Intel BXSTS100P User Manual

Intel® Xeon® Processor 5600 Series
Datasheet, Volume 1
June 2011
Reference Number: 323369-002
Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice. Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any features or instructions marked “reserved” or “undefined.” Intel
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The Intel deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request.
Intel processor numbers are not a measure of performance. Processor numb ers differentia te features withi n each processo r family, not across different processor families. See for details. Over time processor numbers will increment based on changes in clock, speed, cache, FSB, or other features, and increments are not intended to represent proportional or quantitative increases in any particular feature. Current roadmap processor number progression is not necessarily representative of future roadmaps. See for details.
Xeon® Processor 5600 Series may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to
Hyper-Threading Technology requires a computer system with a processor supporting HT Technology and an HT Technology­enabled chipset, BIOS and operating system. Performance will va ry de pe ndi ng on the specific hardware and software y ou use. For more information including details on which processors support HT Technology, see
Enabling Execute Disable Bit functionality requires a PC with a processor with Execute Disable Bit capability and a supporting operating system. Check with your PC manufacturer on whether your system delivers Execute Disable Bit functionality.
64-bit computing on Intel architecture requires a computer system with a processor, chipset, BIOS, operating system, device drivers and applications enabled for Intel® 64 architecture. Performance will vary depending on your hardware and software configurations. Consult with your system vendor for more information.
Intel® AES-NI requires a computer system with an AES-NI enabled processor, as well as non-Intel software to execute the instructions in the correct sequence. AES-NI is available on select Intel® processors. For availability, consult your reseller or system manufacturer. For more information, see­instructions-aes-ni/
Intel® Virtualization Technology requires a computer system with an enabled Intel® processor, BIOS, virtual machine monitor (VMM) and, for some uses, certain computer system software enabled for it. Functionality, performance or other benefits will vary depending on hardware and software configur ations and may re quire a BIOS update. S oftware applicatio ns may not be compatible with all operating systems. Please check with your application vendor.
Intel® Turbo Boost Technology requires a PC with a processor with Intel Turbo Boost Technology capability. Intel Turbo Boost Technology performance varies depending on hardware, software and overall system configuration. Check with your PC manufacturer on whether your system delivers Intel Turbo Boost Technology. For more information, see
Enhanced Intel SpeedStep® Technology. See the or contact your Intel representative for more information.
Intel, Xeon, Intel 64, Enhanced Intel SpeedStep Technology, and the Intel logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U .S. and other countries.
*Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners. Copyright © 2008-2011, Intel Corporation.
2 Intel® Xeon® Processor 5600 Series Datasheet Volume 1
1.1 Processor Features............................................................................................12
1.2 Platform Features............................... .. .............................................................12
1.3 Terminology .....................................................................................................13
1.4 References.......................................................................................................15
1.5 Statement of Volatility .......................................................................................15
2 Electrical Specifications...........................................................................................17
2.1 Processor Signaling ...........................................................................................17
2.1.1 Intel® QuickPath Interconnect ...............................................................17
2.1.2 DDR3 Signal Groups..............................................................................17
2.1.3 Platform Environmental Control Interface (PECI).......................................17
2.1.4 Processor Sideband Signals....................................................................18
2.1.5 System Reference Clock ........................................................................18
2.1.6 Test Access Port (TAP) Signals................................................................19
2.1.7 Power / Other Signals............................................................................19
2.1.8 Reserved or Unused Signals...................................................................27
2.2 Signal Group Summary............................. ............................ .............................27
2.3 Mixing Processors..............................................................................................29
2.4 Flexible Motherboard Guidelines (FMB)............................. ... .. ........................... .. ..30
2.5 Absolute Maximum and Minimum Ratings .............................................................30
2.6 Processor DC Specifications ................................................................................31
2.6.1 VCC Overshoot Specifications.................................................................35
2.6.2 Die Voltage Validation ...........................................................................36
2.7 Intel QuickPath Interconnect Specifications...........................................................44
2.8 AC Specifications...............................................................................................47
2.9 Processor AC Timing Waveforms .........................................................................54
3 Signal Quality Specifications....................................................................................65
3.1 Overshoot/Undershoot Tolerance.........................................................................65
4 Package Mechanical Specifications ..........................................................................67
4.1 Package Mechanical Specifications.......................................................................67
4.1.1 Package Mechanical Drawing..................................................................67
4.1.2 Processor Component Keep-Out Zones ....................................................70
4.1.3 Package Loading Specifications...............................................................70
4.1.4 Package Handling Guidelines..................................................................70
4.1.5 Package Insertion Specifications.............................................................70
4.1.6 Processor Mass Specification ......... .. ............................ .. .. .. .....................71
4.1.7 Processor Materials................................... .. .. ............................ ............71
4.1.8 Processor Markings...............................................................................71
5Land Listing.............................................................................................................73
5.1 Listing by Land Name ........................... .. .. .......................... .. .. ...........................73
5.2 Listing by Land Number ............................ .........................................................90
6 Signal Definitions .................................................................................................. 109
6.1 Signal Definitions .................................................. .. ........................................ 109
7 Thermal Specifications .......................................................................................... 113
7.1 Package Thermal Specifications......................... .. .. ........................... ................. 113
7.1.1 Thermal Specifications......................................................................... 113
7.1.2 Thermal Metrology.............................................................................. 128
7.2 Processor Thermal Features.............................................................................. 128
7.2.1 Processor Temperature........................................... .. .. .. ....................... 128
Intel® Xeon® Processor 5600 Series Datasheet Volume 1 3
7.2.2 Adaptive Thermal Monitor.....................................................................129
7.2.3 On-Demand Mode ...............................................................................131
7.2.4 PROCHOT# Signal...............................................................................131
7.2.5 THERMTRIP# Signal ............................................................................132
7.3 Platform Environment Control Interface (PECI)....................................................132
7.3.1 PECI Client Capabilities ........................................................................133
7.3.2 Client Command Suite ...... .. .. .................................................. ... .. ........134
7.3.3 Multi-Domain Commands .....................................................................153
7.3.4 Client Responses.................................................................................153
7.3.5 Originator Responses...........................................................................155
7.3.6 Temperature Data...............................................................................155
7.3.7 Client Management............... .. ......................... .. .. .......................... .. .. ..156
7.4 Storage Conditions Specifications.......................................................................158
8.1 Power-On Configuration (POC)...........................................................................161
8.2 Clock Control and Low Power States........................... .. .. ....................................162
8.2.1 Thread and Core Power State Descriptions..............................................163
8.2.2 Package Power State Descriptions .........................................................164
8.2.3 Intel Xeon Processor 5600 Series C-State Power Specifications..................165
8.3 Sleep States ...................................................................................................165
8.4 Intel
Turbo Boost Technology............................................. .. ...........................166
8.5 Enhanced Intel SpeedStep® Technology ................... ......................... .. .. .............166
9 Boxed Processor Specifications..............................................................................167
9.1 Introduction....................................................................................................167
9.1.1 Available Boxed Thermal Solution Configurations.....................................167
9.1.2 Intel® Thermal Solution STS100C
(Passive/Active Combination Heat Sink Solution).....................................167
9.1.3 Intel Thermal Solution STS100A (Active Heat Sink Solution) .....................168
9.1.4 Intel Thermal Solution STS100P
(Boxed 25.5 mm Tall Passive Heat Sink Solution)....................................169
9.2 Mechanical Specifications..................................................................................169
9.2.1 Boxed Processor Heat Sink Dimensions and Baseboard Keepout Zones.......170
9.2.2 Boxed Processor Retention Mechanism and Heat Sink
Support (URS)....................... .. .. ................................................... .. .. ..179
9.3 Fan Power Supply [STS100C (Combo) and STS100A (Active) Solutions]....... ...........180
9.3.1 Boxed Processor Cooling Requirements..................................................181
9.4 Boxed Processor Contents.................................................................................183
4 Intel® Xeon® Processor 5600 Series Datasheet Volume 1
2-1 Active ODT for a Differential Link Example............................................................17
2-2 Input Device Hysteresis .....................................................................................18
2-3 VCC Static and Transient Tolerance Loadlines1,2,3,4..............................................35
2-4 VCC Overshoot Example Waveform......................................................................36
2-5 Load Current Versus Time (Frequency Optimized Server/Workstation),2................... 37
2-6 Load Current Versus Time (Advanced Server/Workstation),2................................... 37
2-7 Load Current Versus Time (Standard Server/Workstation),2....................................38
2-8 Load Current Versus Time (Low Power & LV-60W),2...................... .........................38
2-9 Load Current Versus Time (Low Power & LV-40W),2...................... .........................39
2-10 VTT Static and Transient Tolerance Loadlines........................................................40
2-11 Intel QuickPath Interconnect Electrical Test Setup for Validating
Standalone TX Voltage and Timing Parameters......................................................54
2-12 Intel QuickPath Interconnect Electrical Test Setup for Validating
TX + Worst-Case Interconnect Specifications ........................................................55
2-13 Distribution Profile of Common Mode Noise for Either Tx or Rx.................................55
2-14 Distribution Profile of UI-UI Jitter and Accumulated Jitter........................................56
2-15 Eye Mask at the End of Tx + Channel...................................................................56
2-16 Differential Clock Crosspoint Specification.............................................................57
2-17 Differential Clock Measurement Points for Duty Cycle and Period .............................57
2-18 Differential Clock Measurement Points for Rise and Fall time ...................................57
2-19 Single-Ended Clock Measurement Points for Absolute Cross Point and Swing .............58
2-20 Single-Ended Clock Measurement Points for Delta Cross Point ......... ........................ 58
2-21 Differential Clock Measurement Point for Ringback.................................................58
2-22 DDR3 Command / Control and Clock Timing Waveform ..........................................59
2-23 DDR3 Clock to Output Timing Waveform ..............................................................59
2-24 DDR3 Clock to DQS Skew Timing Waveform .........................................................60
2-25 TAP Valid Delay Timing Waveform .......................................................................60
2-26 Test Reset (TRST#), Asynch GTL Input, and PROCHOT# Timing Waveform ............... 61
2-27 THERMTRIP# Power Down Sequence ...................................................................61
