaining Ring......................................................................................89
B.12 Heat Sink Spring.................................................................................................90
B.13 Heat Sink Spring Cup.......................................................................................... 91
B.14 1U Narrow Heat Sink Geometry (Page 1)............................................................... 92
B.15 1U Narrow Heat Sink Geometry (Page 2)............................................................... 93
B.16 1U Narrow Heat Sink Assembly (Page 1)................................................................ 94
B.17 1U Narrow Heat Sink Assembly (Page 2)................................................................ 95
B.18 1U Square Heat Sink Geometry (Page 1)................................................................96
B.19 1U Square Heat Sink Geometry (Page 2)................................................................97
B.20 1U Square Heat Sink Assembly (Page 1)................................................................ 98
B.21 1U Square Heat Sink Assembly (Page 2)................................................................ 99
B.22 2U Square Heat Sink Geometry (Page 1).............................................................. 100
B.23 2U Square Heat Sink Geometry (Page 2).............................................................. 101
B.24 2U Square Heat Sink Assembly (Page 1).............................................................. 102
B.25 2U Square Heat Sink Assembly (Page 2).............................................................. 103
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Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families


1 Hexagonal Array in LGA2011-3..................................................................................12
2 Socket with Labeled Features.................................................................................... 13
3 Contact Wiping Direction.......................................................................................... 14
4 Contact Tip Offset with Respect to Solder Ball..............................................................15
5 Processor Socket Stack Up........................................................................................16
6 Pick and Place Cover with Labeled Features.................................................................16
7 PnP Cover and Socket Assembly................................................................................ 17
8 Socket 2011-3 Land Pattern......................................................................................18
9 Socket 2011-3 Pad Types and Locations..................................................................... 20
10 Socket Temperature Measurement ............................................................................22
11 Processor Stack.......................................................................................................23
12 ILM Load Plate........................................................................................................ 27
13 ILM Backplate......................................................................................................... 28
14 Exploded Square ILM............................................................................................... 29
15 Assembled Square ILM............................................................................................. 30
16 Exploded Narrow ILM............................................................................................... 31
17 Assembled Narrow ILM.............................................................................................32
18 ILM cover............................................................................................................... 33
19 Margin to Thermal Spec (M)......................................................................................35
20 Typical Thermal Profile Graph (Illustration Only).......................................................... 38
21 Case Temperature (T 22 Case Temperature (T
23 Typical Shadowed Layout......................................................................................... 47
24 Typical Spread Core Layout.......................................................................................48
25 Thermal Characterization Parameters......................................................................... 52
26 Integrated Stack Up Height.......................................................................................53
27 Available Cooling Area for Top of Large and Small IHS..................................................54
28 1U Form Factor Heat Sinks....................................................................................... 56
29 2U Form Factor Heat Sinks....................................................................................... 56
30 Workstation Form Factor Heat Sink............................................................................ 57
31 Processor Package Assembly Sketch...........................................................................62
32 Rendering of Intel® Xeon® processor E5-1600 and E5-2600 v3 product families Small
Form Factor............................................................................................................ 63
33 Rendering of Intel® Xeon® processor E5-1600 and E5-2600 v3 product families Large
Form Factor............................................................................................................ 63
34 Small Package Labeling............................................................................................ 65
35 Large Package Labeling............................................................................................ 66
36 STS200C Active / Passive Combination Heat Sink (with Removable Fan) ........................ 68
37 STS200P and STS200PNRW 25.5 mm Tall Passive Heat Sinks ....................................... 68
38 Fan Cable Connector Pin Out for 4-Pin Active Thermal Solution...................................... 71
39 Intel® Xeon® Processor v3 Product Families Large Package Mechanical Drawing Page 1.... 79
40 Intel® Xeon® Processor v3 Product Families Large Package Mechanical Drawing Page 2.... 80
41 Intel® Xeon® Processor v3 Product Families Small Package Mechanical Drawing Page 1.... 81
42 Intel® Xeon® Processor v3 Product Families Small Package Mechanical Drawing Page 2.... 82
43 ILM Backplate Keep Out Zone................................................................................... 83
44 ILM Mounting Hole Keep Out Zone............................................................................. 84
45 Narrow ILM Keep Out Zone....................................................................................... 85
46 Narrow ILM 3D Keep Out Zone.................................................................................. 86
47 Square ILM Keep Out Zone....................................................................................... 87
48 Square 3D Keep Out Zone........................................................................................ 88
49 Heat Sink Retaining Ring.......................................................................................... 89
50 Heat Sink Spring..................................................................................................... 90
51 Heat Sink Spring Cup............................................................................................... 91
52 1U Narrow Heat Sink Geometry (Page 1).................................................................... 92
) Measurement Location for Large Package ..............................45
) Measurement Location for Small Package.............................. 46
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Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families
Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families—Figures
53 1U Narrow Heat Sink Geometry (Page 2).................................................................... 93
54 1U Narrow Heat Sink Assembly (Page 1).....................................................................94
55 1U Narrow Heat Sink Assembly (Page 2).....................................................................95
56 1U Square Heat Sink Geometry (Page 1).................................................................... 96
57 1U Square Heat Sink Geometry (Page 2).................................................................... 97
58 1U Square Heat Sink Assembly (Page 1).....................................................................98
59 1U Square Heat Sink Assembly (Page 2).....................................................................99
60 2U Square Heat Sink Geometry (Page 1)...................................................................100
61 2U Square Heat Sink Geometry (Page 2)...................................................................101
62 2U Square Heat Sink Assembly (Page 1)................................................................... 102
63 2U Square Heat Sink Assembly (Page 2)................................................................... 103
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Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families


