Processor Data Bus at Frequencies up
to 66 MHz (82433LX and 82433NX)
Drives 3.3V Signal Levels on the CPU
Data and Address Buses (82433NX)
Provides a 64-Bit Interface to DRAM
and a 32-Bit Interface to PCI
Five Integrated Write Posting and Read
Prefetch Buffers Increase CPU and PCI
Ð CPU-to-Memory Posted Write Buffer
4 Qwords Deep
Ð PCI-to-Memory Posted Write Buffer
Two Buffers, 4 Dwords Each
Ð PCI-to-Memory Read Prefetch Buffer
4 Qwords Deep
Ð CPU-to-PCI Posted Write Buffer
4 Dwords Deep
Ð CPU-to-PCI Read Prefetch Buffer
4 Dwords Deep
CPU-to-Memory and CPU-to-PCI Write
Posting Buffers Accelerate Write
Two 82433LX or 82433NX Local Bus Accelerator (LBX) components provide a 64-bit data path between the
host CPU/Cache and main memory, a 32-bit data path between the host CPU bus and PCI Local Bus, and a
32-bit data path between the PCI Local Bus and main memory. The dual-port architecture allows concurrent
operations on the host and PCI Buses. The LBXs incorporate three write posting buffers and two read prefetch
buffers to increase CPU and PCI performance. The LBX supports byte parity for the host and main memory
buses. The 82433NX is intended to be used with the 82434NX PCI/Cache/Memory Controller (PCMC). The
82433LX is intended to be used with the 82434LX PCMC. During bus operations between the host, main
memory and PCI, the PCMC commands the LBXs to perform functions such as latching address and data,
merging data, and enabling output buffers. Together, these three components form a ‘‘Host Bridge’’ that
provides a full function dual-port data path interface, linking the host CPU and PCI bus to main memory.
This document describes both the 82433LX and 82433NX. Shaded areas, like this one, describe the
82433NX operations that differ from the 82433LX.
Dual-Port Architecture Allows
Concurrent Operations on the Host and
PCI Buses
Operates Synchronously to the CPU
and PCI Clocks
Supports Burst Read and Writes of
Memory from the Host and PCI Buses
Sequential CPU Writes to PCI
Converted to Zero Wait-State PCI
Bursts with Optional TRDY
Byte Parity Support for the Host and
Memory Buses
Ð Optional Parity Generation for Host
to Memory Transfers
Ð Optional Parity Checking for the
Secondary Cache
Ð Parity Checking for Host and PCI
Memory Reads
Ð Parity Generation for PCI to Memory
160-Pin QFP Package
December 1995Order Number: 290478-004
290478– 1
LBX Simplified Block Diagram
The 82430 PCIset consists of the 82434LX PCMC
and 82433LX LBX components plus either a PCI/
ISA bridge or a PCI/EISA bridge. The 82430NX PCIset consists of the 82434NX PCMC and 82433NX
LBX components plus either a PCI/ISA bridge or a
PCI/EISA bridge. The PCMC and LBX provide the
core cache and main memory architecture and
serves as the Host/PCI bridge. An overview of the
PCMC follows the system overview section.
The Local Bus Accelerator (LBX) provides a high
performance data and address path for the
82430LX/82430NX PCIset. The LBX incorporates
five integrated buffers to increase the performance
of the Pentium processor and PCI master devices.
Two LBXs in the system support the following areas:
1. 64-bit data and 32-bit address bus of the Pentium
2. 32-bit multiplexed address/data bus of PCI.
3. 64-bit data bus of the main memory.
In addition, the LBXs provide parity support for the
three areas noted above (discussed further in Section 1.4).
1.1 Buffers in the LBX
The LBX components have five integrated buffers
designed to increase the performance of the Host
and PCI Interfaces of the 82430LX/82430NX
With the exception of the PCI-to-Memory write buffer
and the CPU-to-PCI write buffer, the buffers in the
LBX store data only, addresses are stored in the
PCMC component.