2-28 Voltage Sequence Timing Requirements ...............................................................62
2-29 VID Step Times and Vcc Waveforms ....................................................................63
3-1 Maximum Acceptable Overshoot/Undershoot Waveform..........................................66
4-1 Processor Package Assembly Sketch ....................................................................67
4-2 Processor Package Drawing (Sheet 1 of 2)............................................................68
4-3 Processor Package Drawing (Sheet 2 of 2)............................................................69
4-4 Processor Top-Side Markings ..............................................................................71
7-1 Frequency Optimized Server/Workstation Platform Thermal Profile (6 Core) ............ 115
7-2 Frequency Optimized Server/Workstation Platform Thermal Profile (4 Core) ............ 116
7-3 Advanced Server/Workstation Platform Thermal Profile A and B (6 Core) ................ 117
7-4 Advanced Server/Workstation Platform Thermal Profile A and B (4 Core) ................ 119
7-5 Standard Server/Workstation Platform Thermal Profile (6 Core)............................. 121
7-6 Standard Server/Workstation Platform Thermal Profile (4 Core)............................. 122
7-7 Low Power Platform 60W Thermal Profile (6 Core) ............................................... 123
7-8 Low Power Platform 40W Thermal Profile (4 Core) ............................................... 124
7-9 LV-60W Processor Dual Thermal Profile.............................................................. 125
7-10 LV-40W Processor Dual Thermal Profile.............................................................. 127
7-11 Case Temperature (TCASE) Measurement Location............................. .. ............... 128
7-12 Frequency and Voltage Ordering........................................................................ 130
7-13 Ping()............................................................................................................ 134
7-14 Ping() Example............................................................................................... 134
Intel® Xeon® Processor 5600 Series Datasheet Volume 1 5
7-15 GetDIB() ........................................................................................................135
7-16 Device Info Field Definition ...............................................................................135
7-17 Revision Number Definition...............................................................................135
7-18 GetTemp()......................................................................................................136
7-19 GetTemp() Example.........................................................................................136
7-20 PCI Configuration Address.................................................................................137
7-21 PCIConfigRd().................................................................................................138
7-22 PCIConfigWr().................................................................................................140
7-23 Thermal Status Word .................... .. ........................... .. ............................ ........142
7-24 Thermal Data Configuration Register ..................................................................143
7-25 Machine Check Read MbxSend() Data Format......................................................143
7-26 ACPI T-State Throttling Control Read / Write Definition.........................................147
7-27 Energy Accumulator Register Definition ..............................................................148
7-28 MbxSend() Command Data Format ............... .. ............................ .. .. .. .................149
7-29 MbxSend()......................................................................................................150
7-30 MbxGet()........................................................................................................151
7-31 Temperature Sensor Data Format ......................................................................155
7-32 PECI Power-Up Timeline ...................................................................................157
8-1 PROCHOT# POC Timing Requirements................................................................161
8-2 Power States........................................................... .. .. .......................... .. .. ......163
9-1 STS100C Passive / Active Combination Heat Sink (with Removable Fan) .................168
9-2 STS100C Passive / Active Combination Heat Sink (with Fan Removed)....................168
9-3 STS100A Active Heat Sink ................................................................................169
9-4 STS100P 25.5 mm Tall Passive Heat Sink............................................................169
9-5 Top Side Baseboard Keep-Out Zones..................................................................171
9-6 Top Side Baseboard Mounting-Hole Keep-Out Zones.............................................172
9-7 Bottom Side Baseboard Keep-Out Zones.............................................................173
9-8 Primary and Secondary Side 3D Height Restriction Zones......................................174
9-9 Volumetric Height Keep-Ins...............................................................................175
9-10 Volumetric Height Keep-Ins...............................................................................176
9-11 4-Pin Fan Cable Connector (For Active Heat Sink) ................................................177
9-12 4-Pin Base Baseboard Fan Header (For Active Heat Sink) ......................................178
9-13 Thermal Solution Installation.............................................................................180
9-14 Fan Cable Connector Pin Out For 4-Pin Ac tive Thermal Solution..............................181
6 Intel® Xeon® Processor 5600 Series Datasheet Volume 1
1-1 Intel® Xeon® Processor 5600 Series Feature Set Overview....................................12
1-2 References.......................................................................................................15
2-1 Processor Power Supply Voltages1.......................................................................19
2-2 Voltage Identification Definition...........................................................................21
2-3 Power-On Configuration (POC[7:0]) Decode..........................................................25
2-4 VTT Voltage Identification Definition ....................................................................26
2-5 Signal Groups....................... .......................... .. .. ......................... .. .. .................27
2-6 Signals With On-Die Termination (ODT).................. .. .. .. .. ............................ .. .. .. ....29
2-7 Processor Absolute Minimum and Maximum Ratings...............................................31
2-8 Voltage and Current Specifications.......................................................................31
2-9 VCC Static and Transient Tolerance.....................................................................34
2-10 VCC Overshoot Specifications..............................................................................35
2-11 VTT Static and Transient Tolerance.....................................................................39
2-12 DDR3 and DDR3L Signal Group DC Specifications ..................................................41
2-13 PECI Signal DC Electrical Limits...........................................................................41
2-14 System Reference Clock DC Specifications............................................................42
2-15 RESET# Signal DC Specifications.........................................................................42
2-16 TAP Signal Group DC Specifications .....................................................................43
2-17 xxxPWRGOOD Signal Group DC Specifications.......................................................43
2-18 Processor Sideband Signal Group DC Specifications................................................43
2-19 Common Intel QuickPath Interconnect Specifications .............................................44
2-20 Parameter Values for Intel QuickPath Interconnect Channels at 4.8 GT/s ..................45
2-21 Parameter Values for Intel QuickPath Interconnect Channel at 5.86 or
6.4 GT/s ..........................................................................................................47
2-22 System Reference Clock AC Specifications .................................................. .. .. .. ....48
2-23 DDR3/DDR3L Electrical Characteristics and AC Specifications at 800 MT/s.................48
2-24 DDR3 Electrical Characteristics and AC Specifications at 1066 MT/s.......................... 49
2-25 DDR3/DDR3L Electrical Characteristics and AC Specifications at 1333 MT/s ............... 51
2-26 Processor Sideband Signal Group AC Specifications................................................52
2-27 TAP Signal Group AC Specifications......................................................................53
2-28 VID Signal Group AC Specifications......................................................................53
3-1 Overshoot/Undershoot Tolerance.........................................................................65
4-1 Processor Loading Specifications .........................................................................70
4-2 Package Handling Guidelines............................. .. ........................... .. .. .................70
4-3 Processor Materials............................................................................................71
5-1 Land Name.......................................................................................................73
5-2 Land Number....................................................................................................90
6-1 Signal Definitions .................................................. .......................................... 109
7-1 Frequency Optimized Server/Workstation Platform Thermal Specifications .............. 114
7-2 Frequency Optimized Server/Workstation Platform Thermal Profile (6 Core) ............ 115
7-3 Frequency Optimized Server/Workstation Platform Thermal Profile (4 Core) ............ 116
7-4 Advanced Server/Workstation Platform Thermal Specifications .............................. 117
7-5 Advanced Server/Workstation Thermal Profile A (6 Core)...................................... 118
7-6 Advanced Server/Workstation Thermal Profile B (6 Core)..................................... 118
7-7 Advanced Server/Workstation Thermal Profile A (4 Core)...................................... 119
7-8 Advanced Server/Workstation Thermal Profile B (4 Core)..................................... 120
7-9 Standard Server/Workstation Platform Thermal Specifications............................... 120
7-10 Standard Server/Workstation Platform Thermal Profile (6 Core)............................. 121
7-11 Standard Server/Workstation Platform Thermal Profile (4 Core)............................. 122
Intel® Xeon® Processor 5600 Series Datasheet Volume 1 7
7-12 Low Power Platform 60W Thermal Specifications..................................................123
7-13 Low Power Platform 60W Thermal Profile (6 Core)................................................123
7-14 Low Power Platform 40W Thermal Specifications..................................................124
7-15 Low Power Platform 40W Thermal Profile (4 Core)................................................125
7-16 LV-60W Processor Thermal Specifications............................................................125
7-17 LV-60W Processor Dual Thermal Profile...............................................................126
7-18 LV-40W Processor Thermal Specifications............................................................126
7-19 LV-40W Processor Dual Thermal Profile...............................................................127
7-20 Summary of Processor-Specific PECI Commands..................................................133
7-21 GetTemp() Response Definition ................ ............................ .. .. .. .. .....................137
7-22 PCIConfigRd() Response Definition.....................................................................138
7-23 PCIConfigWr() Device/Function Support..............................................................138
7-24 PCIConfigWr() Response Definition.....................................................................140
7-25 Mailbox Command Summary.............................................................................141
7-26 Counter Definition............................................................................................142
7-27 Machine Check Bank Definitions.........................................................................143
7-28 ACPI T-state Duty Cycle Definition .....................................................................146
7-29 MbxSend() Response Definition ................................................ .. .. .....................150
7-30 MbxGet() Response Definition ...........................................................................151
7-31 Domain ID Definition............................................ .. .. ........................................153
7-32 Multi-Domain Command Code Reference.............................................................153
7-33 Completion Code Pass/Fail Mask........................................................................154
7-34 Device Specific Completion Code (CC) Definition..................................................154
7-35 Originator Response Guidelines.................................................................... .. .. ..155
7-36 Error Codes and Descriptions.............................................................................156
7-37 PECI Client Response During Power-Up (During ‘Data Not Ready’)..........................156
7-38 Storage Condition Ratings.................................................................................158
8-1 Power-On Configuration Signal Options...............................................................161
8-2 Coordination of Thread Power States at the Core Level .........................................163
8-3 Processor C-State Power Specifications...............................................................165
8-4 Processor S-States...........................................................................................166
9-1 PWM Fan Frequency Specifications For 4-Pin Active Thermal Solution......................181
9-2 Fan Specifications For 4-Pin Active Thermal Solution.............................................181
9-3 Fan Cable Connector P in Out for 4-Pin Active Thermal Solution ..............................181
8 Intel® Xeon® Processor 5600 Series Datasheet Volume 1
Revision History
-001 • Initial Release March 2010
-002 • Added Section 1.5: Statement of Volatility June 2011
Description Date
Intel® Xeon® Processor 5600 Series Datasheet Volume 1 9
10 Intel® Xeon® Processor 5600 Series Datasheet Volume 1