1 Terms and Descriptions............................................................................................ 10
2 LGA2011-3 Socket Attributes.................................................................................... 12
3 PIN Count By Pad Definition...................................................................................... 19
4 Socket Load Values..................................................................................................21
5 LGA 2011-3 Maximum Allowable Loads.......................................................................24
6 LGA 2011-3 Minimum Allowable Loads....................................................................... 24
7 LGA 2011-3 Minimum End of Life Loads...................................................................... 25
8 LGA 2011-3 ILM General Keepout Dimensions ............................................................ 25
9 Square ILM Component Thickness and materials..........................................................30
10 Narrow ILM Component Thickness and materials..........................................................32
11 DTS 2.0 Margin From PECI........................................................................................35
12 DTS 2.0 Margin From Processor Register: CSR for PACKAGE_THERM_MARGIN ................ 36
13 Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 and E5-2600 v3 Product Families Stack T
DTS Thermal Profiles and Correction Factors............................................................... 38
14 Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-4600 v3 Product Families Stack Product Family T
DTS Thermal Profiles and Correction Factors............................................................... 40
15 Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 and E5-2600 v3 Product Families 1S Workstation
Stack T
and DTS Thermal Profiles and Correction Factors......................................... 41
16 Embedded Server Processor Thermal Profiles.............................................................. 43
17 Processor Boundary Conditions for Shadowed and Spread Core Layouts..........................48
18 Target Stackup Heights From Top of Board to Top of IHS.............................................. 53
19 Available Cooling Area for Large and Small IHS........................................................... 54
20 Heatsink Mechanical Targets..................................................................................... 54
21 Processor Loading Specifications................................................................................64
22 Processor Materials..................................................................................................64
23 Load Limits for Package Handling...............................................................................66
24 Intel
Reference or Collaboration Thermal Solutions..................................................... 76
25 LGA2011-3 Socket and ILM Components ....................................................................76
26 List of Mechanical Drawings...................................................................................... 78
October 2015 Thermal Mechanical Specification and Design Guide Order No.: 330786-003 9
Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families
Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families—Introduction

1.0 Introduction

This document provides specifications and guidelines for the design of thermal and mechanical solutions for the Intel® Xeon® processor E5-1600, E5-2600, and E5-4600 v3 product families.
The components and information described in this document include:
Thermal profiles and other processor specifications and recommendations
Processor Mechanical load limits
The goals of this document are:
To assist board and system thermal mechanical designers
To assist designers and suppliers of processor heatsinks