290478– 2
1. CPU-to-Memory Posted Write Buffer: This buffer is 4 Qwords deep, enabling the Pentium processor to write back a
whole cache line in 4-1-1-1 timing, a total of 7 CPU clocks.
2. PCI-to-Memory Posted Write Buffer: A PCI master can post two consecutive sets of 4 Dwords (total of one cache
line) or two single non-consecutive transactions.
3. PCI-to-Memory Read Prefetch Buffer: A PCI master to memory read transaction will cause this prefetch buffer to
read up to 4 Qwords of data from memory, allowing up to 8 Dwords to be read onto PCI in a single burst transaction.
4. CPU-to-PCI Posted Write Buffer: The Pentium processor can post up to 4 Dwords into this buffer. The TRDY
connect option allows zero-wait state burst writes to PCI, making this buffer especially useful for graphic write
5. CPU-to-PCI Read Prefetch Buffer: This prefetch buffer is 4 Dwords deep, enabling faster sequential Pentium processor reads when targeting PCI.
Figure 1. Simplified Block Diagram of the LBX Data Buffers
1.2 Control Interface Groups
The LBX is controlled by the PCMC via the control
interface group signals. There are three interface
groups: Host, Memory, and PCI. These control
groups are signal lines that carry binary codes which
the LBX internally decodes in order to implement
specific functions such as latching data and steering
data from PCI to memory. The control interfaces are
described below.
1. Host Interface Group: These control signals are
named HIG[4:0]and define a total of 29 (30 for
the 82433NX) discrete commands. The PCMC
sends HIG commands to direct the LBX to perform functions related to buffering and storing
host data and/or address.
2. Memory Interface Group: These control signals
are named MIG[2:0]and define a total of 7 discrete commands. The PCMC sends MIG commands to direct the LBX to perform functions related to buffering, storing, and retiring data to
3. PCI Interface Group: These control signals are
named PIG[3:0]and define a total of 15 discrete
commands. The PCMC sends PIG commands to
direct the LBX to perform functions related to
buffering and storing PCI data and/or address.
1.3 System Bus Interconnect
The architecture of the 82430/82430NX PCIset
splits the 64-bit memory and host data buses into
logical halves in order to manufacture LBX devices
with manageable pin counts. The two LBXs interface
to the 32-bit PCI AD[31:0]bus with 16 bits each.
Each LBX connects to 16 bits of the AD[31:0]bus
and 32-bits of both the MD[0:63]bus and the
D[0:63]bus. The lower order LBX (LBXL) connects
to the low word of the AD[31:0]bus, while the high
order LBX (LBXH) connects to the high word of the
Since the PCI connection for each LBX falls on
16-bit boundaries, each LBX does not simply connect to either the low Dword or high Dword of the
Qword memory and host buses. Instead, the low order LBX buffers the first and third words of each
64-bit bus while the high order LBX buffers the second and fourth words of the memory and host
As shown in Figure 2, LBXL connects to the first and
third words of the 64-bit main memory and host data
buses. The same device also drives the first 16 bits
of the host address bus, A[15:0]. The LBXH device
connects to the second and fourth words of the
64-bit main memory and host data buses. Correspondingly, LBXH drives the remaining 16 bits of the
host address bus, A[31:16].
Figure 2. Simplified Interconnect Diagram of LBXs to System Buses
290478– 3
1.4 PCI TRDYÝInterface
The PCI control signals do not interface to the LBXs,
instead these signals connect to the 82434LX
PCMC component. The main function of the LBXs
PCI interface is to drive address and data onto PCI
when the CPU targets PCI and to latch address and
data when a PCI master targets main memory.
option provides the capability for zerowait state performance on PCI when the Pentium
processor performs sequential writes to PCI. This
option requires that PCI TRDY
be connected to
each LBX, for a total of two additional connections in
the system. These two TRDY
addition to the single TRDY
connections are in
connection that the
PCMC requires.