1 Introduction

The Intel® Xeon® processor 5600 series is a server/workstation multi-core processor based on 32 nm process technology. The processors feature two Intel® QuickPath Interconnect point-to-point links capable of up to 6.4 GT/s, up to 12 MB of shared cache, and an Integrated Memory Controller. The processors are optimized for performance with the power efficiencies of a low-power microarchitecture to enable smaller, quieter systems.
This datasheet provides DC and AC electrical specifications, signal integrity, differential signaling specifications, pinout and signal definitions, package mechanical specifications and thermal requirements, and additional features pertinent to implementation and operation of the processor.
The Intel Xeon processor 5600 series features a range of Thermal Design Power (TDP) envelopes from 40W TDP up to 130W TDP, and is segmented into multiple platforms:
• 2-Socket Frequency Optimized Server/Workstation Platforms support a 130 W Thermal Design Power (TDP) SKU and up to 6 core support. These platforms provide optimal overall performance and reliability, in addition to high-end graphics support.
• 2-Socket Advanced Server/Workstation Platforms support a 95 W Thermal Design Power (TDP) SKU. These platforms provide optimal overall performance featuring up to 6 core support.
• 2-Socket Standard Server/Workstation Platforms support 80 W TDP processor SKUs supporting up to 6 cores. These platforms provide optimal performance per watt for rack-optimized platforms.
• Low Power Platforms implement 60 W TDP (up to 6 cores) and 40 W TDP (up to 4 cores) processor SKU’s. These processors are intended for dual-processor server blades and embedded servers.
• 1-Socket Workstation Platforms support Intel® Xeon® Processor W3680. These platforms enable a wide range of options for either the performance, power, or cost sensitive customer.
• Platforms supporting Higher Case Temperature Low-Voltage Processors with 60 W TDP (up to 6 cores) and 40 W TDP (up to 4 cores). The higher case temperatures are intended to meet the short-term thermal profile requirements of NEBS Level 3. These 2-socket processors are ideal for thermally-constrained form factors in embedded servers, communications and storage markets. Specifications denoted as LV-60W apply to the Intel® Xeon® Processor L5638. Specifications denoted as LV-40W apply to the Intel® Xeon® Processor L5618.
Note: All references to “chipset” in this document pertain to the Intel
Intel® Xeon® Processor 5600 Series Datasheet Volume 1 11
5500 chipset.
Intel Intel is committed to delivering processors for both server and workstation platforms
that maximize performance while meeting all Intel Quality and Reliability goals. The product’s reliability assessment is based on a datasheet compliant system and reference use condition. Intel utilizes a broad set of use condition assumptions (that is, percentage of time in active vs. inactive operation, non-operating conditions, and the number of power cycles per year) to ensure proper operation over the life of the
5520 chipset and the
product. The reference use condition differs between workstation and server processor SKU’s. Implementing processors outside of reference use conditions may affect reliability performance.