Definition of Terms

Table 1. Terms and Descriptions
Term Description
Bypass Bypass is the area between a passive heatsink and
DTS Digital Thermal Sensor reports a relative die
FSC Fan Speed Control
IHS Integrated Heat Spreader: a component of the
Square ILM Independent Loading Mechanism provides the force
Narrow ILM Independent Loading Mechanism provides the force
LGA2011-3 Socket The processor mates with the system board through
PECI The Platform Environment Control Interface (PECI) is
any object that can act to form a duct. For this example, it can be expressed as a dimension away from the outside dimension of the fins to the nearest surface.
temperature as an offset from TCC activation temperature.
processor package used to enhance the thermal performance of the package. Component thermal solutions interface with the processor at the IHS surface.
needed to seat the 2011-LGA package onto the socket contacts and has 56 × 94mm heatsink mounting hole pattern
needed to seat the 2011-LGA package onto the socket contacts and has 56 × 94mm heatsink mounting hole pattern
this surface mount, 2011-contact socket.
a one-wire interface that provides a communication channel between Intel processor and chipset components to external monitoring devices.
Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families Thermal Mechanical Specification and Design Guide October 2015 10 Order No.: 330786-003
Introduction—Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families
Term Description
Case-to-ambient thermal characterization parameter (psi). A measure of thermal solution performance using total package power. Defined as (T Total Package Power. Heat source should always be specified for Ψ measurements.
Case-to-sink thermal characterization parameter. A measure of thermal interface material performance using total package power. Defined as (T Total Package Power.
Sink-to-ambient thermal characterization parameter. A measure of heatsink thermal performance using total package power. Defined as (TS – TLA) / Total Package Power.
The case temperature of the processor measured at the geometric center of the topside of the IHS.
Tcase-Max The maximum case temperature as specified in a
component specification.
TCC Thermal Control Circuit: Thermal monitor uses the
TCC to reduce the die temperature by using clock modulation and/or operating frequency and input voltage adjustment when the die temperature is very near its operating limits.
is a static value below TCC activation used
as a trigger point for fan speed control. When DTS > T
, the processor must comply to the thermal
TDP Thermal Design Power: Thermal solution should be
designed to dissipate this target power level. TDP is not the maximum power that the processor can dissipate.
Thermal Monitor A power reduction feature designed to decrease
temperature after the processor has reached its maximum operating temperature.
Thermal Profile Line that defines case temperature specification of a
processor at a given power level.
TIM Thermal Interface Material: The thermally conductive
compound between the heatsink and the processor case. This material fills the air gaps and voids, and enhances the transfer of the heat from the processor case to the heatsink.
The measured ambient temperature locally surrounding the processor. The ambient temperature should be measured just upstream of a passive heatsink or at the fan inlet for an active heatsink.
The system ambient air temperature external to a system chassis. This temperature is usually measured at the chassis air inlets.
U A unit of measure used to define server rack spacing
height. 1U is equal to 1.75 in, 2U equals 3.50 in, and so forth.
LCC Low Core Count, refers to silicon die size
MCC Mid Core Count, refers to silicon die size
HCC High Core Count, refers to silicon die size
– TLA) /
– TS) /
October 2015 Thermal Mechanical Specification and Design Guide
Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families
Order No.: 330786-003 11
Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families—LGA2011-3 Socket

2.0 LGA2011-3 Socket Overview

This section describes a surface mount, LGA (Land Grid Array) socket intended for the Intel® Xeon® processor E5-1600 and E5-2600 v3 product families processor-based platform. The socket provides I/O, power and ground contacts for processor operation. The socket contains 2011 contacts arrayed about a cavity in the center of the socket with lead-free solder balls for surface mounting on the motherboard.
The LGA2011-3 uses a hexagonal area array ball-out which provides many benefits:
Socket contact density increased by 12% while maintaining 40 mil minimum via pitch requirements. as compared to a linear array
Corresponding square pitch array’s would require a 38mil via pitch for the same package size.
LGA2011-3 has 1.016 mm (40 mil) hexagonal pitch in a 58x43 grid array with 24x16 grid depopulation in the center of the array and selective depopulation elsewhere.
Figure 1. Hexagonal Array in LGA2011-3
Table 2. LGA2011-3 Socket Attributes
LGA2011-3 Socket Attributes
Component Size 58.5 mm (L) X 51 mm (W)
Pitch 1.016 mm (Hex Array)
Ball Count 2011
Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families Thermal Mechanical Specification and Design Guide October 2015 12 Order No.: 330786-003
LGA2011-3 Socket Overview—Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families
The socket must be compatible with the package (processor) and the Independent Loading Mechanism (ILM). Internal keying posts ensure socket processor compatibility. An external socket key ensures ILM and socket compatibility. The ILM reference design includes a back plate; an integral feature for uniform loading on the socket solder joints and contacts.