1.5 Parity Support
The LBXs support byte parity on the host bus (CPU
and second level cache) and main memory buses
(local DRAM). The LBXs support parity during the
address and data phases of PCI transactions to/
from the host bridge.
This section provides a detailed description of each
signal. The signals (Figure 3) are arranged in functional groups according to their associated interface.
The ‘
’ symbol at the end of a signal name indicates
that the active, or asserted state occurs when the
signal is at a low voltage level. When ‘
ent after the signal name, the signal is asserted
when at the high voltage level.
The terms assertion and negation are used extensively. This is done to avoid confusion when working
with a mixture of ‘active-low’ and ‘active-high’ signals. The term assert,orassertion indicates that a
signal is active, independent of whether that level is
represented by a high or low voltage. The term ne-gate,ornegation indicates that a signal is inactive.
The following notations are used to describe the signal type.
inInput is a standard input-only signal.
out Totem Pole output is a standard active driver.
t/sTri-State is a bi-directional, tri-state input/out-
put pin.
’ is not pres-
290478– 4
Figure 3. LBX Signals
2.1 Host Interface Signals
A[15:0]t/sADDRESS BUS: The bi-directional A[15:0]lines are connected to the address lines of the
D[31:0]t/sHOST DATA: The bi-directional D[31:0]lines are connected to the data lines of the host
HP[3:0]t/sHOST DATA PARITY: HP[3:0]are the bi-directional byte parity signals for the host data
host bus. The high order LBX (determined at reset time using the EOL signal) is
connected to A[31:16], and the low order LBX is connected to A[15:0]. The host address
bus is common with the Pentium processor, second level cache, PCMC and the two
LBXs. During CPU cycles A[31:3]are driven by the CPU and A[2:0]are driven by the
PCMC, all are inputs to the LBXs. During inquire cycles the LBX drives the PCI master
address onto the host address lines A[31:0]. This snoop address is driven to the CPU and
the PCMC by the LBXs to snoop L1 and the integrated second level tags, respectively.
During PCI configuration cycles bound for the PCMC, the LBXs will send or receive the
configuration data to/from the PCMC by copying the host data bus to/from the host
address bus. The LBX drives both halves of the Qword host data bus with data from the
32-bit address during PCMC configuration read cycles. The LBX drives the 32-bit address
with either the low Dword or the high Dword during PCMC configuration write cycles.
In the 82433NX, these pins contain weak internal pull-down resistors.
The high order 82433NX LBX samples A11 at the falling edge of reset to configure the
LBX for PLL test mode. When A11 is sampled low, the LBX is in normal operating mode.
When A11 is sampled high, the LBX drives the internal HCLK from the PLL on the EOL
pin. Note that A11 on the high order LBX is connected to the A27 line on the CPU address
bus. This same address line is used to put the PCMC into PLL test mode.
data bus. The high order LBX (determined at reset time using the EOL signal) is
connected to the host data bus D[63:48]and D[31:16]lines, and the low order LBX is
connected to the host data bus D[47:32]and D[15:0]lines. In the 82433LX, these pins
contain weak internal pull-up resistors.
In the 82433NX, these pins contain weak internal pull-down resistors.
bus. The low order parity bit HP[0]corresponds to D[7:0]while the high order parity bit
HP[3]corresponds to D[31:24]. The HP[3:0
cycles and as parity outputs during read cycles. Even parity is supported and the HP[3:0
signals follow the same timings as D[31:0
internal pull-up resistors.