1.1 Processor Features

Table 1-1 provides an overview the Intel Xeon processor 5600 series feature set.
Table 1-1. Intel® Xeon® Processor 5600 Series Feature Set Overview
Feature Intel® Xeon® Processor 5600 Series
Cache Sizes Instruction Cache: 32 kB
12 MB Last-Level Cache shared among all cores
Data Transfer Rate (GT/s) Two full-width Intel® QuickPath Interconnect links;
Memory Support Integrated Memory Controller supports up to 3 channels of
DDR3 Memory Speed (MHz) 800, 1066, 1333 Multi-Core Support Up to 6 cores per processor (package)
Hyper-Threading Technology 2 threads per core
Dual Processor Support Up to 2 processor sockets per platform Package 1366-land FC-LGA
DDR3 or DDR3L memory, with up to 3 DIMMs per channel
Data Cache: 32 kB
256 kB Mid-Level Cache per core
Up to 6.40 GT/s in each direction
The Intel Xeon processor 5600 series support all the existing Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (SSE2), Streaming SIMD Extensions 3 (SSE3) and Streaming SIMD Extensions 4 (SSE4) instructions. Additionally, Intel Xeon processor 5600 series support Intel® AES New Instructions (Intel® AES-NI).
The Intel Xeon processor 5600 series support Direct Cache Access (DCA). DCA enables supported I/O adapter to pre-fetch data from memory to the processor cache, thereby avoiding cache misses and improving application response times.
These processors support a maximum physical address size of 40 bits. Also supported is IA-32e paging which adds support for 1 GB (2 4 kB page size support for linear to physical address translation.
Finally, these processors support several advanced technologies including Execute Disable Bit, Intel
64 Technology, Enhanced Intel SpeedStep® Technology, Intel® Virtualization Technology (Intel® VT), Intel® Hyper-Threading Technology, and Intel® Turbo Boost Technology.

1.2 Platform Features

Various new component and platform capabilities are available with the implementation of Intel Xeon processor 5600 series.
New memory subsystem capabilities include Low Voltage DDR3 (DDR3L) DIMM support for power optimization. The Intel Xeon processor 5600 series also add features to provide improved manageability of memory channels. The DDR_THERM2# signal has been added to support high-temperature DIMMs and their 2X refresh requirements.
12 Intel
) page size in addition to 2 MB and
Xeon® Processor 5600 Series Datasheet Volume 1
Intel Xeon processor 5600 series are based on a low-power microarchitecture that supports operation within various C-states. Additionally, six execution cores and power management coordination logic are optimized to manage C-state support at both the execution core and package levels. An Intel Turbo Boost Technology optimization feature is supported on these processors for improved energy efficiency.
Trusted Execution Technology (Intel® TXT) is also supported and represents a
Intel set of enhanced hardware components designed to help protect sensitive information from software-based attacks. Features include capabilities in the microprocessor, chipset, I/O subsystems, and other platform components. When coupled with suitably enabled operating systems and applications, Intel TXT helps protect the confidentiality and integrity of data in the face of increasingly hostile security environment.

1.3 Terminology

A ‘#’ symbol after a signal name refers to an active low signal, indicating a signal is in the active state when driven to a low voltage level. For example, when RESET# is low, a reset has been requested.
A ‘_N’ and ‘_P’ after a signal name refers to a differential pair. Commonly used terms are explained here for clarification:
1366-land FC-LGA package — The Intel Xeon processor 5600 series is available in a Flip-Chip Land Grid Array (FC-LGA) package, consisting of processor mounted on a land grid array substrate with an integrated heat spreader (IHS).
DDR3 — Double Data Rate 3 synchronous dynamic random access memory (SDRAM) is the DDR memory standard, developed as the successor to DDR2 SDRAM.
Enhanced Intel SpeedStep Technology allows the operating system to reduce power consumption when performance is not needed.
Execute Disable Bit — Execute Disable allows memory to be marked as executable or non-executable, when combined with a supporting operating system. If code attempts to run in non-executable memory the processor raises an error to the operating system. This feature can prevent some classes of viruses or worms that exploit buffer over run vulnerabilities and can thus help improve the overall security of the system. See the Intel Developer's Manuals for more detailed information.
Functional Operation — Refers to the normal operating conditions in which all processor specifications, including DC, AC, signal quality , m echanical, and thermal, are satisfied.
Integrated Memory Controller (IMC) — This is a memory controller that is integrated in the processor die. Intel Xeon processor 5600 series can support up to 3 channels of DDR3, DDR3L memory , with up to 3 DIMMs per channel. Please refer to Intel Plan of Record for supported DIMM types, densities and configurations.
Intel faster than the marked frequency if the part is operating under power, temperature, and current specification limits of the Thermal Design Power (TDP). This results in increased performance of both single and multi-threaded applications.
Intel extensions to Intel processors and chipsets that, with appropriate software, enhance the platform security capabilities.
Turbo Boost Technology - A way to automatically run the processor core
Trusted Execution Technology - A highly versatile set of hardware
Technology — Enhanced Intel SpeedStep®
64 and IA-32 Architecture Software
Intel® Xeon® Processor 5600 Series Datasheet Volume 1 13
Intel® QuickPath Interconnect (Intel® QPI) — A cache-coherent, links-based interconnect specification for Intel processors, chipsets, and I/O bridge components.
Intel® 64 Architecture — An enhancement to Intel's IA-32 architec ture, allowing the processor to execute operating systems and applications written to take advantage of Intel
Intel® Virtualization Technology (Intel® VT) — A set of hardware enhancements to Intel server and client platforms that can improve virtualization solutions. VT provides a foundation for widely-deployed virtualization solutions and enables more robust hardware assisted virtualization solution.
Integrated Heat Spreader (IHS) — A component of the processor package used to enhance the thermal performance of the package. Component thermal solutions interface with the processor at the IHS surface.
Jitter — Any timing variation of a transition edge or edges from the defined Unit Interval (UI).
LGA1366 Socket — The 1366-land FC-LGA package mates with the system board through this surface mount, 1366-contact socket.
Network Equipment Building System (NEBS) — The most common set of environmental design guidelines applied to telecommunications equipment in the United States.
Serve r SKU — A processor Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) to be installed in either server or workstation platforms. Electrical, power and thermal specifications for these SKU’s are based on specific use condition assumptions. Server processors may be further categorized as Frequency Optimized, Advanced, Standard and Low Power SKUs. For further details on use condition assumptions, please refer to the latest Product Release Qualification (PRQ) Report available via your Customer Quality Engineer (CQE) contact.
Storage Conditions — Refers to a non-operational state. The processor may be installed in a platform, in a tray , or loose. Processors ma y be sealed in packaging or exposed to free air. Under these conditions, processor lands should not be connected to any supply voltages, have any I/Os biased, or receive any clocks.
Unit Interval (UI) — Signaling convention that is binary and unidirectional. In this binary signaling, one bit is sent for every edge of the forwarded clock, whether it be a rising edge or a falling edge. If a number of edges are collected at instances
, t2, tn,...., tk then the UI at instance “n” is defined as:
UI n = t n - t
Workstation SKU — A processor SKU to be installed in workstation platforms only. Electrical, power and thermal specifications for these processors have been developed based on Intel’s reliability goals at a reference use condition. In addition, the processor validation and production test conditions have been optimized based on these conditions. Operating “Workstation” processors in a server environment or other application, could impact reliability performance, which means Intel’s reliability goals may not be met. For further details on use condition assumptions or reliability performance, please refer to the latest Product Release Qualification (PRQ) Report available via your Customer Quality Engineer (CQE) contact.
14 Intel
n - 1
Xeon® Processor 5600 Series Datasheet Volume 1