Socket Components

The socket has two main components, the socket body: composed of a housing solder balls, and processor contacts, and Pick and Place (PnP) cover. The socket is delivered as a single integral assembly. Below are descriptions of the integral parts of the socket.
Socket Body Housing
The housing material is thermoplastic or equivalent with UL 94 V-0 flame rating capable of withstanding 260°C for 40 seconds (typical reflow/rework). The socket coefficient of thermal expansion (in the XY plane), and creep properties, are such that the integrity of the socket is maintained for the environmental conditions listed in the TMSDG.
The color of the housing will be dark as compared to the solder balls to provide the contrast needed for pick and place vision systems. A labeled representation of the socket can be seen in the figure below.
Figure 2. Socket with Labeled Features
Solder Balls
A total of 2011 solder balls corresponding to the contacts are on the bottom of the socket for surface mounting with the motherboard.
The socket has the following solder ball material:
October 2015 Thermal Mechanical Specification and Design Guide Order No.: 330786-003 13
Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families
Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families—LGA2011-3 Socket
Lead free SAC305 (SnAgCu) solder alloy with a silver (Ag) content 3%, copper (Cu) 0.5%, tin (Sn) 96.5% and a melting temperature of approximately 217°C. The immersion silver (ImAg) motherboard surface finish and solder paste alloy must be compatible with the SAC305 alloy solder paste.
The base material for the contacts is high strength copper alloy. For the area on socket contacts where processor lands will mate, there is a 0.381 mm [0.015 inches] minimum gold plating over 1.27 mm [0.05 inches] minimum nickel underplate. No contamination by solder in the contact area is allowed during solder reflow. All socket contacts are designed such that the contact tip lands within the substrate pad boundary before any actuation load is applied and remain within the pad boundary at final installation, after actuation load is applied.
The contacts are laid out in two L-shaped arrays as shown in the figure below. The detailed view of the contacts indicate the wiping orientation of the contacts in the two regions to be 29.6°.
Figure 3. Contact Wiping Direction
The contact between substrate land and socket contact are offset. The following diagram shows contact offset from solder ball location and orientation of contact tip.
Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families Thermal Mechanical Specification and Design Guide October 2015 14 Order No.: 330786-003
LGA2011-3 Socket Overview—Intel Families
Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product
Figure 4. Contact Tip Offset with Respect to Solder Ball
Socket Standoffs
Standoffs on the bottom of the socket base establish the minimum socket height after solder reflow. The following diagram highlights each feature of the socket-processor stack up.
October 2015 Thermal Mechanical Specification and Design Guide Order No.: 330786-003 15
Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families
Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families—LGA2011-3 Socket
Figure 5. Processor Socket Stack Up
Pick and Place Cover
The cover provides a planar surface for vacuum pick up used to place components in the Surface Mount Technology (SMT) manufacturing line. The proceeding diagram labels key features of the Pick and Place cover.
Figure 6. Pick and Place Cover with Labeled Features
The cover remains on the socket during reflow to help prevent contamination during reflow. The cover can withstand 260°C for 40 seconds (typical reflow/rework profile) and the environmental conditions listed in the TMSDG.
Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families Thermal Mechanical Specification and Design Guide October 2015 16 Order No.: 330786-003
LGA2011-3 Socket Overview—Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families
The following figure diagrams the PnP and socket assembly. To reduce risk of damage to socket contacts the pick and place (PnP) cover remains on the socket during ILM installation.
Figure 7. PnP Cover and Socket Assembly
Once the ILM with its cover is installed Intel is recommending the PnP cover be removed to help prevent damage to the socket contacts. To reduce the risk of bent contacts the PnP Cover and ILM Cover were designed to not be compatible. Covers can be removed without tools.
The pick and place covers are designed to be interchangeable between socket suppliers.