In the 82433NX, these pins contain weak internal pull-down resistors.
signals function as parity inputs during write
. In the 82433LX, these pins contain weak
2.2 Main Memory (Dram) Interface Signals
MD[31:0]t/sMEMORY DATA BUS: MD[31:0]are the bi-directional data lines for the memory data
MP[3:0]t/sMEMORY PARITY: MP[3:0]are the bi-directional byte enable parity signals for the
bus. The high order LBX (determined at reset time using the EOL signal) is connected to
the memory data bus MD[63:48]and MD[31:16]lines, and the low order LBX is
connected to the memory data bus MD[47:32]and MD[15:0]lines. The MD[31:0
signals drive data destined for either the host data bus or the PCI bus. The MD[31:0
signals input data that originated from either the host data bus or the PCI bus. These
pins contain weak internal pull-up resistors.
memory data bus. The low order parity bit MP[0]corresponds to MD[7:0]while the high
order parity bit MP[3]corresponds to MD[31:24]. The MP[3:0]signals are parity outputs
during write cycles to memory and parity inputs during read cycles from memory. Even
parity is supported and the MP[3:0]signals follow the same timings as MD[31:0]. These
pins contain weak internal pull-up resistors.
2.3 PCI Interface Signals
AD[15:0]t/sADDRESS AND DATA: AD[15:0]are bi-directional data lines for the PCI bus. The
AD[15:0]signals sample or drive the address and data on the PCI bus. The high order
LBX (determined at reset time using the EOL signal) is connected to the PCI bus
AD[31:16]lines, and the low order LBX is connected to the PCI AD[15:0]lines.
inTARGET READY: TRDYÝindicates the selected (targeted) device’s ability to complete
the current data phase of the bus operation. For normal operation, TRDYÝis tied
asserted low. When the TRDY
burst writes), TRDY
should be connected to the PCI bus.
option is enabled in the PCMC (for zero wait-state PCI
2.4 PCMC Interface Signals
HIG[4:0]inHOST INTERFACE GROUP: These signals are driven from the PCMC and control the
MIG[2:0]inMEMORY INTERFACE GROUP: These signals are driven from the PCMC and control
PIG[3:0]inPCI INTERFACE GROUP: These signals are driven from the PCMC and control the PCI
MDLEinMEMORY DATA LATCH ENABLE: During CPU reads from DRAM, the LBX uses a
DRVPCIinDRIVE PCI BUS: This signals enables the LBX to drive either address or data
host interface of the LBX. The 82433LX decodes the binary pattern of these lines to
perform 29 unique functions (30 for the 83433NX). These signals are synchronous to the
rising edge of HCLK.
the memory interface of the LBX. The LBX decodes the binary pattern of these lines to
perform 7 unique functions. These signals are synchronous to the rising edge of HCLK.
interface of the LBX. The LBX decodes the binary pattern of these lines to perform 15
unique functions. These signals are synchronous to the rising edge of HCLK.
clocked register to transfer data from the MD[31:0]and MP[3:0]lines to the D[31:0]and
HP[3:0]lines. MDLE is the clock enable for this register. Data is clocked into this register
when MDLE is asserted. The register retains its current value when MDLE is negated.
During CPU reads from main memory, the LBX tri-states the D[31:0]and HP[3:0]lines
on the rising edge of MDLE when HIG[4:0
information onto the PCI AD[15:0]lines.
2.4 PCMC Interface Signals (Continued)
EOLt/sEnd Of Line: This signal is asserted when a PCI master read or write transaction is about
PPOUT t/sLBX PARITY: This signal reflects the parity of the 16 AD lines driven from or latched into
to overrun a cache line boundary. The low order LBX will have this pin connected to the
PCMC (internally pulled up in the PCMC). The high order LBX connects this pin to a pulldown resistor. With one LBX EOL line being pulled down and the other LBX EOL pulled
up, the LBX samples the value of this pin on the negation of the RESET signal to
determine if it’s the high or low order LBX.
the LBX, depending on the command driven on PIG[3:0]. The PCMC uses PPOUT from
both LBXs (called PPOUT[1:0]) to calculate the PCI parity signal (PAR) for CPU to PCI
transactions during the address phase of the PCI cycle. The LBX uses PPOUT to check
the PAR signal for PCI master transactions to memory during the address phase of the
PCI cycle. When transmitting data to PCI the PCMC uses PPOUT to calculate the proper
value for PAR. When receiving data from PCI the PCMC uses PPOUT to check the value
received on PAR.