1.4 References

Platform designers are strongly encouraged to maintain familiarity with the most up-to­date revisions of processor and platform collateral.
Table 1-2. References
Advanced Configuration and Power Interface Specification Compact Electronics Bay Specification: A Server System
Infrastructure (SSI) Specification for Value Servers and Workstations Electronics Bay Specification for 2008 Servers and Workstation Entry-Level Electronics-Bay Specifications: A Server System
Infrastructure (SSI) Specification for Entry Pedestal Servers and Workstations
Thin Electronics Bay Specification: A Server System Infrastructure (SSI) Specification for Rack-Optimized Servers
64 and IA-32 Architecture Software Developer's Manual
• Volume 1: Basic Architecture
• Volume 2A: Instruction Set Reference, A-M
• Volume 2B: Instruction Set Reference, N-Z
• Volume 3A: System Programming Guide, Part 1
• Volume 3B: Systems Programming Guide, Part 2
64 and IA-32 Architectures Optimization Reference Manual 248966 1
Xeon® Processor 5600 Series Datasheet, Volume 2 323370 1
Xeon® Processor 5500/5600 Series Thermal/Mechanical
Design Guide
Document Location / Document#1Notes
1 253665 253666 253667 253668 253669
321323 1
1. Document is available publicly at

1.5 Statement of Volatility

No Intel Xeon processor 5600 series product family processors retain any end user data when powered down and/or when the parts are physically removed from the socket.
Intel® Xeon® Processor 5600 Series Datasheet Volume 1 15
16 Intel
Xeon® Processor 5600 Series Datasheet Volume 1
Electrical Specifications
Signal Signal

2 Electrical Specifications

2.1 Processor Signaling

The Intel Xeon processor 5600 series include 1366 lands, which utilize various signaling technologies. Signals are grouped by electrical characteristics and buffer type into various signal groups. These include Intel QuickPath Interconnect, DDR3 (Reference Clock, Command, Control, and Data), Platform Environmental Control Interface (PECI), Processor Sideband, System Reference Clock, Test Access Port (TAP), and Power/Other signals. Refer to Table 2-5 for details.

2.1.1 Intel® QuickPath Interconnect

The Intel Xeon processor 5600 series provide two Intel QuickPath Interconnect ports for high speed serial transfer between other enabled components. Each port consists of two uni-directional links (for transmit and receive). A differential signaling scheme is utilized, which consists of opposite-polarity (D_P, D_N) signal pairs.
On-die termination (ODT) is included on the processor silicon and terminated to V Intel chipsets also provide ODT, thus eliminating the need to terminate on the system board. Figure 2-1 illustrates the active ODT.
Figure 2-1. Active ODT for a Differential Link Example

2.1.2 DDR3 Signal Groups

The memory interface utilizes DDR3 technology, which consists of numerous signal groups. These include: Reference Clocks, Command Signals, Control Signals, and Data Signals. Each group consists of numerous signals, which may utilize various signaling technologies. Please refer to Table 2-5 for further details.

2.1.3 Platform Environmental Control Interface (PECI)

PECI is an Intel proprietary interface that provides a communication channel between Intel processors and chipset components to external thermal monitoring devices. The processor contains a Digital Thermal Sensor (DTS) that reports a relative die temperature as an offset from Thermal Control Circuit (TCC) activation temperature. Temperature sensors located throughout the die are implemented as analog-to-digital converters calibrated at the factory. PECI provides an interface for external devices to read processor temperature, perform processor manageability functions, and manage processor interface tuning and diagnostics. Please refer to Section 7.3 for processor specific implementation details for PECI.
Intel® Xeon® Processor 5600 Series Datasheet Volume 1 17
Electrical Specifications
Minimum V
Maximum V
Minimum V
Maximum V
PECI High Range
PECI Low Range
Valid Input Signal Range
Minimum Hysteresis
PECI Ground
The PECI interface operates at a nominal voltage set by V specifications shown in Table 2-13 is used with devices normally operating from a V interface supply. Input Device Hysteresis
The PECI client and host input buffers must use a Schmitt-triggered input design for improved noise immunity. Pl ease refer to Figure 2-2 and Table 2-13.
Figure 2-2. Input Device Hysteresis
. The set of DC electrical

2.1.4 Processor Sideband Signals

Intel Xeon processor 5600 series include sideband signals that provide a variety of functions. Details can be found in Table 2-5.
All Asynchronous Processor Sideband signals are required to be asserted/deasserted for at least eight BCLKs in order for the processor to recognize the proper signal state. See Table 2-18 and Table 2-26 for DC and AC specifications, respectively. Refer to
Section 3 for applicable signal integrity specifications.

2.1.5 System Reference Clock

The processor core, processor uncore, Intel QuickPath Interconnect link, and DDR3 memory interface frequencies are generated from BCLK_DP and BCLK_DN signals. There is no direct link between core frequency and Intel QuickPath Interconnect link frequency (for example, no core frequency to Intel QuickPath Interconnect multiplier). The processor maximum core frequency, Intel QuickPath Interconnect link frequency and DDR memory frequency are set during manufacturing. It is possible to override the processor core frequency setting using software. This permits operation at lower core frequencies than the factory set maximum core frequency.
The processor core frequency is configured during reset by using values stored within the device during manufacturing. The stored value sets the lowest core multiplier at which the particular processor can operate. If higher speeds are desired, the appropriate ratio can be configured via the IA32_PERF_CTL MSR (MSR 199h); Bits [15:0].
18 Intel
Xeon® Processor 5600 Series Datasheet Volume 1
Electrical Specifications
Clock multiplying within the processor is provided by the internal phase locked loop (PLL), which requires a constant frequency BCLK_DP, BCLK_DN input, with exceptions for spread spectrum clocking. DC specifications for the BCLK_DP, BCLK_DN inputs are provided in Table 2-14 and AC specifications in Table 2-22. These specifications must be met while also meeting the associated signal quality specifications outlined in
Section 3.

2.1.6 Test Access Port (TAP) Signals

Due to the voltage levels supported by other components in the Test Access Port (TAP) logic, it is recommended that the processor(s) be first in the TAP chain and followed by any other components within the system. A translation buffer should be used to connect to the rest of the chain unless one of the other components is capable of accepting an input of the appropriate voltage. Similar considerations must be made for TCK, TDO, TMS, and TRST#. Two copies of each signal may be required with each driving a different voltage level.
Processor TAP signal DC specifications can be found in Table 2-18. AC specifications are located in Table 2-27.
Note: While TDI, TMS and TRST# do not include On-Die Termination (OD T), these signals are
weakly pulled-up via a 1-5 kΩ resistor to V
Note: While TCK does not include ODT, this signal is weakly pulled-down via a
1-5 kΩ resistor to V