Socket Land Pattern Guidance

The land pattern guidance provided in this section applies to printed circuit board design. Recommendation for Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Land Patterns is to ensure solder joint reliability during dynamic stresses, often encountered during shipping and handling and hence to increase socket reliability.
LGA 2011-3 Land Pattern
The land pattern for the LGA2011-3 socket is 40 mils hexagonal array see the following figure for detailed location and land pattern type.
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Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families
Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families—LGA2011-3 Socket
Note: There is no round-off (conversion) error between socket pitch (1.016 mm) and board
pitch (40 mil) as these values are equivalent.
Figure 8. Socket 2011-3 Land Pattern
Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families Thermal Mechanical Specification and Design Guide October 2015 18 Order No.: 330786-003
LGA2011-3 Socket Overview—Intel Families
Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product
Table 3. PIN Count By Pad Definition
Pad Definition / Padstack Color Quantity
20 X 17 Oblong Partially SMD / O17X20 RED Pins 43
20 X 17 Oblong Partially SMD / O17X20 LIGHT BLUE Pins 123
17 mil Ø MD / C17 GREY Pins 1845
Notes: 1. RED Pins: Corner nCTF pads (43 total) are all designed as 20 X 17 mil oblong partially
soldermask defined pads with an SRO of 17 ±1 mil Ø (shown below). The long axis of the pad is oriented at 45° from the center of the socket. All nCTF pads require thick traces ideally oriented at 45° toward the package corner.
2. LIGHT BLUE Pins: Edge CTF pads (total) are all designed as 20 X 17 mil oblong partially soldermask defined pads with an SRO of 17 ±1 mil Ø (shown below). The long axis of the pad is oriented at 90° to the socket edge.
3. GREY Pins: Critical to function pins are all designed as 17 mil circular MD (Metal Defined) pads.
Pad Type Recommendations
Intel defines two types of pad types based on how they are constructed. A metal defined (MD) pad is one where a pad is individually etched into the PCB with a minimum width trace exiting it. The solder mask defined (SMD) pad is typically a pad in a flood plane where the solder mask opening defines the pad size for soldering to the component. In thermal cycling a MD pad is more robust than a SMD pad type. The solder mask that defines the SMD pad can create a sharp edge on the solder joint as the solder ball / paste conforms to the window created by the solder mask. For certain failure modes the MD pad may not be as robust in shock and vibration (S&V). During S&V, the predominant failure mode for a MD pad in the corner of the BGA layout is pad craters and solder joint cracks. A corner MD pad can be made more robust and behave like a SMD pad by having a wide trace enter the pad. This trace should be 10 mil minimum wide but not to exceed the pad diameter and exit the pad at a 45 degree angle (parallel to the diagonal of the socket). During board flexure that results from shock & vibration, a SMD pad is less susceptible to a crack initiating due to the larger surface area. Intel has defined selected solder joints of the socket as non-critical to function (NCTF) when evaluating package solder joints post environmental testing. The signals at NCTF locations are typically redundant ground or non-critical reserved, so the loss of the solder joint continuity at end of life conditions will not affect the overall product functionality.
The following figure diagrams shape and location of solder pad types for socket 2011-3.
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Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families
Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families—LGA2011-3 Socket
Figure 9. Socket 2011-3 Pad Types and Locations
Notes: 1. When ordering PCBs with the Socket R (LGA2011) footprint, it is important to
specify the following verbiage on the FAB drawing as well as within the purchase requisition: All BGA pads, Soldermask or Metal defined, min/max size tolerance,
should comply with Intel PCB specification, current revision. Nominal BGA pad size, Soldermask or Metal defined, is Ø +/- 1 mil. This pad size is critical to function on socket locations.
2. The solder paste stencil aperture recommendation for Socket R (LGA2011) is: 24 mil Ø circular aperture opening with a stencil thickness of 5 mils.

Socket Loading Requirements

The socket must meet the mechanical loading and strain requirements outlined in the table below. All dynamic requirements are under room temperature conditions while all static requirements are under product use condition temperature. Specifically, ILM and HS load range may vary for different LGA 2011 derivatives (e.g. 2011-0, 2011-1) due to the package form factor, and the design of loading mechanism and thermal solution (e.g., HS mass).
Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families Thermal Mechanical Specification and Design Guide October 2015 20 Order No.: 330786-003
LGA2011-3 Socket Overview—Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families

Socket Loading Specifications

The table below provides load specifications for the socket. These mechanical limits should not be exceeded during component assembly, mechanical stress testing, or standard drop and shipping conditions. All dynamic requirements are under room temperature conditions while all static requirements are under 100 °C conditions.
Table 4. Socket Load Values
Parameter Load Limits,
SI Units
Min Max Min Max
Static Compressive per Contact
Static Compressive (ILM)
Static Compressive Beginning of Life (HS)
Static Compressive End of Life (HS)
Static Total Compressive
Dynamic Compressive
Board Transient Bend Strain
15 (gf) 38 (gf) 0.53
445 (N) 712 (N) 100 (lbf) 160 (lbf) The total load applied by the enabling mechanism onto
222 (N) 400 (N) 50 (lbf) 90 (lbf) The total load applied by the heatsink mechanism onto
178 (N) 400 (N) 40 (lbf) 90 (lbf) The total load applied by the heatsink mechanism onto
667 (N) 1068 (N ) 150 (lbf) 240 (lbf) The total load applied by enabling mechanism and heat
NA 588 (N) NA 132 (lbf) Quasi-static equivalent compressive load applied during
NA 500 (ue)
for 62 (mil);
400 (ue) for 100 (mil)
Load Limits,
Imperial Units
1.34 (ozf) The compressive load applied by the package on the
NA 500 (ue)
for 62 (mil);
400 (ue) for 100 (mil)
LGA contacts to meet electrical performance. This condition must be satisfied throughout the life of the product
the socket as transferred through the package, contacts and socket seating plane.
the socket as transferred through the package, contacts and socket seating plane. Measured at Beginning of Life
the socket as transferred through the package, contacts and socket seating plane. Measured at End of Life
sink onto the socket as transferred through the package, contacts and socket seating plane.
the mechanical shock from heatsink, calculated using a reference 600g heatsink with a 25G shock input and an amplification factor of 3 (600g x 25G x 3 =441N=99 lbf). This specification can have flexibility in specific values, but the ultimate product of mass times acceleration should not exceed this value. Intel reference system shock requirement for this product family is 25G input as measured at the chassis mounting location.
This is the strain on boards near to socket BGA corners during transient loading events through manufacturing flow or testing. The test guidance can be found in Board Flexure Initiative (BFI) strain guidance from your local CQE.