If the L2 cache does not implement parity, the LBX will calculate parity so the PCMC can
drive the correct value on PAR during L2 reads initiated by a PCI master. The LBX
samples the PPOUT signal at the negation of reset and compares that state with the state
of EOL to determine whether the L2 cache implements parity. The PCMC internally pulls
down PPOUT[0]and internally pulls up PPOUT[1]. The L2 supports parity if PPOUT[0]is
connected to the high order LBX and PPOUT[1]is connected to the low order LBX. The
L2 is defined to not support parity if these connections are reversed, and for this case, the
LBX will calculate parity. For normal operations either connection allows proper parity to
be driven to the PCMC.
2.5 Reset and Clock Signals
HCLKinHOST CLOCK: HCLK is input to the LBX to synchronize command and data from the host
PCLKinPCI CLOCK: All timing on the LBX PCI interface is referenced to the PCLK input. All
RESETinRESET: Assertion of this signal resets the LBX. After RESET has been negated the LBX
LP1outLOOP 1: Phase Lock Loop Filter pin. The filter components required for the LBX are
LP2inLOOP 2: Phase Lock Loop Filter pin. The filter components required for the LBX are
TESTinTEST: The TEST pin must be tied low for normal system operation.
TSCON inTRI-STATE CONTROL: This signal enables the output buffers on the LBX. This pin must
and memory interfaces. This input is derived from a buffered copy of the PCMC HCLKx
output signals on the PCI interface are driven from PCLK rising edges and all input signals
on the PCI interface are sampled on PCLK rising edges. This input is derived from a
buffered copy of the PCMC PCLK output.
configures itself by sampling the EOL and PPOUT pins. RESET is driven by the PCMC
CPURST pin. The RESET signal is synchronous to HCLK and must be driven directly by
the PCMC.
connected to these pins.
connected to these pins.
be held high for normal operation. If TSCON is negated, all LBX outputs will tri-state.
3.1 LBX Post and Prefetch Buffers
This section describes the five write posting and
read prefetching buffers implemented in the LBX.
The discussion in this section refers to the operation
of both LBXs in the system.
The write buffer is a queue 4 Qwords deep, it loads
Qwords from the CPU and stores Qwords to memory. It is 4 Qwords deep to accommodate write-backs
from the first or second level cache. It is organized
as a simple FIFO. Commands driven on the HIG[4:0
lines store Qwords into the buffer, while commands
on the MIG[2:0]lines retire Qwords from the buffer.
While retiring Qwords to memory, the DRAM controller unit of the PCMC will assert the appropriate MA,
track of full/empty states, status of the data and
Byte parity for data to be written to memory is either
propagated from the host bus or generated by the
LBX. The LBX generates parity for data from the
second level cache when the second level cache
does not implement parity.
The buffer is organized as 2 buffers (4 Dwords
each). There is an address storage register for each
buffer. When an address is stored one of the two
buffers is allocated and subsequent Dwords of data
are stored beginning at the first location in that buffer. Buffers are retired to memory strictly in order,
Qword at a time.
Commands driven on the PIG[3:0]lines post addresses and data into the buffer. Commands driven
on HIG[4:0]result in addresses being driven on the
host address bus. Commands driven on MIG[2:0
result in data being retired to DRAM.
For cases where the address targeted by the first
Dword is odd, i.e. A[2
an even location in the buffer, the LBX correctly
aligns the Dword when retiring the data to DRAM. In
other words the buffer is capable of retiring a Qword
to memory where the data in the buffer is shifted by
, and WEÝsignals. The PCMC keeps
1, and the data is stored in
1 Dword (Dword is position 0 shifted to 1, 1 shifted
to 2 etc.). The DRAM controller of the PCMC asserts
the correct CAS[7:0
The End Of Line (EOL) signal is used to prevent PCI
master writes from bursting past the cache line
boundary. The device that provides ‘‘warning’’ to the
PCMC is the low order LBX. This device contains the
PCI master write low order address bits necessary to
determine how many Dwords are left to the end of
the line. Consequently, the LBX protocol uses the
EOL signal from the low order LBX to provide this
‘‘end-of-line’’ warning to the PCMC, so that it may
retry a PCI master write when it bursts past the
cache line boundary. This protocol is described fully
in Section 3.3.6.