2.1.7 Power / Other Signals

Processors also include various other signals including power/ground, sense points, and analog inputs. Details can be found in Table 2-5.
Table 2-1 outlines the required voltage supplies necessary to support Intel Xeon
processor 5600 series.
Table 2-1. Processor Power Supply Voltages
Power Rail Nominal Voltage Notes
, V
See Table 2-9;
Figure 2-3
1.80 V
1.50 V
1.35 V
See Table 2-11;
Figure 2-10
Each processor includes a dedicated VR11.1 regulator.
Each processor includes dedicated V Each processor and DDR3 / DDR3L stack shares a dedicated voltage
regulator. It is expected that regulators will support both 1.50 and
1.35 V. Each processor includes a dedicated VR11.0 regulator.
= V
+ V
VID range is 1.025-1.2000 V; 20 mV offset (see Table 2-4); V represents a typical voltage. V
31.5 mV offset from V
; P1V1_Vtt is VID[4:2] controlled,
and PLL circuits.
and V
loadlines represent a
1. Refer to Table 2-8 for voltage and current specifications. Power and Ground Lands
For clean on-chip power distribution, processors include lands for all required voltage supplies. These include:
Intel® Xeon® Processor 5600 Series Datasheet Volume 1 19
Electrical Specifications
•210 each VCC (271 ea. VSS) lands must be supplied with the voltage determined by the VID[7:0] signals. Table 2-2 defines the voltage level associated with each core VID pattern. Table 2-9 and Figure 2-3 represent V
•3 each V
lands, connected to a 1.8 V supply, power the Phase Lock Loop (PLL)
static and transient limits.
clock generation circuitry. An on-die PLL filter solution is implemented within the processor.
• 45 eac h V
(17 ea. VSS) lands, connected to a 1.50 / 1.35 V supply, provide
power to the processor DDR3 interface. This supply also powers the DDR3 memory subsystem.
•7 each V
(5 ea. VSS) and 26 ea. V
(17 ea. VSS) lands must be supplied with
the voltage determined by the VTT_VID[4:2] signals. Coupled with a 20 mV offset, this corresponds to a VTT_VID pattern of ‘010xxx10’. Table 2-4 specifies the voltage levels associated with each VTT represent V
static and transient limits.
VID pattern. Table 2-11 and Figure 2-10
All VCC, V
, and V
lands must be connected to their respective
processor power planes, while all VSS lands must be connected to the system ground plane. Decoupling Guidelines
Due to its large number of transistors and high internal clock speeds, the processor is capable of generating large current swings between low and full power states. This may cause voltages on power planes to sag below their minimum values if bulk decoupling is not adequate. Larger bulk storage (C
), such as electrolytic capacitors, supply
current during longer lasting changes in current demand, for example coming out of an idle condition. Similarly, they act as a storage well for current when entering an idle condition from a running condition. Care must be taken in the baseboard design to ensure that the voltages provided to the processor remain within the specifications listed in Table 2-8. Failure to do so can result in timing violations or reduced lifetime of the processor. Processor VCC Voltage Identification (VID) Signals
The voltage set by the VID signals is the maximum reference voltage regulator (VR) output to be delivered to the processor VCC lands. VID signals are CMOS push/pull outputs. Please refer to Table 2-18 for the DC specifications for these signals.
Individual processor VID values may be calibrated during manufacturing such that two devices at the same core frequency may have different default VID settings.
The processor uses eight voltage identification signals, VID[7:0], to support automatic selection of power supply voltages. Table 2-2 specifies the voltage level corresponding to the state of VID[7:0]. A ‘1’ in this table refers to a high voltage level and a ‘0’ refers to a low voltage level. If the processor socket is empty (SKTOCC# pulled high), or the voltage regulation circuit cannot supply the voltage that is requested, the voltage regulator must disable itself.
The processor provides the ability to operate while transitioning to an adjacent VID and its associated processor core voltage (V
). This is represented by a DC shift in the
loadline. It should be noted that a low-to-high or high-to-low voltage state change may result in as many VID transitions as necessary to reach the target core voltage. T ransitions abov e the maximum specified VID are not permitted. Table 2-8 includes VID step sizes and DC shift ranges. Minimum and maximum voltages must be maintained as shown in Table 2-9.
20 Intel
Xeon® Processor 5600 Series Datasheet Volume 1
Electrical Specifications
The VRM or EVRD utilized must be capable of regulating its output to the value defined by the new VID. DC specifications for dynamic VID transitions are included in
Table 2-18, while AC specifications are included in Table 2-28.
Power source characteristics must be guaranteed to be stable whenever the supply to the voltage regulator is stable.
Table 2-2. Voltage Identification Definition (Sheet 1 of 5)
000000 0 0 OFF 000000 0 1 OFF 000000 1 01.60000 000000 1 11.59375 000001 0 01.58750 000001 0 11.58125 000001 1 01.57500 000001 000010 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1.55625 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1.55000 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1.54375 000011 0 01.53750 000011 0 11.53125 000011 1 01.52500 000011 1 11.51875 000100 0 01.51250 000100 0 11.50625 000100 1 01.50000 000100 1 11.49375 000101 0 01.48750 000101 0 11.48125 000101 1 01.47500 000101 1 11.46875 000110 0 01.46250 000110 0 11.45625 000110 1 01.45000 000110 1 11.44375 000111 0 01.43750 000111 0 11.43125 000111 1 01.42500 000111 1 11.41875 001000 0 01.41250 001000 0 11.40625 001000 1 01.40000 001000 1 11.39375
1 1 1.56875 0 0 1.56250
Intel® Xeon® Processor 5600 Series Datasheet Volume 1 21
Table 2-2. Voltage Identification Definition (Sheet 2 of 5)
Electrical Specifications
001001 0 01.38750 001001 0 11.38125 001001 1 01.37500 001001 1 11.36875 001010 0 01.36250 001010 0 11.35625 001010 1 01.35000 001010 1 11.34375 001011 0 01.33750 001011 0 11.33125 001011 1 01.32500 001011 1 11.31875 001100 0 01.31250 001100 0 11.30625 001100 1 01.30000 001100 1 11.29375 001101 0 01.28750 001101 0 11.28125 001101 1 01.27500 001101 1 11.26875 001110 0 01.26250 001110 0 11.25625 001110 1 01.25000 001110 1 11.24375 001111 0 01.23750 001111 0 11.23125 001111 1 01.22500 001111 1 11.21875 010000 0 01.21250 010000 0 11.20625 010000 1 01.20000 010000 1 11.19375 010001 0 01.18750 010001 0 11.18125 010001 1 01.17500 010001 1 11.16875 010010 0 01.16250 010010 0 11.15625 010010 1 01.15000 010010 1 11.14375 010011 0 01.13750 010011 0 11.13125
22 Intel
Xeon® Processor 5600 Series Datasheet Volume 1