Socket Maximum temperature

The power dissipated within the socket is a function of the current at the pin level and the effective pin resistance. To ensure socket long term reliability, Intel defines socket maximum temperature using a via on the underside of the motherboard. Exceeding the temperature guidance may result in socket body deformation, or increases in thermal and electrical resistance which can cause a thermal runaway and eventual electrical failure. The guidance for socket maximum temperature is listed below:
Via temperature under socket <78 °C
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Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families—LGA2011-3 Socket
The specific via used for temperature measurement is located on the bottom of the motherboard between pins BC1 and BE1.
The socket maximum temperature is defined at Thermal Design Current (TDC). In addition, the heatsink performance targets and boundary conditions must be met to limit power dissipation through the socket.
To measure via temperature:
1. Drill a hole through the back plate corresponding to the location of pins BC1 and BE1.
2. Thread a T-type thermocouple (36 - 40 gauge) through the hole and glue it into the specific measurement via on the underside of the motherboard.
3. Once the glue dries, reinstall the back plate and measure the temperature
Figure 10. Socket Temperature Measurement

Strain Guidance for Socket

Intel provides manufacturing strain guidance commonly referred to as Board Flexure Initiative or BFI Strain Guidance. The BFI strain guidance apply only to transient bend conditions seen in board manufacturing assembly environment with no ILM, for example during In Circuit Test. BFI strain guidance limits do not apply once ILM is installed. It should be noted that any strain metrology is sensitive to boundary conditions. Intel recommends the use of BFI to prevent solder joint defects from occurring in the test process. For additional guidance on BFI, see Manufacturing With Intel® Components - Strain Measurement for Circuit Board Assembly, also referred as BFI MAS ( Manufacturing Advantage Services) and BFI STRAIN GUIDANCE SHEET (LGA2011-3 socket). Consult your Intel Customer Quality Engineer for additional guidance in setting up a BFI program in your factory.
When the ILM is attached to the board, the boundary conditions change and the BFI strain limits are not applicable. The ILM, by design, increases stiffness in and around the socket and places the solder joints in compression. Intel does not support strain metrology with the ILM assembled.
Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families Thermal Mechanical Specification and Design Guide October 2015 22 Order No.: 330786-003
Independent Loading Mechanism (ILM) Specifications—Intel 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families
Xeon® Processor E5-1600 /

3.0 Independent Loading Mechanism (ILM) Specifications

The Independent Loading Mechanism (ILM) provides the force needed to seat the land LGA package onto the socket contacts. See image below for total processor stack consisting of all relevant mechanical components.
Figure 11. Processor Stack
The ILM is physically separate from the socket body. The assembly of the ILM is expected to occur after attaching the socket to the board. The exact assembly location is dependent on manufacturing preference and test flow.
The mechanical design of the ILM is a key contributor to the overall functionality of the socket. Intel performs detailed studies on integration of processor package, socket and ILM as a system. These studies directly impact the design of the ILM. The Intel reference ILM will be "built to print" from Intel controlled drawings. Intel recommends using the Intel Reference ILM. Custom non-Intel ILM designs do not benefit from Intel's detailed studies and may not incorporate critical design parameters.
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Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families—Independent Loading
Mechanism (ILM) Specifications
The ILM has two critical functions: evenly deliver and distribute the force to seat the processor onto the socket contacts and ultimately through the socket solder joints. Another purpose of ILM is to ensure electrical integrity/performance of the socket and package.
Socket LGA2011-3 has two POR (Plan of Record) ILMs:
1. Square ILM - This ILM has 80x80mm heatsink mounting hole pattern.
2. Narrow ILM - This ILM has 56x94mm heatsink mounting hole pattern.