The LBX calculates Dword parity on PCI write data,
sending the proper value to the PCMC on PPOUT.
The LBX generates byte parity on the MP signals for
writing into DRAM.
This buffer is organized as a line buffer (4 Qwords)
for burst transfers to PCI. The data is transferred into
the buffer a Qword at a time and read out a Dword at
a time. The LBX then effectively decouples the
memory read rate from the PCI rate to increase concurrence.
Each new transaction begins by storing the first
Dword in the first location in the buffer. The starting
Dword for reading data out of the buffer onto PCI
must be specified within a Qword boundary; that is
the first requested Dword on PCI could be an even
or odd Dword. If the snoop for a PCI master read
results in a write-back from first or second level
caches, this write back is sent directly to PCI and
main memory. The following two paragraphs describe this process for cache line write-backs.
Since the write-back data from L1 is in linear order,
writing into the buffer is straightforward. Only those
Qwords to be transferred into PCI are latched into
the PCI-to-memory read buffer. For example, if the
address targeted by PCI is in the 3rd or 4th Qword in
the line, the first 2 Qwords of write back data are
discarded and not written into the read buffer. The
primary cache write-back must always be written
signals stored in the PCMC for that
signals depending on the PCI
completely to the CPU-to-Memory posted Write
If the PCI master read data is read from the secondary cache, it is not written back to memory. Writebacks from the second level cache, when using
burst SRAMs, are in Pentium processor burst order
(the order depending on which Qword of the line is
targeted by the PCI read). The buffer is directly addressed when latching second level cache writeback data to accommodate this burst order. For example, if the requested Qword is Qword 1, then the
burst order is 1-0-3-2. Qword 1 is latched in buffer
location 0, Qword 0 is discarded, Qword 3 is latched
into buffer location 2 and Qword 2 is latched into
buffer location 1.
Commands driven on MIG[2:0]and HIG[4:0]enter
data into the buffer from the DRAM interface and the
host interface (i.e. the caches), respectively. Commands driven on the PIG[3:0]lines drive data from
the buffer onto the PCI AD[31:0]lines.
Parity driven on the PPOUT signal is calculated from
the byte parity received on the host bus or the memory bus, whichever is the source. If the second level
cache is the source of the data and does not implement parity, the parity driven on PPOUT is generated
by the LBX from the second level cache data. If
main memory is the source of the read data, PCI
parity is calculated from the DRAM byte parity. Main
memory must implement byte parity to guarantee
correct PCI parity generation.
The CPU-to-PCI Posted Write Buffer is 4 Dwords
deep. The buffer is constructed as a simple FIFO,
with some performance enhancements. An address
is stored in the LBX with each Dword of data. The
structure of the buffer accommodates the packetization of writes to be burst on PCI. This is accomplished by effectively discarding addresses of data
Dwords driven within a burst. Thus, while an address
is stored for each Dword, an address is not necessarily driven on PCI for each Dword. The PCMC determines when a burst write may be performed
based on consecutive addresses. The buffer also
enables consecutive bytes to be merged within a
single Dword, accommodating byte, word, and misaligned Dword string store and string move operations. Qword writes on the host bus are stored within
the buffer as two individual Dword writes, with separate addresses.
The storing of an address with each Dword of data
allows burst writes to be retried easily. In order to
retry transactions, the FIFO is effectively ‘‘backed
up’’ by one Dword. This is accomplished by making
the FIFO physically one entry larger than it is logically. Thus, the buffer is physically 5 entries deep (an
entry consists of an address and a Dword of data),
while logically it is considered full when 4 entries
have been posted. This design allows the FIFO to
be backed up one entry when it is logically full.