Electrical Specifications
Table 2-2. Voltage Identification Definition (Sheet 3 of 5)
010011 1 01.12500 010011 1 11.11875 010100 0 01.11250 010100 0 11.10625 010100 1 01.10000 010100 1 11.09375 010101 0 01.08750 010101 0 11.08125 010101 1 01.07500 010101 1 11.06875 010110 0 01.06250 010110 0 11.05625 010110 1 01.05000 010110 1 11.04375 010111 0 01.03750 010111 0 11.03125 010111 1 01.02500 010111 1 11.01875 011000 0 01.01250 011000 0 11.00625 011000 1 01.00000 011000 1 10.99375 011001 0 00.98750 011001 0 10.98125 011001 1 00.97500 011001 1 10.96875 011010 0 00.96250 011010 0 10.95625 011010 1 00.95000 011010 1 10.94375 011011 0 00.93750 011011 0 10.93125 011011 1 00.92500 011011 1 10.91875 011100 0 00.91250 011100 0 10.90625 011100 1 00.90000 011100 1 10.89375 011101 0 00.88750 011101 0 10.88125 011101 1 00.87500 011101 1 10.86875
Intel® Xeon® Processor 5600 Series Datasheet Volume 1 23
Table 2-2. Voltage Identification Definition (Sheet 4 of 5)
Electrical Specifications
011110 0 00.86250 011110 0 10.85625 011110 1 00.85000 011110 1 10.84375 011111 0 00.83750 011111 0 10.83125 011111 1 00.82500 011111 1 10.81875 100000 0 00.81250 100000 0 10.80625 100000 1 00.80000 100000 1 10.79375 100001 0 00.78750 100001 0 10.78125 100001 1 00.77500 100001 1 10.76875 100010 0 00.76250 100010 0 10.75625 100010 1 00.75000 100010 1 10.74375 100011 0 00.73750 100011 0 10.73125 100011 1 00.72500 100011 1 10.71875 100100 0 00.71250 100100 0 10.70625 100100 1 00.70000 100100 1 10.69375 100101 0 00.68750 100101 0 10.68125 100101 1 00.67500 100101 1 10.66875 100110 0 00.66250 100110 0 10.65625 100110 1 00.65000 100110 1 10.64375 100111 0 00.63750 100111 0 10.63125 100111 1 00.62500 100111 1 10.61875 101000 0 00.61250 101000 0 10.60625
24 Intel
Xeon® Processor 5600 Series Datasheet Volume 1
Electrical Specifications
Table 2-2. Voltage Identification Definition (Sheet 5 of 5)
101000 1 00.60000 101000 1 10.59375 101001 0 00.58750 101001 0 10.58125 101001 1 00.57500 101001 1 10.56875 101010 0 00.56250 101010 0 10.55625 101010 1 00.55000 101010 1 10.54375 101011 0 00.53750 101011 0 10.53125 101011 1 00.52500 101011 1 10.51875 101100 0 00.51250 101100 0 10.50625 101100 1 00.50000 111111 1 0 OFF 111111 1 1 OFF
1. When the “11111111” VID pattern is observed, or when the SKTOCC# pin is pulled high, the voltage regulator output should be disabled.
2. The VID range includes VID transitions that may be initiated by thermal events, Extended HALT state transitions (see Section 8.2), higher C-States (see Section 8.2) or Enhanced Intel SpeedStep transitions (see Section 8.5). The Extended HALT state must be enabled for the processor to
remain within its specifications
3. Once the VRM/EVRD is operating after power-up, if either the Output Enable signal is de-asserted or a specific VID off code is received, the VRM/EVRD must turn off its output (the output should go to high impedance) within 500 ms and latch off until power is cycled.
Technology Power-On Configuration (POC) Logic
VID[7:0] signals also serve a second function. During power-up, Power-On Configuration POC[7:0] logic levels are MUX’ed onto these signals via 1-5 kΩ pull-up or pull down resistors located on the baseboard. These values provide voltage regulator keying (VID[7]), inform the processor of the platforms power delivery capabilities (MSID[2:0]), and program the gain applied to the ISENSE input (CSC[2:0]). Table 2-3 maps VID signals to the corresponding POC functionality.
Table 2-3. Power-On Configuration (POC[7:0]) Decode (Sheet 1 of 2)
Function Bits POC Settings Description
VR_Key VID[7] 0b for VR11.1 Electronic safety key
Spare VID[6] 0b (default) Reserved for future use
Intel® Xeon® Processor 5600 Series Datasheet Volume 1 25
distinguishing VR11.1
Table 2-3. Power-On Configuration (POC[7:0]) Decode (Sheet 2 of 2)
Function Bits POC Settings Description
CSC[2:0] VID[5:3] -000b
MSID[2:0] VID[2:0] -001b
1. This setting is defined for future use; no Intel Xeon processor 5600 series SKU is defined with ICC_MAX=40 A.
2. In general, set PWM IMON slope to 900 mV = IMAX, where IMAX = ICCMAX. For the 130 W SKU, set IMON slope to 900 mV= 180 A. All other SKUs must match the values shown above. Please consult the PWM datasheet for the IMON slope setting.
Feature Disabled
ICC_MAX = 40 A
40 W TDP / ICC_MAX = 50 A 60 W TDP / ICC_MAX = 80 A 80W TDP / ICC_MAX = 100 A 95W TDP / ICC_MAX = 120 A
130W TDP / ICC_MAX =
40 W TDP / 50 A ICC_MAX
60 W TDP / 80 A ICC_MAX 80 W TDP / 100 A ICC_MAX 95 W TDP / 120 A ICC_MAX
130 W TDP / 150 A ICC_MAX
Current Sensor Configuration (CSC) programs the gain applied to the ISENSE A/D output. ISENSE data is then used to dynamically calculate current and power.
MSID[2:0] signals are provided to indicate the Market Segment for the processor and may be used for future processor compatibility or keying. See
Section 8.1 for platform timing
requirements of the MSID[2:0] signals.
Electrical Specifications
Some POC signals include specific timing requirements. Please refer to Section 8.1 for further details. Processor VTT Voltage Identification (VTT_VID) Signals
The voltage set by the VTT_VID signals is the typical reference voltage regulator (VR) output to be delivered to the processor V regulator will supply all V
and V
outputs. Please refer to Table 2-18 for the DC specifications for these signals. Individual processor VTT_VID values may be calibrated during manufacturing such that
two devices at the same core frequency may have different default VTT_VID settings. The processor utilizes three voltage identification signals to support automatic selection
of power supply voltages. These correspond to VTT_VID[4:2]. The V delivered to the processor lands must also encompass a 20 mV offset (See Table 2-4; V
) above the voltage level corresponding to the state of the VTT_VID[7:0] signals
(See Table 2-4; VR 11.0 Voltage). Table 2-11 and Figure 2-10 provide the resulting static and transient tolerances. Please note that the maximum and minimum electrical loadlines are defined by a 31.5 mV tolerance band above and below V
Power source characteristics must be guaranteed to be stable whenever the supply to the voltage regulator is stable.
Table 2-4. VTT Voltage Identification Definition (Sheet 1 of 2)
010 010 010 010 010
0 0 0 1 0 1.200 V 1.220 V 0 0 1 1 0 1.175 V 1.195 V 0 1 0 1 0 1.150 V 1.170 V 0 1 1 1 0 1.125 V 1.145 V 1 0 0 1 0 1.100 V 1.120 V
and V
lands. It is expected that one
lands. VTT_VID signals are CMOS push/pull
VR 11.0
voltage level
valu es.
(Voltage + Offset)
26 Intel
Xeon® Processor 5600 Series Datasheet Volume 1
Electrical Specifications
Table 2-4. VTT Voltage Identification Definition (Sheet 2 of 2)
0101 0 1 1 0 1.075 V 1.095 V 010 010
1 1 0 1 0 1.050 V 1.070 V 1 1 1 1 0 1.025 V 1.045 V