ILM Load Specifications

The Independent Loading Mechanism (ILM) provides the force needed to seat the package onto the socket contacts.
Maximum Allowable Loads
The table below provides load specifications for the processor package. These maximum limits should not be exceeded during heatsink assembly, shipping conditions, or standard use condition. Exceeding these limits during test may result in component failure or other damage to the system. The processor substrate should not be used as a mechanical reference or load bearing surface for thermal solutions.
Table 5. LGA 2011-3 Maximum Allowable Loads
Item Maximum
Static Pre-Load Compressive (ILM load) 712N (160 lbf)
Static Pre-Load Compressive (HS load) 400N (90 lbf)
Total Socket Static Compressive (ILM+HS=Socket) 1068N (240 lbf)
Minimum Allowable Loads
The ILM is designed to achieve the minimum Socket Static Pre-Load Compressive load specification. The thermal solution (heatsink) should apply additional load. The combination of an ILM and HS will be used to achieve the load targets shown in the table below.
Table 6. LGA 2011-3 Minimum Allowable Loads
Item Minimum
Static Pre-Load Compressive (ILM load) 445N (100 lbf)
Static Pre-Load Compressive (HS load) 222N (50 lbf)
Total Socket Static Compressive (ILM+HS=Socket) 667N (150 lbf)
End of Life Load Targets
The ILM is designed to achieve the minimum end of life loads for the socket. The thermal solution (heatsink) should apply a portion of the end of life load. The combination of an ILM and HS will be used to achieve the load targets shown in the table below.
Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families Thermal Mechanical Specification and Design Guide October 2015 24 Order No.: 330786-003
Independent Loading Mechanism (ILM) Specifications—Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families
Table 7. LGA 2011-3 Minimum End of Life Loads
Item End of Life Minimum
Static Pre-Load Compressive (ILM load) 311N (70 lbf)
Static Pre-Load Compressive (HS load) 178N (40 lbf)
Total Socket Static Compressive (ILM+HS=Socket) 490N (110 lbf)

ILM Keepout Zones (KOZ)

The table below lists envelope dimensions for ILM KOZ , both topside and backplate. For detailed views, refer to dimensioned drawings in Mechanical Drawings on page
Table 8. LGA 2011-3 ILM General Keepout Dimensions
Keepout Type Square ILM Narrow ILM
Topside envelope 93x93 mm (3.6x3.7in) 80x107.5 mm (3.15x4.2in)
ILM Hole Location 46x69.2 mm (1.8x2.7 in)
Backplate Envelope 78x84 mm (3.1x3.3 in)

Independent Loading Mechanism (ILM)

The Independent Loading Mechanism (ILM) provides the force needed to seat the package onto the socket contacts. The ILM is a mechanical assembly that is physically separate from the socket body. The assembly of the ILM to the motherboard is expected to occur after attaching the socket to the board. The exact assembly location is dependent on manufacturing preference and test flow.
The mechanical design of the ILM is a key contributor to the overall functionality of the socket. Intel performs detailed studies on integration of processor package, socket and ILM as a system. These studies directly impact the design of the ILM. The Intel reference ILM will be "built to print" from Intel controlled drawings. Intel recommends using the Intel Reference ILM. Custom non-Intel ILM designs do not benefit from Intel's detailed studies and may not incorporate critical design parameters.
The ILM has two critical functions: deliver the force to seat the processor onto the socket contacts resulting in even load transfer through the socket solder joints. Another purpose of ILM is to ensure electrical integrity/performance of the socket and package.

ILM Mechanical Design Considerations and Recommendations

An retention/loading mechanism must be designed to support the processor heatsink and to ensure processor interface with the socket contact is maintained since there are no features on the socket for direct attachment of the heatsink or retaining the processor. In addition to supporting the processor heatsink over the processor, this mechanism plays a significant role in the robustness of the system in which it is implemented, in particular:
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Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families
Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families—Independent Loading
Mechanism (ILM) Specifications
Ensuring that thermal performance of the TIM applied between the IHS and the heatsink is achievable. TIMs, especially those based on phase change materials, are very sensitive to applied pressure: the higher the pressure, the better the initial performance. TIMs such as thermal greases are not as sensitive to applied pressure. Designs should consider the impact of shock and vibration events on TIM performance as well as possible decrease in applied pressure over time due to potential structural relaxation in enabled components.
Ensuring that system electrical, thermal, and structural integrity is maintained under shock and vibration events. The mechanical requirements of the attach mechanism depend on the weight of the heatsink, as well as the level of shock and vibration that the system must support. The overall structural design of the baseboard and system must be considered when designing the heatsink and ILM attach mechanism. Their design should provide a means for protecting the socket solder joints as well as preventing package pullout from the socket.
The load applied by the attachment mechanism and the heatsink must comply with the package specifications, along with the dynamic load added by the mechanical shock and vibration requirements of the package and socket.
Load induced onto the package and socket by the ILM may be influenced with heatsink installed. Determining the performance for any thermal/mechanical solution is the responsibility of the customer.
A potential mechanical solution for heavy heatsink is the use of a supporting mechanism such as a backer plate or the utilization of a direct attachment of the heatsink to the chassis pan. In these cases, the strength of the supporting component can be utilized rather than solely relying on the baseboard strength. In addition to the general guidelines given above, contact with the baseboard surfaces should be minimized during installation in order to avoid any damage to the baseboard.
Placement of board-to-chassis mounting holes also impacts board deflection and resultant socket solder ball stress. Customers need to assess the shock for their designs as heatsink retention (back plate), heatsink mass and chassis mounting holes may vary.