Commands driven on HIG[4:0]post addresses and
data into the buffer, and commands driven on
PIG[3:0]retire addresses and data from the buffer
and drive them onto the PCI AD[31:0]lines. As discussed previously, when bursting, not all addresses
are driven onto PCI.
Data parity driven on the PPOUT signal is calculated
from the byte parity received on the host bus. Address parity driven on PPOUT is calculated from the
address received on the host bus.
This prefetch buffer is organized as a single buffer
4 Dwords deep. The buffer is organized as a simple
FIFO. reads from the buffer are sequential; the buffer does not support random access of its contents.
To support reads of less than a Dword the FIFO
read pointer can function with or without a pre-increment. The pointer can also be reset to the first entry
before a Dword is driven. When a Dword is read, it is
driven onto both halves of the host data bus.
Commands driven on the HIG[4:0]lines enable read
addresses to be sent onto PCI, the addresses are
driven using PIG[3:0]commands. Read data is
latched into the LBX by commands driven on the
PIG[3:0]lines and the data is driven onto the host
data bus using commands driven on the HIG[4:0
The LBX calculates Dword parity on PCI read data,
sending the proper value to the PCMC on PPOUT.
The LBX does not generate byte parity on the host
data bus when the CPU reads PCI.
3.2 LBX Interface Command
This section describes the functionality of the HIG,
MIG and PIG commands driven by the PCMC to the
The Host Interface commands are shown in Table 1.
These commands are issued by the host interface of
the PCMC to the LBXs in order to perform the following functions:
Reads from CPU-to-PCI read prefetch buffer
when the CPU reads from PCI.
Stores write-back data to PCI-to-memory read
prefetch buffer when PCI read address results in
a hit to a modified line in first or second level
Posts data to CPU-to-memory write buffer in the
case of a CPU to memory write.
Posts data to CPU-to-PCI write buffer in the case
of a CPU to PCI write.
Drives host address to Data lines and data to ad-
dress lines for programming the PCMC configuration registers.
Table 1. HIG Commands
NOPC00000b No Operation on CPU Bus
CMR11100b CPU Memory Read
CPRF00100b CPU Read First Dword from CPU-to-PCI Read Prefetch Buffer
CPRA00101b CPU Read Next Dword from CPU-to-PCI Read Prefetch Buffer, Toggle A
CPRB00110b CPU Read Next Dword from CPU-to-PCI Read Prefetch Buffer, Toggle B
CPRQ00111b CPU Read Qword from CPU-to-PCI Read Prefetch Buffer
SWB001000b Store Write-Back Data Qword 0 to PCI-to-Memory Read Buffer
SWB101001b Store Write-Back Data Qword 1 to PCI-to-Memory Read Buffer
SWB201010b Store Write-Back Data Qword 2 to PCI-to-Memory Read Buffer
SWB301011b Store Write-Back Data Qword 3 to PCI-to-Memory Read Buffer
PCMWQ01100b Post to CPU-to-Memory Write Buffer Qword
PCMWFQ01101b Post to CPU-to-Memory Write and PCI-to-Memory Read Buffer First Qword
PCMWNQ01110b Post to CPU-to-Memory Write and PCI-to-Memory Read Buffer Next Qword
PCPWL10000b Post to CPU-to-PCI Write Low Dword
MCP3L10011b Merge to CPU-to-PCI Write Low Dword 3 Bytes
MCP2L10010b Merge to CPU-to-PCI Write Low Dword 2 Bytes
MCP1L10001b Merge to CPU-to-PCI Write Low Dword 1 Byte
PCPWH10100b Post to CPU-to-PCI Write High Dword
MCP3H10111b Merge to CPU-to-PCI Write High Dword 3 Bytes
MCP2H10110b Merge to CPU-to-PCI Write High Dword 2 Bytes
MCP1H10101b Merge to CPU-to-PCI Write High Dword 1 Byte
LCPRAD00001b Latch CPU-to-PCI Read Address
DPRA11000b Drive Address from PCI A/D Latch to CPU Address Bus
DPWA11001b Drive Address from PCI-to-Memory Write Buffer to CPU Address Bus
ADCPY11101b Address to Data Copy in the LBX
DACPYH11011b Data to Address Copy in the LBX High Dword
DACPYL11010b Data to Address Copy in the LBX Low Dword
PSCD01111b Post Special Cycle Data
DRVFF11110b Drive FF..FF (All 1’s) onto the Host Data Bus
PCPWHC00011b Post to CPU-to-PCI Write High Dword Configuration
All other patterns are reserved.