2.1.8 Reserved or Unused Signals

All Reserved (RSVD) signals must remain unconnected. Connection of these signals to
, V
, V
, V
component malfunction or incompatibility with future processors. See Section 5 for the land listing and the location of all Reserved signals.
For reliable operation, connect unused inputs or bidirectional signals to an appropriate signal level. Unused Intel QuickPath Interconnect input and output pins can be left floating. Unused active high inputs should be connected through a resistor to ground
). Unused outputs can be left unconnected; however, this may interfere with some
TAP functions, complicate debug probing, and prev ent boundary scan testing. A resistor must be used when tying bidirectional signals to power or ground. When tying any signal to power or ground, including a resistor will also allow for system testability. Resistor values should be within ± 20% of the impedance of the baseboard trace, unless otherwise noted in the appropriate platform design guidelines.
TAP signals do not include on-die termination, however they may include resistors on package (refer to Section 2.1.6 for details). Inputs and utilized outputs must be terminated on the baseboard. Unused outputs may be terminated on the baseboard or left unconnected. Note that leaving unused outputs unterminated may interfere with some TAP functions, complicate debug probing, and prevent boundary scan testing.
, VSS, or any other signal (including each other) can result in
VR 11.0
(Voltage + Offset)

2.2 Signal Group Summary

Signals are aligned in Table 2-5 by buffer type and characteristics. “Buffer Type” denotes the applicable signaling technology and specifications.
Table 2-5. Signal Groups (Sheet 1 of 2)
Signal Group Buffer Type Signals
Intel® QuickPath Interconnect Signals
Differential Intel®
Differential Intel®
Single ended Analog Input QPI[0/1]_COMP
DDR3 Reference Clocks
Differential Output DDR{0/1/2}_CLK_[P/N][3:0]
DDR3 Command Signals
Single ended CMOS Output DDR{0/1/2}_RAS#, DDR{0/1/2}_CAS#,
DDR3 Control Signals
QuickPath Interconnect Input QPI[0/1]_DRX_D[N/P][19:0], QuickPath Interconnect Output QPI[0/1]_DTX_D[N/P][19:0],
Asynchronous Output DDR{0/1/2}_RESET#
DDR{0/1/2}_WE#, DDR{0/1/2}_MA[15:0], DDR{0/1/2}_BA[2:0], DDR{0/1/2}_MA_PAR
Intel® Xeon® Processor 5600 Series Datasheet Volume 1 27
Table 2-5. Signal Groups (Sheet 2 of 2)
Signal Group Buffer Type Signals
Single ended CM OS Output DDR{0/1/2}_CS#[7:0], DDR{0/1/2}_ODT[5:0],
Single ended Analog Input DDR_VREF, DDR_COMP[2:0]
DDR3 Data Signals
Single ended CMOS Input/Output DDR{0/1/2}_DQ[63:0], DDR{0/1/2}_ECC[7:0]
Differential CMOS Input/Output DDR{0/1/2}_DQS_[N/P][17:0]
Single ended Asynchronous Input DDR{0/1/2}_PAR_ERR#[2:0],
Platform Environmental Control Interface (PECI)
Single ended Asynchronous Input/Output PECI
Processor Sideband Signals
Single ended GTL Input/Output BPM#[7:0], CAT_ERR# Single ended Asynchronous Input PECI_ID# Single ended Asynchronous GTL Output PRDY#, THERMTRIP# Single ended Asynchronous GTL Input PREQ# Single ended Asynchronous GTL Input/Output PROCHOT# Single ended Asynchronous CMOS Output PSI#, TAPPWRGOOD Single ended CMOS Output VID[7:6],
Single ended Asynchronous Input VCCPWRGOOD, VDDPWRGOOD, VTTPWRGOOD
Reset Signal
Single ended Reset Input RESET#
System Reference Clock
Differential Input BCLK_DP, BCLK_DN
Test Access Port (TAP) Signals
Differential CMOS Output BCLK_ITP_DP, BCLK_ITP_DN Single ended Input TCK, TDI, TMS, TRST# Single ended GTL Output TDO
Power/Other Signals
Power / Ground V Analog Input COMP0, ISENSE Sense Points VCCSENSE, VSSSENSE, VSS_SENSE_VTTD,
Electrical Specifications
VID[5:3]/CSC[2:0], VID[2:0]/MSID[2:0], VTT_VID[4:2]
, V
, V
, V
, V
1. Refer to Section 5 for land assignments and Section 6 for signal definitions.
2. DDR{0/1/2} refers to DDR3 channel 0, DDR3 channel 1, and DDR3 Channel 2
Signals that include on-die termination (ODT) are listed in Table 2-6.
28 Intel
Xeon® Processor 5600 Series Datasheet Volume 1
Electrical Specifications
Table 2-6. Signals With On-Die Termination (ODT)
Intel® QuickPath Interconnect Interface Signal Group
QPI[1:0]_DRX_DP[19:0], QPI[1:0]_DRX_DN[19:0], QPI[1:0]_TRX_DP[19:0], QPI[1:0]_TRX_DN[19:0], QPI[0/1]_CLKRX_D[N/P], QPI[0/1]_CLKTX_D[N/P]
DDR3 Signal Group
DDR{0/1/2}_DQ[63:0], DDR{0/1/2}_DQS_[N/P][17:0], DDR{0/1/2}_ECC[7:0], DDR{0/1/2}_PAR_ERR#[2:0]
Processor Sideband Signal Group
BPM#[7:0]6, PECI_ID#7, PREQ#
Test Access Port (TAP) Signal Group
Power/Other Signal Group
1. Unless otherwise specified, signals have ODT in the package with a 50 Ω pull-down to V
2. Unless otherwise specified, all DDR3 signals are terminated to V
3. DDR{0/1/2}_PAR_ERR#[2:0] are terminated to V
4. TCK does not include ODT, this signal is weakly pulled-down via a 1-5 kΩ resistor to VSS.
5. TDI, TMS, TRST# do not include ODT, these signals are weakly pulled-up via 1-5kΩ resistor to V
6. BPM[7:0]# and PREQ# signals have ODT in package with 35 Ω pull-ups to V
7. PECI_ID# has ODT in package with a 1-5 kΩ pull-up to VTT.
8. TAPPWRGOOD has ODT in package with a 1-2.5 kΩ pull-up to V
9. VCCPWRGOOD, VDDPWRGOOD, and VTTPWRGOOD have ODT in package with a 5-20 kΩ pull-down to V

2.3 Mixing Processors

Intel supports dual-processor (DP) configurations consisting of processors:
• from the same power optimization segment.
• that support the same maximum Intel QuickPath Interconnect and DDR3 memory speeds.
• that share symmetry across physical packages with respect to the number of logical processor per package, number of cores per package, number of Intel QuickPath Interconnect interfaces, and cache topology.
• that have identical Extended Family, Extended Model, Processor Type, Family Code and Model Number as indicated by the Function 1 of the CPUID instruction.
Note: Processors must operate with the same Intel QuickPath Interconnect, DDR3 memory
and core frequency. While Intel does nothing to prevent processors from operating together, some
combinations may not be supported due to limited validation, which may result in uncharacterized errata. Coupling this fact with the large number of Intel Xeon processor 5600 series processor attributes, the following population rules and stepping matrix have been developed to clearly define supported configurations.
• Processors must be of the same power-optimization segment. This insures processors include the same maximum Intel QuickPath Interconnect and DDR3 operating speeds and cache sizes.
• Processors must operate at the same core frequency. Note, processors within the same power-optimization segment supporting different maximum core frequencies can be operated within a system. However, both must operate at the highest frequency rating commonly supported. Mixing components operating at different internal clock frequencies is not supported and will not be validated by Intel.
Intel® Xeon® Processor 5600 Series Datasheet Volume 1 29
Electrical Specifications
• Processors must share symmetry across physical packages with respect to the number of logical processors per package, number of cores per package (but not necessarily the same subset of cores within the packages), number of Intel QuickPath Interconnect interfaces and cache topology.
• Mixing steppings is only supported with processors that have identical Extended Family, Extended Model, Processor Type, Family Code and Model Number as indicated by the Function 1 of the CPUID instruction. Mixing processors of different steppings, but the same mode (as per CPUID instruction) is supported. Details
regarding the CPUID instruction are provide in the Intel
64 and IA-32
Architectures Software Developer’s Manual, Volume 2A.
• After AND ’ing the fe ature flag and extended feature flags from the installed processors, any processor whose set of feature flags exactly matches the AND’ed feature flags can be selected by the BIOS as the BSP. If no processor exactly matches the AND’ed feature flag values, then the processor with the numerically lower CPUID should be selected as the BSP.
• Intel requires that the proper microcode update be loaded on each processor operating within the system. Any processor that does not have the proper microcode update loaded is considered by Intel to be operating out-of-specification.
• Customers are fully responsible for the v alidation of their system configurations
Note: Processors within a system must operate at the same frequency per bits [15:8] of the
FLEX_RATIO MSR (Address: 194h); however this does not apply to frequency transitions initiated due to thermal events, Extended HALT, Enhanced Intel SpeedStep Technology transitions signal (See Section 8).

2.4 Flexible Motherboard Guidelines (FMB)

The Flexible Motherboard (FMB) guidelines are estimates of the maximum values the processor will have over certain time periods. The values are only estimates and actual specifications for future processors may differ. Processors may or may not have specifications equal to the FMB value in the foreseeable future. System designers should meet the FMB values to ensure their systems will be compatible with future processors.

2.5 Absolute Maximum and Minimum Ratings

Table 2-7 specifies absolute maximum and minimum ratings only, which lie outside the
functional limits of the processor. Only within specified operation limits, can functionality and long-term reliability be expected.
At conditions outside functional operation condition limits, but within absolute maximum and minimum ratings, neither functionality nor long-term reliability can be expected. If a device is returned to conditions within functional operation limits after having been subjected to conditions outside these limits, but within the absolute maximum and minimum ratings, the device may be functional, but with its lifetime degraded depending on exposure to conditions exceeding the functional operation condition limits.
At conditions exceeding absolute maximum and minimum ratings, neither functionality nor long-term reliability can be expected. Moreover, if a device is subjected to these conditions for any length of time then, when returned to conditions within the functional operating condition limits, it will either not function or its reliability will be severely degraded.
30 Intel
Xeon® Processor 5600 Series Datasheet Volume 1
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