ILM Features

The ILM is defined by four basic features
1. ILM Loadplate: Formed sheet metal that when closed applies four point loads onto the IHS seating the processor into the socket
2. ILM Frame: Single piece or assembly that mounts to PCB board and provides the hinge locations for the levers the ILM frame also contains captive mounts for heatsink attach. An insulator is pre applied by the vendor to the bottom side of the ILM frame.
3. ILM Actuation levers: Formed loading levers designed to place equal force on both ends of the ILM load plate. Some of the load is passed through the socket body to the board inducing a slight compression on the solder joints
4. ILM Backplate: A flat steel back plate with threaded studs to attach to the ILM frame. A clearance hole is located at the center of the plate to allow access to test points and backside capacitors. Two additional cut-outs on the backplate provide clearance for backside voltage regulator components. An insulator is pre applied by the vendor to the side with the threaded studs.
Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families Thermal Mechanical Specification and Design Guide October 2015 26 Order No.: 330786-003
Independent Loading Mechanism (ILM) Specifications—Intel 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families
Heatsink mounting studs on ILM frame allow for topside thermal solution attach to a rigid structure. This eliminates the motherboard thickness dependency from the heatsink mechanical stackup. ILM assembly provides a clamping force between the ILM frame, backplate and board, resulting in reduced board bending leading to higher solder joint reliability. ILM lever design provides an interlocking mechanism to ensure proper opening or closing sequence for the operator. This has been implemented in both square and narrow ILM.
ILM Load Plate Design
Four point loading contributes to minimizing package and socket warpage under non uniformly distributed load. The reaction force from closing the load plate is transmitted to the frame and through the captive fasteners to the back plate. Some of the load is passed through the socket body to the board inducing a slight compression on the solder joints. The load plate design is common between the two POR ILMS and is shown in the figure below.
Figure 12. ILM Load Plate
Xeon® Processor E5-1600 /
Lever Actuation/Release Forces
Maximum allowable force to actuate the levers not to exceed 4.7 lbf (21 N) at the point of typical finger placement.
ILM Back Plate Design
The backplate assembly consists of a supporting plate and captive standoffs. It provides rigidity to the system to ensure minimal board and socket deflection. Four externally threaded (male) inserts which are press fit into the back plate are for ILM attachment. Three cavities are located at the center of the plate to allow access to the baseboard test points and backside capacitors. An insulator is pre-applied to prevent shorting the board.
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Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families
Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families—Independent Loading
Figure 13. ILM Backplate
Mechanism (ILM) Specifications

Intel® ILM Reference Designs

Intel has designed and validated two ILMs compatible with Socket LGA2011-3 :
1. Square ILM - 80x80 mm heat sink mounting hole pattern.
2. Narrow ILM - 56x94 mm heat sink mounting hole pattern.
The two POR ILMs share most components, only the top plate and active lever differ between the two assemblies.

Square ILM

The square ILM consists of two sub assemblies that will be procured as a set from the enabled vendors. These two components are the ILM assembly and back plate. The square ILM assembly consists of several pieces as shown and labeled in the following diagram. The hinge lever, active lever, load plate, top plate,clevises, and the captive fasteners. For clarity the ILM cover is not shown in this view.
Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families Thermal Mechanical Specification and Design Guide October 2015 28 Order No.: 330786-003
Independent Loading Mechanism (ILM) Specifications—Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families
Figure 14. Exploded Square ILM
An assembled view is shown in the following figure.
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Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families
Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 / 2600 / 4600 v3 Product Families—Independent Loading
Figure 15. Assembled Square ILM
Mechanism (ILM) Specifications
Table 9. Square ILM Component Thickness and materials
Component Thickness Material
ILM Frame 1.20 mm 310 Stainless Steel
ILM Load Plate 1.50 mm 310 Stainless Steel
ILM Back Plate 2.20 mm S50C low Carbon Steel
The square ILM supports the legacy 80x80 mm heat sink mounting patterns used in some form factors.

Narrow ILM

The narrow ILM consists of two sub assemblies that will be procured as a set from the enabled vendors. These two components are the ILM assembly and back plate. The ILM assembly is shown in the following figure.
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