NOPCNo Operation is performed on the host
bus by the LBX hence it tri-states its
host bus drivers.
CMRThiscommandeffectively drives
DRAM data onto the host data bus.
The LBX acts as a transparent latch in
this mode, depending on MDLE for
latch control. With the MDLE signal
high the CMR command will cause the
LBXs to buffer memory data onto the
host bus. When MDLE is low. The LBX
will drive onto the host bus whatever
memory data that was latched when
MDLE was negated.
CPRFThis command reads the first Dword of
the CPU-to-PCI read prefetch buffer.
The read pointer of the FIFO is set to
point to the first Dword. The Dword is
driven onto the high and low halves of
the host data bus.
CPRAThis command increments the read
pointer of the CPU-to-PCI read prefetch buffer FIFO and drives that
Dword onto the host bus when it is
driven after a CPRF or CPRB command. If driven after another CPRA
command, the LBX drives the current
Dword while the read pointer of the
FIFO is not incremented. The Dword is
driven onto the upper and lower halves
of the host data bus.
CPRBThis command increments the read
pointer of the CPU-to-PCI read prefetch buffer FIFO and drives that
Dword onto the host bus when it is
driven after a CPRA command. If driven after another CPRB command, the
LBX drives the current Dword while the
read pointer of the FIFO is not incremented. The Dword is driven onto the
upper and lower halves of the host
data bus.
CPRQThis command drives the first Dword
stored in the CPU-to-PCI read prefetch
buffer onto the lower half of the host
data bus, and drives the second Dword
onto the upper half of the host data
bus, regardless of the state of the read
pointer. The read pointer is not affected by this command.
SWB0This command stores a Qword from
the host data lines into location 0 of
the PCI-to-Memory Read Buffer. Parity
is either generated for the data or propagated from the host bus based on the
state of the PPOUT signals sampled at
the negation of RESET when the LBXs
were initialized.
SWB1This command, (similar to SWB0),
stores a Qword from the host data
lines into location 1 of the PCI-to-Memory Read Buffer. Parity is either generated from the data or propagated from
the host bus based on the state of the
PPOUT signal sampled at the falling
edge of RESET.
SWB2This command, (similar to SWB0),
stores a Qword written back from the
first or second level cache into location
2 of the PCI-to-memory read buffer.
Parity is either generated from the data
or propagated from the host bus based
on the state of the PPOUT signal sampled at the falling edge of RESET.
SWB3This command stores a Qword from
the host data lines into location 3 of
the PCI-to-Memory Read Buffer. Parity
is either generated for the data or propagated from the host bus based on the
state of the PPOUT signal sampled at
the falling edge of RESET.
PCMWQThis command posts one Qword of
data from the host data lines to CPUto-Memory Write Buffer in case of a
CPU memory write or a write-back from
the second level cache.
PCMWFQIf the PCI Memory read address leads
to a hit on a modified line in the first
level cache, then a write-back is
scheduled and this data has to be written into the CPU-to-Memory Write Buffer and PCI-to-Memory Read Buffer at
the same time. The write-back of the
first Qword is done by this command to
both the buffers.
PCMWNQThis command follows the previous
command to store or post subsequent
write-back Qwords.
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